1,230 research outputs found

    Características del pronóstico de presiones de yacimiento anormalmente altas al perforar pozos en áreas del suroeste de Turkmenistán

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    Introduction: The study is essential because predicting areas with high formation pressures in geophysical research is complex. It requires new technologies to accurately locate them and minimize unforeseen emergencies. The purpose of this study is to analyse and identify the peculiarities of predicting anomalously high formation pressures during well drilling in the territory of south-western Turkmenistan in order to provide more effective and reliable pressure management during drilling and operation. Materials and Methods: Methods such as analysis and prediction were used in this study. Results and Discussion: The paper presents valuable research data highlighting the changes in reservoir pressure gradients in the unique stratigraphic section of reservoirs in the oil and gas fields of the Pribalkan and Gogerendag-Ekerem zones. The analysis of the studies reveals the dynamism with which the properties of reservoir rock change with increasing depth of occurrence. Special attention is paid to the processes associated with the formation of anomalously high formation pressures, which is an important aspect for understanding complex geological processes. Conclusions: The study provides a detailed classification of formation pressures, considering the anomaly coefficient, enhancing our understanding of this phenomenon. Predicting formation pressures for specific horizons relies on analyzing deep well drilling results

    Permeability Prediction and Diagenesis in Tight Carbonates Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Machine learning techniques have found their way into many problems in geoscience but have not been used significantly in the analysis of tight rocks. We present a case study testing the effectiveness of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms for the prediction of permeability in tight carbonate rocks. The dataset consists of 130 core plugs from the Portland Formation in southern England, all of which have measurements of Klinkenberg-corrected permeability, helium porosity, characteristic pore throat diameter, and formation resistivity. Permeability has been predicted using genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks, as well as seven conventional ‘benchmark’ models with which the machine learning techniques have been compared. The genetic algorithm technique has provided a new empirical equation that fits the measured permeability better than any of the seven conventional benchmark models. However, the artificial neural network technique provided the best overall prediction method, quantified by the lowest root-mean-square error (RMSE) and highest coefficient of determination value (R2). The lowest RMSE from the conventional permeability equations was from the RGPZ equation, which predicted the test dataset with an RMSE of 0.458, while the highest RMSE came from the Berg equation, with an RMSE of 2.368. By comparison, the RMSE for the genetic algorithm and artificial neural network methods were 0.433 and 0.38, respectively. We attribute the better performance of machine learning techniques over conventional approaches to their enhanced capability to model the connectivity of pore microstructures caused by codependent and competing diagenetic processes. We also provide a qualitative model for the poroperm characteristics of tight carbonate rocks modified by each of eight diagenetic processes. We conclude that, for tight carbonate reservoirs, both machine learning techniques predict permeability more reliably and more accurately than conventional models and may be capable of distinguishing quantitatively between pore microstructures caused by different diagenetic processes

    Storage Capacity Estimation of Commercial Scale Injection and Storage of CO2 in the Jacksonburg-Stringtown Oil Field, West Virginia

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    Geological capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) of carbon dioxide (CO2) in depleted oil and gas reservoirs is one method to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and extending the life of the field. Therefore CCUS coupled with EOR is considered to be an economic approach to demonstration of commercial-scale injection and storage of anthropogenic CO2. Several critical issues should be taken into account prior to injecting large volumes of CO2, such as storage capacity, project duration and long-term containment. Reservoir characterization and 3D geological modeling are the best way to estimate the theoretical CO 2 storage capacity in mature oil fields. The Jacksonburg-Stringtown field, located in northwestern West Virginia, has produced over 22 million barrels of oil (MMBO) since 1895. The sandstone of the Late Devonian Gordon Stray is the primary reservoir.;The Upper Devonian fluvial sandstone reservoirs in Jacksonburg-Stringtown oil field, which has produced over 22 million barrels of oil since 1895, are an ideal candidate for CO2 sequestration coupled with EOR. Supercritical depth (\u3e2500 ft.), minimum miscible pressure (941 psi), favorable API gravity (46.5°) and good water flood response are indicators that facilitate CO 2-EOR operations. Moreover, Jacksonburg-Stringtown oil field is adjacent to a large concentration of CO2 sources located along the Ohio River that could potentially supply enough CO2 for sequestration and EOR without constructing new pipeline facilities.;Permeability evaluation is a critical parameter to understand the subsurface fluid flow and reservoir management for primary and enhanced hydrocarbon recovery and efficient carbon storage. In this study, a rapid, robust and cost-effective artificial neural network (ANN) model is constructed to predict permeability using the model\u27s strong ability to recognize the possible interrelationships between input and output variables. Two commonly available conventional well logs, gamma ray and bulk density, and three logs derived variables, the slope of GR, the slope of bulk density and Vsh were selected as input parameters and permeability was selected as desired output parameter to train and test an artificial neural network. The results indicate that the ANN model can be applied effectively in permeability prediction.;Porosity is another fundamental property that characterizes the storage capability of fluid and gas bearing formations in a reservoir. In this study, a support vector machine (SVM) with mixed kernels function (MKF) is utilized to construct the relationship between limited conventional well log suites and sparse core data. The input parameters for SVM model consist of core porosity values and the same log suite as ANN\u27s input parameters, and porosity is the desired output. Compared with results from the SVM model with a single kernel function, mixed kernel function based SVM model provide more accurate porosity prediction values.;Base on the well log analysis, four reservoir subunits within a marine-dominated estuarine depositional system are defined: barrier sand, central bay shale, tidal channels and fluvial channel subunits. A 3-D geological model, which is used to estimate theoretical CO2 sequestration capacity, is constructed with the integration of core data, wireline log data and geological background knowledge. Depending on the proposed 3-D geological model, the best regions for coupled CCUS-EOR are located in southern portions of the field, and the estimated CO2 theoretical storage capacity for Jacksonburg-Stringtown oil field vary between 24 to 383 million metric tons. The estimation results of CO2 sequestration and EOR potential indicate that the Jacksonburg-Stringtown oilfield has significant potential for CO2 storage and value-added EOR


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    In this chapter a Float-Encoded Genetic Algorithm is presented for solving the well-logging inverse problem. The aim of the global inversion of well-logging data is to provide a robust and reliable estimate of petrophysical properties of geological structures such as porosity, water saturation, shale volume and mineral content. There are two possible ways to solve the interpretation problem. The first is a conventional inversion scheme, which estimates the unknowns to different depths separately. In the forward modeling phase of the local inversion procedure the theoretical well-logging data are calculated by using locally defined probe response functions, which are then fitted to real data in order to estimate model parameters only to one depth. This procedure leads to a marginally over-determined inverse problem, which results in relatively poor parameter estimates. A further disadvantage of the above technique is that some crucial quantities such as the thickness of layered geological formations cannot be extracted by inversion, because it does not appear explicitly in local response equations. A new inversion methodology introduced by the authors gives much more freedom in choosing the inversion parameters. The so-called interval inversion method inverts all data measured from a greater depth interval in a joint inversion process. By a series expansion-based discretization of the petrophysical model a highly over-determined inverse problem can be formulated, which enables to estimate the petrophysical parameters including new unknowns such as zone parameters and layer thicknesses more accurately compared to local inversion methods. The authors give further references for several applications of the global inversion method. In this chapter, a synthetic and two field examples are presented to demonstrate the application of the Genetic Algorithm-based inversion method. It is shown that the combination of the new inversion strategy and global optimization tools forms a highly effective and adaptive algorithm for earth scientists who are interested in a more reliable calculation of the reserves of hydrocarbons and other mineral resources

    Advances in Methane Production from Coal, Shale and Other Tight Rocks

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    This collection reports on the state of the art in fundamental discipline application in hydrocarbon production and associated challenges in geoengineering activities. Zheng et al. (2022) report an NMR-based method for multiphase methane characterization in coals. Wang et al. (2022) studied the genesis of bedding fractures in Ordovician to Silurian marine shale in the Sichuan basin. Kang et al. (2022) proposed research focusing on the prediction of shale gas production from horizontal wells. Liang et al. (2022) studied the pore structure of marine shale by adsorption method in terms of molecular interaction. Zhang et al. (2022) focus on the coal measures sandstones in the Xishanyao Formation, southern Junggar Basin, and the sandstone diagenetic characteristics are fully revealed. Yao et al. (2022) report the source-to-sink system in the Ledong submarine channel and the Dongfang submarine fan in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea. There are four papers focusing on the technologies associated with hydrocarbon productions. Wang et al. (2022) reported the analysis of pre-stack inversion in a carbonate karst reservoir. Chen et al. (2022) conducted an inversion study on the parameters of cascade coexisting gas-bearing reservoirs in coal measures in Huainan. To ensure the safety CCS, Zhang et al (2022) report their analysis of available conditions for InSAR surface deformation monitoring. Additionally, to ensure production safety in coal mines, Zhang et al. (2022) report the properties and application of gel materials for coal gangue control

    Machine Learning Approaches for Natural Resource Data

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    Abstract Real life applications involving efficient management of natural resources are dependent on accurate geographical information. This information is usually obtained by manual on-site data collection, via automatic remote sensing methods, or by the mixture of the two. Natural resource management, besides accurate data collection, also requires detailed analysis of this data, which in the era of data flood can be a cumbersome process. With the rising trend in both computational power and storage capacity, together with lowering hardware prices, data-driven decision analysis has an ever greater role. In this thesis, we examine the predictability of terrain trafficability conditions and forest attributes by using a machine learning approach with geographic information system data. Quantitative measures on the prediction performance of terrain conditions using natural resource data sets are given through five distinct research areas located around Finland. Furthermore, the estimation capability of key forest attributes is inspected with a multitude of modeling and feature selection techniques. The research results provide empirical evidence on whether the used natural resource data is sufficiently accurate enough for practical applications, or if further refinement on the data is needed. The results are important especially to forest industry since even slight improvements to the natural resource data sets utilized in practice can result in high saves in terms of operation time and costs. Model evaluation is also addressed in this thesis by proposing a novel method for estimating the prediction performance of spatial models. Classical model goodness of fit measures usually rely on the assumption of independently and identically distributed data samples, a characteristic which normally is not true in the case of spatial data sets. Spatio-temporal data sets contain an intrinsic property called spatial autocorrelation, which is partly responsible for breaking these assumptions. The proposed cross validation based evaluation method provides model performance estimation where optimistic bias due to spatial autocorrelation is decreased by partitioning the data sets in a suitable way. Keywords: Open natural resource data, machine learning, model evaluationTiivistelmä Käytännön sovellukset, joihin sisältyy luonnonvarojen hallintaa ovat riippuvaisia tarkasta paikkatietoaineistosta. Tämä paikkatietoaineisto kerätään usein manuaalisesti paikan päällä, automaattisilla kaukokartoitusmenetelmillä tai kahden edellisen yhdistelmällä. Luonnonvarojen hallinta vaatii tarkan aineiston keräämisen lisäksi myös sen yksityiskohtaisen analysoinnin, joka tietotulvan aikakautena voi olla vaativa prosessi. Nousevan laskentatehon, tallennustilan sekä alenevien laitteistohintojen myötä datapohjainen päätöksenteko on yhä suuremmassa roolissa. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii maaston kuljettavuuden ja metsäpiirteiden ennustettavuutta käyttäen koneoppimismenetelmiä paikkatietoaineistojen kanssa. Maaston kuljettavuuden ennustamista mitataan kvantitatiivisesti käyttäen kaukokartoitusaineistoa viideltä eri tutkimusalueelta ympäri Suomea. Tarkastelemme lisäksi tärkeimpien metsäpiirteiden ennustettavuutta monilla eri mallintamistekniikoilla ja piirteiden valinnalla. Väitöstyön tulokset tarjoavat empiiristä todistusaineistoa siitä, onko käytetty luonnonvaraaineisto riittävän laadukas käytettäväksi käytännön sovelluksissa vai ei. Tutkimustulokset ovat tärkeitä erityisesti metsäteollisuudelle, koska pienetkin parannukset luonnonvara-aineistoihin käytännön sovelluksissa voivat johtaa suuriin säästöihin niin operaatioiden ajankäyttöön kuin kuluihin. Tässä työssä otetaan kantaa myös mallin evaluointiin esittämällä uuden menetelmän spatiaalisten mallien ennustuskyvyn estimointiin. Klassiset mallinvalintakriteerit nojaavat yleensä riippumattomien ja identtisesti jakautuneiden datanäytteiden oletukseen, joka ei useimmiten pidä paikkaansa spatiaalisilla datajoukoilla. Spatio-temporaaliset datajoukot sisältävät luontaisen ominaisuuden, jota kutsutaan spatiaaliseksi autokorrelaatioksi. Tämä ominaisuus on osittain vastuussa näiden oletusten rikkomisesta. Esitetty ristiinvalidointiin perustuva evaluointimenetelmä tarjoaa mallin ennustuskyvyn mitan, missä spatiaalisen autokorrelaation vaikutusta vähennetään jakamalla datajoukot sopivalla tavalla. Avainsanat: Avoin luonnonvara-aineisto, koneoppiminen, mallin evaluoint

    Методы и средства повышения качества информации при принятии решений в управлении процессом бурения скважин

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    Доклад посвящен проблеме повышения качества информации, получаемой в процессе бурения. Качество принимаемых в процессе бурения решений существенным образом зависит от качества информации. В связи с этим рассматриваются методы обработки данных и анализа информации, показана целесообразность применения различных методов, известных из математической статистики и теории нечетких множеств. Показаны пути применения комплексной геолого-геофизической и геолого-технологической информации при решении задач классификации геологических разрезов, выбора наилучших типов долот и режимных параметров, оценки и прогнозирования интервалов осложнений и принятия решений при бурении скважин в отмеченных условиях.Доповідь присвячена проблемі підвищення якості інформації, що одержується в процесі буріння. Якість прийнятих в процесі буріння рішень істотно залежить від якості інформації. У зв'язку з цим розглядаються методи обробки даних і аналізу інформації, показана доцільність застосування різних методів, відомих з математичної статистики і теорії нечітких множин. Показано шляхи застосування комплексної геолого-геофізичної і геолого-технологічної інформації при вирішенні завдань класифікації геологічних розрізів, вибору найкращих типів доліт і режимних параметрів, оцінки і прогнозування інтервалів ускладнень і прийняття рішень при бурінні свердловин в зазначених умовах.The paper is devoted to the problem of improving the quality of information obtained in the drilling process. The quality of decisions made during the drilling process essentially depends on the quality of information. In this connection, data processing and information analysis methods are considered, the expediency of applying various methods known from mathematical statistics and the theory of fuzzy sets is shown. The ways of application of complex geological, geophysical and geological and technological information when solving problems of classifying geological sections, choosing the best types of bits and operating parameters, estimating and forecasting the intervals of complications and making decisions when drilling in the indicated conditions are shown

    Cluster Analysis Assisted Float-Encoded Genetic Algorithm for a More Automated Characterization of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

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    A genetic algorithm-based joint inversion method is presented for evaluating hydrocarbon-bearing geological forma- tions. Conventional inversion procedures routinely used in the oil industry perform the inversion processing of borehole geophysical data locally. As having barely more types of data than unknowns in a depth, a set of marginally over-de- termined inverse problems has to be solved along a borehole, which is a rather noise sensitive procedure. For the reduc- tion of noise effect, the amount of overdetermination must be increased. To fulfill this requirement, we suggest the use of our interval inversion method, which inverts simultaneously all data from a greater depth interval to estimate petro- physical parameters of reservoirs to the same interval. A series expansion based discretization scheme ensures much more data against unknowns that significantly reduces the estimation error of model parameters. The knowledge of res- ervoir boundaries is also required for reserve calculation. Well logs contain information about layer-thicknesses, but they cannot be extracted by the local inversion approach. We showed earlier that the depth coordinates of layer- boundaries can be determined within the interval inversion procedure. The weakness of method is that the output of inversion is highly influenced by arbitrary assumptions made for layer-thicknesses when creating a starting model (i.e. number of layers, search domain of thicknesses). In this study, we apply an automated procedure for the determination of rock interfaces. We perform multidimensional hierarchical cluster analysis on well-logging data before inversion that separates the measuring points of different layers on a lithological basis. As a result, the vertical distribution of clusters furnishes the coordinates of layer-boundaries, which are then used as initial model parameters for the interval inversion procedure. The improved inversion method gives a fast, automatic and objective estimation to layer-boundaries and petrophysical parameters, which is demonstrated by a hydrocarbon field example

    Stratum Displacement Law and Intelligent Optimization Control Based on Intelligent Fuzzy Control Theory During Shield Tunneling

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    The laws of Stratum displacement and optimal control are critical for shield operation. This article’s focus is made on the intelligent fuzzy control theory concentrating on earth pressure, total thrust, driving speed, cutter torque, grouting pressure and grouting volume as the main elements of the study. A model of intelligent fuzzy control theory based on the model of No. 9 Line of Guangzhu Rail transit, on the Tianma river shield section. The paper also analyzes stratum displacement law due to shield tunnelling, executes & analyses intelligent controls for optimization of parameters, combining the five two-dimensional structures of the double structure of fuzzy control system. According to the observations made on the model. The model is upto date and the control of all parameters develops stably. The parameter ranges should be controlled as follows: earth pressure, 0.19 ~ 0.22Mpa; total thrust, 1100 ~ 1350T; driving speed, 38 ~ 50mm / min; cutter torque, 1600 ~ 2300 KN • m; grouting pressure, 0.19 ~ 0.25Mpa and grouting volume, 30 ~ 50L/min. Keywords: Shield tunnel, intelligent fuzzy control, Stratum displacement, optimal control DOI: 10.7176/CER/13-6-01 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Applications of digital core analysis and hydraulic flow units in petrophysical characterization

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    Conventional petrophysical characterizations are often based on direct laboratory measurements. Although they provide accurate results, such measurements are time-consuming and limited by instrument and environment. What’s more, in the geo- resource energy industry, availability and cuttings of core plugs are difficult. Because of these reasons, virtual digital core technology is of increasing interest due to its capability of characterizing rock samples without physical cores and experiments. Virtual digital core technology, also known as digital rock physics, is used to discover, understand and model relationships between material, fluid composition, rock microstructure and macro equivalent physical properties. Based on actual geological conditions, modern mathematical methods and imaging technology, the digital model of the core or porous media is created to carry out physical field numerical simulation. In this review, the methods for constructing digital porous media are introduced first, then the characterization of thin rock cross section and the capillary pressure curve using scanning electron microscope image under mixed wetting are presented. Finally, we summarize the hydraulic flow unit methods in petrophysical classification.Cited as: Chen, X., Zhou, Y. Applications of digital core analysis and hydraulic flow units in petrophysical characterization. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2017, 1(1): 18-30, doi: 10.26804/ager.2017.01.0