6,602 research outputs found

    Using the High Productivity Language Chapel to Target GPGPU Architectures

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    It has been widely shown that GPGPU architectures offer large performance gains compared to their traditional CPU counterparts for many applications. The downside to these architectures is that the current programming models present numerous challenges to the programmer: lower-level languages, explicit data movement, loss of portability, and challenges in performance optimization. In this paper, we present novel methods and compiler transformations that increase productivity by enabling users to easily program GPGPU architectures using the high productivity programming language Chapel. Rather than resorting to different parallel libraries or annotations for a given parallel platform, we leverage a language that has been designed from first principles to address the challenge of programming for parallelism and locality. This also has the advantage of being portable across distinct classes of parallel architectures, including desktop multicores, distributed memory clusters, large-scale shared memory, and now CPU-GPU hybrids. We present experimental results from the Parboil benchmark suite which demonstrate that codes written in Chapel achieve performance comparable to the original versions implemented in CUDA.NSF CCF 0702260Cray Inc. Cray-SRA-2010-016962010-2011 Nvidia Research Fellowshipunpublishednot peer reviewe

    pocl: A Performance-Portable OpenCL Implementation

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    OpenCL is a standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous systems. The benefits of a common programming standard are clear; multiple vendors can provide support for application descriptions written according to the standard, thus reducing the program porting effort. While the standard brings the obvious benefits of platform portability, the performance portability aspects are largely left to the programmer. The situation is made worse due to multiple proprietary vendor implementations with different characteristics, and, thus, required optimization strategies. In this paper, we propose an OpenCL implementation that is both portable and performance portable. At its core is a kernel compiler that can be used to exploit the data parallelism of OpenCL programs on multiple platforms with different parallel hardware styles. The kernel compiler is modularized to perform target-independent parallel region formation separately from the target-specific parallel mapping of the regions to enable support for various styles of fine-grained parallel resources such as subword SIMD extensions, SIMD datapaths and static multi-issue. Unlike previous similar techniques that work on the source level, the parallel region formation retains the information of the data parallelism using the LLVM IR and its metadata infrastructure. This data can be exploited by the later generic compiler passes for efficient parallelization. The proposed open source implementation of OpenCL is also platform portable, enabling OpenCL on a wide range of architectures, both already commercialized and on those that are still under research. The paper describes how the portability of the implementation is achieved. Our results show that most of the benchmarked applications when compiled using pocl were faster or close to as fast as the best proprietary OpenCL implementation for the platform at hand.Comment: This article was published in 2015; it is now openly accessible via arxi

    The JStar language philosophy

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    This paper introduces the JStar parallel programming language, which is a Java-based declarative language aimed at discouraging sequential programming, en-couraging massively parallel programming, and giving the compiler and runtime maximum freedom to try alternative parallelisation strategies. We describe the execution semantics and runtime support of the language, several optimisations and parallelism strategies, with some benchmark results

    Hierarchical Parallelisation of Functional Renormalisation Group Calculations -- hp-fRG

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    The functional renormalisation group (fRG) has evolved into a versatile tool in condensed matter theory for studying important aspects of correlated electron systems. Practical applications of the method often involve a high numerical effort, motivating the question in how far High Performance Computing (HPC) can leverage the approach. In this work we report on a multi-level parallelisation of the underlying computational machinery and show that this can speed up the code by several orders of magnitude. This in turn can extend the applicability of the method to otherwise inaccessible cases. We exploit three levels of parallelisation: Distributed computing by means of Message Passing (MPI), shared-memory computing using OpenMP, and vectorisation by means of SIMD units (single-instruction-multiple-data). Results are provided for two distinct High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms, namely the IBM-based BlueGene/Q system JUQUEEN and an Intel Sandy-Bridge-based development cluster. We discuss how certain issues and obstacles were overcome in the course of adapting the code. Most importantly, we conclude that this vast improvement can actually be accomplished by introducing only moderate changes to the code, such that this strategy may serve as a guideline for other researcher to likewise improve the efficiency of their codes

    Array languages and the N-body problem

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    This paper is a description of the contributions to the SICSA multicore challenge on many body planetary simulation made by a compiler group at the University of Glasgow. Our group is part of the Computer Vision and Graphics research group and we have for some years been developing array compilers because we think these are a good tool both for expressing graphics algorithms and for exploiting the parallelism that computer vision applications require. We shall describe experiments using two languages on two different platforms and we shall compare the performance of these with reference C implementations running on the same platforms. Finally we shall draw conclusions both about the viability of the array language approach as compared to other approaches used in the challenge and also about the strengths and weaknesses of the two, very different, processor architectures we used