120 research outputs found

    Quality of service aspect for BRAIN architecture

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    Session 4.1International audienceIn this paper, we present different aspects of Quality of Service that should be adapted to the BRAIN architecture. Several parameters and policies of QoS are depicted. Also, the paper shows the dynamic adaptation of these parameters in the context of BRAIN

    Next generation network provider architecture demonstrator

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    This paper presents a next generation network demonstrator currently under deployment in Aveiro. The demonstrator supports mobile IP with fast handovers with integrated QoS and AAAC issues considerations. A monitoring system provides network information adequate for QoS management, and a specially built QoS Broker is able to manage multiple types of Access Routers. The demonstrator has been tested with some applications, and is currently under refinement

    A user perspective of quality of service in m-commerce

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2004 Springer VerlagIn an m-commerce setting, the underlying communication system will have to provide a Quality of Service (QoS) in the presence of two competing factors—network bandwidth and, as the pressure to add value to the business-to-consumer (B2C) shopping experience by integrating multimedia applications grows, increasing data sizes. In this paper, developments in the area of QoS-dependent multimedia perceptual quality are reviewed and are integrated with recent work focusing on QoS for e-commerce. Based on previously identified user perceptual tolerance to varying multimedia QoS, we show that enhancing the m-commerce B2C user experience with multimedia, far from being an idealised scenario, is in fact feasible if perceptual considerations are employed

    Evaluation of policy based admission control mechanisms in NGN

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    The 3GPP consortium proposed in the release 7 of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) a Diameter interface for the resource admission communication process replacing the previous COPS solution. Although both academic and industry communities have deeply debate the advantages and disadvantages of each protocol, its impact in NGN may have not been thoroughly quantified. This paper compares both protocols in terms of messages exchanged between network entities, and of bandwidth requirements during the admission control process. Based on general network operator environment characteristics, we present several exploitation scenarios where it is analyzed the scalability and adequacy of each protocol

    End-to-end QoS architecture for 4G scenarios

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    This paper describes the QoS architecture and the corresponding QoS signalling protocols to be developed inside the IST project Daidalos. We address the main results achieved in terms of the definition of the QoS components and its interfaces, the description of the application and network services, definition of the signalling scenarios for the integration of the QoS signalling with the application signalling and with mobility approaches, and specification of the intra- and inter- domain QoS control approaches. We also describe the QoS management of the system, through the Policy–based Management System, and a Real-time Network Monitoring system able to aid in admission control with the results of active and passive measurements. All the elements, interfaces and functionalities take into account multicast services and inherent broadcast networks

    End-Point Resource Admission Control for Remote Control Multimedia Applications

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    One goal in certain classes of networked multimedia applications, such as full-feedback remote control, is to provide end-to-end guarantees. To achieve guarantees, all resources along the path(s) between the resource(s) and sink(s) must be controlled. Resource availability is checked by the admission service during the call establishment phase. Current admission services control only network resources such as bandwidth and network delay. To provide end-to-end guarantees, the networked applications also need operation system resources and I/O devices at the endpoints. All such resources must be included in a robust admission process. By integrating the end-point resources, we observed several dependencies which force changes in admission algorithms designed and implemented for control of a single resource. We have designed and implemented the multi-level admission service within our Omega architecture which controls the availability of end-point resources needed in remote control multimedia applications such as telerobotics

    New Challenges in Quality of Services Control Architectures in Next Generation Networks

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    A mesura que Internet i les xarxes IP s'han anat integrant dins la societat i les corporacions, han anat creixent les expectatives de nous serveis convergents aixĂ­ com les expectatives de qualitat en les comunicacions. Les Next Generation Networks (NGN) donen resposta a les noves necessitats i representen el nou paradigma d'Internet a partir de la convergĂšncia IP. Un dels aspectes menys desenvolupats de les NGN Ă©s el control de la Qualitat del Servei (QoS), especialment crĂ­tic en les comunicacions multimĂšdia a travĂ©s de xarxes heterogĂšnies i/o de diferents operadors. A mĂ©s a mĂ©s, les NGN incorporen nativament el protocol IPv6 que, malgrat les deficiĂšncies i esgotament d'adreces IPv4, encara no ha tingut l'impuls definitiu.Aquesta tesi estĂ  enfocada des d'un punt de vista prĂ ctic. AixĂ­ doncs, per tal de poder fer recerca sobre xarxes de proves (o testbeds) que suportin IPv6 amb garanties de funcionament, es fa un estudi en profunditat del protocol IPv6, del seu grau d'implementaciĂł i dels tests de conformĂ ncia i interoperabilitat existents que avaluen la qualitat d'aquestes implementacions. A continuaciĂł s'avalua la qualitat de cinc sistemes operatius que suporten IPv6 mitjançant un test de conformĂ ncia i s'implementa el testbed IPv6 bĂ sic, a partir del qual es farĂ  la recerca, amb la implementaciĂł que ofereix mĂ©s garanties.El QoS Broker Ă©s l'aportaciĂł principal d'aquesta tesi: un marc integrat que inclou un sistema automatitzat per gestionar el control de la QoS a travĂ©s de sistemes multi-domini/multi-operador seguint les recomanacions de les NGN. El sistema automatitza els mecanismes associats a la configuraciĂł de la QoS dins d'un mateix domini (sistema autĂČnom) mitjançant la gestiĂł basada en polĂ­tiques de QoS i automatitza la negociaciĂł dinĂ mica de QoS entre QoS Brokers de diferents dominis, de forma que permet garantir QoS extrem-extrem sense fissures. Aquesta arquitectura es valida sobre un testbed de proves multi-domini que utilitza el mecanisme DiffServ de QoS i suporta IPv6.L'arquitectura definida en les NGN permet gestionar la QoS tant a nivell 3 (IP) com a nivell 2 (Ethernet, WiFi, etc.) de forma que permet gestionar tambĂ© xarxes PLC. Aquesta tesi proposa una aproximaciĂł teĂČrica per aplicar aquesta arquitectura de control, mitjançant un QoS Broker, a les noves xarxes PLC que s'estan acabant d'estandarditzar, i discuteix les possibilitats d'aplicaciĂł sobre les futures xarxes de comunicaciĂł de les Smart Grids.Finalment, s'integra en el QoS Broker un mĂČdul per gestionar l'enginyeria del trĂ fic optimitzant els dominis mitjançant tĂšcniques de intel·ligĂšncia artificial. La validaciĂł en simulacions i sobre un testbed amb routers Cisco demostra que els algorismes genĂštics hĂ­brids sĂłn una opciĂł eficaç en aquest camp.En general, les observacions i avenços assolits en aquesta tesi contribueixen a augmentar la comprensiĂł del funcionament de la QoS en les NGN i a preparar aquests sistemes per afrontar problemes del mĂłn real de gran complexitat.A medida que Internet y las redes IP se han ido integrando dentro de la sociedad y las corporaciones, han ido creciendo las expectativas de nuevos servicios convergentes asĂ­ como las expectativas de calidad en las comunicaciones. Las Next Generation Networks (NGN) dan respuesta a las nuevas necesidades y representan el nuevo paradigma de Internet a partir de la convergencia IP. Uno de los aspectos menos desarrollados de las NGN es el control de la Calidad del Servicio (QoS), especialmente crĂ­tico en las comunicaciones multimedia a travĂ©s de redes heterogĂ©neas y/o de diferentes operadores. AdemĂĄs, las NGN incorporan nativamente el protocolo IPv6 que, a pesar de las deficiencias y agotamiento de direcciones IPv4, aĂșn no ha tenido el impulso definitivo.Esta tesis estĂĄ enfocada desde un punto de vista prĂĄctico. AsĂ­ pues, con tal de poder hacer investigaciĂłn sobre redes de prueba (o testbeds) que suporten IPv6 con garantĂ­as de funcionamiento, se hace un estudio en profundidad del protocolo IPv6, de su grado de implementaciĂłn y de los tests de conformancia e interoperabilidad existentes que evalĂșan la calidad de estas implementaciones. A continuaciĂłn se evalua la calidad de cinco sistemas operativos que soportan IPv6 mediante un test de conformancia y se implementa el testbed IPv6 bĂĄsico, a partir del cual se realizarĂĄ la investigaciĂłn, con la implementaciĂłn que ofrece mĂĄs garantĂ­as.El QoS Broker es la aportaciĂłn principal de esta tesis: un marco integrado que incluye un sistema automatitzado para gestionar el control de la QoS a travĂ©s de sistemas multi-dominio/multi-operador siguiendo las recomendaciones de las NGN. El sistema automatiza los mecanismos asociados a la configuraciĂłn de la QoS dentro de un mismo dominio (sistema autĂłnomo) mediante la gestiĂłn basada en polĂ­ticas de QoS y automatiza la negociaciĂłn dinĂĄmica de QoS entre QoS brokers de diferentes dominios, de forma que permite garantizar QoS extremo-extremo sin fisuras. Esta arquitectura se valida sobre un testbed de pruebas multi-dominio que utiliza el mecanismo DiffServ de QoS y soporta IPv6. La arquitectura definida en las NGN permite gestionar la QoS tanto a nivel 3 (IP) o como a nivel 2 (Ethernet, WiFi, etc.) de forma que permite gestionar tambiĂ©n redes PLC. Esta tesis propone una aproximaciĂłn teĂłrica para aplicar esta arquitectura de control, mediante un QoS Broker, a las noves redes PLC que se estĂĄn acabando de estandardizar, y discute las posibilidades de aplicaciĂłn sobre las futuras redes de comunicaciĂłn de las Smart Grids.Finalmente, se integra en el QoS Broker un mĂłdulo para gestionar la ingenierĂ­a del trĂĄfico optimizando los dominios mediante tĂ©cnicas de inteligencia artificial. La validaciĂłn en simulaciones y sobre un testbed con routers Cisco demuestra que los algoritmos genĂ©ticos hĂ­bridos son una opciĂłn eficaz en este campo.En general, las observaciones y avances i avances alcanzados en esta tesis contribuyen a augmentar la comprensiĂłn del funcionamiento de la QoS en las NGN y en preparar estos sistemas para afrontar problemas del mundo real de gran complejidad.The steady growth of Internet along with the IP networks and their integration into society and corporations has brought with it increased expectations of new converged services as well as greater demands on quality in communications. The Next Generation Networks (NGNs) respond to these new needs and represent the new Internet paradigm from the IP convergence. One of the least developed aspects in the NGNs is the Quality of Service (QoS) control, which is especially critical in the multimedia communication through heterogeneous networks and/or different operators. Furthermore, the NGNs natively incorporate the IPv6 protocol which, despite its shortcomings and the depletion of IPv4 addresses has not been boosted yet.This thesis has been developed with a practical focus. Therefore, with the aim of carrying out research over testbeds supporting the IPv6 with performance guarantees, an in-depth study of the IPv6 protocol development has been conducted and its degree of implementation and the existing conformance and interoperability tests that evaluate these implementations have been studied. Next, the quality of five implementations has been evaluated through a conformance test and the basic IPv6 testbed has been implemented, from which the research will be carried out. The QoS Broker is the main contribution to this thesis: an integrated framework including an automated system for QoS control management through multi-domain/multi-operator systems according to NGN recommendations. The system automates the mechanisms associated to the QoS configuration inside the same domain (autonomous system) through policy-based management and automates the QoS dynamic negotiation between peer QoS Brokers belonging to different domains, so it allows the guarantee of seamless end-to-end QoS. This architecture is validated over a multi-domain testbed which uses the QoS DiffServ mechanism and supports IPv6.The architecture defined in the NGN allows QoS management at level 3 (IP) as well as at level 2 (e.g. Ethernet, WiFi) so it also facilitates the management of PLC networks. Through the use of a QoS Broker, this thesis proposes a theoretical approach for applying this control architecture to the newly standardized PLC networks, and discusses the possibilities of applying it over the future communication networks of the Smart Grids.Finally, a module for managing traffic engineering which optimizes the network domains through artificial intelligence techniques is integrated in the QoS Broker. The validations by simulations and over a Cisco router testbed demonstrate that hybrid genetic algorithms are an effective option in this area.Overall, the advances and key insights provided in this thesis help advance our understanding of QoS functioning in the NGNs and prepare these systems to face increasingly complex problems, which abound in current industrial and scientific applications

    A Cross-System Approach for Multimedia Services with IP Multicast in 4G Networks

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    The increased demand for multimedia services by mobile end users in recent years have driven both Broadcast and Wireless Network operators to develop new systems and architectures for the deployment of such services. The proposed solutions are nonetheless limited either in terms of QoS or Capabilities to deliver new interactive services. This paper highlights strengths and drawbacks of the existing technologies in terms of QoS, Security and Mobility. In order to fill the gap between current solutions we propose a new architecture that builds itself on the synergies created by a heterogeneous network made of existing delivering technologies, such as 3GPP/MBMS and DVB, where services can be delivered to end-users in the most appropriate way for end-users and operators alike. A prototype implementation is further described.EU project - IST-2002- 506997 Daidalos I

    Revision of QoS Guarantees at the Application/Network Interface

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    Connection management based on Quality of Service (QoS) offers opportunities for better resource allocation in networks providing service classes. Negotiation describes the process of cooperatively configuring application and network resources for an application\u27s use. Complex and long-running applications can reduce the inefficiencies of static allocations by splitting resource use into eras bounded by renegotiation of QoS parameters. Renegotiation can be driven by either the application or the network in order to best match application and network dynamics. A key element in this process is a translation between differing perspectives on QoS maintained by applications and network service provision. We model translation with an entity called a broker
