29 research outputs found

    baobabLUNA: the solution space of sorting by reversals

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    Summary: Computing the reversal distance and searching for an optimal sequence of reversals to transform a unichromosomal genome into another are useful algorithmic tools to analyse real evolutionary scenarios. Currently, these problems can be solved by at least two available softwares, the prominent of which are GRAPPA and GRIMM. However, the number of different optimal sequences is usually huge and taking only the distance and/or one example is often insufficient to do a proper analysis. Here, we offer an alternative and present baobabLUNA, a framework that contains an algorithm to give a compact representation of the whole space of solutions for the sorting by reversals problem

    Listing all sorting reversals in quadratic time

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    We describe an average-case O(n2) algorithm to list all reversals on a signed permutation π that, when applied to π, produce a permutation that is closer to the identity. This algorithm is optimal in the sense that, the time it takes to write the list is Ω(n2) in the worst case

    Parking functions, labeled trees and DCJ sorting scenarios

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    In genome rearrangement theory, one of the elusive questions raised in recent years is the enumeration of rearrangement scenarios between two genomes. This problem is related to the uniform generation of rearrangement scenarios, and the derivation of tests of statistical significance of the properties of these scenarios. Here we give an exact formula for the number of double-cut-and-join (DCJ) rearrangement scenarios of co-tailed genomes. We also construct effective bijections between the set of scenarios that sort a cycle and well studied combinatorial objects such as parking functions and labeled trees.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    An asymmetric approach to preserve common intervals while sorting by reversals

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    Dias Vieira Braga M, Gautier C, Sagot M-F. An asymmetric approach to preserve common intervals while sorting by reversals. Algorithms for Molecular Biology. 2009;4(1):16.Background: The reversal distance and optimal sequences of reversals to transform a genome into another are useful tools to analyse evolutionary scenarios. However, the number of sequences is huge and some additional criteria should be used to obtain a more accurate analysis. One strategy is searching for sequences that respect constraints, such as the common intervals (clusters of co-localised genes). Another approach is to explore the whole space of sorting sequences, eventually grouping them into classes of equivalence. Recently both strategies started to be put together, to restrain the space to the sequences that respect constraints. In particular an algorithm has been proposed to list classes whose sorting sequences do not break the common intervals detected between the two inital genomes A and B. This approach may reduce the space of sequences and is symmetric (the result of the analysis sorting A into B can be obtained from the analysis sorting B into A). Results: We propose an alternative approach to restrain the space of sorting sequences, using progressive instead of initial detection of common intervals (the list of common intervals is updated after applying each reversal). This may reduce the space of sequences even more, but is shown to be asymmetric. Conclusions: We suggest that our method may be more realistic when the relation ancestor-descendant between the analysed genomes is clear and we apply it to do a better characterisation of the evolutionary scenario of the bacterium Rickettsia felis with respect to one of its ancestors

    Average-case analysis of perfect sorting by reversals (Journal Version)

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    Perfect sorting by reversals, a problem originating in computational genomics, is the process of sorting a signed permutation to either the identity or to the reversed identity permutation, by a sequence of reversals that do not break any common interval. B\'erard et al. (2007) make use of strong interval trees to describe an algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals. Combinatorial properties of this family of trees are essential to the algorithm analysis. Here, we use the expected value of certain tree parameters to prove that the average run-time of the algorithm is at worst, polynomial, and additionally, for sufficiently long permutations, the sorting algorithm runs in polynomial time with probability one. Furthermore, our analysis of the subclass of commuting scenarios yields precise results on the average length of a reversal, and the average number of reversals.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appeared in the proceedings of Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM) 2009. See arXiv:0901.2847; Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, vol. 3(3), 201

    Sorting genomes with rearrangements and segmental duplications through trajectory graphs

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    We study the problem of sorting genomes under an evolutionary model that includes genomic rearrangements and segmental duplications. We propose an iterative algorithm to improve any initial evolutionary trajectory between two genomes in terms of parsimony. Our algorithm is based on a new graphical model, the trajectory graph, which models not only the final states of two genomes but also an existing evolutionary trajectory between them. We show that redundant rearrangements in the trajectory correspond to certain cycles in the trajectory graph, and prove that our algorithm converges to an optimal trajectory for any initial trajectory involving only rearrangements

    Sampling solution traces for the problem of sorting permutations by signed reversals

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    International audienceBackgroundTraditional algorithms to solve the problem of sorting by signed reversals output just one optimal solution while the space of all optimal solutions can be huge. A so-called trace represents a group of solutions which share the same set of reversals that must be applied to sort the original permutation following a partial ordering. By using traces, we therefore can represent the set of optimal solutions in a more compact way. Algorithms for enumerating the complete set of traces of solutions were developed. However, due to their exponential complexity, their practical use is limited to small permutations. A partial enumeration of traces is a sampling of the complete set of traces and can be an alternative for the study of distinct evolutionary scenarios of big permutations. Ideally, the sampling should be done uniformly from the space of all optimal solutions. This is however conjectured to be ♯P-complete.ResultsWe propose and evaluate three algorithms for producing a sampling of the complete set of traces that instead can be shown in practice to preserve some of the characteristics of the space of all solutions. The first algorithm (RA) performs the construction of traces through a random selection of reversals on the list of optimal 1-sequences. The second algorithm (DFALT) consists in a slight modification of an algorithm that performs the complete enumeration of traces. Finally, the third algorithm (SWA) is based on a sliding window strategy to improve the enumeration of traces. All proposed algorithms were able to enumerate traces for permutations with up to 200 elements.ConclusionsWe analysed the distribution of the enumerated traces with respect to their height and average reversal length. Various works indicate that the reversal length can be an important aspect in genome rearrangements. The algorithms RA and SWA show a tendency to lose traces with high average reversal length. Such traces are however rare, and qualitatively our results show that, for testable-sized permutations, the algorithms DFALT and SWA produce distributions which approximate the reversal length distributions observed with a complete enumeration of the set of traces

    A general framework for enumerating equivalence classes of solutions

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    When a problem has more than one solution, it is often important, depending on the underlying context, to enumerate (i.e., to list) them all. Even when the enumeration can be done in polynomial delay, that is, spending no more than polynomial time to go from one solution to the next, this can be costly as the number of solutions themselves may be huge, including sometimes exponential. Furthermore, depending on the application, many of these solutions can be considered equivalent. The problem of an efficient enumeration of the equivalence classes or of one representative per class (without generating all the solutions), although identified as a need in many areas, has been addressed only for very few specific cases. In this paper, we provide a general framework that solves this problem in polynomial delay for a wide variety of contexts, including optimization ones that can be addressed by dynamic programming algorithms, and for certain types of equivalence relations between solutions