75,009 research outputs found

    User oriented access to secure biomedical resources through the grid

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    The life science domain is typified by heterogeneous data sets that are evolving at an exponential rate. Numerous post-genomic databases and areas of post-genomic life science research have been established and are being actively explored. Whilst many of these databases are public and freely accessible, it is often the case that researchers have data that is not so freely available and access to this data needs to be strictly controlled when distributed collaborative research is undertaken. Grid technologies provide one mechanism by which access to and integration of federated data sets is possible. Combining such data access and integration technologies with fine grained security infrastructures facilitates the establishment of virtual organisations (VO). However experience has shown that the general research (non-Grid) community are not comfortable with the Grid and its associated security models based upon public key infrastructures (PKIs). The Internet2 Shibboleth technology helps to overcome this through users only having to log in to their home site to gain access to resources across a VO ā€“ or in Shibboleth terminology a federation. In this paper we outline how we have applied the combination of Grid technologies, advanced security infrastructures and the Internet2 Shibboleth technology in several biomedical projects to provide a user-oriented model for secure access to and usage of Grid resources. We believe that this model may well become the de facto mechanism for undertaking e-Research on the Grid across numerous domains including the life sciences

    Applying Lessons from Cyber Attacks on Ukrainian Infrastructures to Secure Gateways onto the Industrial Internet of Things

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    Previous generations of safety-related industrial control systems were ā€˜air gappedā€™. In other words, process control components including Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and smart sensor/actuators were disconnected and isolated from local or wide area networks. This provided a degree of protection; attackers needed physical access to compromise control systems components. Over time this ā€˜air gapā€™ has gradually been eroded. Switches and gateways have subsequently interfaced industrial protocols, including Profibus and Modbus, so that data can be drawn from safety-related Operational Technology into enterprise information systems using TCP/IP. Senior management uses these links to monitor production processes and inform strategic planning. The Industrial Internet of Things represents another step in this evolution ā€“ enabling the coordination of physically distributed resources from a centralized location. The growing range and sophistication of these interconnections create additional security concerns for the operation and management of safety-critical systems. This paper uses lessons learned from recent attacks on Ukrainian critical infrastructures to guide a forensic analysis of an IIoT switch. The intention is to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities that would enable similar attacks to be replicated across Europe and North America

    Has Government Tax Policy in Greece Led to a Large Shadow Economy?

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    This capstone investigates the impact that tax policy has on the shadow economy in Greece. Greece has one of the largest shadow economies in the world and the largest in the European Union, with tax evasion being one of the main drivers. While previous research has provided measures of the shadow economy, none matches the shadow economy estimations with policies, laws, and agencies enacted by the government, specifically over the period in time of 1990-2012. This study contributes to the literature by connecting the policies implemented by the government with the size of the shadow economy in Greece, along with providing a new model based on prior versions of the currency-demand model. The study concludes by considering, a piece of cultural analysis to help explain why the people of Greece are so prone to evade taxes and enter the shadow economy. Research of Dr. Geert Hofstedeā€™s work on cultural dimensions shows that Greeks have high levels of power-distance, collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance, all which can be used to explain why they are susceptible to keep evading taxes. Using an adaption of the currency demand model, the regression results show that the shadow economy increased with 1) an increase in the amount of people that are self-employed 2) decreases to the middle income tax rate 3) and with increases in the lowest income tax rate. These results suggest that the tax system needs a combination of stronger oversight and penalties because of the extremely high levels of uncertainty avoidance that Greeks possess. The results also show that revenue can be captured by raising the middle income tax rate, and that raising the tax rate on the lowest bracket will tend to force those people into the shadow economy. This study provides useful conclusions on the Greek shadow economy from both an economic perspective and a sociological perspectiv

    Campus Update: January 1991 v. 3, no. 1

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    Monthly newsletter of the BU Medical Campu

    A mechanochemical model of striae distensae

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    Striae distensae, otherwise known as stretch marks, are common skin lesions found in a variety of clinical settings. They occur frequently during adolescence or pregnancy where there is rapid tissue expansion and in clinical situations associated with corticosteroid excess. Heralding their onset is the appearance of parallel inflammatory streaks aligned perpendicular to the direction of skin tension. Despite a considerable amount of investigative research, the pathogenesis of striae remains obscure. The interpretation of histologic samples ā€“ the major investigative tool ā€“ demonstrates an association between dermal lymphocytic inflammation, elastolysis, and a scarring response. Yet the primary causal factor in their aetiology is mechanical; either skin stretching due to underlying tissue expansion or, less frequently, a compromised dermis affected by normal loads. In this paper, we investigate the pathogenesis of striae by addressing the coupling between mechanical forces and dermal pathology. We develop a mathematical model that incorporates the mechanical properties of cutaneous fibroblasts and dermal extracellular matrix. By using linear stability analysis and numerical simulations of our governing nonlinear equations, we show that this quantitative approach may provide a realistic framework that may account for the initiating events

    Towards measurement and verification of energy performance under the framework of the European directive for energy performance of buildings

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    Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and Council on the Energy Performance of Buildings has led to major developments in energy policies followed by the EU Member States. The national energy performance targets for the built environment are mostly rooted in the Building Regulations that are shaped by this Directive. Article 3 of this Directive requires a methodology to calculate energy performance of buildings under standardised operating conditions. Overwhelming evidence suggests that actual energy performance is often significantly higher than this standardised and theoretical performance. The risk is national energy saving targets may not be achieved in practice. The UK evidence for the education and office sectors is presented in this paper. A measurement and verification plan is proposed to compare actual energy performance of a building with its theoretical performance using calibrated thermal modelling. Consequently, the intended vs. actual energy performance can be established under identical operating conditions. This can help identify the shortcomings of construction process and building procurement. Once energy performance gap is determined with reasonable accuracy and root causes identified, effective measures could be adopted to remedy or offset this gap


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    Abstractā€”Presently nations worldwide are starting to convert their aging electrical power infrastructures into modern, dynamic power grids. Smart Grid offers much in the way of efficiencies and robustness to the electrical power grid, however its heavy reliance on communication networks will leave it more vulnerable to attack than present day grids. This paper looks at the threat to public key cryptography systems from a fully realized quantum computer and how this could impact the Smart Grid. We argue for the use of Merkle Trees in place of public key cryptography for authentication of devices in wireless mesh networks that are used in Smart Grid applications
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