948,386 research outputs found

    Metacognitive, Emotional, and Avoidance Predictors of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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    Predictors of worrying and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) were compared. First, variables related to a version of inner experience were examined. Specifically, we examined whether negative appraisals about worrying and emotions can be considered subfacets of the overarching construct of experiential avoidance. Second, we examined the relative predictive power of responsibility to continue thinking (i.e., beliefs about the need for prolonged thinking about stressful problems), a construct relating worrying to problem-solving. In two studies, consistent predictors of worrying and GAD were negative metacognitive beliefs, fear of emotions, and responsibility to continue thinking, even after controlling for neuroticism in Study 2. Experiential avoidance did not explain the independent variance in worry. The structural equation model that experiential avoidance explained negative appraisals about worrying and emotions did not fit the data well. Negative metacognitive beliefs evidenced strong predictive power, therefore, requiring particular attention in treatment. Nonetheless, fear of emotions and perceived need for perseverative thinking are candidate additional components that deserve continued investigation.This study was supported by a JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (No: 26380929). There are no conflicts of interests to declare

    The power of negative thinking: why perceptions of immigration are resistant to facts

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    Research shows consistently high levels of concern among people in the UK over the scale of immigration and its impact on jobs and services. Drawing on new research on how people use and understand information about the economic impacts of immigration, Heather Rolfe writes there is a tendency to rely on personal accounts rather than on economic statistics

    Teacher Education and the Political : the power of negative thinking

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    Teacher Education and the Political is a striking book which addresses the nature and purpose of teacher education in a global context characterised by economic and political anxieties around declining productivity and social inclusion. These anxieties are manifested in recent policy developments such as the promotion of professional standards, the deregulation and marketisation of teacher education and the imposition of performance-related regimes that tie teachers’ pay to outcomes in high-stakes testing

    An Analysis of the Antinomic Structure of the Relation of Being in Husserl and Its Political Implication

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    Antinomy basically as an inherent structural tension from within the reason between rational willing toward the unconditioned and rational thinking necessarily conditioned by the rule of understanding plays a negative role in and for Kant’s system to critically compass reason in limiting itself within the possibility of real experience. In Husserl, under the banner of one all-encompassing reason, antinomy takes a modified form of an ontological incommensurability between two essentially separable regions of being, i.e., between the ideal and the real; such ontological antinomy now takes up the place of an apriori condition for the possibility of meaning for Husserl. Representing a peculiar hierarchical ontological relation through which a lawful power flows, Husserlian antinomy plays an essentially affirmative-political function. In this paper, I will analyze the constructive antinomic structure of phenomenological being relation in contrast to Kantian restrictive antinomy and discuss its political implication

    Bringing Light to the Unconscious: A Theoretical Examination of Racism Through the Adlerian Lens of Social Interest

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    This theoretical paper posits that racial oppression ensues in part due to a lack of social interest, manifested by excessive self-interest in the projection of negative white attributions onto people of color. Excessive white self-interest not only divides whites and Black people but within people groups and among individuals; all are negatively impacted by racism, and to believe otherwise is to succumb to the dangerous falsity of zero-sum thinking. Furthermore, a scholarly case is made for the amplification of social interest by a lowering of white defenses and a reclamation of one’s authentic parts of self. Specifically, one must acknowledge, claim, and examine internalized white power structures, which denote ways of thinking, feeling, and being that uphold white superiority and nullify relationships of equity which welcome all parts of the self. In examining one’s defenses and the vulnerability behind them, one can hope to re-engage in a more wholesome and healthy way that prioritizes shared power relationships instead of power over relationships (Hill, 2022). This process is often ambiguous, nonlinear, personal, and subjective; it is a personal kind of learning.social interest, feelings of inferiority, racism, the gaze, dysconsciousness, decolonization of psycholog

    Pengembangan Tes Berpikir Kreatif terhadap Hasil Belajar Akuntansi Siswa SMA Darussalam Medan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the accounting creative thinking test on the learning outcomes of SMA Darussalam, to determine the sensitivity of the accounting creative thinking test to the learning outcomes of SMA Darussalam and to determine the students' responses to the accounting creative thinking test on the learning outcomes of SMA Darussalam. This research is a research on the development of Sugiono's modification through four stages, namely, test design, validation, limited trials and extensive trials. The instruments used in this study were creative thinking tests, validation sheets and student response questionnaires. The instrument was declared to have met the quality of the test. Testing the quality of the test for creative thinking in accounting by looking at the results of the validity, the distinguishing power of the questions, the difficulty level of the questions and the reliability of the questions. Based on the results of the calculation, it was found that the developed creative thinking test was less effective, because the average value of students' creative thinking skills had not yet reached a value of 60. The sensitivity of the creative thinking test was sensitive to student accounting learning outcomes with an average of 0.434. Student response to the creative thinking test developed was negative which was below 80%, which was 71.85%. So it can be concluded that the sensitivity of the accounting creative thinking test and the time it takes to complete the creative thinking test is effective and usable. However, in the creative thinking test category this is not effective because to answer the test requires a sufficiently deep skill, and this has not been mastered by the students

    Power, Emotions, and Violent Conflicts

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    Hatred, fear, and disdain—these are emotions that drive conflict protagonists to commit acts of violence against their adversaries. Conventional thinking among conflict analysts holds that the private realm of negative emotions exhibited by conflict actors is distinct fundamentally from the public world of objective causal drivers of conflict, such as poverty, structural violence and proliferation of small arms. However, such conventional thinking regarding this inherent duality of emotions and power cannot for the social-psychic force of affect emotions that intersects with the conflict dynamics. In many conflict settings, the release of such a force is a political act, with the potential to induce, motivate, lure, compel or mobilize conflict actors to take up arms against their adversary. Such a force reflects a manifestation of affect power that manifests itself in the public performatives where people gather, debate, deliberate, cheer, jeer, and sometimes fight. In this paper, I examine the entanglement of certain emotions and power relations among actors immersed in protracted violence. Central to my arguments are the recent findings in social psychology regarding the complexity of moral emotions as they are experienced as a contagious force in conflict settings. Section 1 summarizes these findings. In section 2, I develop certain themes regarding the inter-linkages between the conflict actors’ emotional life and their power relations. The notion of affect power is developed. In section 3, I present two case studies of affect power, which center on elements of structurally violent systems. I conclude with a summary regarding the implications of this emotion-power entanglement for conflict analysis. I recommend that conflict analysts abandon the alleged inherent distinction between the subjectivity of social psychological constructions, such as notions of identity and difference, and the objectivity of power dynamics that represent external drivers of conflict

    Hegemonic Power In Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns

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    Hegemony is power that is committed by the ruling or dominant class to spread the ideology to the subordinate class in order to have the same understanding and thinking. Society of Kabul, Afghanistan is forced to abide the rules and accept the hegemony from the dominant classes in power for three periods. During the three periods, conflicts occurred due to hegemony. The focus of this research is the hegemony that is committed by the dominant classes to subordinate classes. The problems of this research are hegemonic power that is done by dominant classes (Communists, Mujahedeen and Taliban) to subordinate classes (society of Kabul) and the elements of fiction (theme, character, setting, and plot) that represent hegemonic power in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. This thesis has used Sociology of literature as method because the novel as reflection of reality life in Afghanistan, so that society has become the main focus in sociology of literary approach. Literary criticism also meet the concepts and logical principles of research. Theory that is used to analyze data is Hegemony theory from Antonio Gramsci because it is one of studies in the sociology of literature. The results of this analysis show dominant classes hegemony to the subordinate classes, so conflicts between their understanding and thinking occur. SYociety as a subordinate class were hegemonied due to a very strong ideological distribution from intellectuals under the power of the dominant classes. The conclusion of the hegemonic power that is done by the dominant classes has a negative impact, such as authorities that are conducted the dominant class so that the establishment of society-owned is lost
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