212,454 research outputs found

    Evaluating Engagement in Digital Narratives from Facial Data

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    Engagement researchers indicate that the engagement level of people in a narrative has an influence on people's subsequent story-related attitudes and beliefs, which helps psychologists understand people's social behaviours and personal experience. With the arrival of multimedia, the digital narrative combines multimedia features (e.g. varying images, music and voiceover) with traditional storytelling. Research on digital narratives has been widely used in helping students gain problem-solving and presentation skills as well as supporting child psychologists investigating children's social understanding such as family/peer relationships through completing their digital narratives. However, there is little study on the effect of multimedia features in digital narratives on the engagement level of people. This research focuses on measuring the levels of engagement of people in digital narratives and specifically on understanding the media effect of digital narratives on people's engagement levels. Measurement tools are developed and validated through analyses of facial data from different age groups (children and young adults) in watching stories with different media features of digital narratives. Data sources used in this research include a questionnaire with Smileyometer scale and the observation of each participant's facial behaviours

    SocialSensor: sensing user generated input for improved media discovery and experience

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    SocialSensor will develop a new framework for enabling real-time multimedia indexing and search in the Social Web. The project moves beyond conventional text-based indexing and retrieval models by mining and aggregating user inputs and content over multiple social networking sites. Social Indexing will incorporate information about the structure and activity of the users‟ social network directly into the multimedia analysis and search process. Furthermore, it will enhance the multimedia consumption experience by developing novel user-centric media visualization and browsing paradigms. For example, SocialSensor will analyse the dynamic and massive user contributions in order to extract unbiased trending topics and events and will use social connections for improved recommendations. To achieve its objectives, SocialSensor introduces the concept of Dynamic Social COntainers (DySCOs), a new layer of online multimedia content organisation with particular emphasis on the real-time, social and contextual nature of content and information consumption. Through the proposed DySCOs-centered media search, SocialSensor will integrate social content mining, search and intelligent presentation in a personalized, context and network-aware way, based on aggregation and indexing of both UGC and multimedia Web content

    Museum Experience Design: A Modern Storytelling Methodology

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    In this paper we propose a new direction for design, in the context of the theme “Next Digital Technologies in Arts and Culture”, by employing modern methods based on Interaction Design, Interactive Storytelling and Artificial Intelligence. Focusing on Cultural Heritage, we propose a new paradigm for Museum Experience Design, facilitating on the one hand traditional visual and multimedia communication and, on the other, a new type of interaction with artefacts, in the form of a Storytelling Experience. Museums are increasingly being transformed into hybrid spaces, where virtual (digital) information coexists with tangible artefacts. In this context, “Next Digital Technologies” play a new role, providing methods to increase cultural accessibility and enhance experience. Not only is the goal to convey stories hidden inside artefacts, as well as items or objects connected to them, but it is also to pave the way for the creation of new ones through an interactive museum experience that continues after the museum visit ends. Social sharing, in particular, can greatly increase the value of dissemination

    Smart Shopping Assistant: A Multimedia and Social Media Augmented System with Mobile Devices to Enhance Customers’ Experience and Interaction

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    Multimedia, social media content, and interaction are common means to attract customers in shopping. However these features are not always fully available for customers when they go shopping in physical shopping centers. The authors propose Smart Shopping Assistant, a multimedia and social media augmented system on mobile devices to enhance users’ experience and interaction in shopping. Smart Shopping turns a regular mobile device into a special prism so that a customer can enjoy multimedia, get useful social media related to a product, give feedbacks or make actions on a product during shopping. The system is specified as a flexible framework to take advantages of different visual descriptors and web information extraction modules. Experimental results show that Smart Shopping can process and provide augmented data in a realtime-manner. Smart Shopping can be used to attract more customers and to build an online social community of customers to share their interests in shopping

    Emerging Learning Technologies: Integrating Web 2.0, Tablet PC\u27s and Social Learning into Pedagogy

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    The goal of this workshop is to provide hands-on experience developing skills using a combination of tabletpc features and web 2.0 applications to enhance the teaching and learning process. This interactive presentation will focus on demonstrating applications and techniques such as whiteboarding, social learning tools, multimedia creation, ink-based document creation, and real-time multimedia collaboration. This workshop will introduce various Web2.0 applications and social learning concepts such as virtual worlds, wiki, serious game environments and social referencing / bookmarking tools; along with the potential benefits and challenges of each application. The workshop will only introduce innovative collaboration techniques and Web2.0 applications that can be easily and cost effectively integrated into the curriculum

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Multimedia Delivery for Elderly People

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    This study aims to apply appropriate information technology services for elderly people in order to fill the communication gap between the elderly, family members and friends by using a multimedia delivery platform. The aim is to improve the quality of life of the elderly people who live alone. It is intended to enhance the lives of elderly people to stay connected with family members, and friends by sending multimedia content including text, audio, image and video. We analyze the factors affecting the elderly person’s intention to use the platform by using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. The model evaluates the effectiveness of the multimedia delivery platform over the six key UTAUT constructs, namely, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitation Conditions, Perceived Security, and Experience and Voluntariness to Behavioral Intention. The analysis is twofold: to determine the factors affecting the intention of the elderly people in using the multimedia delivery platform, and to investigate how to reduce the communication gap between the elderly, family members and friends.This study aims to apply appropriate information technology services for elderly people in order to fill the communication gap between the elderly, family members and friends by using a multimedia delivery platform. The aim is to improve the quality of life of the elderly people who live alone. It is intended to enhance the lives of elderly people to stay connected with family members, and friends by sending multimedia content including text, audio, image and video. We analyze the factors affecting the elderly person’s intention to use the platform by using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. The model evaluates the effectiveness of the multimedia delivery platform over the six key UTAUT constructs, namely, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitation Conditions, Perceived Security, and Experience and Voluntariness to Behavioral Intention. The analysis is twofold: to determine the factors affecting the intention of the elderly people in using the multimedia delivery platform, and to investigate how to reduce the communication gap between the elderly, family members and friends


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    ABSTRACT Very rapid technological developments in modern times almost reaching all social life, ranging from education, health, communication, entertainment and other fields. In the world of multimedia education is used as a medium of instruction both in the classroom and individually. In the business world of multimedia is used as a medium for a company profile, product profile, even as media training. In addition, multimedia is also used in the gaming world. In Indonesia, multimedia products such as animation, graphic design, gaming and web design experience rapid growth characterized by the emergence of communities of multimedia products in Indonesia. But the results of the nation's children are still losing competitiveness with the work overseas both in terms of quality and marketing. To take advantage of business opportunities in the multimedia market both locally and nationally and even internationally it is necessary to build a container in the form of interior design Multimedia Studio is able to make a serious impression in addition equipped with facilities planning and management of the right to meet the need for multimedia technologies for entertainment , communication and information or other fields. With a concept of "Futuristic" is selected to be the ultimate goal which is designing the interior of the case is expected to continuously selected. Keywords: technology, multimedia, futuristi

    Editor’s Note

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    The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence provides an interdisciplinary forum in which scientists and professionals can share their research results and report new advances on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Multimedia techniques. The research works presented in this issue are based on various topics of interest, among which are included: 3D image reconstruction, Persian texts, usability evaluation methods, user experience, oriented matroids, flexible job-shop scheduling, business and social behavior, mobile computing and mobile devices, intelligent tutoring systems and geography optimization

    Authenticity and the Use of Multimedia at Cultural Tourist Attractions

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    Within the area of cultural attractions new developments in modern technologies have brought changes as to how culture and heritage are presented and interpreted. This has evoked debates whether such sites can still be regarded as authentic. While researchers have investigated these issues on a theoretical basis, the perception and experience of authenticity as well as the use of modern interpretative tools have been treated separately and still lack empirical investigation. Therefore, this study explores the perceptions and experiences of authenticity at cultural attractions where modern technologies are applied. The central research questions are: (1) How can the key concepts of authenticity, multimedia and experience of cultural attractions be brought into an integrated measurable model? (2) What are the determinants of an authentic attraction and an authentic experience? (3) What is the role of multimedia in the visitor experience of a cultural attraction? In order to provide answers to these research questions a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was applied. In the first stage, focus-group discussions, expert interviews as well as a small scale quantitative study at “Ceol” – The Traditional Irish Music Centre were conducted. Based on these findings and a thorough literature review a Structural Equation Model was developed. This model incorporates visitor satisfaction, site specific attributes (including multimedia and perception of authenticity) and experiential aspects (i.e. experienced object-, personal-, and social authenticity). The model was tested using data from different sites in two different cities. These included The Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, a modern-type attraction in which multimedia constitutes an integral element of the experience, and the Sisi Museum in Vienna, an old established museum where audio-guides are offered. II The findings revealed that object- and personal authenticity proved to be important concepts. However, the role of experienced social authenticity needs further investigation. The results also show that technology does not undermine the authenticity of a site - many visitors prefer to experience an attraction without such tools and in addition the use of an audio-guide did not lead to a higher satisfaction with the site. The suggested model can be regarded as a promising basis for further modelling the visitor experience at cultural attractions


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    ABSTRAKIlmu Pengetahuan Sosial merupakan suatu pendekatan interdisipliner dari pelajaran ilmu-ilmu sosial seperti sosiologi, antropologi budaya, psikologi sosial, sejarah, geografi, ekonomi, ilmu politik, dan sebagainya. Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial di MTs Al-Wasliyah Jakarta Timur masih bersifat tradisonal, dimana proses pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial sering mengalami kendala proses belajar mengajar tidak berjalan baik. Aplikasi ini menggunakan dasar pemrograman Java pada Android Studio. Pembelajaran pada sistem ini dimulai dengan menu materi, kuis dan video. Aplikasi berbasis Android ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi guru dan murid. Model pengembangan pembelajaran IPS ini menggunakan metode model pengembangan waterfall atau model air terjun. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu dengan adanya aplikasi multimedia interaktif pembelajaran IPS dapat membantu guru untuk melakukan proses pembelajaran lebih berkualitas dan multimedia interaktif pembelajaran IPS berbasis android sebagai pendamping siswa dalam belajar ilmu pengetahuan sosial sehingga bisa diakses dimana dan kapanpun menggunakan smart phone.Kata Kunci: Android, Multimedia, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial. ABSTRACTSocial Sciences is an interdisciplinary approach from the study of social sciences such as sociology, cultural anthropology, social psychology, history, geography, economics, political science, and so on. Social Science Learning at MTs Al-Wasliyah East Jakarta is still traditional, where the learning process of Social Science often experience constraints of teaching and learning process is not going well. This app uses Java programming base on Android Studio. Learning on this system begins with material menus, quizzes and videos. This Android-based app can provide benefits for teachers and students. This IPS learning development model uses the waterfall model or waterfall model. The result of this research is with the application of interactive multimedia of IPS learning can help the teacher to do the learning process of higher quality and interactive multimedia of IPS based learning of android as student companion in learning social science so that can be accessed where and whenever using smart phone.Keywords: Android, Multimedia, Sosial Science
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