519 research outputs found

    Using ObjectStore in building C++ interface application

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    ObjectStore is an object oriented database management system. It provides a tightly integrated language interface to the traditional database management system features such as persistent distributed data access and associative queries. ObjectStore enables "ordinary" C and C++ programmers to add persistent database to their applications without having to learn a new language and without sacrificing any performance. This is an advantage over the relational database approach in which there is an impedance mismatch between database query language and the high level programming languages. ObjectStore and C++ programming language share the same data model, for instance base types, such as integers, characters, and pointers, as well as more complex types, such as structures and classes. The operators defined on the data types are also equivalent. Actions such-as pointer dereferencing (- >) are valid for both persistent and transient data, with no difference to the programmer. ObjectStore also ensures that the resulting unified interface yields access speed for persistent objects that are usually equal to that of in-memory dereferences of transient data. Our objective in this report is to describe how to create database applications, using the fundamental features of ObjectStore such as, Database access, Transactions Exceptions, Collections, Queries, Indexes and Relationship facilities. The general information and instructions for generating schemas, compiling, linking and debugging ObjectStore are explained in details. We develop an application, Airline Reservation to examine most of the database functions in ObjectStore system. This application has written in C++ language and uses ObjectStore API whenever needed to use databas

    Development of a data model for an Adaptive Multimedia Presentation System (AMPS)

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    We investigate the requirements and nature of data models for a multimedia learning system that presents adaptable learning objects based on a range of stimuli provided by the student and tutor. A conceptual model is explored together with a proposal for an implementation using the well-known relational data model. We also investigate how to describe the learning objects in the form of hierarchical subject ontology. An ontological calculus is created to allow knowledge metrics to be constructed for evaluation within data models. We further consider the limitations of the relational abstract data model to accurately represent the meaning and understanding of learning objects and contrast this with less structured data models implicit in ontological hierarchies. Our findings indicate that more consideration is needed into how to match traditional data models with ontological structures, especially in the area of database integrity constraints

    Migrating relational data to an OODB: strategies and lessions from a molecular biology experience

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    Journal ArticleThe growing maturity of OODB technology is causing many enterprises to consider migrating relational databases to OODBs. While data remapping is relatively straightforward, greater challenges lie in economically and non-invasively adapting legacy application software. We report on a genetics laboratory database migration experiment, which was facilitated by both organization of the relational data in object-like form and a C++ framework designed to insulate application code from relational artifacts. To our surprise, the framework failed to encapsulate three subtle aspects of the relational implementation, thereby "contaminating" application code. We describe the underlying issues, and offer cautionary guidance to future migrators

    London SynEx Demonstrator Site: Impact Assessment Report

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    The key ingredients of the SynEx-UCL software components are: 1. A comprehensive and federated electronic healthcare record that can be used to reference or to store all of the necessary healthcare information acquired from a diverse range of clinical databases and patient-held devices. 2. A directory service component to provide a core persons demographic database to search for and authenticate staff users of the system and to anchor patient identification and connection to their federated healthcare record. 3. A clinical record schema management tool (Object Dictionary Client) that enables clinicians or engineers to define and export the data sets mapping to individual feeder systems. 4. An expansible set of clinical management algorithms that provide prompts to the patient or clinician to assist in the management of patient care. CHIME has built up over a decade of experience within Europe on the requirements and information models that are needed to underpin comprehensive multiprofessional electronic healthcare records. The resulting architecture models have influenced new European standards in this area, and CHIME has designed and built prototype EHCR components based on these models. The demonstrator systems described here utilise a directory service and object-oriented engineering approach, and support the secure, mobile and distributed access to federated healthcare records via web-based services. The design and implementation of these software components has been founded on a thorough analysis of the clinical, technical and ethico-legal requirements for comprehensive EHCR systems, published through previous project deliverables and in future planned papers. The clinical demonstrator site described in this report has provided the solid basis from which to establish "proof of concept" verification of the design approach, and a valuable opportunity to install, test and evaluate the results of the component engineering undertaken during the EC funded project. Inevitably, a number of practical implementation and deployment obstacles have been overcome through this journey, each of those having contributed to the time taken to deliver the components but also to the richness of the end products. UCL is fortunate that the Whittington Hospital, and the department of cardiovascular medicine in particular, is committed to a long-term vision built around this work. That vision, outlined within this report, is shared by the Camden and Islington Health Authority and by many other purchaser and provider organisations in the area, and by a number of industrial parties. They are collectively determined to support the Demonstrator Site as an ongoing project well beyond the life of the EC SynEx Project. This report, although a final report as far as the EC project is concerned, is really a description of the first phase in establishing a centre of healthcare excellence. New EC Fifth Framework project funding has already been approved to enable new and innovative technology solutions to be added to the work already established in north London

    A generalized system performance model for object-oriented database applications

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    Although relational database systems have met many needs in traditional business applications, such technology is inadequate for non-traditional applications such as computer-aided design, computer-aided software engineering, and knowledge bases. Object-oriented database systems (OODB) enhance the data modeling power and performance of database management systems for these applications. Response time is an important issue facing OODB. However, standard measures of on-line transaction processing are irrelevant for OODB . Benchmarks compare alternative implementations of OODB system software, running a constant application workload. Few attempts have been made to characterize performance implications of OODB application design, given a fixed OODB and operating system platform. In this study, design features of the 007 Benchmark database application (Carey, DeWitt, and Naughton, 1993 ) were varied to explore the impact on response time to perform database operations Sensitivity to the degree of aggregation and to the degree of inheritance in the application were measured. Variability in response times also was measured, using a sequence of database operations to simulate a user transaction workload. Degree of aggregation was defined as the number of relationship objects processed during a database operation. Response time was linear with the degree of aggregation. The size of the database segment processed, compared to the size of available memory, affected the coefficients of the regression line. Degree of inheritance was defined as the Number of Children (Chidamber and Kemerer, 1994) in the application class definitions, and as the extent to which run-time polymorphism was implemented. In this study, increased inheritance caused a statistically significant increase in response time for the 007 Traversal 1 only, although this difference was not meaningful. In the simulated transaction workload of nine 007 operations, response times were highly variable. Response times per operation depended on the number of objects processed and the effect of preceding operations on memory contents. Operations that used disparate physical segments or had large working sets relative to the size of memory caused large increases in response time. Average response times and variability were reduced by removing these operations from the sequence (equivalent to scheduling these transactions at some time when the impact would be minimized)

    Object oriented databases in software development for structural analysis

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    A technique for using object-oriented technologies to write structural analysis software has been developed. The structural design information of an individual building is stored in an object-oriented database. A global database provides general design values as material data and safety factors. A class library for load elements has been evolved to model the transfer of loads in a building. This class library is the basis for the development of further classes for other structural elements such as beams, columns or slabs. A software has been developed to monitor the forces transferred from one structural member to another in a building for load cases and combinations according to Eurocode 1. The results of the analysis are stored in the projects database from which a structural design report may be generated. The software was developed under Microsoft Visual C++. The Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) was used to program the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology is useful to include any type of OLE server objects for example texts written with a word processor or CAD drawings in the structural design report. The Object-Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS) ObjectStore provides services to store the large amount of objects

    Automating Fine Concurrency Control in Object-Oriented Databases

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    Several propositions were done to provide adapted concurrency control to object-oriented databases. However, most of these proposals miss the fact that considering solely read and write access modes on instances may lead to less parallelism than in relational databases! This paper cope with that issue, and advantages are numerous: (1) commutativity of methods is determined a priori and automatically by the compiler, without measurable overhead, (2) run-time checking of commutativity is as efficient as for compatibility, (3) inverse operations need not be specified for recovery, (4) this scheme does not preclude more sophisticated approaches, and, last but not least, (5) relational and object-oriented concurrency control schemes with read and write access modes are subsumed under this proposition
