36 research outputs found

    Global modeling of the effect of strong lateral viscosity variations on dynamic geoid and mantle flow velocities

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    Maakoore vertikaalliikumised Eestis tรคppisnivelleerimiste andmetel

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    The aim of this study was to detect vertical crustal movements in Estonia and find out possible changes of vertical crustal movements in time. Vertical velocities of the benchmarks were calculated from the precise levellings between 1933 and 2011 of the Estonian levelling network using the joint weighted kinematic least squares adjustment of the levelling campaigns. Two different mathematical models, the โ€œheights includedโ€ and the โ€œheights eliminatedโ€ model, were used in the adjustment. Different options of the computer software Surfer were used for modelling of the vertical crustal movements. Accuracy of the models was estimated by finding differences between the velocities interpolated from the models and adjusted vertical velocities of the benchmarks, using the cross validation technique, and by comparing models with the results from other geodetic measurements (continuously operating GNSS stations, tide gauges, other land uplift models). From the variance component estimation, it appeared that levelling errors of the First levelling campaign were ~3 times larger than estimated a priori. Final adjustment was performed with the re-scaled weights according to the results of the variance component estimation. Models of the vertical crustal movements EST2013LU and EST2015LU were created based on the vertical velocities of the benchmarks. According to the models, rates of the land uplift in Estonia range from โˆ’0.7 mm/yr in SE Estonia to +2.8 mm/yr in the island of Hiiumaa in NW Estonia. Accuracy of the models was estimated to be ยฑ0.4 mm/yr on average. The comparison of the models with the velocities from the independent measurement methods revealed best fit with the velocities of the GNSS permanent stations where residual differences remained within ยฑ0.3 mm/yr on average. The discrepancies between the velocities of the coastal tide gauges and the velocities from the models were ยฑ0.7โ€ฆยฑ1.0 mm/yr on average. Obtained differences implied to the systematic biases in tide gauge velocities. Comparison with the historical vertical crustal movement maps of Estonia showed that differences remained within ยฑ0.7 mm/yr on average. The fit between the most recent Fennoscandian LU map NKG2005LU and the models obtained in the present study was very good. Differences remained within ยฑ0.3 mm/yr on average. It appeared also that vertical velocity of the benchmarks has been significantly changed between the levelling periods. Results of the study can be used to estimate the risks to the coastal areas coming from the global warming related rise of the sea level.Doktoritรถรถ eesmรคrk oli leida maakoore vertikaalliikumiste kiirused Eestis nelja kordusnivelleerimise (1933-2011) andmete pรตhjal ja vรคlja selgitada reeperite kiiruste muutumine ajas. Reeperite vertikaalliikumise kiirused leiti nivelleerimiste รผhisest kaalutud kinemaatilisest tasandusest vรคhimruutude meetodil. Tasandusel kasutati kahte matemaatilist mudelit: nn โ€žkรตrgustegaโ€œ ja โ€žkรตrgustetaโ€œ mudelit. Maakoore vertikaalliikumiste modelleerimiseks kasutati tarkvara Surfer erinevaid vรตimalusi. Mudelite tรคpsust hinnati mudelist interpoleeritud ja reeperite tasandatud kiiruste vaheliste erinevuste leidmise, ristvalideerimise ja sรตltumatute mรตรตtmistulemustega (GNSS-pรผsijaamad, veemรตรตdujaamad, teised mudelid) vรตrdlemise teel. Dispersioonikomponentide hindamisest selgus, et esimese nivelleerimiskampaania vead on ~3 korda suuremad kui a priori eeldati. Lรตplik tasandus teostati dispersioonikomponentide hindamise tulemuste pรตhjal รผmberskaleeritud kaaludega. Reeperite kiiruste pรตhjal loodi Eesti maakoore vertikaalliikumiste mudelid EST2013LU ja EST2015LU. Mudelite pรตhjal ulatuvad maatรตusu kiirused Eestis alates โˆ’0.7 mm/a Kagu-Eestis kuni +2.8 mm/a Hiiumaal. Mudelite tรคpsuseks hinnati keskmiselt ยฑ0.4 mm/a. Vรตrdluses sรตltumatutest meetoditest mรครคratud maatรตusu kiirustega selgus, et parim oli sobivus GNSS-pรผsijaamade kiirustega, keskmiselt ยฑ0.3 mm/a. Halvim oli sobivus ranniku veemรตรตdujaamade kiirustega: ยฑ0.7โ€ฆ.ยฑ1.0 mm/a. Saadud erinevused viitasid sรผstemaatilistele nihetele veemรตรตdujaamade kiirustes. Vรตrdlus Eesti varasemate maakoore vertikaalliikumiste kaartidega nรคitas, et erinevused jรคid keskmiselt ยฑ0.7 mm/a piiridesse. Mudelite sobivus viimase Fennoskandia maatรตusu mudeliga NKG2005LU oli aga vรคga hea, erinevused jรคid keskmiselt ยฑ0.3 mm/a piiridesse. Samuti selgus, et nivelleerimisperioodide vahel on reeperite kiirus statistiliselt oluliselt muutunud. Uurimistรถรถ tulemusi saab kasutada kliimasoojenemisest tulenevate meretรตusu riskide hindamiseks rannikualadel

    Hydrocode modeling of oblique impacts into terrestrial planets

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    The abundance of moderately siderophile elements (โ€œiron-lovingโ€; e.g., Co, Ni) in the Earthโ€™s mantle is 10 to 100 times larger than predicted by chemical equilibrium between silicate melt and iron at low pressure, but it does match expectation for equilibrium at high pressure and temperature. Recent studies of differentiated planetesimal impacts assume that planetesimal cores survive the impact intact as concentrated masses that passively settle from a zero initial velocity and undergo turbulent entrainment in a global magma ocean; under these conditions, cores greater than 10 km in diameter do not fully mix without a sufficiently deep magma ocean. I have performed hydrocode simulations that revise this assumption and yield a clearer picture of the impact process for differentiated planetesimals possessing iron cores with radius = 100 km that impact into magma oceans. The impact process strips away the silicate mantle of the planetesimal and then stretches the iron core, dispersing the liquid iron into a much larger volume of the underlying liquid silicate mantle. Lagrangian tracer particles track the initially intact iron core as the impact stretches and disperses the core. The final displacement distance of initially closest tracer pairs gives a metric of core stretching. The statistics of stretching imply mixing that separates the iron core into sheets, ligaments, and smaller fragments, on a scale of 10 km or less. The impact dispersed core fragments undergo further mixing through turbulent entrainment as the molten iron fragments sink through the magma ocean and settle deeper into the planet. My results thus support the idea that iron in the cores of even large differentiated planetesimals can chemically equilibrate deep in a terrestrial magma ocean. The largest known impact on the Moon formed the South Pole-Aitken (SP-A) basin and excavated material as deep as the mantle. Here I suggest that large impacts eject enough material to cover the farside of the Moon. During the impact process, ejecta leave the crater and travel well beyond the transient crater. Ejecta blankets depend on impactor size and angle. I use iSALE, an impact hydrocode, to determine the ejecta distribution, volume, and thickness. I calculate the trajectory of ejecta that leave the crater and return to the lunar surface. In these simulations, an ejecta blanket forms, with a thickness of kilometers, over the lunar farside. The ejecta blanket thicknesses are comparable to the difference between nearside and farside crustal thickness. Previous studies suggest other possible mechanisms for the lunar farside-nearside dichotomy. However, the impact that formed SP-A basin was large enough to eject material onto the farside. I also suggest a differentiated impactorโ€™s core would disperse downrange of the impact point underneath the basin. Doublet craters form within crater rays on terrestrial bodies. The near simultaneous impact of two projectiles results in overlapping craters. This process results in modified crater morphologies and ejecta morphologies. I modeled the impact of two identical projectiles and vary the angle, timing, and initial separation distance. In this work, I identified projectiles with a separation distance of four times their initial diameter will form distinct craters, but the ejecta from the uprange crater will overfill the downrange crater and result in a smaller crater depth. This result implies the direction of the impactor may be inferred from the crater depths. Also, I found impacts that form closer together result in elliptical or dumbbell craters depending upon the impact parameters. The ejecta curtains interact in each simulation and result in structures similar to the V-shaped ridges or โ€œherringboneโ€ patterns traversing clusters of secondary craters in observations. The ejecta that lands within the ridges comes from a depth that is 100 to 125 m for a 500 m impactor traveling at 1 km/s. This is less deep than the maximum excavation depth of 125 to 150 m, depending upon the impact angle. This work represents a first step towards a more comprehensive method for not only determining how doublet craters form and how aberrant craters form, such as Messier A on the Moon, but also determining how the regolith changes and the ejecta blanket forms for such impacts


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    This thesis reviews and sheds new light on compressible Earth models and theories for the modelling of megathrust earthquakes and rotational instabilities caused by glacial isostatic adjustments and mantle convection. The basic theory is outlined in the first chapter, where we discuss the response of a self-gravitating Earth to external forces and loads seated at its surface or interior and we focus on elastic static perturbations and the transition between the elastic and fluid behaviours of the Earth that occurs on thousand and million years time scales. In the first part of this thesis, we derive the analytical solution of the momentum and Poisson equations for a spherically symmetric viscoelastic Earth model that accounts for compressibility both at the initial state of hydrostatic equilibrium and during the perturbations. This constitutes a step ahead with respect to all previous analytical solutions, which actually neglect compressibility in some aspects, and allows to gain deep insight into the relaxation spectrum of compressible viscoelastic Earth models. In the second part, we discuss long-wavelength gravity anomalies caused by the 2004 Sumatra earthquake and detected by the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) space mission. We extend the classic theory in order to interpret gravity anomalies in terms of volume changes within the solid Earth, advection of the initial density field and ocean water redistribution caused by perturbations of the ocean floor and surface topographies. This physics is then exploited in order to develop a novel procedure for the inversion of the principal seismic source parameters (hypocentre and moment tensor) of large earthquakes relying solely on space gravity data. This procedure, which complements traditional seismology and which we shall name Gravitational Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT) analysis, is applied for the first time to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. In the third part of the thesis, we discuss issues related to long time scale instabilities of the Earth's rotation. The slow motion of the rotation axis with respect to the mantle, called True Polar Wander (TPW), has continuously been debated after the pioneering works in the sixties by Munk, MacDonald and Gold. We thus discuss TPW due to variations of surface loading from ice ages on hundreds of thousand year time scales, its sensitivity to the elastic or viscoelastic rheologies of the lithosphere and the stabilizing role of mantle density heterogeneities. Also, we face the problem of TPW driven by mantle convection on the million years time scale. Most studies have assumed that on this long time scale the planet readjusts without delay and that the Earth's rotation axis and the maximum inertia direction of mantle convection coincide. We herein overcome this approximation and we provide a novel treatment of the Earth's rotation, which clearly explains the interaction between mantle convection and rotational bulge readjustments, and the physical laws for the characteristic times controlling the polar motion in the directions of the intermediate and minimum principal axes of the mantle convection inertia tensor. We thus clarify a fundamental issue related to mantle mass heterogeneities and TPW dynamics

    ์ง€์ง„ํ•™์  ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ•์„ ์ด์šฉํ•œ ๋™๋ถ์•„์‹œ์•„ ์ƒ๋ถ€ ๋งจํ‹€ ์†๋„ ๊ตฌ์กฐ ๊ทœ๋ช… ๋ฐ ๋งจํ‹€ ๋™์—ญํ•™๊ณผ ํŒ๋‚ด ํ™”์‚ฐ ํ™œ๋™์— ๋Œ€ํ•œ ๊ณ ์ฐฐ

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    ํ•™์œ„๋…ผ๋ฌธ(๋ฐ•์‚ฌ) -- ์„œ์šธ๋Œ€ํ•™๊ต๋Œ€ํ•™์› : ์ž์—ฐ๊ณผํ•™๋Œ€ํ•™ ์ง€๊ตฌํ™˜๊ฒฝ๊ณผํ•™๋ถ€, 2021.8. ์ด์ค€๊ธฐ.Volcanism and plate subduction are manifestations of vigorous mantle convection, and are important research subjects for understanding the thermodynamic state of the Earth's interior. Seismic waves propagating through the mantle reflect the physical properties of the mantle, providing detailed information on its thermal and compositional structure. Here we use various seismic methods to investigate the detailed upper mantle structure in northeast Asia where there are active intraplate volcanoes and ongoing plate subduction. Based on our results, we discuss the evolution of the upper mantle and mechanism of intraplate volcanism. Specifically, we apply teleseismic body-wave traveltime tomography to image the volcanic structure beneath Jeju Volcanic Island (Chapter 1), lithosphere and asthenosphere structures beneath the Korean Peninsula (Chapter 2), the stagnant Pacific slab and mantle transition zone structures (Chapter 3), and shallow asthenosphere structures beneath Quaternary volcanoes (Chapter 4). We measure relative arrival time residuals of the teleseismic P and S waves in high precision based on waveform similarity, and invert the datasets for constructing three-dimensional velocity structures using an iterative nonlinear tomography inversion technique. In Chapter 1, we use a unique dataset collected from the deployment of temporary broadband stations in Jeju Island and find out magmatic structures associated with a complex volcanic system that show evidence of a strong interaction between the continental lithosphere and ascending magmas. In Chapter 2, we image the detailed upper mantle structures beneath the Archean-Proterozoic massifs in the Korean Peninsula, which suggest the possible presence of a long-lasting lithospheric root that has experienced heterogeneous modification and reactivation at a craton margin in northeast Asia. In chapter 3, we image high-resolution deeper upper mantle structures including the mantle transition zone in northeast Asia by using the datasets of dense seismic arrays in the Korean Peninsula and southwest Japan. We find segmented stagnant Pacific slabs with a pronounced gap beneath the Korean Peninsula that was not revealed by previous studies due to limited resolution in this region. We detect and model wavefield variations of teleseismic body waves caused by the deeper upper mantle heterogeneities using 3-D waveform simulation. In the last chapter, we constrain thermal and compositional properties of the upper mantle based on quantitative assessment of high-resolution upper mantle seismic velocity models using thermodynamic calculations, mineralogical modeling, and seismic attenuation. We find evidence for shallow upper mantle melting zones focused beneath major Quaternary volcanoes and suggest an important role of shallow decompressional melting in developing and sustaining localized, long-lived intraplate volcanoes. Throughout all chapters, we have general implications for the origin, evolution, and relationships between the imaged upper mantle structures in the context of geology, tectonics, and geodynamics.ํ™”์‚ฐ ํ™œ๋™๊ณผ ํŒ๊ตฌ์กฐ ์šด๋™(์˜ˆ, ํŒ์˜ ์„ญ์ž…)์€ ์ง€๊ตฌ ๋‚ด๋ถ€์˜ ํ™œ๋ฐœํ•œ ๋งจํ‹€ ๋Œ€๋ฅ˜๋ฅผ ์ž…์ฆํ•˜๋ฉฐ, ์ง€๊ตฌ ๋‚ด๋ถ€ ์—ด์—ญํ•™์  ์ƒํƒœ๋ฅผ ์ดํ•ดํ•˜๋Š”๋ฐ ์ค‘์š”ํ•œ ์—ฐ๊ตฌ ๋Œ€์ƒ์ด๋‹ค. ์ง€์ง„ํŒŒ๋Š” ์ง€๊ฐ๊ณผ ๋งจํ‹€์„ ํ†ต๊ณผํ•˜๋ฉด์„œ ์ด๋“ค์˜ ๋ฌผ๋ฆฌ์ ์ธ ์ƒํƒœ๋ฅผ ๋ฐ˜์˜ํ•˜๋ฉฐ, ์ด๋ฅผ ๋ถ„์„ํ•˜์—ฌ ์ง€๊ตฌ ๋‚ด๋ถ€์˜ ์—ด์  ๋ฐ ์„ฑ๋ถ„์  ํŠน์„ฑ์— ๋Œ€ํ•ด ์—ฐ๊ตฌํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ๋‹ค. ๋ณธ ๋…ผ๋ฌธ์—์„œ๋Š” ๋‹ค์–‘ํ•œ ์ง€์ง„ํ•™์  ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ•์„ ํ™œ์šฉํ•˜์—ฌ ํŒ ๋‚ด ํ™”์‚ฐํ™œ๋™๊ณผ ํŒ์˜ ์„ญ์ž…์ด ํ™œ๋ฐœํžˆ ์ผ์–ด๋‚˜๊ณ  ์žˆ๋Š” ๋™๋ถ ์•„์‹œ์•„ ์ƒ๋ถ€ ๋งจํ‹€ ๊ตฌ์กฐ๋ฅผ ์—ฐ๊ตฌํ•œ๋‹ค. ๊ตฌ์ฒด์ ์œผ๋กœ, ์›๊ฑฐ๋ฆฌ ์ง€์ง„ ์ฃผ์‹œ ํ† ๋ชจ๊ทธ๋ž˜ํ”ผ๋ฅผ ์‚ฌ์šฉํ•˜์—ฌ ํŒ ๋‚ด ํ™”์‚ฐ์œผ๋กœ ์•Œ๋ ค์ง„ ์ œ์ฃผ๋„ ํ•˜๋ถ€ ์•”์„๊ถŒ ๋ฐ ์—ฐ์•ฝ๊ถŒ์˜ ๊ตฌ์กฐ(์ œ 1์žฅ), ํ•œ๋ฐ˜๋„ ํ•˜๋ถ€์˜ ์•”์„๊ถŒ ๋ฐ ์—ฐ์•ฝ๊ถŒ ๊ตฌ์กฐ(์ œ 2์žฅ), ๋™๋ถ์•„์‹œ์•„ ์ง€์—ญ์˜ ์ƒ๋ถ€ ๋งจํ‹€ ์ „์ด๋Œ€์™€ ์ •์ฒด๋œ ์Šฌ๋žฉ(์ œ 3์žฅ), ํ•œ๋ฐ˜๋„ ์ฃผ๋ณ€ ์ œ 4๊ธฐ ํ™”์‚ฐ์ฒด ํ•˜๋ถ€์˜ ์–•์€ ์—ฐ์•ฝ๊ถŒ(์ œ 4์žฅ)์˜ 3์ฐจ์› ๊ตฌ์กฐ๋ฅผ ์˜์ƒํ™”ํ•˜๊ณ  ๋ถ„์„ํ•œ๋‹ค. ์—ฐ๊ตฌ ์ž๋ฃŒ๋กœ ์›๊ฑฐ๋ฆฌ ์ง€์ง„์˜ ์‹ค์ฒดํŒŒ ์‹ ํ˜ธ(P, SํŒŒ)๋ฅผ ์ด์šฉํ•˜์—ฌ ์—ฐ๊ตฌ ์ง€์—ญ์— ์กฐ๋ฐ€ํ•˜๊ฒŒ ์„ค์น˜๋œ ์ง€์ง„๊ณ„ ๊ฐ„์˜ ํŒŒํ˜• ์œ ์‚ฌ์„ฑ์„ ๊ธฐ๋ฐ˜ํ•œ ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ•์œผ๋กœ ์ •๋ฐ€ํ•˜๊ฒŒ ์ธก์ •๋œ ์ƒ๋Œ€ ์ฃผ์‹œ ์ž”์ฐจ๋ฅผ ์‚ฌ์šฉํ•˜๋ฉฐ, ํ•ด๋‹น ์ž”์ฐจ๋ฅผ ์ตœ์†Œํ™”ํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ๋Š” ์ตœ์ ์˜ 3์ฐจ์› ์†๋„ ๊ตฌ์กฐ ๋ชจ๋ธ์„ ๋น„์„ ํ˜• ๋ฐ˜๋ณต ์—ญ์‚ฐ ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ•์„ ํ†ตํ•ด ๊ตฌํ•œ๋‹ค. ์ œ 1์žฅ์—์„œ๋Š”, ์„œ์šธ๋Œ€ํ•™๊ต ์ง€์ง„ํ•™ ์—ฐ๊ตฌ์‹ค์—์„œ ์ œ์ฃผ๋„์— ์•ฝ 2๋…„๊ฐ„ ์„ค์น˜ํ•œ ์ž„์‹œ ์ง€์ง„ ๊ด€์ธก๋ง ์ž๋ฃŒ๋ฅผ ์‚ฌ์šฉํ•˜์˜€์œผ๋ฉฐ, ์ œ์ฃผ๋„ ํ•˜๋ถ€ ์ƒ์Šนํ•˜๋Š” ๋งˆ๊ทธ๋งˆ์™€ ๋Œ€๋ฅ™ ์•”์„๊ถŒ ๊ฐ„์˜ ์ƒํ˜ธ์ž‘์šฉ์œผ๋กœ ๋ฐœ๋‹ฌํ•œ ๋ณต์žกํ•œ ํ˜•ํƒœ์˜ ๋งˆ๊ทธ๋งˆ ์‹œ์Šคํ…œ์„ ์˜์ƒํ™” ํ•˜์˜€๋‹ค. ์ œ 2์žฅ์—์„œ๋Š” ํ•œ๋ฐ˜๋„์˜ ์‹œ์ƒ๋Œ€ ๋ฐ ์›์ƒ๋Œ€ ๋Œ€๋ฅ™์•”๊ถŒ ํ•˜๋ถ€์˜ ์ƒ๋ถ€ ๋งจํ‹€์„ ์˜์ƒํ™”ํ•˜๋ฉฐ, ๊ทธ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ ๋™๋ถ ์•„์‹œ์•„ ๋Œ€๋ฅ™ ์—ฐ๋ณ€๋ถ€์—์„œ ๋ถˆ๊ท ์งˆํ•œ ์ˆ˜์ • ๋ฐ ์žฌํ™œ์„ฑํ™”๋ฅผ ๊ฒช์€ ์˜ค๋ž˜๋˜๊ณ  ๋‘๊บผ์šด ์•”์„๊ถŒ ๊ตฌ์กฐ๋ฅผ ํ™•์ธํ•˜์˜€๋‹ค. ์ œ 3์žฅ์—์„œ๋Š” ํ•œ๋ฐ˜๋„์™€ ์ผ๋ณธ ๋‚จ์„œ๋ถ€์˜ ๊ด€์ธก๋ง ์ž๋ฃŒ๋ฅผ ์‚ฌ์šฉํ•˜์—ฌ ํ•œ๋ฐ˜๋„๋ฅผ ํฌํ•จํ•œ ๋™๋ถ์•„์‹œ์•„ ํ•˜๋ถ€์˜ ๊นŠ์€ ์ƒ๋ถ€ ๋งจํ‹€ ๊ตฌ์กฐ๋ฅผ ์˜์ƒํ™” ํ•˜์˜€๋‹ค. ๊ทธ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ ์œ ๋ผ์‹œ์•„ํŒ ํ•˜๋ถ€์— ์ •์ฒด๋œ ํƒœํ‰์–‘ ์Šฌ๋žฉ์˜ ๋ถˆ๊ท ์งˆํ•œ ๋ถ„ํฌ๋ฅผ ํ™•์ธํ•˜์˜€๊ณ , ๊ธฐ์กด ์—ฐ๊ตฌ์—์„œ ํ•ด์ƒ๋„ ํ•œ๊ณ„๋กœ ๋ณด์ด์ง€ ์•Š์•˜๋˜ ํ•œ๋ฐ˜๋„ ํ•˜๋ถ€์˜ ์Šฌ๋žฉ ๊ฐ„๊ทน์˜ ์กด์žฌ๋ฅผ ์ƒˆ๋กญ๊ฒŒ ๋ฐํ˜€๋‚ธ๋‹ค. ๋˜ํ•œ ํ•œ๋ฐ˜๋„์— ๊ธฐ๋ก๋œ ์›๊ฑฐ๋ฆฌ ์ง€์ง„์˜ SํŒŒ๋ฅผ ๋ถ„์„ํ•˜์—ฌ ์Šฌ๋žฉ ๊ฐ„๊ทน์— ์˜ํ•œ ํŒŒ๋ฉด ์™œ๊ณก์„ ๊ด€์ธกํ•˜์˜€๊ณ  ์ด๋ฅผ 3์ฐจ์› ํŒŒํ˜• ์‹œ๋ฎฌ๋ ˆ์ด์…˜์„ ํ†ตํ•ด ๋ชจ์‚ฌํ•˜์˜€๋‹ค. ๋งˆ์ง€๋ง‰์œผ๋กœ ์ œ 4์žฅ์—์„œ๋Š” ๊ธฐ์กด์— ์–ป์–ด์ง„ ๊ณ ํ•ด์ƒ๋„ ์†๋„ ๊ตฌ์กฐ ๋ชจ๋ธ์„ ๋ฐ”ํƒ•์œผ๋กœ ๋™๋ถ ์•„์‹œ์•„ ์ƒ๋ถ€ ๋งจํ‹€์˜ ์—ด์  ๋ฐ ์„ฑ๋ถ„์  ํŠน์„ฑ์„ ์—ด์—ญํ•™์  ๊ณ„์‚ฐ ๋ฐ ์ง€์ง„ํŒŒ ๊ฐ์‡  ํŠน์„ฑ์„ ๊ณ ๋ คํ•˜์—ฌ ์ •๋Ÿ‰์ ์œผ๋กœ ์ถ”์ •ํ•œ๋‹ค. ๊ทธ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ ํ•œ๋ฐ˜๋„ ์ฃผ๋ณ€ ์ œ 4๊ธฐ ํ™”์‚ฐ ์ง€์—ญ(์˜ˆ, ์šธ๋ฆ‰๋„, ๋…๋„, ๋ฐฑ๋‘์‚ฐ, ์ œ์ฃผ๋„, ํ•œํƒ„๊ฐ• ์œ ์—ญ)์˜ ๊ตญ์ง€์ ์ด๊ณ  ์ง€์†์ ์ธ ๋งˆ๊ทธ๋งˆ ๋ฐœ๋‹ฌ์— ๊ธฐ์—ฌํ•˜์˜€์„ ๊ฒƒ์œผ๋กœ ์ƒ๊ฐ๋˜๋Š” ์ง‘์ค‘๋œ ์–•์€ ์—ฐ์•ฝ๊ถŒ ๋งจํ‹€์˜ ๋ถ€๋ถ„ ์šฉ์œต์„ ํ™•์ธํ•˜์˜€๋‹ค. ์ „ ์žฅ์„ ํ†ตํ‹€์–ด, ์ƒ๋ถ€ ๋งจํ‹€ ๊ตฌ์กฐ๋“ค์˜ ๊ธฐ์›, ์ง„ํ™”, ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๊ณ  ์ƒํ˜ธ ๊ด€๊ณ„์— ๋Œ€ํ•ด ์ง€์งˆํ•™์ , ์ง€๊ตฌ์กฐ์ , ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๊ณ  ์ง€๊ตฌ๋™์—ญํ•™์ ์ธ ๊ด€์ ์—์„œ ํ•ด์„ํ•˜๊ณ  ๋…ผ์˜ํ•œ๋‹ค.Introduction 1 Chapter 1. Imaging of Lithospheric Structure Beneath Jeju Volcanic Island by Teleseismic Traveltime Tomography 4 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 Methods 10 1.3 Results and Discussions 38 1.4 Conclusions 64 Chapter 2. Heterogeneous Modification and Reactivation of a Craton Margin Beneath the Korean Peninsula by Teleseismic Traveltime Tomography 66 2.1 Introduction 66 2.2 Methods 73 2.3 Results and Discussions 95 2.4 Conclusions 109 Chapter 3. Segmented Stagnant Pacific Slab and Its Interaction with the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath Northeast Asia Continental Margin by Teleseismic Traveltime Tomography 111 3.1 Introduction 111 3.2 Methods 115 3.3 Results and Discussions 131 3.4 Conclusions 153 Chapter 4. Seismic Evidence of Persistent Intraplate Volcanism by Shallow Mantle Melting in Northeast Asia 154 4.1 Introduction 154 4.2 Methods 158 4.3 Results 188 4.4 Discussions 198 4.5 Conclusions 211 Summary and Conclusions 212 Bibliography 217 Abstract in Korean (๊ตญ๋ฌธ ์ดˆ๋ก) 263๋ฐ•

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