9 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study to Bring Meaning of Haptic In Association with Human Emotion

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    The popularity of haptic technologies has permitted daily life, allowing intimate and emotional contact to be conveyed from sender to receiver. However there are weaknesses apart when haptic is being applied into an application, which can result misinterpreted, high complexity and confusion to the user. Research shows that emotion comprise close relationship with haptic feedback, this research project will investigate the effectiveness of emotion to bring haptic meaning. The project has predict the weaknesses of emotion in explore the absolute meaning of haptic, however with the present of multi-model technology the weaknesses could be reduce in order to identify the suitable definition of haptic with association to emotion

    An Exploratory Study to Bring Meaning of Haptic In Association with Human Emotion

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    The popularity of haptic technologies has permitted daily life, allowing intimate and emotional contact to be conveyed from sender to receiver. However there are weaknesses apart when haptic is being applied into an application, which can result misinterpreted, high complexity and confusion to the user. Research shows that emotion comprise close relationship with haptic feedback, this research project will investigate the effectiveness of emotion to bring haptic meaning. The project has predict the weaknesses of emotion in explore the absolute meaning of haptic, however with the present of multi-model technology the weaknesses could be reduce in order to identify the suitable definition of haptic with association to emotion

    LibraryThing as a library service. Assessment report

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    This report was requested by the Innovation and Marketing department of the ETHBibliotek, for the purpose of assessing the social cataloguing tool LibraryThing and its potential uses in an academic library

    The Sense of Touch and its Rendering: Progress in Haptics Research

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    Bicchi A, Buss M, Ernst MO, Peer A. The Sense of Touch and its Rendering: Progress in Haptics Research. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics ; 45. Berlin, Germany: Springer; 2008

    The puzzle of (un)countability in English : a study in cognitive grammar

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    Monografia poświęcona jest zagadnieniu policzalności i niepoliczalności rzeczownika w języku angielskim. Przyjmując punkt widzenia jednej z teorii językoznawstwa kognitywnego – Gramatyki Kognitywnej Ronalda Langackera – praca stawia sobie dwa cele. Po pierwsze, weryfikuje jedno z twierdzeń tej teorii, iż prawdopodobnie każdy rzeczownik może wystąpić zarówno w formie policzalnej, jak i niepoliczalnej. Po drugie, wskazuje regularności zmian tych własności gramatycznych rzeczownika. Książka składa się z dwóch rozdziałów. W pierwszym z nich autor dokonuje przeglądu literatury poświęconej zagadnieniu policzalności i niepoliczalności i przedstawia najważniejsze osiągnięcia wypracowane w ramach różnych podejść: logicznego, morfologicznego, syntaktycznego, semantycznego oraz pragmatycznego. Zarysowano tu również główne założenia oraz aparat terminologiczny Gramatyki Kognitywnej, która stanowi bazę teoretyczną dla przeprowadzonej w drugiej części monografii analizy. Rozdział kończy zestawienie wybranych założeń Gramatyki Kognitywnej z postulatami poszczególnych podejść. Rozdział drugi to część badawcza, której trzon stanowi analiza 30 rzeczowników klasyfikowanych w słownikach języka angielskiego jako policzalne oraz 30 rzeczowników typowo niepoliczalnych. Badanie dotyczy użyć tych rzeczowników w kontekstach, w których przejawiają one odwrotną własność gramatyczną. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie autentycznego materiału językowego obejmującego ponad 1700 wypowiedzi rodzimych użytkowników języka angielskiego. W ramach analizy opisano szereg ekstensji semantycznych, głównie metonimicznych, towarzyszących omawianym tu zmianom gramatycznym. Na wyższym poziomie abstrakcji ekstensje te ujęte zostały w formie schematów rozszerzenia semantycznego. W podsumowaniu autor ocenia wiarygodność twierdzenia dotyczącego możliwości użycia każdego rzeczownika zarówno w formie policzalnej, jak i niepoliczalnej oraz przedstawia zestaw regularności dotyczących zmian tych własności gramatycznych rzeczownika. Poza odniesieniem się do dwóch głównych celów monografii, autor wskazuje również inne zjawiska językowe związane z omawianą zmianą własności gramatycznych rzeczownika, takie jak elipsa czy łańcuchy punktów odniesienia

    Novel Haptic Cueing for UAV Tele-Operation.

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    The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is continuously increasing both for military and civilian operations. The degree of automation inside an UAV has reached the capability of high levels of autonomy, increasing but human participation/action is still a requirement to ensure an ultimate level of safety for the mission. Direct remote piloting is often required for a board range of situations; this is true especially for larger UAVs, where a fault might be dangerous for the platform but even for the other entities of its environment (people, building etc.). Unfortunately the physical separation between pilot/operator and the UAV reduces greatly the situational awareness; this has a negative impact on system performance in the presence of remote and unforeseen environmental constraints and disturbances. This is why this thesis is dedicated to the study of means to increase the level of situational awareness of the UAV operator. The sense of telepresence is very important in teleoperation, and it appears reasonable, and it has already been shown in the literature, that extending the visual feedback with force feedback is able to complement the visual information (when missing or limited). An artificially recreated sense of touch (haptic) may allow the operator to better perceive information from the remote aircraft state, the environment and its constraints, hopefully preventing dangerous situations. This thesis introdues first a novel classification for haptic aid systems in two large classes: Direct Haptic Aid (DHA) and Indirect Haptic Aid (IHA), then, after showing that almost all existing aid concepts belong to the first class, focuses on IHA and tries to show that classical applications (that used a DHA approach) can be revised in a IHA fashion. The novel IHA systems produce different sensations, which in most cases may appear as exactly "opposite in sign" from the corresponding DHA; these sensations can provide valuable cues for the pilot, both in terms of improvement of performance and "level of appreciation". Furthermore, it will be shown that the novel cueing algorithms, which were designed just to appear "natural" to the operator, and not to directly help the pilot in his task (as in the DHA cases), can outperform the corresponding DHA systems. Three case studies were selected: obstacle avoidance, wind gust rejection, and a combination of the two. For all the cases, DHA and IHA systems were designed and compared against baseline performance with no haptic aid. Test results show that a net improvement in terms of performance is provided by employing the IHA cuse instead of both the DHA cues or the visual cues only. Both professional pilots and naïve subjects were used in some of the experiments. The perceived feelings transmitted by the haptic cues, strongly depend by the type of the experiment and the quality of the participants: the professional pilots, for instance, retained the DHA the most helpful force while they preferred IHA because they found it more natural and because they felt a better control authority on the aircraft; different results were obtained with naive participants. In the end, this thesis aim is to show that the IHA philosophy is a valid and promising alternative to the other commonly used, and published in the scientific literature, approaches which fall in the DHA category. Finally the haptic cueing for the obstacle avoidance task was tested in the presence of time delay in the communication link, as in a classical bilateral teleoperation scheme. The Master was provide with an admittance controller and an observer for force exerted by the human on the stick was developed. Experiments have shown that the proposed system is capable of standing substantial communication delays

    Kinematic shaping. Mechanisms that determine architecture of space.

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    Oggetto della ricerca è investigare le possibilità di introdurre meccanismi mobili nello spazio architettonico. I meccanismi sono qui intesi come elementi mobili suscettibili di agire secondo sequenze e con esiti prestabiliti,riletti e approfonditi dal punto di vista architettonico, perché gli edifici possano concretamente essere considerati come sistemi dinamici all’interno del contesto ambientale e culturale in cambiamento

    Human Haptic Perception and the Design of Haptic-Enhanced Virtual Environments

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    Bresciani J-P, Drewing K, Ernst MO. Human Haptic Perception and the Design of Haptic-Enhanced Virtual Environments. In: Siciliano B, Groen F, Khatib O, eds. The Sense of Touch and its Rendering: Progress in Haptics Research. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. Berlin, Germany: Springer; 2008: 61-106.This chapter presents an overview of interesting scientific findings related to human haptic perception and discuss the usability of these scientific findings for the design and development of virtual environments including haptic rendering. The first section of the chapter deals with pure haptic perception whereas the second and third sections are devoted to the integration of kinesthetic information with other sensory inputs like vision and audition