28 research outputs found

    Induced Disjoint Paths in Circular-Arc Graphs in Linear Time

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    The Induced Disjoint Paths problem is to test whether a graph G with k distinct pairs of vertices (si,ti) contains paths P1,…,Pk such that Pi connects si and ti for i=1,…,k, and Pi and Pj have neither common vertices nor adjacent vertices (except perhaps their ends) for 1≤

    Induced disjoint paths in circular-arc graphs in linear time

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    The Induced Disjoint Paths problem is to test whether an graph G on n vertices with k distinct pairs of vertices (si,ti) contains paths P1,…,Pk such that Pi connects si and ti for i=1,…,k, and Pi and Pj have neither common vertices nor adjacent vertices (except perhaps their ends) for 1≤

    Subexponential Algorithms for Partial Cover Problems

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    Partial Cover problems are optimization versions of fundamental and well studied problems like {\sc Vertex Cover} and {\sc Dominating Set}. Here one is interested in covering (or dominating) the maximum number of edges (or vertices) using a given number kk of vertices, rather than covering all edges (or vertices). In general graphs, these problems are hard for parameterized complexity classes when parameterized by kk. It was recently shown by Amini et. al. [{\em FSTTCS 08}\,] that {\sc Partial Vertex Cover} and {\sc Partial Dominating Set} are fixed parameter tractable on large classes of sparse graphs, namely HH.minor free graphs, which include planar graphs and graphs of bounded genus. In particular, it was shown that on planar graphs both problems can be solved in time 2^{\cO(k)}n^{\cO(1)}.publishedVersio

    The (theta, wheel)-free graphs Part IV: Induced paths and cycles

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    A hole in a graph is a chordless cycle of length at least 4. A theta is a graph formed by three internally vertex-disjoint paths of length at least 2 between the same pair of distinct vertices. A wheel is a graph formed by a hole and a node that has at least 3 neighbors in the hole. In this series of papers we study the class of graphs that do not contain as an induced subgraph a theta nor a wheel. In Part II of the series we prove a decomposition theorem for this class, that uses clique cutsets and 2-joins. In this paper we use this decomposition theorem to solve several problems related to finding induced paths and cycles in our class

    Polynomial-Time Algorithms for the Longest Induced Path and Induced Disjoint Paths Problems on Graphs of Bounded Mim-Width

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    We give the first polynomial-time algorithms on graphs of bounded maximum induced matching width (mim-width) for problems that are not locally checkable. In particular, we give n^O(w)-time algorithms on graphs of mim-width at most w, when given a decomposition, for the following problems: Longest Induced Path, Induced Disjoint Paths and H-Induced Topological Minor for fixed H. Our results imply that the following graph classes have polynomial-time algorithms for these three problems: Interval and Bi-Interval graphs, Circular Arc, Per- mutation and Circular Permutation graphs, Convex graphs, k-Trapezoid, Circular k-Trapezoid, k-Polygon, Dilworth-k and Co-k-Degenerate graphs for fixed k

    Few induced disjoint paths for H-free graphs

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    Paths P1,…,Pk in a graph G=(V,E) are mutually induced if any two distinct Pi and Pj have neither common vertices nor adjacent vertices. For a fixed integer k, the k-INDUCED DISJOINT PATHS problem is to decide if a graph G with k pairs of specified vertices (si,ti) contains k mutually induced paths Pi such that each Pi starts from si and ends at ti. Whereas the non-induced version is well-known to be polynomial-time solvable for every fixed integer k, a classical result from the literature states that even 2-INDUCED DISJOINT PATHS is NP-complete. We prove new complexity results for k-INDUCED DISJOINT PATHS if the input is restricted to H-free graphs, that is, graphs without a fixed graph H as an induced subgraph. We compare our results with a complexity dichotomy for INDUCED DISJOINT PATHS, the variant where k is part of the input