972 research outputs found

    Mejorando la Ciencia Abierta Usando Datos Abiertos Enlazados: Caso de Uso CONICET Digital

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    Los servicios de publicación científica están cambiando drásticamente, los investigadores demandan servicios de búsqueda inteligentes para descubrir y relacionar publicaciones científicas. Los editores deben incorporar información semántica para organizar mejor sus activos digitales y hacer que las publicaciones sean más visibles. En este documento, presentamos el trabajo en curso para publicar un subconjunto de publicaciones científicas de CONICET Digital como datos abiertos enlazados. El objetivo de este trabajo es mejorar la recuperación y la reutilización de datos a través de tecnologías de Web Semántica y Datos Enlazados en el dominio de las publicaciones científicas. Para lograr estos objetivos, se han tenido en cuenta los estándares de la Web Semántica y los esquemas RDF (Dublín Core, FOAF, VoID, etc.). El proceso de conversión y publicación se basa en las pautas metodológicas para publicar datos vinculados de gobierno. También describimos como estos datos se pueden vincular a otros conjuntos de datos como DBLP, Wikidata y DBPedia. Finalmente, mostramos algunos ejemplos de consultas que responden a preguntas que inicialmente no permite CONICET Digital.Scientific publication services are changing drastically, researchers demand intelligent search services to discover and relate scientific publications. Publishersneed to incorporate semantic information to better organize their digital assets and make publications more discoverable. In this paper, we present the on-going work to publish a subset of scientific publications of CONICET Digital as Linked Open Data. The objective of this work is to improve the recovery andreuse of data through Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data in the domain of scientific publications.To achieve these goals, Semantic Web standards and reference RDF schema?s have been taken into account (Dublin Core, FOAF, VoID, etc.). The conversion and publication process is guided by the methodological guidelines for publishing government linked data. We also outline how these data can be linked to other datasets DBLP, WIKIDATA and DBPEDIA on the web of data. Finally, we show some examples of queries that answer questions that initially CONICET Digital does not allowFil: Zárate, Marcos Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Carlos Buckle. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; ArgentinaFil: Mazzanti, Renato. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; ArgentinaFil: Samec, Gustavo Daniel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; Argentin

    Research Articles in Simplified HTML: a Web-first format for HTML-based scholarly articles

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    Purpose. This paper introduces the Research Articles in Simplified HTML (or RASH), which is a Web-first format for writing HTML-based scholarly papers; it is accompanied by the RASH Framework, a set of tools for interacting with RASH-based articles. The paper also presents an evaluation that involved authors and reviewers of RASH articles submitted to the SAVE-SD 2015 and SAVE-SD 2016 workshops. Design. RASH has been developed aiming to: be easy to learn and use; share scholarly documents (and embedded semantic annotations) through the Web; support its adoption within the existing publishing workflow. Findings. The evaluation study confirmed that RASH is ready to be adopted in workshops, conferences, and journals and can be quickly learnt by researchers who are familiar with HTML. Research Limitations. The evaluation study also highlighted some issues in the adoption of RASH, and in general of HTML formats, especially by less technically savvy users. Moreover, additional tools are needed, e.g., for enabling additional conversions from/to existing formats such as OpenXML. Practical Implications. RASH (and its Framework) is another step towards enabling the definition of formal representations of the meaning of the content of an article, facilitating its automatic discovery, enabling its linking to semantically related articles, providing access to data within the article in actionable form, and allowing integration of data between papers. Social Implications. RASH addresses the intrinsic needs related to the various users of a scholarly article: researchers (focussing on its content), readers (experiencing new ways for browsing it), citizen scientists (reusing available data formally defined within it through semantic annotations), publishers (using the advantages of new technologies as envisioned by the Semantic Publishing movement). Value. RASH helps authors to focus on the organisation of their texts, supports them in the task of semantically enriching the content of articles, and leaves all the issues about validation, visualisation, conversion, and semantic data extraction to the various tools developed within its Framework

    A-posteriori provenance-enabled linking of publications and datasets via crowdsourcing

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    This paper aims to share with the digital library community different opportunities to leverage crowdsourcing for a-posteriori capturing of dataset citation graphs. We describe a practical approach, which exploits one possible crowdsourcing technique to collect these graphs from domain experts and proposes their publication as Linked Data using the W3C PROV standard. Based on our findings from a study we ran during the USEWOD 2014 workshop, we propose a semi-automatic approach that generates metadata by leveraging information extraction as an additional step to crowdsourcing, to generate high-quality data citation graphs. Furthermore, we consider the design implications on our crowdsourcing approach when non-expert participants are involved in the process<br/

    A Programming Interface for Creating Data According to the SPAR Ontologies and the OpenCitations Data Model

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    The OpenCitations Data Model (OCDM) is a data model for bibliographic metadata and citations based on the SPAR Ontologies and developed by OpenCitations to expose all the data of its collections as sets of RDF statements compliant with an ontology named OpenCitations Ontology. In this paper, we introduce oc_ocdm, i.e. a Python library developed for creating OCDM-compliant RDF data even if the programmer has no expertise in Semantic Web technologies. After an introduction of the library and its main characteristics, we show a number of projects within the OpenCitations infrastructure that adopt it as their building block unit

    The OpenCitations Data Model

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    A variety of schemas and ontologies are currently used for the machine-readable description of bibliographic entities and citations. This diversity, and the reuse of the same ontology terms with different nuances, generates inconsistencies in data. Adoption of a single data model would facilitate data integration tasks regardless of the data supplier or context application. In this paper we present the OpenCitations Data Model (OCDM), a generic data model for describing bibliographic entities and citations, developed using Semantic Web technologies. We also evaluate the effective reusability of OCDM according to ontology evaluation practices, mention existing users of OCDM, and discuss the use and impact of OCDM in the wider open science community.Comment: ISWC 2020 Conference proceeding

    Comparing research contributions in a scholarly knowledge graph

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    Conducting a scientific literature review is a time consuming activity. This holds for both finding and comparing the related literature. In this paper, we present a workflow and system designed to, among other things, compare research contributions in a scientific knowledge graph. In order to compare contributions, multiple tasks are performed, including finding similar contributions, mapping properties and visualizing the comparison. The presented workflow is implemented in the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) which enables researchers to find and compare related literature. A preliminary evaluation has been conducted with researchers. Results show that researchers are satisfied with the usability of the user interface, but more importantly, they acknowledge the need and usefulness of contribution comparisons

    The Landscape of Ontology Reuse Approaches

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    Ontology reuse aims to foster interoperability and facilitate knowledge reuse. Several approaches are typically evaluated by ontology engineers when bootstrapping a new project. However, current practices are often motivated by subjective, case-by-case decisions, which hamper the definition of a recommended behaviour. In this chapter we argue that to date there are no effective solutions for supporting developers' decision-making process when deciding on an ontology reuse strategy. The objective is twofold: (i) to survey current approaches to ontology reuse, presenting motivations, strategies, benefits and limits, and (ii) to analyse two representative approaches and discuss their merits
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