346 research outputs found

    Queensland University of Technology at TREC 2005

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    The Information Retrieval and Web Intelligence (IR-WI) research group is a research team at the Faculty of Information Technology, QUT, Brisbane, Australia. The IR-WI group participated in the Terabyte and Robust track at TREC 2005, both for the first time. For the Robust track we applied our existing information retrieval system that was originally designed for use with structured (XML) retrieval to the domain of document retrieval. For the Terabyte track we experimented with an open source IR system, Zettair and performed two types of experiments. First, we compared Zettair’s performance on both a high-powered supercomputer and a distributed system across seven midrange personal computers. Second, we compared Zettair’s performance when a standard TREC title is used, compared with a natural language query, and a query expanded with synonyms. We compare the systems both in terms of efficiency and retrieval performance. Our results indicate that the distributed system is faster than the supercomputer, while slightly decreasing retrieval performance, and that natural language queries also slightly decrease retrieval performance, while our query expansion technique significantly decreased performance

    Beyond Stemming and Lemmatization: Ultra-stemming to Improve Automatic Text Summarization

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    In Automatic Text Summarization, preprocessing is an important phase to reduce the space of textual representation. Classically, stemming and lemmatization have been widely used for normalizing words. However, even using normalization on large texts, the curse of dimensionality can disturb the performance of summarizers. This paper describes a new method for normalization of words to further reduce the space of representation. We propose to reduce each word to its initial letters, as a form of Ultra-stemming. The results show that Ultra-stemming not only preserve the content of summaries produced by this representation, but often the performances of the systems can be dramatically improved. Summaries on trilingual corpora were evaluated automatically with Fresa. Results confirm an increase in the performance, regardless of summarizer system used.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, 9 table

    Combining Language Models with NLP and Interactive Query Expansion.

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    International audienceFollowing our previous participation in INEX 2008 Ad-hoc track, we continue to address both standard and focused retrieval tasks based on comprehensible language models and interactive query expansion (IQE). Query topics are expanded using an initial set of Multiword Terms (MWTs) selected from top n ranked documents. In this experiment, we extract MWTs from article titles, narrative field and automatically generated summaries. We combined the initial set of MWTs obtained in an IQE process with automatic query expansion (AQE) using language models and smoothing mechanism. We chose as baseline the Indri IR engine based on the language model using Dirichlet smoothing. We also compare the performance of bag of word approaches (TFIDF and BM25) to search strategies elaborated using language model and query expansion (QE). The experiment is carried out on all INEX 2009 Ad-hoc tasks

    The State-of-the-arts in Focused Search

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    The continuous influx of various text data on the Web requires search engines to improve their retrieval abilities for more specific information. The need for relevant results to a user’s topic of interest has gone beyond search for domain or type specific documents to more focused result (e.g. document fragments or answers to a query). The introduction of XML provides a format standard for data representation, storage, and exchange. It helps focused search to be carried out at different granularities of a structured document with XML markups. This report aims at reviewing the state-of-the-arts in focused search, particularly techniques for topic-specific document retrieval, passage retrieval, XML retrieval, and entity ranking. It is concluded with highlight of open problems

    INEX Tweet Contextualization Task: Evaluation, Results and Lesson Learned

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    Microblogging platforms such as Twitter are increasingly used for on-line client and market analysis. This motivated the proposal of a new track at CLEF INEX lab of Tweet Contextualization. The objective of this task was to help a user to understand a tweet by providing him with a short explanatory summary (500 words). This summary should be built automatically using resources like Wikipedia and generated by extracting relevant passages and aggregating them into a coherent summary. Running for four years, results show that the best systems combine NLP techniques with more traditional methods. More precisely the best performing systems combine passage retrieval, sentence segmentation and scoring, named entity recognition, text part-of-speech (POS) analysis, anaphora detection, diversity content measure as well as sentence reordering. This paper provides a full summary report on the four-year long task. While yearly overviews focused on system results, in this paper we provide a detailed report on the approaches proposed by the participants and which can be considered as the state of the art for this task. As an important result from the 4 years competition, we also describe the open access resources that have been built and collected. The evaluation measures for automatic summarization designed in DUC or MUC were not appropriate to evaluate tweet contextualization, we explain why and depict in detailed the LogSim measure used to evaluate informativeness of produced contexts or summaries. Finally, we also mention the lessons we learned and that it is worth considering when designing a task

    Entity Query Feature Expansion Using Knowledge Base Links

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    Recent advances in automatic entity linking and knowledge base construction have resulted in entity annotations for document and query collections. For example, annotations of entities from large general purpose knowledge bases, such as Freebase and the Google Knowledge Graph. Understanding how to leverage these entity annotations of text to improve ad hoc document retrieval is an open research area. Query expansion is a commonly used technique to improve retrieval effectiveness. Most previous query expansion approaches focus on text, mainly using unigram concepts. In this paper, we propose a new technique, called entity query feature expansion (EQFE) which enriches the query with features from entities and their links to knowledge bases, including structured attributes and text. We experiment using both explicit query entity annotations and latent entities. We evaluate our technique on TREC text collections automatically annotated with knowledge base entity links, including the Google Freebase Annotations (FACC1) data. We find that entity-based feature expansion results in significant improvements in retrieval effectiveness over state-of-the-art text expansion approaches

    Access to recorded interviews: A research agenda

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    Recorded interviews form a rich basis for scholarly inquiry. Examples include oral histories, community memory projects, and interviews conducted for broadcast media. Emerging technologies offer the potential to radically transform the way in which recorded interviews are made accessible, but this vision will demand substantial investments from a broad range of research communities. This article reviews the present state of practice for making recorded interviews available and the state-of-the-art for key component technologies. A large number of important research issues are identified, and from that set of issues, a coherent research agenda is proposed

    Effectiveness of Rich Document Representation in XML Retrieval

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    Information Retrieval (IR) systems are built with different goals in mind. Some IR systems target high precision that is to have more relevant documents on the first page of their results. Other systems may target high recall that is finding as many references as possible. In this paper we present a method of document representation called RDR to build XML retrieval engines with high specificity; that is finding more relevant documents that are mostly about the query topic. The Rich Document Representation (RDR) is a method of representing the content of a document with logical terms and statements. The conjecture is that since RDR is a better representation of the document content it will produce higher precision. On our implementation, we used the Vector Space model to compute the similarity between the XML elements and queries. Our experiments are conducted on INEX 2004 test collection. The results indicate that the use of richer features such as logical terms or statements for XML retrieval tends to produce more focused retrieval. Therefore it is a suitable document representation when users need only a few more specific references and are more interested in precision than recall

    Meeting of the MINDS: an information retrieval research agenda

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    Since its inception in the late 1950s, the field of Information Retrieval (IR) has developed tools that help people find, organize, and analyze information. The key early influences on the field are well-known. Among them are H. P. Luhn's pioneering work, the development of the vector space retrieval model by Salton and his students, Cleverdon's development of the Cranfield experimental methodology, Spärck Jones' development of idf, and a series of probabilistic retrieval models by Robertson and Croft. Until the development of the WorldWideWeb (Web), IR was of greatest interest to professional information analysts such as librarians, intelligence analysts, the legal community, and the pharmaceutical industry