414 research outputs found

    Automated Surface Grinder "Slicer"

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    ME450 Capstone Design and Manufacturing Experience: Fall 2015Mr. Bernn Hitch, President of Island Ceramic Grinding, tasked team 16 to automate a manual Chevalier FSG-618M Surface Grinder so that it can run a simple, repetitive program for slicing ceramic pieces with minimal operator interaction besides the initial setup of the program. To accomplish this goal, we were given requirements by our sponsor that include automation of the three axes of the surface grinder through one cohesive interface that allows for editing of the program while it is in use and no measurable increase in tolerance of the parts being manufactured for under $5000. Alumina is to be used for all testing, as it will ensure any product that Island Ceramic Grinding currently uses on their grinders will not present any problems for the automation. Engineering specifications were generated according to the requirements such as the tolerance of motion accuracy and precision. After performing a functional decomposition and brainstorming, several of concepts were generated to meet the requirement of our sponsor and the corresponding engineering specifications. Five Pugh Charts were created for different functionalities that need to be realized, with weighting between one and five for each criterion. The five Pugh Charts decided that the transmission would be timing belts, stepper motors would be used for in-out direction and up-down direction, a DC motor would be used for left-right direction, a sealed keypad would be used for interface; the microcontroller would be a PLC, a Hall Effect sensor would be used to control the motion of the grinder. Engineering analysis was implemented to determine the required specifications for motors and transmissions. Theoretical modeling and empirical testing were implemented to find out the maximum torque when turning the hand wheels during normal operation. The component selection was narrowed down using the specifications from this analysis, and CAD models of mountings for each axis were generated. A detailed plan for the control system is also described. FMEA and risk analyses were done to discover, evaluate, and minimize potential problems. Design verification testing was then performed to verify that the individual components performed as expected and would allow the machine to function as intended. Precision of the Y and Z-axes were confirmed to outperform expectations, and the speed of the X-axis was also deemed acceptable. Verification was unable to be performed on the system as a whole due to additional components that were needed and delays in assembling the electrical system.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/117355/1/ME450-F15-Project16-FinalReport.pd

    Flexible data input layer architecture (FDILA) for quick-response decision making tools in volatile manufacturing systems

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    This paper proposes the foundation for a flexible data input management system as a vital part of a generic solution for quick-response decision making. Lack of a comprehensive data input layer between data acquisition and processing systems has been realized and thought of. The proposed FDILA is applicable to a wide variety of volatile manufacturing environments. It provides a generic platform that enables systems designers to define any number of data entry points and types regardless of their make and specifications in a standard fashion. This is achieved by providing a variable definition layer immediately on top of the data acquisition layer and before data pre-processing layer. For proof of concept, National Instruments’ Labview data acquisition software is used to simulate a typical shop floor data acquisition system. The extracted data can then be fed into a data mining module that builds cost modeling functions involving the plant’s Key Performance Factors

    Design of A Processing Machine for Hybrid Composites Based on Coconut and Maguey Fibers for the Production of Chipboard in the Junin-Peru Region

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    In the present investigation of the design of a processing machine for hybrid compounds based on coconut and maguey fibers, using the non-experimental quantitative method, under the German VDI 2221 and 2225 methodology, using mathematical models of machine elements and mechanical design and selection. of electronic components, where the main objective was the design of the hybrid compound processing machine, which consists of four processes: material transport, crushing process, mixing and compacting process, to obtain boards agglomerated, with the purpose of reusing usable solid waste and transforming it into fibers, in order to avoid the use of wood and to reduce the logging that occurs in the central jungle of Peru, for which it is essential to know the mechanical characteristics of coconut and maguey fiber, coconut fiber has a tensile strength of 220 Mpa and fiber Maguey has a tensile strength of 305 Mpa, likewise the automated control is programmed in PLC S7 1200 and TIA Portal v15 for reading analog inputs and outputs, visualization and control are developed through the HMI that is accessible to data control

    A flexible manufacturing system for lawnmower cutting cylinders

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    The thesis is concerned with the conception and design of a FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEM (FMS) for the automation of the manufacture of lawnmower cutting cylinders at Suffolk Lawnmowers Ltd. A review of FMS definitions, planning methods and current systems is carried out for the development of a suitable FMS configuration for the final stages of manufacture of grass cutting cylinders having 21 different design specifications. This involves examination of the capabilities of robotics and microcontrollers to automate the technologies used in cylinder production. The company's current manual batch production system is analysed to determine the suitable form and requirements of the FMS. This includes analyses of annual volumes, throughputs, batch sizes, product and process mixes. Long term objectives to automate the system are identified from which short term objectives are derived. The FMS recommended for immediate development encompasses the short term objectives for the welding, hardening, grinding and transfer processes of 8 cutting cylinder specifications. It is shown that the MIG (Argon/C02) are welding, progressive flame hardening and wide-face cylindrical grinding processes can be developed successfully to automate cylinder production. The recommended system integrates these processes into an FMS through the'automatic handling of cylinders (through three process routes) by a robotic manipulator utilising a double gripper. 'A robotic welding station, manually loaded, is also recommended. ' The system is controlled overall by a 32K microcontroller with the process machines individually controlled by programmahle logic controllers with up to 6K of memory each. The economic appraisal of the FMS indicates a 4.4 year payback based on direct labour and material cost savings. The company's application for grant aid to implement the FMS design has led to an offer of a Department of Industry grant to cover 50% of all capital and revenue costs. The grant of £166,943 reduces the payback period to 2.3 years

    The Cleo Rich Detector

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    We describe the design, construction and performance of a Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH) constructed to identify charged particles in the CLEO experiment. Cherenkov radiation occurs in LiF crystals, both planar and ones with a novel ``sawtooth''-shaped exit surface. Photons in the wavelength interval 135--165 nm are detected using multi-wire chambers filled with a mixture of methane gas and triethylamine vapor. Excellent pion/kaon separation is demonstrated.Comment: 75 pages, 57 figures, (updated July 26, 2005 to reflect reviewers comments), to be published in NIM

    Sampling robot for primary circuit pipelines of decommissioned nuclear facilities

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    Nuclear power plants, as one of the cornerstones of today's global and, most importantly, European energy sector, place considerably high demands on all stages from design and construction, through operation and control, to safe decommissioning at the end of the facility's life. A relatively large decommissioning process is underway in Europe, which will increase over the coming decades. This process of decommissioning nuclear facilities is closely linked to the objective assessment of the efficiency of decontamination processes. The present paper deals with techniques and technologies for obtaining samples from the hard-to-reach inner surface of the primary circuit of a nuclear reactor. Sampling by a service robot fitted with sampling probes is assumed to be performed under relatively dry conditions, i.e. before the application and after the discharge of the decontamination solution. The basis of the electro-pneumatic robot for default pipes with a diameter of 500 mm is an eight-wheel mobile platform with self-stabilizing capability thanks to inclined wheels. The robot is equipped with a pair of unique sampling probes and a fixing arm to position the robot in the pipeline during the sampling. The basis of the article is the technical solution of the service robot, with an emphasis on the functioning and efficiency of the sampling probes. The presented comprehensive system constitutes a proven knowledge base for the decommissioning of nuclear power facilities

    Facility Requirements for Teaching a Standards-Based High School Technology Education Curriculum

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    This research established the essential equipment, tools, hardware and software needed to teach a contemporary standards-based Technology Education program at the high school level with one teacher. A three round Delphi study established what a contemporary Technology Education lab should ideally include utilizing the expert opinion of teachers in the field, teacher educators and administrators with direct roles in program development. The research also suggests types of activities which could be utilized in such a facility. Equipping a facility with these essential items could assist teachers in preparing students to become technologically literate, by addressing all of the Standards for Technological Literacy to include engineering and design concepts. Most Americans believe all citizens should be technologically literate and should have adequate facilities to accomplish that goal (Rose, Gallup, Dugger and Starkweather, 2004). Shields and Harris (2007) indicated Technology Education facilities and components have been less defined over the past 26 years creating confusion when identifying Technology Education facilities and programs. The panel of experts chosen for this Delphi study established three categories: essential items, moderately important items and non-essential items. The panel identified equipment, tools, hardware and software needed to equip a contemporary Technology Education facility giving the teacher laboratory capabilities to teach a standards based curriculum. Such a facility might provide a setting in which high school students could graduate with a basic understanding of technology; how to assess, use and manage technology in a facility with similar tools, equipment, hardware, and software; or in other words, achieve technological literacy (ITEA, 2000). Such a list gives school administrators a tool to better understand facility needs, curricular areas, examples of activities, as well as the equipment, tools and materials necessary to implement a standards-based program within their respective districts

    Development towards commercialization of marine fish larvae feeds – Microdiets: Final FRDC report - Project 2004/258

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    The project specifically focused on developing formulated diets for marine fish larvae, specifically targeting more physical aspects of microdiets such as feeding methods, feed availability and particle recognition. A commercially ready microdiet formulation was developed that achieved better ingestion, digestion and survival for yellowtail kingfish than other commercially available diets. Two manufacturers of aquaculture feeds showed interested in the formulations, however neither of the companies have started producing the diet commercially

    Design, Construction and Process Control of a Conditioner for Straw Pellets

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de Controle e Automação.In the last few decades, the increasing awareness regarding some environmental issues such as global warming has attracted the science community interest on the research of alternative fuel. In this context, the use of biomass for the production of energy has shown itself as a viable and interesting option. One good example of the use of biofuel are the wood pellets. Aside from that, other materials can be used for pellet production, like straw, for example. This present project is inserted in a bigger project that aims the production of straw pellets. This report will discuss and explain the development of a conditioner for the production of straw pellets. Aspects of the mechanical construction of the machine, electrical installation and the PLC control implemented for the process are the focus of this project’s report. The final goal of the project is to automatize and increase the production of straw inside Blackballs Technologies GmbHHoje em dia, o problema do aquecimento global é cada vez mais um assunto de grande interesse no meio científico. O homem tem desenvolvido um grande papel nas mudanças climáticas que vêm ocorrendo nas últimas décadas: a utilização sem precedentes de combustíveis fósseis agrava o efeito estufa e, por consequência, o aquecimento global. Uma das soluções possíveis para reduzir o fator humano sobre o meio ambiente se refere à utilização de combustíveis renováveis para substituir os combustíveis fósseis. Um exemplo viável e que já é utilizado nos dias de hoje é o biocombustível, cuja matéria-prima é a biomassa. O biocombustível de interesse no presente projeto são os pellets. Os pellets são geralmente feitos à partir da madeira. No entanto, um projeto realizado pela RWTH Aachen University visa analisar a viabilidade de se utilizar outros materiais para a produção de pellets. Um material que vem sendo estudado para este fim é a palha. A empresa Blackballs Technologies GmbH (BBTech), onde o presente projeto foi realizado, é a responsável pela produção dos pellets de palha, enquanto a universidade RWTH está empenhada em estudar a viabilidade de se utilizar pellets de palha como combustível para o aquecimento predial. Atualmente, a produção de pellets na BBTech é feita manualmente do começo ao fim do processo, por dois funcionários da empresa. A palha é moída, misturada com materiais adicionais e compressada em forma de pellets pelos operadores. Visa-se reduzir o tempo necessário para a produção de pellets dentro da empresa através da automação deste processo. Além disso, esses processos são bastante cansativos e representam um perigo para a saúde dos operadores, visto que a palha gerada no processo de moagem é muito fina, e gerando nesse processo um pó que fica suspenso no ar e é aspirado por quem manipula o material. Visando melhor as condições de trabalho para a produção de pellets, faz-se necessário reduzir o contato dos operadores com o processo. A peletização pode ser dividida em três etapas: a moagem, o condicionamento (ou tratamento) do material e a compressão do material em pellets (a peletização propriamente dita). O presente projeto visa automatizar o processo de condicionamento. O condicionamento é a etapa da produção de pelllets responsável por preparar o material para a etapa de compressão. Espera-se do condicionamento: misturar a palha triturada com materiais aditivos, adicionar água, aquecer o material, gerar uma mistura uniforme. A máquina que realiza isso chama-se condicionador. Muitas empresas constroem condicionadores industriais. No entanto, normalmente os condicionadores industriais são máquinas grandes, voltadas para processos que produzem dezenas de toneladas de pellets por hora. Por consequência, as soluções disponíveis no mercado são muito caras. A produção de pellets na BBTech não demanda grande produçãoo, logo a solução mais viável prevista foi a de se construir in loco um condicionador menor, capaz de produzir em torno de 50-150 kg de pellets por hora. O presente relatório apresentará o desenvolvimento do condicionador. O documento é dividido em três partes principais: a construção da estrutura mecânica, o desenvolvimento da parte elétrica e o desenvolvimento do sistema de controle. O projeto foi desenvolvido na Blackballs Technologies GmbH, Alemanha, no período de março/2013 a julho/2013