34,860 research outputs found

    Compressive Wavefront Sensing with Weak Values

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    We demonstrate a wavefront sensor based on the compressive sensing, single-pixel camera. Using a high-resolution spatial light modulator (SLM) as a variable waveplate, we weakly couple an optical field's transverse-position and polarization degrees of freedom. By placing random, binary patterns on the SLM, polarization serves as a meter for directly measuring random projections of the real and imaginary components of the wavefront. Compressive sensing techniques can then recover the wavefront. We acquire high quality, 256x256 pixel images of the wavefront from only 10,000 projections. Photon-counting detectors give sub-picowatt sensitivity

    Intensity-only optical compressive imaging using a multiply scattering material and a double phase retrieval approach

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    In this paper, the problem of compressive imaging is addressed using natural randomization by means of a multiply scattering medium. To utilize the medium in this way, its corresponding transmission matrix must be estimated. To calibrate the imager, we use a digital micromirror device (DMD) as a simple, cheap, and high-resolution binary intensity modulator. We propose a phase retrieval algorithm which is well adapted to intensity-only measurements on the camera, and to the input binary intensity patterns, both to estimate the complex transmission matrix as well as image reconstruction. We demonstrate promising experimental results for the proposed algorithm using the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits as example images

    Geometric reconstruction methods for electron tomography

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    Electron tomography is becoming an increasingly important tool in materials science for studying the three-dimensional morphologies and chemical compositions of nanostructures. The image quality obtained by many current algorithms is seriously affected by the problems of missing wedge artefacts and nonlinear projection intensities due to diffraction effects. The former refers to the fact that data cannot be acquired over the full 180180^\circ tilt range; the latter implies that for some orientations, crystalline structures can show strong contrast changes. To overcome these problems we introduce and discuss several algorithms from the mathematical fields of geometric and discrete tomography. The algorithms incorporate geometric prior knowledge (mainly convexity and homogeneity), which also in principle considerably reduces the number of tilt angles required. Results are discussed for the reconstruction of an InAs nanowire

    Photon counting compressive depth mapping

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    We demonstrate a compressed sensing, photon counting lidar system based on the single-pixel camera. Our technique recovers both depth and intensity maps from a single under-sampled set of incoherent, linear projections of a scene of interest at ultra-low light levels around 0.5 picowatts. Only two-dimensional reconstructions are required to image a three-dimensional scene. We demonstrate intensity imaging and depth mapping at 256 x 256 pixel transverse resolution with acquisition times as short as 3 seconds. We also show novelty filtering, reconstructing only the difference between two instances of a scene. Finally, we acquire 32 x 32 pixel real-time video for three-dimensional object tracking at 14 frames-per-second.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Fast Hadamard transforms for compressive sensing of joint systems: measurement of a 3.2 million-dimensional bi-photon probability distribution

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    We demonstrate how to efficiently implement extremely high-dimensional compressive imaging of a bi-photon probability distribution. Our method uses fast-Hadamard-transform Kronecker-based compressive sensing to acquire the joint space distribution. We list, in detail, the operations necessary to enable fast-transform-based matrix-vector operations in the joint space to reconstruct a 16.8 million-dimensional image in less than 10 minutes. Within a subspace of that image exists a 3.2 million-dimensional bi-photon probability distribution. In addition, we demonstrate how the marginal distributions can aid in the accuracy of joint space distribution reconstructions

    Compressively characterizing high-dimensional entangled states with complementary, random filtering

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    The resources needed to conventionally characterize a quantum system are overwhelmingly large for high- dimensional systems. This obstacle may be overcome by abandoning traditional cornerstones of quantum measurement, such as general quantum states, strong projective measurement, and assumption-free characterization. Following this reasoning, we demonstrate an efficient technique for characterizing high-dimensional, spatial entanglement with one set of measurements. We recover sharp distributions with local, random filtering of the same ensemble in momentum followed by position---something the uncertainty principle forbids for projective measurements. Exploiting the expectation that entangled signals are highly correlated, we use fewer than 5,000 measurements to characterize a 65, 536-dimensional state. Finally, we use entropic inequalities to witness entanglement without a density matrix. Our method represents the sea change unfolding in quantum measurement where methods influenced by the information theory and signal-processing communities replace unscalable, brute-force techniques---a progression previously followed by classical sensing.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Efficient binary tomographic reconstruction

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    Tomographic reconstruction of a binary image from few projections is considered. A novel {\em heuristic} algorithm is proposed, the central element of which is a nonlinear transformation ψ(p)=log(p/(1p))\psi(p)=\log(p/(1-p)) of the probability pp that a pixel of the sought image be 1-valued. It consists of backprojections based on ψ(p)\psi(p) and iterative corrections. Application of this algorithm to a series of artificial test cases leads to exact binary reconstructions, (i.e recovery of the binary image for each single pixel) from the knowledge of projection data over a few directions. Images up to 10610^6 pixels are reconstructed in a few seconds. A series of test cases is performed for comparison with previous methods, showing a better efficiency and reduced computation times