438 research outputs found

    Towards sharing in lazy computation systems

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    Work on proving congruence of bisimulation in functional programming languages often refers to [How89,How96], where Howe gave a highly general account on this topic in terms of so-called lazy computation systems . Particularly in implementations of lazy functional languages, sharing plays an eminent role. In this paper we will show how the original work of Howe can be extended to cope with sharing. Moreover, we will demonstrate the application of our approach to the call-by-need lambda-calculus lambda-ND which provides an erratic non-deterministic operator pick and a non-recursive let. A definition of a bisimulation is given, which has to be based on a further calculus named lambda-~, since the na1ve bisimulation definition is useless. The main result is that this bisimulation is a congruence and contained in the contextual equivalence. This might be a step towards defining useful bisimulation relations and proving them to be congruences in calculi that extend the lambda-ND-calculus

    Program equivalence for a concurrent lambda calculus with futures

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    Reasoning about the correctness of program transformations requires a notion of program equivalence. We present an observational semantics for the concurrent lambda calculus with futures Lambda(fut), which formalizes the operational semantics of the programming language Alice ML. We show that natural program optimizations, as well as partial evaluation with respect to deterministic rules, are correct for Lambda(fut). This relies on a number of fundamental properties that we establish for our observational semantics

    Session Types in a Linearly Typed Multi-Threaded Lambda-Calculus

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    We present a formalization of session types in a multi-threaded lambda-calculus (MTLC) equipped with a linear type system, establishing for the MTLC both type preservation and global progress. The latter (global progress) implies that the evaluation of a well-typed program in the MTLC can never reach a deadlock. As this formulated MTLC can be readily embedded into ATS, a full-fledged language with a functional programming core that supports both dependent types (of DML-style) and linear types, we obtain a direct implementation of session types in ATS. In addition, we gain immediate support for a form of dependent session types based on this embedding into ATS. Compared to various existing formalizations of session types, we see the one given in this paper is unique in its closeness to concrete implementation. In particular, we report such an implementation ready for practical use that generates Erlang code from well-typed ATS source (making use of session types), thus taking great advantage of the infrastructural support for distributed computing in Erlang.Comment: This is the original version of the paper on supporting programming with dyadic session types in AT

    A Complete, Co-Inductive Syntactic Theory of Sequential Control and State

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    We present a new co-inductive syntactic theory, eager normal form bisimilarity, for the untyped call-by-value lambda calculus extended with continuations and mutable references. We demonstrate that the associated bisimulation proof principle is easy to use and that it is a powerful tool for proving equivalences between recursive imperative higher-order programs. The theory is modular in the sense that eager normal form bisimilarity for each of the calculi extended with continuations and/or mutable references is a fully abstract extension of eager normal form bisimilarity for its sub-calculi. For each calculus, we prove that eager normal form bisimilarity is a congruence and is sound with respect to contextual equivalence. Furthermore, for the calculus with both continuations and mutable references, we show that eager normal form bisimilarity is complete: it coincides with contextual equivalence

    Issues about the Adoption of Formal Methods for Dependable Composition of Web Services

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    Web Services provide interoperable mechanisms for describing, locating and invoking services over the Internet; composition further enables to build complex services out of simpler ones for complex B2B applications. While current studies on these topics are mostly focused - from the technical viewpoint - on standards and protocols, this paper investigates the adoption of formal methods, especially for composition. We logically classify and analyze three different (but interconnected) kinds of important issues towards this goal, namely foundations, verification and extensions. The aim of this work is to individuate the proper questions on the adoption of formal methods for dependable composition of Web Services, not necessarily to find the optimal answers. Nevertheless, we still try to propose some tentative answers based on our proposal for a composition calculus, which we hope can animate a proper discussion

    A fully-abstract semantics of lambda-mu in the pi-calculus

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    We study the lambda-mu-calculus, extended with explicit substitution, and define a compositional output-based interpretation into a variant of the pi-calculus with pairing that preserves single-step explicit head reduction with respect to weak bisimilarity. We define four notions of weak equivalence for lambda-mu -- one based on weak reduction, two modelling weak head-reduction and weak explicit head reduction (all considering terms without weak head-normal form equivalent as well), and one based on weak approximation -- and show they all coincide. We will then show full abstraction results for our interpretation for the weak equivalences with respect to weak bisimilarity on processes.Comment: In Proceedings CL&C 2014, arXiv:1409.259

    Typed open programming : a higher-order, typed approach to dynamic modularity and distribution

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    In this dissertation we develop an approach for reconciling open programming the development of programs that support dynamic exchange of higher-order values with other processes with strong static typing in programming languages. We present the design of a concrete programming language, Alice ML, that consists of a conventional functional language extended with a set of orthogonal features like higher-order modules, dynamic type checking, higher-order serialisation, and concurrency. On top of these a flexible system of dynamic components and a simple but expressive notion of distribution is realised. The central concept in this design is the package, a first-class value embedding a module along with its interface type, which is dynamically checked whenever the module is extracted. Furthermore, we develop a formal model for abstract types that is not invalidated by the presence of primitives for dynamic type inspection, as is the case for the standard model based on existential quantification. For that purpose, we present an idealised language in form of an extended -calculus, which can express dynamic generation of types. This calculus is the first to combine and explore the interference of sealing and type inspection with higher-order singleton kinds, a feature for expressing sharing constraints on abstract types. A novel notion of abstracton kinds classifies abstract types. Higher-order type and kind coercions allow for modular translucent encapsulation of values at arbitrary type.In dieser Dissertation entwickeln wir einen programmiersprachlichen Ansatz zur Verbindung offener Programmierung der Entwicklung von Programmen, die das dynamische Laden und Austauschen höherstufiger Werte mit anderen Prozessen erlauben mit starker statischer Typisierung. Wir stellen das Design einer konkreten Programmiersprache namens Alice ML vor. Sie besteht aus einer konventionellen funktionalen Sprache, die um einen Satz orthogonaler Konzepte wie höherstufige Modularisierung, dynamische Typüberprüfung, höherstufige Serialisierung und Nebenläufigkeit erweitert wurde. Darauf aufbauend ist ein flexibles System dynamischer Komponenten sowie ein einfacher aber expressiver Ansatz fur Verteilung verwirklicht. Zentral ist dabei das Konzept eines Pakets (package), welches ein Modul in Kombination mit seinem Schnittstellentyp in einen Wert einbettet, und bei der Extraktion des Moduls eine dynamische Typüberprüfung vornimmt. Weiterhin entwickeln wir einen theoretischen Ansatz zur Modellierung von abstrakten Typen, welcher im Gegensatz zum herkömmlichen formalen Modell existentieller Quantifizierung auch in Gegenwart dynamischer Typinspektion gültig ist. Zu diesem Zweck definieren wir eine idealisierte Sprache in Form eines erweiterten λ-Kalküls, der dynamische Typgenerierung ausdrucken kann. Der Kalkül kombiniert diese erstmals mit höherstufigen Singleton Kinds, einem Sprachkonstrukt, welches Gleichheit von Typen ausdrücken kann. Zur Klassifizierung abstrakter Typen werden Abstraktions-Kinds als verwandtes Konzept entwickelt. Höherstufige Konversionen auf Term- und Typebene erlauben zudem die nachträgliche modulare Enkapsulierung von Werten beliebigen Typs

    LFTOP: An LF based approach to domain specific reasoning

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    Specialized vocabulary, notations and inference rules tailored for the description, analysis and reasoning of a domain is very important for the domain. For domain-specific issues researchers focus mainly on the design and implementation of domain-specific languages (DSL) and pay little attention to the reasoning aspects. We believe that domain-specific reasoning is very important to help the proofs of some properties of the domains and should be more concise, more reusable and more believable. It deserves to be investigated in an engineering way. Type theory provides good support for generic reasoning and verification. Many type theorists want to extend uses of type theory to more domains, and believe that the methods, ideas, and technology of type theory can have a beneficial effect for computer assisted reasoning in many domains. Proof assistants based on type theory are well known as effective tools to support reasoning. But these proof assistants have focused primarily on generic notations for representation of problems and are oriented towards helping expert type theorists build proofs efficiently. They are successful in this goal, but they are less suitable for use by non-specialists. In other words, one of the big barriers to limit the use of type theory and proof assistant in domain-specific areas is that it requires significant expertise to use it effectively. We present LFTOP ― a new approach to domain-specific reasoning that is based on a type-theoretic logical framework (LP) but does not require the user to be an expert in type theory. In this approach, users work on a domain-specific interface that is familiar to them. The interface presents a reasoning system of the domain through a user-oriented syntax. A middle layer provides translation between the user syntax and LF, and allows additional support for reasoning (e.g. model checking). Thus, the complexity of the logical framework is hidden but we also retain the benefits of using type theory and its related tools, such as precision and machine-checkable proofs. The approach is being investigated through a number of case studies. In each case study, the relevant domain-specific specification languages and logic are formalized in Plastic. The relevant reasoning system is designed and customized for the users of the corresponding specific domain. The corresponding lemmas are proved in Plastic. We analyze the advantages and shortcomings of this approach, define some new concepts related to the approach, especially discuss issues arising from the translation between the different levels. A prototype implementation is developed. We illustrate the approach through many concrete examples in the prototype implementation. The study of this thesis shows that the approach is feasible and promising, the relevant methods and technologies are useful and effective