5,004 research outputs found

    The Information System as a Tool to Manage R&D at the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

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    This paper is devoted to the results of R&D entitled "Scientific and methodical support for an information system based on the Internet to manage R&D at the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine," 0109U002139. The objective is development of technique and technology to build an information system to manage R&D. An information system towards this end was created and was launched in 2011. It is the first stage of deployment of electronic document management at the academy. This system provides documentary sup-port to manage R&D at research institutions. It is designed as a corporate Internet portal (http://planning.edu-ua.net) on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 platform with added applications and document templates developed specifically to support R&D workflows in this system.Ця стаття присвячена результатам НДР «Науково-методичне забезпечення інформаційної системи на основі Інтернету для управління науковими дослідженнями в Національній академії педагогічних наук України," 0109U002139. Метою є розвиток техніки і технології для створення інформаційної системи для управління науковими дослідженнями. Була створена інформаційна система для досягнення цієї мети і був запущений в 2011 році перший етап розгортання електронного документообігу в Академії. Ця система забезпечує електронний документообіг для управління науковими дослідженнями в науково-дослідних установах. Інформаційна система розроблена як корпоративний інтернет-портал (http://planning.edu-ua.net) на платформі Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 за додаванням додатків і шаблонів документів, розроблених спеціально для підтримки накових досліджень, робочих процесів в цій системі

    Інформаційна система як інструмент інформатизації менеджменту наукових досліджень у Національній академії педагогічних наук України

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    This paper is devoted to the results of R&D entitled "Scientific and methodical support for an information system based on the Internet to manage R&D at the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine," 0109U002139. The objective is development of technique and technology to build an information system to manage R&D. An information system towards this end was created and was launched in 2011. It is the first stage of deployment of electronic document management at the academy. This system provides documentary sup-port to manage R&D at research institutions. It is designed as a corporate Internet portal (http://planning.edu-ua.net) on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 platform with added applications and document templates developed specifically to support R&D workflows in this system.Стаття присвячена результатам НДР "Науково-методичне забезпечення інформаційної системи планування наукових досліджень в Академії педагогічних наук України на базі мережі Інтернет", ДР №0109U002139. Метою є розробка методики та технології побудови інформаційної системи управління. Для досягнення цієї мети створено і запущено в 2011 році інформаційну систему “ІС Планування”. Це перший етап впровадження електронного документообігу в Академії. Ця система забезпечує документальний супровід для управління НДДКР в науково-дослідних установах. Він призначений в якості корпоративного Інтернет-порталу (http://planning.edu-ua.net) на платформі Microsoft Office для SharePoint Server 2007 за допомогою додатків і шаблонів документів, що розроблені спеціально для підтримки науково-дослідних процесів у цій системі

    Software tools for creating electronic educational resources in the resource-based learning process

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    The article provides an in-depth analysis of one of the tools for creating EER for RBL - the Dr.Explain software application. It also discusses the capabilities of users and the most effective ways to create electronic educational resources in the Dr.Explain program. The aim of the study is to suggest and compile methodological guidelines for designing and developing electronic educational resources for resource-based learning using Dr.Explain software. Dr.Explain is a program designed to create software documentation (help files), help systems, online manuals and user manuals, technical documentation for software and technical systems. The experiment involved 523 students of 1 and 4 courses of study of the specialties 017 «Physical education and sport» and of 1 courses of study 011 «Educational and Pedagogical Sciences». Among the research methods used are: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization); pedagogical (pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation); social and psychological (questioning), mathematical (mathematical calculation, ranking, regression). The research revealed that Dr.Explain is a useful tool for creating CHM help files, print-ready documents, e-books, allowing the user to compile e-learning hypertext resources in two formats (PDF and HTML). An analysis of the experience of using such an EER allows us to note that it is recommended to use electronic study guides in PDF format on tablets and smartphones, and this means what students do when downloading them from the Google platform or an official representative of the university. Web site. HTML e-manuals are easy to use by installing them on classroom desktops or students' laptops. In general, these EERs (both formats) are easy to install and view, and are independent of the operating system and software

    Холістичний підхід до підготовки ІКТ-компетентних педагогічних кадрів

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    The article intends to explore and estimate the possible pedagogical advantages and potential of cloud computing technology application with aim to increase organizational level, availability and quality of ICT-based learning tools and re-sources. Holistic model of a specialist is proposed and the problems of development of a system of methodological and technological support for elaboration of cloud-based learning environment of educational institution are considered.Cтаття присвячена аналізу і оцінці можливих педагогічних переваг і потенціалу застосування технології хмарних обчислень з метою підвищення організаційного рівня, доступності і якості засобів та ресурсів ІКТ-орієнтованого навчання. Запропонована холістична модель фахівця та висвітлено проблеми розвитку системи методичного та технологічного підтримування процесів розгортання хмаро-орієнтованого навчального середовища освітньої установи

    Methodological principles of the professional training of future specialists at higher education institutions

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    The level of the cadets’ of higher military educational institutions (HMEI), who are future officers, methodical competence in physical training is investigated in the article. 609 cadets participated in the study. Two groups were formed: EG (n=38), which included the cadets who were 3 engaged in various sports and CG (n=65), which included the cadets who were training according to the traditional physical training program. The methodical competence was assessed by the level of mastering the theoretical bases of physical training and the quality of implementation of practical actions of physical training. It was determined that EG cadets had a higher level of methodical competence in physical training than CG cadets at the end of the study at HMEI

    Uso de tecnologías de red en las actividades profesionales de docentes de educación de adultos en Ucrania

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    The use of network technologies is fundamental to all professional activities in the field of education in the society of the 21st century. The field of adult education has also been influenced by this trend and network technologies have been acknowledged as basic tools for the improvement of learning opportunities and for the development of the teaching-learning activities themselves. Hence, this paper aims to know about the use of network technologies in professional activities of teachers in the field of adult education in four Ukrainian pedagogical institutions. For this purpose, a questionnaire was passed on about the use of network technologies in the professional activities of teachers in these institutions. Among the main results, it is worth noting that the use of network technologies is relevant in the professional activity of teachers regardless of their age, as well as the widespread use of the computer and the Windows operating system for professional activity. Among the Microsoft applications, Word stands out, used by the entire sample, followed by Power Point and Excel, both of which received more than two thirds of the responses. Google Drive stands out for cloud storage, Viber and Facebook Messenger predominate in messaging services and gmail.com and ukr.net are mostly used for email services, the latter being a specific Ukrainian email service. In conclusion, it is suggested that teachers be trained in a wider range of network technologies to improve their professional activity.El uso de las tecnologías de red es fundamental para todas las actividades profesionales en el ámbito de la educación en la sociedad del siglo XXI. El campo de la educación de adultos se ha visto también influida por esta tendencia y las tecnologías de red se han reconocido como herramientas básicas para la mejora de las oportunidades de aprendizaje y para el desarrollo de las propias actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje. De aquí que este trabajo tenga como objetivo conocer el uso de las tecnologías de red en las actividades profesionales que desarrollan docentes del ámbito de la educación de adultos de cuatro instituciones pedagógicas ucranianas. Para ello se pasó un cuestionario sobre el uso de las tecnologías de red en las actividades profesionales de los docentes de dichas instituciones. Entre los principales resultados destaca que el uso de tecnologías de red es relevante en la actividad profesional de los docentes independientemente de su edad, así como el uso generalizado del ordenador y el sistema operativo Windows para la actividad professional. Entre las aplicaciones de Microsoft destacan, en primer lugar Word, usado por toda la muestra, seguido de Power Point y de Excel, ambos con más de dos tercios de las respuestas. Para el almacenamiento en la nube destaca Google Drive, en los servicios de mensajería predominan Viber and Facebook Messenger y para los servicios de correo electrónico se utilizan mayormente gmail.com y ukr.net, este último es un servicio de email específico de Ucrania. Se sugiere, como conclusion, una formación de los docentes en un más amplio abanico de tecnologías de red que les permita mejorar su actividad profesional

    The Ethnic 'Other' in Ukrainian History Textbooks: The Case of Russia and the Russians

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    This paper examines portrayals of Russia and the Russians in two generations of Ukrainian history textbooks. It observes that the textbooks are highly condemning of Ukraine's main ethnic other in the guise of foreign ruler: the tsarist authorities and the Soviet regime are always attributed dubious and malicious intentions even if there is appreciation for some of their policies. By contrast, the books, certainly those of the second generation, refrain from presenting highly biased accounts of the ethnic other as a national group (i.e. Russians). Instances where negative judgements do fall onto Russians are counterbalanced by excerpts criticizing ethnic Ukrainians or highlighting conflicting interests within the Ukrainian ethnic group. The negative appraisal of the ethnic other as foreign ruler is clearly instrumental for the nation-building project as it sustains a discourse legitimating the existence of Ukraine as independent state. However, recent trends in history education, the paper concludes, suggest that the importance of nurturing patriotism as a national policy objective is diminishing

    Cultivating leadership skills in future military bachelors through professional academic subject areas

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    This study explores how leadership competencies can be cultivated in future military bachelors through academic subject areas. The objective of the research was to identify areas where leadership skills are demonstrated and where they need improvement. The methodology consisted of observing the behavior and performance of military bachelors and civilian students in specific academic subject areas, using assessment criteria to evaluate their leadership competencies. The results indicate that these students demonstrated strong leadership competencies in General Tactics and Fundamentals of Combat Support. However, there were also subject areas where leadership competencies need improvement, such as Border Guard Service, Border Control, and Moral and Psychological Support. These findings emphasize the importance of incorporating leadership development programs in professional academic subject areas to help future military bachelors acquire the necessary skills to be effective leaders

    Ukraińska pedagogika porównawcza w ramach globalizacji: osiągnięcia i wyzwania

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    In Ukraine, a number of factors including the "iron curtain" disappearance, the independence proclamation in 1991, rapid ICT expansion promoted the national education openness for the worldwide achievements and actualized the comparative education role. In the independence period, an important task for the comparative education in Ukraine is to study the nature of the educational transformations in the developed countries in order to harmonize the national education development with the educational achievements of the other ones. The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the comparative education development in Ukraine and abroad, to outline the achievements and the challenges faced by the national comparative education nowadays.As a result of the analysis it was concluded that in Ukraine the nature of comparative education development has its own specificity caused by the prolonged isolation and ideological pressure in the Soviet period.The abovementioned make it impossible to find the direct parallels between the developments of comparative education in foreign countries and in Ukraine until 1991. At the same time, it was concluded that after the Ukraine independence, comparative education started to be developed as an academic field similar to the foreign comparative education methodological approaches.Before, the "preparatory period" had lasted when the foundations of this science were laid, and the methods of comparison were developed. It should be notified that this period was varying; every decade has enriched the science of comparing with many ideas and technologies. The less was the influence of the communist ideology the fruitfully the methodological ideas and technologies were developing.The present stage (which is determined by globalization transformations) could be characterized as the period of the national comparative education professionalization. The professionalization is characterized both by the comparative education institutionalization (institutional structure formation) and the development of its methodology. The institutionalization comprises the comparative education research centers formation; the "Comparative pedagogy" course for the future teachers in the Ukrainian universities launching; the specialized journals publication; the annual special events conducting.The comparative education methodology also is under the process of development. The issues that remain to be open for the Ukrainian comparative educationists’ community in the aspect of the methodology primarily cover the selection of the methods for the comparative educational studies, meeting the national education requirements in terms of the determination of the common trends and patterns of the educational development abroad and primarily in Europe, the prognostication for the educational policymakers in Ukraine.Wiele czynników, obejmujących zniknięcie "żelaznej kurtyny" i ogłoszenie niepodległości w 1991 roku, oraz szybkie rozprzestrzenianie się ICT na Ukrainie spowodowało otwartość edukacji krajowej na światowe osiągnięcia w tej dziedzinie, co podniosło także rolę pedagogiki porównawczej. W czasach niepodległości ważnym zadaniem jest badanie istoty transformacji edukacyjnych za granicą w celu harmonizowania edukacji narodowej zgodnie z kierunkami rozwoju systemów edukacji w Europie i USA. Celem artykułu jest analiza rozwoju pedagogiki porównawczej na Ukrainie z uwzględnieniem dokonań innych krajów, określenie osiągnięć i wyzwań stojących przed krajową pedagogiką porównawczą na współczesnym etapie. Stwierdzono, że na Ukrainie specyficzny charakter rozwoju pedagogiki porównawczej spowodowany jest przez długotrwałą izolację oraz specyficzne wpływy ideologiczne, jakim podlegała Ukraina w latach podległości Związkowi Radzieckiemu.Specyfika ta uniemożliwia przeprowadzenie bezpośrednich paraleli między rozwojem pedagogiki porównawczej za granicą i na Ukrainie do roku 1991, kiedy to, po uzyskaniu niepodległości, ukraińska pedagogika porównawcza zaczęła się rozwijać podobnie, jak to ma miejsce w innych krajach Jak dotąd trwał w tej dziedzinie "okres przygotowawczy", podczas którego opracowywano podstawy tej nauki wraz z metodologią badawczą.Należy zauważyć, że okres ten nie był jednolity – kolejne dziesięciolecia wzbogacały tę dziedzinę nauki o rozliczne innowacje i nowoczesne technologie.Obecny etap (zdeterminowany przez transformacje globalizacyjne) może być scharakteryzowany jako okres profesjonalizacji narodowej pedagogiki porównawczej w kontekście tworzenia jej ośrodków badawczych, wprowadzenia kursu "Pedagogika porównawcza" dla przyszłych nauczycieli na uniwersytetach w kraju, wydawania czasopism specjalistycznych, przeprowadzania corocznych przedsięwzięć warsztatowych wraz z nieustannym tworzeniem metodologii pedagogiki porównawczej.Pytania, które pozostają otwarte dla społeczności ukraińskich komparatystów przede wszystkim obejmują dobór odpowiednich metod do przeprowadzania badań porównawczo-pedagogicznych, ich skuteczności, zgodności z wymogami edukacji narodowej w zakresie wyodrębnienia wspólnych z systemami edukacyjnymi  innych krajów tendencji rozwojowych, reguł i zasad prognozy dla twórców polityki edukacyjnej w Ukrainie