12 research outputs found

    Robust speaker diarization for meetings

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral mostra la recerca feta en l'àrea de la diarització de locutor per a sales de reunions. En la present s'estudien els algorismes i la implementació d'un sistema en diferit de segmentació i aglomerat de locutor per a grabacions de reunions a on normalment es té accés a més d'un micròfon per al processat. El bloc més important de recerca s'ha fet durant una estada al International Computer Science Institute (ICSI, Berkeley, Caligornia) per un període de dos anys.La diarització de locutor s'ha estudiat força per al domini de grabacions de ràdio i televisió. La majoria dels sistemes proposats utilitzen algun tipus d'aglomerat jeràrquic de les dades en grups acústics a on de bon principi no se sap el número de locutors òptim ni tampoc la seva identitat. Un mètode molt comunment utilitzat s'anomena "bottom-up clustering" (aglomerat de baix-a-dalt), amb el qual inicialment es defineixen molts grups acústics de dades que es van ajuntant de manera iterativa fins a obtenir el nombre òptim de grups tot i acomplint un criteri de parada. Tots aquests sistemes es basen en l'anàlisi d'un canal d'entrada individual, el qual no permet la seva aplicació directa per a reunions. A més a més, molts d'aquests algorisms necessiten entrenar models o afinar els parameters del sistema usant dades externes, el qual dificulta l'aplicabilitat d'aquests sistemes per a dades diferents de les usades per a l'adaptació.La implementació proposada en aquesta tesi es dirigeix a solventar els problemes mencionats anteriorment. Aquesta pren com a punt de partida el sistema existent al ICSI de diarització de locutor basat en l'aglomerat de "baix-a-dalt". Primer es processen els canals de grabació disponibles per a obtindre un sol canal d'audio de qualitat major, a més dínformació sobre la posició dels locutors existents. Aleshores s'implementa un sistema de detecció de veu/silenci que no requereix de cap entrenament previ, i processa els segments de veu resultant amb una versió millorada del sistema mono-canal de diarització de locutor. Aquest sistema ha estat modificat per a l'ús de l'informació de posició dels locutors (quan es tingui) i s'han adaptat i creat nous algorismes per a que el sistema obtingui tanta informació com sigui possible directament del senyal acustic, fent-lo menys depenent de les dades de desenvolupament. El sistema resultant és flexible i es pot usar en qualsevol tipus de sala de reunions pel que fa al nombre de micròfons o la seva posició. El sistema, a més, no requereix en absolute dades d´entrenament, sent més senzill adaptar-lo a diferents tipus de dades o dominis d'aplicació. Finalment, fa un pas endavant en l'ús de parametres que siguin mes robusts als canvis en les dades acústiques. Dos versions del sistema es van presentar amb resultats excel.lents a les evaluacions de RT05s i RT06s del NIST en transcripció rica per a reunions, a on aquests es van avaluar amb dades de dos subdominis diferents (conferencies i reunions). A més a més, es fan experiments utilitzant totes les dades disponibles de les evaluacions RT per a demostrar la viabilitat dels algorisms proposats en aquesta tasca.This thesis shows research performed into the topic of speaker diarization for meeting rooms. It looks into the algorithms and the implementation of an offline speaker segmentation and clustering system for a meeting recording where usually more than one microphone is available. The main research and system implementation has been done while visiting the International Computes Science Institute (ICSI, Berkeley, California) for a period of two years. Speaker diarization is a well studied topic on the domain of broadcast news recordings. Most of the proposed systems involve some sort of hierarchical clustering of the data into clusters, where the optimum number of speakers of their identities are unknown a priory. A very commonly used method is called bottom-up clustering, where multiple initial clusters are iteratively merged until the optimum number of clusters is reached, according to some stopping criterion. Such systems are based on a single channel input, not allowing a direct application for the meetings domain. Although some efforts have been done to adapt such systems to multichannel data, at the start of this thesis no effective implementation had been proposed. Furthermore, many of these speaker diarization algorithms involve some sort of models training or parameter tuning using external data, which impedes its usability with data different from what they have been adapted to.The implementation proposed in this thesis works towards solving the aforementioned problems. Taking the existing hierarchical bottom-up mono-channel speaker diarization system from ICSI, it first uses a flexible acoustic beamforming to extract speaker location information and obtain a single enhanced signal from all available microphones. It then implements a train-free speech/non-speech detection on such signal and processes the resulting speech segments with an improved version of the mono-channel speaker diarization system. Such system has been modified to use speaker location information (then available) and several algorithms have been adapted or created new to adapt the system behavior to each particular recording by obtaining information directly from the acoustics, making it less dependent on the development data.The resulting system is flexible to any meetings room layout regarding the number of microphones and their placement. It is train-free making it easy to adapt to different sorts of data and domains of application. Finally, it takes a step forward into the use of parameters that are more robust to changes in the acoustic data. Two versions of the system were submitted with excellent results in RT05s and RT06s NIST Rich Transcription evaluations for meetings, where data from two different subdomains (lectures and conferences) was evaluated. Also, experiments using the RT datasets from all meetings evaluations were used to test the different proposed algorithms proving their suitability to the task.Postprint (published version

    Acoustic Beamforming for Speaker Diarization of Meetings

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    Speaker Diarization

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    Práce se věnuje implementaci diarizace mluvčího. Popisuje jednotlivé komponenty diarizačního systému, který umí zodpovědět otázku "kdy kdo mluví". Mezi součásti takového systému patří postupně extrakce příznaků vstupních dat, detekce řeči/ticha, segmentace mluvčích, jejich následné shlukování a nakonec i techniky zaměřené na zlepšení finální segmentace. Práce pochopitelně uvádí i dosažené výsledky implementovaného systému na testovací sadě nahrávek včetně popisu způsobu hodnocení. Testovací nahrávky pochází z NIST RT evaluací z let 2005 - 2007 a nejnižší dosažená chybovost na této sadě je 18,52% DER. K porovnání výsledků systému na testovací sadě souborů je zde uvedena i úspěšnost Marijna Huijbregtse z Nizozemí, který v roce 2009 pracoval se stejnými nahrávkami a dosáhl chybovosti 12,91% DER.This work aims at a task of speaker diarization. The goal is to implement a system which is able to decide "who spoke when". Particular components of implementation are described. The main parts are feature extraction, voice activity detection, speaker segmentation and clustering and finally also postprocessing. This work also contains results of implemented system on test data including a description of evaluation. The test data comes from the NIST RT Evaluation 2005 - 2007 and the lowest error rate for this dataset is 18.52% DER. Results are compared with diarization system implemented by Marijn Huijbregts from The Netherlands, who worked on the same data in 2009 and reached 12.91% DER.

    Segmentation, Diarization and Speech Transcription: Surprise Data Unraveled

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    In this thesis, research on large vocabulary continuous speech recognition for unknown audio conditions is presented. For automatic speech recognition systems based on statistical methods, it is important that the conditions of the audio used for training the statistical models match the conditions of the audio to be processed. Any mismatch will decrease the accuracy of the recognition. If it is unpredictable what kind of data can be expected, or in other words if the conditions of the audio to be processed are unknown, it is impossible to tune the models. If the material consists of `surprise data' the output of the system is likely to be poor. In this thesis methods are presented for which no external training data is required for training models. These novel methods have been implemented in a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system called SHoUT. This system consists of three subsystems: speech/non-speech classification, speaker diarization and automatic speech recognition. The speech/non-speech classification subsystem separates speech from silence and unknown audible non-speech events. The type of non-speech present in audio recordings can vary from paper shuffling in recordings of meetings to sound effects in television shows. Because it is unknown what type of non-speech needs to be detected, it is not possible to train high quality statistical models for each type of non-speech sound. The speech/non-speech classification subsystem, also called the speech activity detection subsystem, does not attempt to classify all audible non-speech in a single run. Instead, first a bootstrap speech/silence classification is obtained using a standard speech activity component. Next, the models for speech, silence and audible non-speech are trained on the target audio using the bootstrap classification. This approach makes it possible to classify speech and non-speech with high accuracy, without the need to know what kinds of sound are present in the audio recording. Once all non-speech is filtered out of the audio, it is the task of the speaker diarization subsystem to determine how many speakers occur in the recording and exactly when they are speaking. The speaker diarization subsystem applies agglomerative clustering to create clusters of speech fragments for each speaker in the recording. First, statistical speaker models are created on random chunks of the recording and by iteratively realigning the data, retraining the models and merging models that represent the same speaker, accurate speaker models are obtained for speaker clustering. This method does not require any statistical models developed on a training set, which makes the diarization subsystem insensitive for variation in audio conditions. Unfortunately, because the algorithm is of complexity O(n3)O(n^3), this clustering method is slow for long recordings. Two variations of the subsystem are presented that reduce the needed computational effort, so that the subsystem is applicable for long audio recordings as well. The automatic speech recognition subsystem developed for this research, is based on Viterbi decoding on a fixed pronunciation prefix tree. Using the fixed tree, a flexible modular decoder could be developed, but it was not straightforward to apply full language model look-ahead efficiently. In this thesis a novel method is discussed that makes it possible to apply language model look-ahead effectively on the fixed tree. Also, to obtain higher speech recognition accuracy on audio with unknown acoustical conditions, a selection from the numerous known methods that exist for robust automatic speech recognition is applied and evaluated in this thesis. The three individual subsystems as well as the entire system have been successfully evaluated on three international benchmarks. The diarization subsystem has been evaluated at the NIST RT06s benchmark and the speech activity detection subsystem has been tested at RT07s. The entire system was evaluated at N-Best, the first automatic speech recognition benchmark for Dutch

    An Information Theoretic Approach to Speaker Diarization of Meeting Recordings

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    In this thesis we investigate a non parametric approach to speaker diarization for meeting recordings based on an information theoretic framework. The problem is formulated using the Information Bottleneck (IB) principle. Unlike other approaches where the distance between speaker segments is arbitrarily introduced, the IB method seeks the partition that maximizes the mutual information between observations and variables relevant for the problem while minimizing the distortion between observations. The distance between speech segments is selected as the Jensen-Shannon divergence as it arises from the IB objective function optimization. In the first part of the thesis, we explore IB based diarization with Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) as input features. We study issues related to IB based speaker diarization such as optimizing the IB objective function, criteria for inferring the number of speakers. Furthermore, we benchmark the proposed system against a state-of-the-art systemon the NIST RT06 (Rich Transcription) meeting data for speaker diarization. The IB based system achieves similar speaker error rates (16.8%) as compared to a baseline HMM/GMM system (17.0%). This approach being non parametric clustering, perform diarization six times faster than realtime while the baseline is slower than realtime. The second part of thesis proposes a novel feature combination system in the context of IB diarization. Both speaker clustering and speaker realignment steps are discussed. In contrary to current systems, the proposed method avoids the feature combination by averaging log-likelihood scores. Two different sets of features were considered – (a) combination of MFCC features with time delay of arrival features (b) a four feature stream combination that combines MFCC, TDOA, modulation spectrum and frequency domain linear prediction. Experiments show that the proposed system achieve 5% absolute improvement over the baseline in case of two feature combination, and 7% in case of four feature combination. The increase in algorithm complexity of the IB system is minimal with more features. The system with four feature input performs in real time that is ten times faster than the GMM based system

    Automatic social role recognition and its application in structuring multiparty interactions

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    Automatic processing of multiparty interactions is a research domain with important applications in content browsing, summarization and information retrieval. In recent years, several works have been devoted to find regular patterns which speakers exhibit in a multiparty interaction also known as social roles. Most of the research in literature has generally focused on recognition of scenario specific formal roles. More recently, role coding schemes based on informal social roles have been proposed in literature, defining roles based on the behavior speakers have in the functioning of a small group interaction. Informal social roles represent a flexible classification scheme that can generalize across different scenarios of multiparty interaction. In this thesis, we focus on automatic recognition of informal social roles and exploit the influence of informal social roles on speaker behavior for structuring multiparty interactions. To model speaker behavior, we systematically explore various verbal and non verbal cues extracted from turn taking patterns, vocal expression and linguistic style. The influence of social roles on the behavior cues exhibited by a speaker is modeled using a discriminative approach based on conditional random fields. Experiments performed on several hours of meeting data reveal that classification using conditional random fields improves the role recognition performance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by evaluating it on previously unseen scenarios of multiparty interaction. Furthermore, we also consider whether formal roles and informal roles can be automatically predicted by the same verbal and nonverbal features. We exploit the influence of social roles on turn taking patterns to improve speaker diarization under distant microphone condition. Our work extends the Hidden Markov model (HMM)- Gaussian mixture model (GMM) speaker diarization system, and is based on jointly estimating both the speaker segmentation and social roles in an audio recording. We modify the minimum duration constraint in HMM-GMM diarization system by using role information to model the expected duration of speaker's turn. We also use social role n-grams as prior information to model speaker interaction patterns. Finally, we demonstrate the application of social roles for the problem of topic segmentation in meetings. We exploit our findings that social roles can dynamically change in conversations and use this information to predict topic changes in meetings. We also present an unsupervised method for topic segmentation which combines social roles and lexical cohesion. Experimental results show that social roles improve performance of both speaker diarization and topic segmentation

    New insights into hierarchical clustering and linguistic normalization for speaker diarization

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    Face au volume croissant de données audio et multimédia, les technologies liées à l'indexation de données et à l'analyse de contenu ont suscité beaucoup d'intérêt dans la communauté scientifique. Parmi celles-ci, la segmentation et le regroupement en locuteurs, répondant ainsi à la question 'Qui parle quand ?' a émergé comme une technique de pointe dans la communauté de traitement de la parole. D'importants progrès ont été réalisés dans le domaine ces dernières années principalement menés par les évaluations internationales du NIST. Tout au long de ces évaluations, deux approches se sont démarquées : l'une est bottom-up et l'autre top-down. L'ensemble des systèmes les plus performants ces dernières années furent essentiellement des systèmes types bottom-up, cependant nous expliquons dans cette thèse que l'approche top-down comporte elle aussi certains avantages. En effet, dans un premier temps, nous montrons qu'après avoir introduit une nouvelle composante de purification des clusters dans l'approche top-down, nous obtenons des performances comparables à celles de l'approche bottom-up. De plus, en étudiant en détails les deux types d'approches nous montrons que celles-ci se comportent différemment face à la discrimination des locuteurs et la robustesse face à la composante lexicale. Ces différences sont alors exploitées au travers d'un nouveau système combinant les deux approches. Enfin, nous présentons une nouvelle technologie capable de limiter l'influence de la composante lexicale, source potentielle d'artefacts dans le regroupement et la segmentation en locuteurs. Notre nouvelle approche se nomme Phone Adaptive Training par analogie au Speaker Adaptive TrainingThe ever-expanding volume of available audio and multimedia data has elevated technologies related to content indexing and structuring to the forefront of research. Speaker diarization, commonly referred to as the who spoke when?' task, is one such example and has emerged as a prominent, core enabling technology in the wider speech processing research community. Speaker diarization involves the detection of speaker turns within an audio document (segmentation) and the grouping together of all same-speaker segments (clustering). Much progress has been made in the field over recent years partly spearheaded by the NIST Rich Transcription evaluations focus on meeting domain, in the proceedings of which are found two general approaches: top-down and bottom-up. Even though the best performing systems over recent years have all been bottom-up approaches we show in this thesis that the top-down approach is not without significant merit. Indeed we first introduce a new purification component leading to competitive performance to the bottom-up approach. Moreover, while investigating the two diarization approaches more thoroughly we show that they behave differently in discriminating between individual speakers and in normalizing unwanted acoustic variation, i.e.\ that which does not pertain to different speakers. This difference of behaviours leads to a new top-down/bottom-up system combination outperforming the respective baseline system. Finally, we introduce a new technology able to limit the influence of linguistic effects, responsible for biasing the convergence of the diarization system. Our novel approach is referred to as Phone Adaptive Training (PAT).PARIS-Télécom ParisTech (751132302) / SudocSudocFranceF