66 research outputs found

    Internet Gaming Addiction among High School Students in Kendawangan against Sleep Quality and Learning’s Motivation

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    With the advance of information technology internet gaming has been showing to increase globally and across Indonesia.  This phenomenon has been correlated to the decreasing the quality of sleep as well as learning motivation, and academic performance. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between gaming addiction and sleep quality and learning motivation among high school students in Kendawangan. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 33 high school students using questionnaires to assess the quality of sleep, motivation and gaming addiction. Results showed almost a quarter of sample were highly addicted. There was a significant relationship between gaming addiction and sleep quality (p 0.002, p<0.05) as well as with learning motivation (p 0.002, p<0.05). Thus, gaming addiction influenced quality of sleep and learning motivation among the high school students

    Influence of Social Media on Group Behaviour and Academic Achievement among Senior Secondary Students in Ilorin-West, Kwara State

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    This study was designed to find out the influence of social media usage on group behaviour and academic performance among senior secondary school students in Ilorin-West Local Government, Kwara State. The study used ex-post factor design. Purposive and simple random samplings were used to select the sample. Four senior secondary schools with a total population of 1,660 and a sample size of 310 students were drawn and used for the study. Two questionnaires were used for the study: Social Media, and Group Behaviour Questionnaire [SGBQ] and English Language and Mathematics Test [EMT]. Three research hypotheses were raised and tested. Pearson r, and ANOVA tools were used for the statistical analysis. The result shows positive correlation exists between social media usage and group behaviour. The finding shows there is negative correlation between social media usage and academic performance. The result also shows significant age difference among students. Recommendations were that: Students should be conscious of the time they spend on social media sites in order to have more time for their classroom activities and homework. Teachers should encourage the students to expend some meaningful hours on social media sites so as to make friends that would help increase their self-image. The comments of these friends are better to boost and enhance group behaviour on social media. Keywords: social media, group behaviour and academic performance

    Internet - risk factor or health factor? A literature based study of the associations between internet use and mental health among adolescents

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    De senaste åren har den psykiska ohälsan ökat bland svenska ungdomar samtidigt som internet har blivit ett vanligt verktyg för kommunikation mellan människor. Syfte: Det övergripande syftet är att kartlägga samband mellan internetbruk bland ungdomar och deras psykiska hälsa. Metod: Detta är en litteraturbaserad studie inom ett avgränsat forskningsområde. Resultat: De vetenskapliga hypoteser som finns baseras på huruvida socialt kapital ökar eller minskar av internetbruk. Hälsoutfallet påverkas positivt av nätkommunikation, framför allt gäller detta pojkar och socialt oroliga ungdomar. Föräldrar och andra vuxna måste samtala med ungdomar kring deras onlineaktivitet. Som underlag till dessa samtal krävs uppdaterad forskning kring ungdomar och nätkommunikation. Det är också viktigt att förebygga digitala ojämlikheter. Diskussion: Nätkommunikation kan vara ett redskap i arbete med ungdomars psykiska hälsa. Det är viktigt att föräldrar och de som arbetar med ungdomars hälsa kan förstå internets olika aspekter.The mental health has during the recent years decreased among Swedish adolescents while the internet has become a common tool for communication between people. Aim: The overall aim is to identify the relationship between internet use among adolescents and their mental health. Method: A literature based study within a defined research field. Result: The scientific hypotheses which exist is based on whether social capital increase or decrease due to internet use. The health outcome is positively affected by internet communication, especially for boys and socially anxious adolescents. Parents and other adults must speak with adolescents about their online activity. As a basis for these conversations contemporary research about adolescents and internet communication is required. Discussion: Internet communication can serve as a tool in the work with young people’s mental health. It is important for those who are engaged in the health work of adolescents to understand the different aspects of internet

    Internet addiction in students: prevalence and risk factors

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    The last decade has witnessed a large increase in research on the newly emerging mental health problem of Internet addiction. Rather than looking at Internet addiction per se, this study focused on particular activities on the Internet that might be potentially addictive and linked them to personality traits that might predispose individuals to Internet addiction. The aims of this study were (i) to assess the prevalence of clinically significant levels of Internet addiction, and to (ii) discern the interplay between personality traits and specific Internet uses in increasing the risk for Internet addiction. This cross-sectional online survey used data from 2,257 students of an English university. Results indicated that 3.2% of the students were classified as being addicted to the Internet. The included personality traits and uses of online activities explained 21.5% of the variance in Internet addiction. A combination of online shopping and neuroticism decreased the risk for Internet addiction, whereas a combination of online gaming and openness to experience increased it. In addition to this, frequent usage of online shopping and social online activities, high neuroticism and low agreeableness significantly increased the chances of being addicted to the Internet. Findings and their implications are discussed

    Problematic mobile phone use of Swiss adolescents : is it linked with mental health or behaviour?

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    To investigate the associations between problematic mobile phone use and mental health and behavioural problems in 412 Swiss adolescents owning a mobile phone while controlling for amount of mobile phone use.; Problematic mobile phone use was determined by the MPPUS-10 (Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale) and related to health and behavioural problems by means of multivariable regression modelling.; MPPUS-10 was 4.7 (95 % CI 1.8, 7.6) units higher in girls than in boys, increased significantly with age and was significantly decreased with increasing educational level of the parents. Furthermore, problematic mobile phone use was associated with impaired psychological well-being, impaired parent and school relationships and more behavioural problems but was not related to peer support and social acceptance.; Our study indicates that problematic mobile phone use is associated with external factors such as worse home and school environment and internal factors such as impaired mental health and behavioural problems of the adolescents and thus problematic mobile phone use should be addressed, in particular when dealing with adolescents showing behavioural or emotional problems

    Slam Poetry: An Online Intervention for Treating Depression

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    Given that depression is the “leading cause of disability worldwide,” and that less than 50% of people suffering from depression receive treatment, this study aims to provide support for a globally accessible depression treatment (WHO, 2012). The study conducted implemented an internet-based treatment for depression in which users were provided an opportunity to watch slam poetry videos related to mental health issues and write free responses regarding the content of the videos and their subjective experience of depression. Numerous studies provide support for the effectiveness of expressive writing, online mental health interventions, and slam poetry in particular for reducing symptoms of depression. Data collection occurred in two forms. Survey data about participants’ moods was collected before and after watching the slam poetry videos and again after providing the written response. Additionally, the researchers performed text analysis using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) on the written responses to track use of negative and positive emotion words, among others, which have been shown to indicate levels of depression. The data showed an overall increase in positive emotion words and decrease in negative emotion words in participant surveys after each stage of the study. In addition, the text analyses indicated a greater percentage of positive over negative words used by participants in their free-responses. These data support the hypothesis that engaging in slam poetry online can be a globally accessible and effective tool for improving mood

    An evaluation of an online peer support forum for university students with depressive symptoms

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    Background: Depression is the most common mental health problem among young people, particularly university students, with prevalence rates as high as 48% reported. This population however, is reluctant to seek professional help. Online interventions may be particularly appealing to students, with evidence suggesting that they use the Internet for mental health support. While there are many mental health resources on the Internet few focus specifically on the needs of young people and few have been evaluated. This research aimed to develop and pilot test an online peer support intervention for students experiencing depressive symptoms. Methods: A depression support Web site (www.losetheblues.ie) was designed specifically for 18-24. year old students. The study used a mixed method, involving quantitative descriptive, pre- and post-test and qualitative descriptive designs. Data were collected using the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), a background questionnaire and online forum posts. Results: The sample consisted of 117 university students with self-reported depressive symptoms. Results from participants in the pre- and post-test element of the study, showed no statistical significance. The forum posts revealed that the participants' main difficulties were loneliness and perceived lack of socialization skills. The Web site provided a place for sharing, offering and receiving emotional and informational support. Conclusion: Developing health care interventions in an online environment presents unique challenges to the research process, however they have the potential to provide mental health care that is accessible and affordable

    The relationship of depression, distress tolerance and difficulty in emotional regulation with addiction to cell-phone use in students of Kashan University

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    Background: Cell phone plays an essential role in communications throughout the world. This question has been raised whether the over use of the cell-phone could lead to addiction. Addiction to cell phone use is characterized by the overuse and preoccupation with the mobile phone. So, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of depression, distress tolerance and difficulty in emotional regulation with addiction to cell-phone use in students of Kashan University. Materials and Methods: In this analytical-descriptive study, 200 students of Kashan University in the academic year 2016-2017 were selected by the cluster sampling method. The research tools included the cell-phone over-use scale (COS, 2007(, Beck depression inventory (BDI), difficulty in emotion regulation scale (DERS), and distress tolerance scale (DTS). Results: The results of the regression analysis showed that depression, distress tolerance and difficulty in emotional regulation explained more than 33 of the changes in addiction to cell-phone use. Also, there was a significant correlation between depression and addiction to cell-phone use (r=0.22, P<0.05). In addition, there was a significant correlation between distress tolerance (r=-0.47, P<0.05) and difficulty in emotion regulation (r=0.50, P<0.05) with cell-phone addiction in Kashan University students. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, addiction to cell-phone use can be predicted by three variables of depression, distress tolerance, and difficulty in emotion regulation. The difficulty in emotion regulation played a stronger role in this prediction

    The Relationship between Social Media Use and Depression among Nursing Students at Governmental University

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    Context: Students in the modern world are busy using social media for different purposes and activities. Misuse of social media applications can negatively impact students' psychological health.Aim: To determine the relationship between social media use and depression among nursing students in governmental universities. Methods: Descriptive correlational study design was conducted among 267 nursing students in nursing college at a governmental university in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Data were collected using the Social Media Use Integration Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory scale to assess the relationship between depression and social media use among nursing students. Results: Social media use among nursing students was high (50.90%) while 31.1% of them were overused, while depression level was mild among 26% of study participants and there was a statistically significant relationship between social media applications, used number of hours spent on social media per day, and level of depression among nursing students at the governmental university.Conclusions: The collected data analysis revealed a statistically significant positive moderate correlation between used social media and depression among nursing students at the university. Hence, it is essential to establish an educational program through routine checkups for depression levels among nursing students besides arranging for weekly group discussions and consultations to express feelings and thoughts, creating a supportive academic environment