681 research outputs found


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    Bilingualism and multilingualism have been a popular topic to discuss recently. Two the examples of the phenomenon are code-switching and code-mixing. This research is aimed to describe the usage of code-switching and code-mixing in Indonesian television advertisements. Further, it also investigates the factors affecting the code-switching and code-mixing in the area. The research used descriptive qualitative method. The data collection was done by recording television advertisements focusing on English-Indonesian advertisements taking place from 6 May until 14 May 2017. The techniques of analyzing data were the interactive analysis that consisted of four steps, namely data collection, data reduction, data analysis, and verification or drawing the conclusion. The result of the study showed that there were 80 data consisting of 42 code-switching and 38 code-mixing. From the data, inter-sentential code-switching and intra-lexical mixing were commonly used in the advertisements. The most products using code-switching and code-mixing were from cosmetics, medicines, and hygiene stuff group. The factors affecting the usage of codeswitching and code-mixing were language facility, language economy, euphemism/communication distance, stylistic purposes in communication, and expression of multiple identities. The study concludes that code-switching and code-mixing are highly used in Indonesian television advertisements. It shows that bilingualism and multilingualism have been accepted in Indonesian people’s daily lives


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    Advertisement has been a part of our everyday lives. Numerous things can be advertised, whether they are products or services. Food, health equipments, cosmetics, vehicles, etc. can be advertised. The target also spans from children, teenagers, adult, the elderly, the working class, executives, housewives, male, female, the middle class until the upper class. Aiming at attracting people’s attention, advertisers make use of various of means. One of the most effective means is language. Using the right kind of language in accordance with the target market will make it easier for the advertisement to be remembered. What is more, it will interest the target market. By all means, in order that advertisers know how certain groups of people use language, they must observe the age groups, know their characteristics, habits and what is the trend

    Diasporic consciousness in contemporary Colombia

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    published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

    Approachable or appropriative? Black Americans' perceptions of codeswitched advertisements using African American Vernacular English

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    The present qualitative study investigated the phenomenon of using cultural dialect African American Vernacular English (AAVE) in codeswitched advertising by gathering Black American perceptions related to this semiotic strategy and its effectiveness. Black Americans who were active social media users and under the age of 30 participated in focus groups where they viewed multiple codeswitched advertisements and provided their opinions. While a comparison advertisement proved that general slang use was not completely taboo, participants generally disapproved of the use of AAVE in advertisements and saw the practice to be inauthentic, appropriative, and cringey. Having non-Black spokespeople use AAVE in ads elicited similar negative reactions, while ads using AAVE with spokespeople of color were viewed more positively. Furthermore, the use of AAVE on traditional mediums was an unsuccessful strategy that seemed out of place, with digital platforms being a more logical choice. Given the lack of previous research on AAVE codeswitched advertisements, more research is needed to further examine perceptions and better understand this strategy and its effectiveness.Includes bibliographical references

    Socio-pragmatics of conversational codeswitching in Ghana

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    The purpose of this paper is to deepen insight into the socio-pragmatics of conversational codeswitching in Ghana. It presents detailed textual analyses of the codeswitching that Ewe-English and Akan-English bilinguals employ in various social contexts, including informal interactions at home, semi-formal discussions in study group meetings at school, and interactions on talk-radio. We find that codeswitching appears to be predominantly unmarked (i.e. that it appears to fulfil little or no pragmatic and discursive functions in interactions beyond indexing speakers’ solidarity). But upon closer look we realize that many codeswitching instances that could pass as unmarked are in fact illustrations of marked codeswitching, which bilinguals employ stylistically to convey specifiable social and discourse intentions. The paper situates the discussion within an ongoing debate about the future of indigenous Ghanaian languages in intensive codeswitching contact with English. It specifically takes on the speculation that most of the local languages in this kind of contact will sooner rather than later transform into mixed codes. On the basis of the data analysed, the paper predicts instead that Ghanaians will manage to slow down any ongoing development of their languages into mixed codes if they continue to use marked codeswitching they way they do now. The prediction stems from the fact that bilinguals like them who use marked codeswitching alongside unmarked codeswitching normally have the mental capacity to keep their languages apart as codes with separate identities

    Written Codeswitching in Electronic Discourse: Texting in Japanese-English Bilinguals

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      最近オンライン談話は我々の日常生活の大切な一部になっている。この研究では日英バイリンガルの オンライン談話でのコードスイッチング(メール・テキストメッセージ等)に焦点を当てる。二つのグループの日英バイリンガル(1)大人 20 名と(2)高校生・大学生 20 名から 1000 以上のメール・テキ ストメッセージを収集した。統語論的分析では様々な種類のコードスイッチング(タグ付き,間文,文内,レキシカル・スイッチ等)が確認された。機能的分析では,様々な語用論的機能(謝罪,感謝,ユー モア,協調など)のためにコードスイッチが使用されることが明らかになった。さらに個人差や年齢差なども見られた。  Electronic discourse has become an increasingly important part of our everyday lives. This study explores codeswitching among Japanese-English bilinguals in their electronic discourse, such as emails and text messaging. Over 1000+ emails/text messages were collected from two groups of Japanese-English bilinguals, namely 20 adults and 20 teenagers. Syntactic analyses showed different types of codeswitches: tagging, intrasentential, intersentential, and lexical switches. Functional analyses revealed a strong tendency to switch for different pragmatic functions, such as speech acts, including apologies and expressions of thanks, as well as humor and emphasis. Furthermore, individual differences and age differences were also observed


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    The quintessential role of language has been punctiliously studied relative to intercultural communication, cultural heritage, social development, education, identity construction and many more domains. One forum wherein language is investigated is the Computer-mediated Communication (CMC) which provides a fertile ground for linguistic and sociolinguistic analyses. The present study aims at investigating the preferred codes used in code switching (CS), functions of CS, and the motives of users for employing CS in CMC. The present study was based on the investigation of 200 status updates and 100 wall posts of 50 Facebook accounts of students who are enrolled in a leading state university in Mindanao and professionals who graduated from the same university. Besides English and Filipino, these Facebook users speak various regional languages such as Chavacano, Cebuano, and Tausug. Their posts were analyzed employing eclectic approaches in analyzing inter-sentential and intra-sentential code switching. The findings reveal that the preferred code in their online communication is Taglish. It implies that Taglish is an equalizer, non-privileging, non-discriminating, and more unifying. The primary reason for CS is because of real lexical need. Besides the given categories, the study determined four other reasons for CS, namely: to express ideas spontaneously, to retain native terminology, to express disappointment, and to promote relationship. The findings vouch for the viability of regional languages to co-exist with English and other languages in the gamut of human interactions in the internet

    On the effects of English elements in German print advertisements

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    Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss von englischen Elementen in deutschen Werbeanzeigen auf die Anmutung der Anzeige, die Bewertung des beworbenen Produkts sowie der beworbenen Marke und die Einschätzung der Zielgruppe. In einer quantitativen Onlinestudie wurden vier speziell entwickelte Werbeanzeigen, die sich nur hinsichtlich der Verwendung englischer Elemente unterschieden, von 297 Teilnehmern bewertet. Dabei zeigten sich nur in wenigen Fällen statistisch signifikante Unterschiede zwischen der Bewertung der deutschen Anzeigenversionen und der englisch-deutsch gemischten Anzeigenversionen. Da den Probanden jeweils nur eine Version der Anzeige gezeigt wurde und ihnen der linguistische Hintergrund der Untersuchung unbekannt war, spiegeln die Ergebnisse die Wirkung englischer Elemente in realen Kontaktsituationen wider. Dieser Werbewirkungsstudie ging eine Untersuchung der Sprachzuordung voraus, in der getestet wurde, welche Variablen einen Einfluss darauf haben, ob ein visuell präsentiertes Stimuluswort als Deutsch oder Englisch wahrgenommen wird. Als geeignete Prädiktoren erwiesen sich neben der etymologischen Herkunft des Wortes vor allem die Integration in das deutsche Lexikon (operationalisiert durch Konsultierung des Duden Universalwörterbuchs 7. Aufl.). Des Weiteren zeigte sich ein signifikanter Einfluss graphemischer Fremdheitsmarker auf die Sprachzuordnung der Lexeme. Dieser Einfluss konnte sowohl bei Wörtern englischen Ursprungs als auch bei Wörtern, die nicht-englischen Ursprungs waren (z.B. LINEAL, CREMIG), beobachtet werden und verdeutlicht die Wichtigkeit der visuellen Wortform für die Sprachzuordnung.This thesis studies the influence of English elements in German print advertisements on the emotional appeal of the advertisement, the evaluation of the advertised product and brand, and the evaluation of the implied target group. Four especially designed print advertisements, which only differed in their use of English elements, were evaluated by 297 participants in a quantitative online study. Only in a few cases statistically significant differences between the evaluation of the German advertisement versions and the English-German mixed advertisement versions were found. Since participants were only shown one version of the advertisement and because the linguistic background of the study was disguised, the results mirror the effects of English elements in actual contact situations. Prior to this research, a study on language decisions was conducted to test which variables influence whether a visually presented word is perceived as English or German. Next to the etymological origin of a word, especially the integration into the German lexicon (operationalised by consulting the Duden Universalwörterbuchs 7th ed.) proved to be a good predictor. Moreover, graphemic markers of foreignness significantly influenced to which language lexemes were assigned. This impact was witnessed for words of English origin as well as for words of non-English origin (e.g. LINEAL, CREMIG), which emphasises the importance of visual word form for language decisions

    “Chillii!!!!...catchattiin Fishiä ja kinkeiltiin:” English Borrowing and Code-Switching in a Finnish Student Newspaper

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    Tämä tutkielma syntyi osana Englannin laitoksen projektia, joka tutkii englannin vaikutusta opiskelijoiden kieleen Vaasan yliopistossa. Sen liikkeelle panevana voimana oli Suomessa laajalti käyty keskustelusta englannin ja suomen kohtaamisesta ja seurauksista vuosituhannen vaihteessa. Tutkimus lähestyy aihetta sosiolingvistiikan, tarkemmin sanottuna kontaktilingvistiikan näkökulmasta. Sen keskiössä on koodinvaihto ja lainaus englannista suomeen Vaasan ylioppilaslehdessä vuoden 2003-2004 vuosikerrassa. Tutkimuksen peruskysymyksinä ovat kontakti-ilmaisujen rakenteellinen jakautuminen, niiden “liputtaminen,” eli pääasiassa typografinen merkitseminen, ja funktiot. Kontaktiilmaisujen rakenteellinen jakautuminen ryhmiin, sekä ryhmien frekvenssit, kertovat ilmaisujen sopeuttamisesta suomeen ja englannin ja suomen välisestä rakenteellisesta valtasuhteesta. Kontakti-ilmaisujen mahdollinen liputtaminen liittyy kieliympäristön normeihin odotetusta kielestä kussakin kontekstissa. Funktioanalyysi tarkastelee kontakti-ilmaisujen transaktionaalisia, tyylillisiä ja symbolisia vaikuttimia ja perustuu kussakin tapauksessa mahdottomien ja epätodennäköisten funktioiden pois rajaamiseen. Suomi on lehdessä selkeästi dominoiva kieli ja kontakti-ilmaisut ovat pääosin sen rakenteille alisteisia. Koodinvaihtoja ja kielten risteymiä käytetään säännönmukaisesti ja huomaamatta, ja ne seuraavat tiettyjä laina-alaisuuksia. Kontakti-ilmaisujen funktiot ovat monipuolisia ja ne esiintyvät usein rinnakkain. Selvää enemmistöä ilmaisuista käytetään kuitenkin niiden tarkkuuden ja semioottisen sisällön vuoksi, kun taas esimerkiksi elitistisiä ja statukseen liittyviä tai kielitaitoa korostavia funktiota ei löytynyt.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format