12 research outputs found

    Living lab approach for developing massmarket IoT products and services

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    Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a central concept in both the industrial as in the academic world. In this context, Living Lab research has been shown as an effective means for the design, implementation, development, testing and validation of Internet of Things system’s pervasiveness. However, IoT products are not yet designed based on the needs of a larger, non-technical group of end-users. Therefore, in this paper we describe the AllThingsTalk Living Lab research track in which tangible end-user products are defined to be implemented on an online IoT platform. More specifically, by using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies (i.e., desk research, online survey, probe research and co-creation) and by selecting different types of users (i.e., based on Rogers’ adoption profiles) for these interaction moments, we were able to combine the input of these users to define tangible products that meet the needs of a heterogeneous group of end-users

    Educating the Internet-of-Things generation

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    As highlighted by the articles in this special issue, the concept of the Internet of Things is becoming increasingly important and understanding both the technical underpinning and wider societal impacts of the Internet of Things (IoT) will be crucial for digital citizens of the future. Building on extensive experience in delivering large-scale distance learning, The Open University has redesigned its introductory computer science curriculum to place the Internet of Things at the centre of students’ experience, in a course called My Digital Life. In this article we present the design of this module, including a learning infrastructure that allows complete novices to experiment with, and learn about, Internet of Things technologies. We also share our experience of having almost 2000 students participate in the first presentation of the course, engaging in a range of activities that include collaborative and collective programming of real-world sensing applications

    A Cluster-based Recommender System

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    Introduction: E-commerce is growing rapidly offering a vast number of products and services to the users. Facing with a wide range of options, users cannot decide which one would be the most suitable option. Recommender systems help users to find the most suitable item easier and faster. To do this, recommender systems apply machine learning algorithms to user’s data to build sophisticated models to predict the user’s behavior in the future. There are many recommender systems employed by companies to increase their profitability. Some examples include Amazon, Movielens, Youtube, Facebook, and Linkedin. Objectives: The aim of this project is to provide a cluster-based recommender system which cluster users based on their history (previous interactions with the system) to increase the accuracy of recommendations. Method: The proposed approach consists of two phases: offline and online. In the offline phase, users are clustered using genetic algorithm. In the online phase, the appropriate cluster or clusters and neighborhood are selected for the target user. Then, his/her interesting items (not chosen yet) are determined using interesting items of his/her neighbors. Results: After implementing the proposed approach for the recommender system, it was evaluated in terms of accuracy (the portion of recommended items which have been interesting for the users) and compared it with several existing recommender systems. The results show that our approach outperforms other approaches. Conclusions: Having a good recommender system encourages users to buy new products, find new friends, or watch new videos. On the contrary, an inaccurate recommender system may discourage the users and motivates them to sign out of the system or ignore all recommendations. The approach we proposed for recommendation achieved promising results. We hope by completing the project we can use this approach in developing commercial recommender systems


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    Flexible production technologies like 3D printing give users a large solution space to innovate and design. To harness the full potential of these technologies, it is imperative to provide toolkits, with structured and simplified solution space that meets the needs of users with low involvement. This pa-per explores the manner in which the solution space of 3D printing toolkits is simplified for non-expert users. Toolkit solution space was analysed in 68 toolkits with two perspectives of modularity: 1) Mod-ularity-in-use and 2) Modularity-in-design. First, the solution spaces were categorized in a 2x2 matrix by using the perspective of modularity-in-use, i.e. design questions and design options they offer to users. Second, this categorization and the perspective of modularity-in-design were used to identify mechanisms that simplify toolkit solution spaces. Solution space can be simplified for non-expert users by 1) offering iterative design questions with known design options, 2) using generative algorithms, 3) reusing designs and components from other users and 4) offering ‘meta-toolkits’ for users to create their own toolkits. The meta-toolkits democratize toolkit creation, and simplify solution space for non-expert users, as they design innovative and customizable products, together with expert users, without losing design flexibility

    Smart-object based reasoning system for indoor acoustic profiling of elderly inhabitants

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    Many countries are facing significant challenges in relation to providing adequate care for their elderly citizens. The roots of these issues are manifold, but include changing demographics, changing behaviours, and a shortage of resources. As has been witnessed in the health sector and many others in society, technology has much to offer in terms of supporting people’s needs. This paper explores the potential for ambient intelligence to address this challenge by creating a system that is able to passively monitor the home environment, detecting abnormal situations which may indicate that the inhabitant needs help. There are many ways that this might be achieved, but in this paper, we will describe our investigation into an approach involving unobtrusively ’listening’ to sound patterns within the home, which classifies these as either normal daily activities, or abnormal situations. The experimental system we built was composed of an innovative combination of acoustic sensing, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet-of-Things (IoT), which we argue in the paper that it provides a cost-effective approach to alerting care providers when an elderly person in their charge needs help. The majority of the innovation in our work concerns the AI in which we employ Machine Learning to classify the sound profiles, analyse the data for abnormal events, and to make decisions for raising alerts with carers. A Neural Network classifier was used to train and identify the sound profiles associated with normal daily routines within a given person’s home, signalling departures from the daily routines that were then used as templates to measure deviations from normality, which were used to make weighted decisions regarding calling for assistance. A practical experimental system was then designed and deployed to evaluate the methods advocated by this research. The methodology involved gathering pre-design and post-design data from both a professionally run residential home and a domestic home. The pre-design data gathered the views on the system design from 11 members of the residential home, using survey questionnaires and focus groups. These data were used to inform the design of the experimental system, which was then deployed in a domestic home setting to gather post-design experimental data. The experimental results revealed that the system was able to detect 84% of abnormal events, and advocated several refinements which would improve the performance of the system. Thus, the research concludes that the system represents an important advancement to the state-of-the-art and, when taken together with the refinements, represents a line of research which has the potential to deliver significant improvements to care provision for the elderly

    Behind the scenes of emerging technologies Opportunities, challenges, and solution approaches along a socio-technical continuum

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    Digitalization is a socio-technical phenomenon that shapes our lives as individuals, economies, and societies. The perceived complexity of technologies continues to increase, and technology convergence makes a clear separation between technologies impossible. A good example of this is the Internet of Things (IoT) with its embedded Artificial Intelligence (AI). Furthermore, a separation of the social and the technical component has become near enough impossible, for which there is increasing awareness in the Information Systems (IS) community. Overall, emerging technologies such as AI or IoT are becoming less understandable and transparent, which is evident for instance when AI is described in terms of a black box. This opacity undermines humans trust in emerging technologies, which, however, is crucial for both its usage and spread, especially as emerging technologies start to perform tasks that bear high risks for humans, such as autonomous driving. Critical perspectives on emerging technologies are often discussed in terms of ethics, including such aspects as the responsibility for decisions made by algorithms, the limited data privacy, and the moral values that are encoded in technology. In sum, the varied opportunities that come with digitalization are accompanied by significant challenges. Research on the negative ramifications of AI is crucial if we are to foster a human-centered technological development that is not simply driven by opportunities but by utility for humanity. As the IS community is positioned at the intersection of the technological and the social context, it plays a central role in finding answers to the question as to how the advantages outweigh the challenges that come with emerging technologies. Challenges are examined under the label of dark side of IS, a research area which receives considerably less attention in existing literature than the positive aspects (Gimpel & Schmied, 2019). With its focus on challenges, this dissertation aims to counterbalance this. Since the remit of IS research is the entire information system, rather than merely the technology, humanistic and instrumental goals ought to be considered in equal measure. This dissertation follows calls for research for a healthy distribution along the so-called socio-technical continuum (Sarker et al., 2019), that broadens its focus to include the social as well as the technical, rather than looking at one or the other. With that in mind, this dissertation aims to advance knowledge on IS with regard to opportunities, and in particular with a focus on challenges of two emerging technologies, IoT and AI, along the socio-technical continuum. This dissertation provides novel insights for individuals to better understand opportunities, but in particular possible negative side effects. It guides organizations on how to address these challenges and suggests not only the necessity of further research along the socio-technical continuum but also several ideas on where to take this future research. Chapter 2 contributes to research on opportunities and challenges of IoT. Section 2.1 identifies and structures opportunities that IoT devices provide for retail commerce customers. By conducting a structured literature review, affordances are identified, and by examining a sample of 337 IoT devices, completeness and parsimony are validated. Section 2.2 takes a close look at the ethical challenges posed by IoT, also known as IoT ethics. Based on a structured literature review, it first identifies and structures IoT ethics, then provides detailed guidance for further research in this important and yet under-appreciated field of study. Together, these two research articles underline that IoT has the potential to radically transform our lives, but they also illustrate the urgent need for further research on possible ethical issues that are associated with IoTs specific features. Chapter 3 contributes to research on AI along the socio-technical continuum. Section 3.1 examines algorithms underlying AI. Through a structured literature review and semi-structured interviews analyzed with a qualitative content analysis, this section identifies, structures and communicates concerns about algorithmic decision-making and is supposed to improve offers and services. Section 3.2 takes a deep dive into the concept of moral agency in AI to discuss whether responsibility in human-computer interaction can be grasped better with the concept of agency. In section 3.3, data from an online experiment with a self-developed AI system is used to examine the role of a users domain-specific expertise in trusting and following suggestions from AI decision support systems. Finally, section 3.4 draws on design science research to present a framework for ethical software development that considers ethical issues from the beginning of the design and development process. By looking at the multiple facets of this topic, these four research articles ought to guide practitioners in deciding which challenges to consider during product development. With a view to subsequent steps, they also offer first ideas on how these challenges could be addressed. Furthermore, the articles offer a basis for further, solution-oriented research on AIs challenges and encourage users to form their own, informed, opinions.Die Digitalisierung ist ein sozio-technisches Phänomen, das unser persönliches Leben, aber auch die Wirtschaft und die gesamte Gesellschaft prägt. Die wahrgenommene Komplexität von Technologie nimmt stetig zu. Die Technologiekonvergenz macht eine klare Trennung zwischen Technologien praktisch unmöglich, wofür das Internet der Dinge (IoT) mit seiner eingebetteten Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) ein gutes Beispiel ist. Darüber hinaus wird eine Trennung der sozialen und der technischen Komponente nahezu unmöglich, wofür es ein steigendes Bewusstsein in der Information Systems (IS) Community gibt. Insgesamt werden aufstrebende Technologien wie KI oder IoT weniger verständlich und transparent, was sich beispielsweise darin zeigt, dass KI der Begriff der Black Box zugeschrieben wird. Die Undurchsichtigkeit untergräbt das Vertrauen der Menschen in aufstrebende Technologien, das jedoch für die Nutzung und Verbreitung dieser entscheidend ist, insbesondere wenn Technologien Aufgaben übernehmen oder unterstützen, die hohe Risiken für den Menschen bergen, wie z. B. autonomes Fahren. Kritische Perspektiven auf neue Technologien werden oft unter dem Begriff der Ethik diskutiert, darunter Aspekte wie die Verantwortung für Entscheidungen, die von Algorithmen getroffen werden, moralische Werte, die in die Technologie eingebettet sind, und Datenschutz. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die vielfältigen Chancen der Digitalisierung mit Herausforderungen einhergehen. Die Forschung zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen ist entscheidend, um eine menschenzentrierte technologische Entwicklung zu fördern, die nicht nur von den Möglichkeiten, sondern insbesondere vom Nutzenstiften für die Menschheit getrieben ist. An der Schnittstelle zwischen Technologie und sozialem Kontext angesiedelt, spielt die IS-Community eine wichtige Rolle bei der Suche nach Antworten auf die Frage, wie die Vorteile die Risiken neuer Technologien überwiegen können. Herausforderungen werden im Forschungsbereich dark side of IS untersucht, welcher in der bestehenden Literatur deutlich weniger Aufmerksamkeit erhält als die positiven Aspekte (Gimpel & Schmied, 2019). Dem möchte diese Dissertation ein Stück weit entgegenwirken, indem ein Fokus auf die Herausforderungen gelegt wird. Da in der IS-Forschung das gesamte Informationssystem und nicht nur die Technologie im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung steht, sollen humanistische und instrumentelle Ziele gleichermaßen berücksichtigt werden. Darüber hinaus folgt diese Dissertation dem Aufruf nach einer angemessenen Verteilung der Forschung entlang des sogenannten sozio-technischen Kontinuums (Sarker et al., 2019) und löst sich somit von Forschung, die am sozialen oder technischen Endpunkt des Kontinuums angesiedelt ist. Zusammenfassend zielt diese Dissertation darauf ab, das Wissen über IS im Hinblick auf die Chancen und insbesondere die Herausforderungen entlang des sozio-technischen Kontinuums der aufkommenden Technologien IoT und KI voranzutreiben. Damit liefert die Dissertation neue Einblicke für Individuen, um die Möglichkeiten, aber insbesondere die potenziellen negativen Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung besser zu verstehen, bietet Orientierung für Organisationen, um diese Herausforderungen zu adressieren, und veranschaulicht die Notwendigkeit und Ideen für weitere Forschung entlang des sozio-technischen Kontinuums. Kapitel 2 leistet einen Beitrag zur Forschung über Chancen und Herausforderungen des IoT. Kapitel 2.1 identifiziert und strukturiert Chancen von IoT-Geräten für Kunden im Einzelhandel. Mit einer strukturierten Literaturrecherche werden Affordanzen von IoT-Geräten für Kunden identifiziert und mit einer Stichprobe von 337 IoT-Geräten wird eine Validierung hinsichtlich Vollständigkeit und Sparsamkeit durchgeführt. Kapitel 2.2 beschäftigt sich mit ethischen Herausforderungen des IoT, genannt IoT-Ethik. Basierend auf einer strukturierten Literaturrecherche identifiziert und strukturiert es die IoT-Ethik und gibt detaillierte Hinweise für die weitere Erforschung dieses wichtigen, aber noch zu wenig erforschten Feldes. Mit diesen beiden Forschungsartikeln unterstreicht diese Dissertation das Potenzial des IoT, unser Leben radikal zu verändern, verdeutlicht aber auch den Bedarf an weiterer Forschung zu potenziellen ethischen Fragen, die mit den spezifischen Eigenschaften des IoT verbunden sind. Kapitel 3 trägt zur Forschung über KI entlang des sozio-technischen Kontinuums bei. Kapitel 3.1 untersucht die Algorithmen, die KI zugrunde liegen. Eine strukturierte Literaturrecherche und semi-strukturierte Interviews, die mit einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse analysiert werden, zielen darauf ab, Bedenken gegenüber algorithmischer Entscheidungsfindung zu identifizieren, zu strukturieren und zu kommunizieren, um darauf basierend Angebote und Dienstleistungen zu verbessern. Kapitel 3.2 bietet eine ethische Vertiefung in das Konzept der moralischen Handlungsfähigkeit und untersucht, ob Verantwortung in der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion mit dem Konzept der Agency besser erfasst werden kann. In Kapitel 3.3 wird anhand von Daten aus einem Online-Experiment mit einem selbst entwickelten KI-System untersucht, welche Rolle das domänenspezifische Fachwissen der Nutzer für das Vertrauen in und das Befolgen von Vorschlägen von KI-Entscheidungsunterstützungssystemen spielt. Schließlich wird in Kapitel 3.4 auf der Grundlage designwissenschaftlicher Forschung ein Rahmenwerk für ethische Softwareentwicklung vorgestellt, das ethische Aspekte bereits zu Beginn des Design- und Entwicklungsprozesses berücksichtigt. Diese vier Forschungsartikel können Praktikern als Orientierung dienen, welche Herausforderungen bei der Produktentwicklung zu berücksichtigen sind und bieten erste Ideen, wie sie diese angehen können. Darüber hinaus bieten die Forschungsergebnisse eine Grundlage für weitere, lösungsorientierte Forschung zu den Herausforderungen von KI und ermutigen Nutzer, sich eine eigene, fundierte Meinung zu bilden

    The Internet of Things and The Web of Things

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    International audienceThe Internet of Things is creating a new world, a quantifiable and measureable world, where people and businesses can manage their assets in better informed ways, and can make more timely and better informed decisions about what they want or need to do. This new con-nected world brings with it fundamental changes to society and to consumers. This special issue of ERCIM News thus focuses on various relevant aspects of the Internet of Things and the Web of Things

    E-commerce: a influência da confiança na intenção de compra online

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    Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como requisito parcial para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.A Internet constitui-se hoje como um canal de compras fulcral cujo crescimento se regista tanto em número de utilizadores como em volume de vendas. O seu contínuo crescimento contribuiu para que as empresas compreendessem a possibilidade da sua utilização como meio de realizar negócios e modificassem a forma como desempenham as suas atividades económicas, contribuindo para o crescimento do comércio eletrónico. O e-commerce beneficiou dos contínuos desenvolvimentos registados na Internet e da democratização do acesso à rede, crescendo a nível internacional, sendo igualmente observável um franco crescimento a nível nacional. No âmbito do comércio eletrónico, a confiança assume um papel de destaque, desempenhando um papel determinante na medida em que tem a capacidade de influenciar as intenções de compra dos consumidores. É neste contexto que se inseriu a presente investigação que, partindo da questão “Qual a influência da confiança na intenção de compra online?” examinou a relação existente entre estes dois constructos no contexto do comércio B2C em Portugal, área que ainda carece de estudos a nível nacional. No presente estudo foi ainda investigada a contribuição de seis dos antecedentes da confiança na construção da mesma: perceção de incerteza, perceção de risco, familiaridade, perceção de privacidade, perceção de segurança e propensão para confiar. Apoiado numa metodologia quantitativa, operacionalizada através da aplicação de um questionário no qual foram obtidas 241 respostas, os resultados alcançados no presente estudo permitem confirmar a importância da confiança no comércio eletrónico, concluindo-se que este constructo possui um papel decisivo na intenção de compra online, sendo fortemente valorizado pelos consumidores. No que se refere aos antecedentes da confiança, os resultados alcançados permitem concluir que a presença de perceções de incerteza e de risco não impede a existência de confiança no e-commerce e que a familiaridade, a propensão para confiar e elevadas perceções de privacidade e segurança contribuem positivamente para o desenvolvimento da confiança dos consumidores no comércio eletrónico.ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the Internet is a core shopping channel whose growth is registered both in number of users and sales volume. Its continued growth has helped companies to understand the possibility of their use as a mean of doing business and to change the way they carry out their economic activities, contributing to the growth of electronic commerce. E-commerce has benefited from the continuous developments on the Internet and the democratization of access to this network, growing internationally, showing a strong growth at national level as well. In the field of e-commerce, trust plays a prominent role, playing a key role in it since it has the potential to influence consumer buying intentions. It is in this context that the present investigation is inserted, starting with the question “What is the influence of trust in online purchasing intention?”, examining the relationship that exists between this two constructs in the context of B2C e-commerce in Portugal, a study field that still lacks studies at a national level. In the present study, was also investigated the contribution of six of trust antecedents in its construction: uncertainty perceptions, risk perceptions, familiarity, privacy perceptions, safety perceptions and propensity to trust. Based on a quantitative methodology, operationalized through the application of a questionnaire in which 241 responses were obtained, the results achieved in the present study confirm the importance of trust in electronic commerce, concluding that this construct has a decisive role in the intention to buy online, being strongly valued by the consumers. As far as the antecedents of trust concern, the results obtained allow us to conclude that the presence of uncertainty and risk perceptions does not hinder the existence of trust in e-commerce and that familiarity, propensity to trust and high levels of privacy and security perceptions contribute positively to the development of consumers’ trust in electronic commerce.N/