12 research outputs found

    Finding unexplained human behaviors in Social Networks

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    Detection of human behavior in On-line Social Networks (OSNs) has become a very important challenge for a wide range of appli- cations, such as security, marketing, parent controls and so on, opening a wide range of novel research areas, which have not been fully addressed yet. In this paper, we present a two-stage method for finding unexplained (and potentially anomalous) behaviors in social networks. First, we use Markov chains to automatically learn from the social network graph a number of models of human behaviors (normal behaviors); the second stage applies an activity detection framework based on the concept of possible words to detect all unexplained activities with respect to the well-known behaviors. Some preliminary experiments using Facebook data show the approach efficiency and effectiveness. Copyright © (2014) by Universita Reggio Calabria & Centro di Competenza (ICT-SUD) All rights reserved

    Towards a Collaborative Filtering Framework for Recommendation in Museums: From Preference Elicitation to Group's Visits

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    AbstractRecommendation systems based on collaborative filtering methods can be exploited in the context of providing personalized artworks tours within a museum. However, in order to be effectively used, several problems have to be addressed: user preferences are not expressed as rating, items to be suggested are located in a physical space, and users may be in a group. In this work, we present a general framework that, by using the Matrix Factorization (MF) approach and a graph representation of a museum, addresses the problem of generating and then recommending an artworks sequence for a group of visitors within a museum. To reach a high-quality initial personalization, the recommendation system uses a simple, but efficient, elicitation method that is inspired by the MF approach. Moreover, the proposed approach considers the individual or the aggregated artworks' ratings to build up a solution that takes into account the physical location of the artworks

    An IoT Framework for Addressing Parents Concerns about Safety of School Going Children

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    In this paper, we have proposed a novel application using Internet of things (IOT). This application is focused to address the concerns of the parents towards their school going kids. Mainly the concerns of the parents are to ensure the safety of their kids in school bus as well as at school premises. In this paper, we have tried to provide detailed technical implementation about how different sensing, communication technologies clubbing together provides a platform in terms of IoT, where proposed application can be implemented to ensure safety of school going children as it is the priority and concern for parents. In Proposed application, parents get notification when his child boards the bus for school and gets down the bus at home’s doorstep. Parents also get notification when child enters his Class Room first time in a day. Parents any time can access the location his child or school bus in which his child is travelling. In case of emergency, child can disseminate the signal to parents / Single point of contact (SPOC) at school to make them aware about emergency

    Smart museum of everyday life history in Petrozavodsk State University: Software design and implementation of the semantic layer

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    Since 2016 a smart museum of everyday life history has been developed within the History Museum of Petrozavodsk State University. This R&D project aims at solutions to the two important problems for creating a digital service-oriented environment for museum visitors and personnel: 1) offering personal recommendations on the museum collection with the use of semantic ranking methods and in context of the user and exhibition, 2) collaborative addition of information sources and their semantic annotation within the museum collection. Such solutions form the semantic layer of smart museum environment. This paper introduces our a) system design models for agent- based programming of museum information services, b) ranking models for semantic data mining in historical and cultural heritage domain. Our software implementation demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed models in respect to the user mobility, service personalization, and collaborative work opportunity

    Smart Heritage for Urban Sustainability: A Review of Current Definitions and Future Developments

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    Smart heritage is still novel in heritage discourse, with a few relevant review articles. In this regard, a specific interpretation of smart architectural heritage and a framework for instructing its development is lacking. This article reviews the literature on smart heritage in sustainable development to fill the knowledge gap. As a methodology for this study, the integrative review approach and thematic analysis are adopted to review references located at the crossroads of historic, smart, and sustainable disciplines. The review and interpretation draw on literature from relevant fields to understand implementations, current states, and support to interpret smart heritage. Review outcomes indicate that smart heritage is becoming dynamic as technologies are increasingly applied to more detailed heritage branches. This article lists the factors that heritage should possess to be defined as smart, and it provides a framework that might be followed to achieve the aims of this discourse by stating that smart heritage discussions are relevant to smart cities, as they may have a mutual effect and interact to promote each other.


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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitati utjecaj IK tehnologije na upravljanju kulturnom baštinom. Istraživanje obuhvaća teorijska promišljanja pojma i komponenti IK tehnologije te ulogu IK tehnologije u turizmu kao i potencijal u primjeni navedene tehnologije. Također, analizirane su studije slučaja, kao i postojeća rješenja IK tehnologije u svrhu očuvanja baštine i poboljšanja doživljaja posjetitelja. U svrhu verifikacije postavljene hipoteze u radu se provelo kvalitativno istraživanje koje se temelji na pregledu literature istraživačkih studija, intervju-a provedenog sa stručnjacima te na kraju provedenog anketnog upitnika među slučajno odabranim posjetiteljima. U konačnici, prema dobivenim stavovima i tvrdnjama stručnjaka i slučajno odabranih posjetitelja te potvrda promatranih studija potvrđuje se pozitivan doprinos IK tehnologije na upravljanje kulturnom baštinom.The aim of this study was to examine the influence of ICT technology to the management of cultural heritage. The research includes theoretical reflections on the concept and components of ICT technology and the role of ICT technology in tourism as well as the potential for applying the above-mentioned technology. Also, case studies have been analyzed as well as existing ICT technology solutions for heritage conservation and improving visitor experience. For the purpose of verifying the hypothesis set in the research, a qualitative research has been carried out based on an overview of the literature, the interviews with the experts and a questionnaire survey conducted among randomly selected visitors. Ultimately, according to the opinions and claims of experts and randomly selected visitors and confirmations of the observed studies, the positive contribution of ICT technology to the management of cultural heritage is confirmed


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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitati utjecaj IK tehnologije na upravljanju kulturnom baštinom. Istraživanje obuhvaća teorijska promišljanja pojma i komponenti IK tehnologije te ulogu IK tehnologije u turizmu kao i potencijal u primjeni navedene tehnologije. Također, analizirane su studije slučaja, kao i postojeća rješenja IK tehnologije u svrhu očuvanja baštine i poboljšanja doživljaja posjetitelja. U svrhu verifikacije postavljene hipoteze u radu se provelo kvalitativno istraživanje koje se temelji na pregledu literature istraživačkih studija, intervju-a provedenog sa stručnjacima te na kraju provedenog anketnog upitnika među slučajno odabranim posjetiteljima. U konačnici, prema dobivenim stavovima i tvrdnjama stručnjaka i slučajno odabranih posjetitelja te potvrda promatranih studija potvrđuje se pozitivan doprinos IK tehnologije na upravljanje kulturnom baštinom.The aim of this study was to examine the influence of ICT technology to the management of cultural heritage. The research includes theoretical reflections on the concept and components of ICT technology and the role of ICT technology in tourism as well as the potential for applying the above-mentioned technology. Also, case studies have been analyzed as well as existing ICT technology solutions for heritage conservation and improving visitor experience. For the purpose of verifying the hypothesis set in the research, a qualitative research has been carried out based on an overview of the literature, the interviews with the experts and a questionnaire survey conducted among randomly selected visitors. Ultimately, according to the opinions and claims of experts and randomly selected visitors and confirmations of the observed studies, the positive contribution of ICT technology to the management of cultural heritage is confirmed

    The Internet of Things supporting the Cultural Heritage domain: analysis, design and implementation of a smart framework enhancing the smartness of cultural spaces

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    Nowadays embedded systems have reached a great level of maturity and diffusion thanks to their small size, low power consumption, large connectivity and variety of application in everyday contexts. These systems, if properly structured and configured, can signifi- cantly increase the smartness of the environments where they are deployed, monitoring and continuously collecting data to be processed and elaborated. In this perspective, the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm supports the transition from a closed world, in which an object is characterized by a descriptor, to an open world, in which objects interact with the surrounding environment, because they have become ”intelligent”. Accordingly, not only people will be connected to the internet, but objects such as cars, fridges, televisions, water management systems, buildings, monuments and so on will be connected as well. The Cultural Heritage represents a worldwide resource of inestimable value, attracting millions of visitors every year to monuments, museums and art exhi- bitions. Fundamental aspects of this resource to be investigated are its promotion and people enjoyment. Indeed, to achieve an enjoyment of a cultural space that is attractive and sustainable, it is necessary to realize ubiquitous and multimedia solutions for users’ interaction to enrich their visiting experience and improve the knowledge transmission process of a cultural site. The main target of this PhD Thesis is the study of the IoT paradigm, devoted to the design of a smart framework supporting the fruition, enjoyment and tutelage of the Cultural Heritage domain. In order to assess the proposed approach, a real case study is presented and discussed. In detail, it represents the deployment of our framework during an art exhibition, named The Beauty or the Truth within the Monumental Complex of San Domenico Maggiore, Naples (Italy). Following the Internet of Things paradigm, the proposed intelligent framework relies on the integration of a Sensor Network of Smart Objects with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy technologies to identify, locate and support users. In this way technology can become a mediator between visitors and fruition, an instrument of connection between people, objects, and spaces to create new social, economic and cultural opportunities