23 research outputs found

    Polylogical fallacies: Are there any?

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    Dialectical fallacies are typically defined as breaches of the rules of a regulated discussion between two participants (di-logue). What if discussions become more complex and involve multiple parties with distinct positions to argue for (poly-logues)? Are there distinct argumentation norms of polylogues? If so, can their violations be conceptualized as polylogical fallacies? I will argue for such an approach and analyze two candidates for argumentative breaches of multi-party rationality: false dilemma and collateral straw man


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    Non-Representational Mathematical Realism

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    This paper is an attempt to convince anti-realists that their correct intuitions against the metaphysical inflationism derived from some versions of mathematical realism do not force them to embrace non-standard, epistemic approaches to truth and existence. It is also an attempt to convince mathematical realists that they do not need to implement their perfectly sound and judicious intuitions with the anti-intuitive developments that render full-blown mathematical realism into a view which even Gödel considered objectionable (Gödel 1995, p. 150).I will argue for the following two theses: (i) that realism, in its standard characterization, is our default position, a position in agreement with our pre-theoretical intuitions and with the results of our best semantic theories, and (ii) that most of the metaphysical qualms usually related to it depends on a poor understanding of truth and existence as higher-order concepts.

    El rol de la verdad en el debate realismo vs. antirrealismo

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    María José Frápolli maintains that the concept of truth is absolutely neutral and independent of the debates between scientific realists and antirealists. In the present paper her proposal is critically analyzed and it is argued that, inadvertently, the author has fallen prey to a pragmatic contradiction: by pretending to say what truth is, she is implicitly using the notion of truth as a correspondence, precisely the notion that underlies the debates between realists and antirealists, at least between realists and scientific antirealists.María José Frápolli sostiene que el concepto de verdad es absolutamente neutral e independiente de los debates entre realistas y antirrealistas científicos. En el presente trabajo se analiza críticamente su propuesta y se argumenta que, de manera inadvertida, la autora ha caído presa de una contradicción pragmática: al pretender decir qué es la verdad está implícitamente utilizando una noción correspondentista de la verdad, precisamente, la noción que subyace a los debates entre realistas y antirrealistas, al menos entre realistas y antirrealistas científicos

    Gestalt Shifts in the Liar Or Why KT4M Is the Logic of Semantic Modalities

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    ABSTRACT: This chapter offers a revenge-free solution to the liar paradox (at the centre of which is the notion of Gestalt shift) and presents a formal representation of truth in, or for, a natural language like English, which proposes to show both why -- and how -- truth is coherent and how it appears to be incoherent, while preserving classical logic and most principles that some philosophers have taken to be central to the concept of truth and our use of that notion. The chapter argues that, by using a truth operator rather than truth predicate, it is possible to provide a coherent, model-theoretic representation of truth with various desirable features. After investigating what features of liar sentences are responsible for their paradoxicality, the chapter identifies the logic as the normal modal logic KT4M (= S4M). Drawing on the structure of KT4M (=S4M), the author proposes that, pace deflationism, truth has content, that the content of truth is bivalence, and that the notions of both truth and bivalence are semideterminable

    A Curious Dialogical Logic and Its Composition Problem

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    Dialogue semantics for logic are two-player logic games between a Proponent who puts forward a logical formula φ as valid or true and an Opponent who disputes this. An advantage of the dialogical approach is that it is a uniform framework from which different logics can be obtained through only small variations of the basic rules. We introduce the composition problem for dialogue games as the problem of resolving, for a set S of rules for dialogue games, whether the set of S-dialogically valid formulas is closed under modus ponens. Solving the composition problem is fundamental for the dialogical approach to logic; despite its simplicity, it often requires an indirect solution with the help of significant logical machinery such as cut-elimination. Direct solutions to the composition problem can, however, sometimes be had. As an example, we give a set N of dialogue rules which is well-justified from the dialogical point of view, but whose set N of dialogically valid formulas is both non-trivial and non-standard. We prove that the composition problem for N can be solved directly, and introduce a tableaux system for N

    Armonía dialógica: Tonk, teoría constructiva de tipos y reglas para jugadores anónimos

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    Recent literature on dialogical logic discusses the case of tonk and the notion harmony in the context of a rule-based theory of meaning. Now, since the publications of those papers, a dialogical version of constructive type theory (CTT) has been developed. The aim of the present paper is to show that, from the dialogical point of view, the harmony of the CTT- rules is the consequence of a more fundamental level of meaning characterized by the independence of players. We hope that the following paper will contribute to a better understanding of the dialogical notion of meaning.; En la bibliografía reciente sobre lógica dialógica se estudia el caso de tonk y el concepto antirrealista de armonía. Ahora bien, desde la publicación de esos textos la teoría dialógica ha sido vinculada con la Teoría Constructiva de Tipos (CTT) la cual posee sus propios medios para responder a tonk. El objetivo principal del presente artículo es mostrar que, desde la perspectiva dialógica, la armonía de las reglas de la CTT es consecuencia de un nivel más fundamental de significado en el que las reglas se formulan independientemente del jugador que las aplica

    Dialogical Harmony: tonk, constructive type theory and rules for anonymous players

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    Recent literature on dialogical logic discusses the case of tonk and the notion harmony in the context of a rule-based theory of meaning. Now, since the publications of those papers, a dialogical version of constructive type theory (CTT) has been developed. The aim of the present paper is to show that, from the dialogical point of view, the harmony of the CTT-rules is the consequence of a more fundamental level of meaning characterized by the independence of players. We hope that the following paper will contribute to a better understanding of the dialogical notion of meaning