109 research outputs found

    Hybrid Cloud for Educational Sector

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    AbstractCloud is an emergent field that relates virtual memory and storage to real time application. The organization and architecture of cloud varies on the basis of its set up and uses. It has profound applications in the field ranging from education sector to social networking and extended to international relations and business. To evolve and instrument a cloud architecture by modifying the platforms and implementing the concept of hybrid cloud along with cloud building techniques, using Big Data Analytics to formulate the statistical organization of the cloud service. In this paper we propose the hybrid cloud interface where the user from different educational sectors interact with the cloud environment and request the cloud provider to showcase the resource

    Cloud Computing: The Simplified Format of Pay�to-Use

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    Cloud computing is a paradigm of information technology enables the users to access all sharable resources over the internet by using an thin or thick client devices. Cloud computing is the effective technology in the field of computers in the present day. It evolved from the grid computing, virtualization, utility computing and autonomic computing. It was developed by using the features of these four technologies earlier. It helps the end users to complete their purpose irrespective of their background and location with cost effective. It is obvious that anything user friendly and cost effective is always adopted by the public

    Secure Cloud Computing Based On Mobile Agents

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    In this paper, we provide protection to the service requested to the cloud from user. Cloud computing is a examine sloping system that launch services to the client at low cost. According to various researches user verification is the most significant security concern and demanding issue in cloud-based environment. As cloud computing provides different advantages it also brings some of the concern about the security and privacy of information. Cloud computing requests to concentrate on three main security issues : privacy, reliability and accessibility. In this paper, we propose a new approach that provides confidentiality for the services request by the user by using mobile agents for communication between user and cloud layer; we provide security at each layer in cloud computing with Kerberos. We provide security to service which will be request to the cloud with authentication server and TGS system. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150318

    A cooperative approach for distributed task execution in autonomic clouds

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    Virtualization and distributed computing are two key pillars that guarantee scalability of applications deployed in the Cloud. In Autonomous Cooperative Cloud-based Platforms, autonomous computing nodes cooperate to offer a PaaS Cloud for the deployment of user applications. Each node must allocate the necessary resources for customer applications to be executed with certain QoS guarantees. If the QoS of an application cannot be guaranteed a node has mainly two options: to allocate more resources (if it is possible) or to rely on the collaboration of other nodes. Making a decision is not trivial since it involves many factors (e.g. the cost of setting up virtual machines, migrating applications, discovering collaborators). In this paper we present a model of such scenarios and experimental results validating the convenience of cooperative strategies over selfish ones, where nodes do not help each other. We describe the architecture of the platform of autonomous clouds and the main features of the model, which has been implemented and evaluated in the DEUS discrete-event simulator. From the experimental evaluation, based on workload data from the Google Cloud Backend, we can conclude that (modulo our assumptions and simplifications) the performance of a volunteer cloud can be compared to that of a Google Cluster

    KAFA: A novel interoperability open framework to utilize Indonesian electronic identity card

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    Indonesian people have electronic citizen card called e-KTP. e-KTP is NFC based technology embedded inside Indonesian citizenship identity card. e-KTP technology has never been used until now since it was launch officially by the government. This research proposes an independent framework for bridging the gap between Indonesia regulation for e-KTP and commercial use in the many commercial or organization sector. The Framework proposes interoperability framework using novel combination component, there are e-KTP reader, Middleware and Web Service. KAFA (e-KTP Middleware and Framework) implementing Internet of Things (IoT) concept to make it as open standard and independent. The framework use federation mode or decentralized data for interoperability, to make sure not breaking the law of privacy. Extended development of AES-CBC cipher algorithm was used to encrypt the data on the transport between middleware and web service

    The OpenNebula Cloud Toolkit

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