1,560 research outputs found

    Artemisa: a personal driving assistant for fuel saving

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    In this paper, we propose a driving assistant that makes recommendations in order to reduce the fuel consumption. The solution only requires a smartphone and an OBD/Bluetooth device. Eco-driving advices try to avoid situations that cause an increase in the fuel consumption such as inappropriate speed or slow reaction to the detection of traffic signs and traffic incidents. The main contribution of this paper is the use of artificial intelligence techniques in order to issue the eco-driving tips that are best adapted to the user profile, the characteristics of the vehicle, and the road state conditions. This is very important because the driver may lose the interest due to the high requirements that tend to be provided by general use eco-driving assistants. In order to properly assess and validate the proposed solution, it has been implemented on several Android mobile devices and has been validated using a dataset of 2,250 driving tests using three different models of vehicles with 25 different drivers on three distinct routes. The results show that the system reduces the fuel consumption by 11.04 percent on average and even, in certain cases, the fuel saving is greater than 15 percent.The research leading to these results has received funding from the “HERMES-SMART DRIVER” project TIN2013-46801-C4-2-R within the Spanish “Plan Nacional de I+D+I” under the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and from the Spanish Ministerio de Economíıa y Competitividad funded projects (co-financed by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)) IRENE (PT-2012-1036-370000), COMINN (IPT-2012-0883-430000), and REMEDISS (IPT-2012-0882-430000) within the INNPACTO program

    WATI: Warning of Traffic Incidents for Fuel Saving

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    Traffic incidents (heavy traffic, adverse weather conditions, and traffic accidents) cause an increase in the frequency and intensity of the acceleration and deceleration. The result is a very significant increase in fuel consumption. In this paper, we propose a solution to reduce the impact of such events on energy consumption. The solution detects the traffic incidents based on measured telemetry data from vehicles and the different driver profiles. The proposal takes into account the rolling resistance coefficient, the road slope angle, and the vehicles speeds, from vehicles which are on the scene of the traffic incident, in order to estimate the optimal deceleration profile. Adapted advice and feedback are provided to the drivers in order to appropriately and timely release the accelerator pedal. The expert system is implemented on Android mobile devices and has been validated using a dataset of 150 tests using 15 different drivers. The main contribution of this paper is the proposal of a system to detect traffic incidents and provide an optimal deceleration pattern for the driver to follow without requiring sensors on the road. The results show an improvement on the fuel consumption of up to 13.47%

    Predicting consumers’ intention to purchase fully autonomous driving systems : which factors drive acceptance?

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    This study aimed to find which factors influence consumers’ intention to purchase a fully autonomous driving system in the future and which perceived product characteristics influence the purchase intention and how. Therefore, an extension of the acceptance model of Driver Assistant Systems by Arndt (2011) is presented. It integrates perceived product characteristics specific to autonomous driving technology, to investigate which factors determine the acceptance of fully autonomous driving systems. The proposed model was empirically tested based on primary data collected in Germany. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed to assess the reliability and validity of the measurement model. Further, structural equation modeling was used to evaluate the causal relationships. The findings indicated that Attitude toward buying, Subjective Norm and the perceived product characteristics Efficiency, Trust in Safety and Eco-Friendliness significantly influenced individuals’ behavioral intention to purchase driverless technology. The variables perceived Comfort, Image and Driving Enjoyment were not found to have a significant effect on behavioral intention. Attitude and Subjective Norm had the most significant influence. A somewhat surprising finding was that Subjective Norm not only had a direct effect on Behavioral Intention, as suggest by the theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behavior, but also on Attitude

    Eco-driving technology for sustainable road transport: A review

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Road transport consumes significant quantities of fossil fuel and accounts for a significant proportion of CO2 and pollutant emissions worldwide. The driver is a major and often overlooked factor that determines vehicle performance. Eco-driving is a relatively low-cost and immediate measure to reduce fuel consumption and emissions significantly. This paper reviews the major factors, research methods and implementation of eco-driving technology. The major factors of eco-driving are acceleration/deceleration, driving speed, route choice and idling. Eco-driving training programs and in-vehicle feedback devices are commonly used to implement eco-driving skills. After training or using in-vehicle devices, immediate and significant reductions in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions have been observed with slightly increased travel time. However, the impacts of both methods attenuate over time due to the ingrained driving habits developed over the years. These findings imply the necessity of developing quantitative eco-driving patterns that could be integrated into vehicle hardware so as to generate more constant and uniform improvements, as well as developing more effective and lasting training programs and in-vehicle devices. Current eco-driving studies mainly focus on the fuel savings and CO2 reduction of individual vehicles, but ignore the pollutant emissions and the impacts at network levels. Finally, the challenges and future research directions of eco-driving technology are elaborated

    Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Eco-Driving Assistance Systems in Electric Vehicles

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    Electric vehicles are expected to become one of the key elements of future sustainable transportation systems. The first generation of electric cars are already commercially available but still, suffer from problems and constraints that have to be solved before a mass market might be created. Key aspects that will play an important role in modern electric vehicles are range extension, energy efficiency, safety, comfort as well as communication. An overall solution approach to integrating all these aspects is the development of advanced driver assistance systems to make electric vehicles more intelligent. Driver assistance systems are based on the integration of suitable sensors and actuators as well as electronic devices and software-enabled control functionality to automatically support the human driver. Driver assistance for electric vehicles will differ from the already used systems in fuel-powered cars such as electronic stability programs, adaptive cruise control etc. in a way that they must support energy efficiency while the system itself must also have a low power consumption. In this work, an eco-driving functionality as the first step towards those new driver assistance systems for electric vehicles will be investigated. Using information about the internal state of the car, navigation information as well as advanced information about the environment coming from sensors and network connections, an algorithm will be developed that will adapt the speed of the vehicle automatically to minimize energy consumption. From an algorithmic point of view, a stochastic model predictive control approach will be applied and adapted to the special constraints of the problem. Finally, the solution will be tested in simulations as well as in first experiments with a commercial electric vehicle in the SnT Automation & Robotics Research Group (SnT ARG)

    Beyond Green: The Arts as a Catalyst for Sustainability

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    The creative sector has played a significant role in efforts to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and encourage sustainable social, economic, and environmental practices worldwide. Many artists and cultural organizations have embarked on remarkable projects that make us reflect on our behaviors, our carbon footprints, and the claims of infinite growth based on finite resources. Sometimes treading a fine line between arts and advocacy, they have sparked extraordinary collaborations that reveal new ways of living together on a shared planet. The 'art of the possible' will become even more relevant as 2016 dawns - bringing the challenge of how to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and the Climate Change Agreement adopted at the end of 2015. Yet with negotiations overshadowed by scientific controversy, political polemic and geographic polarization, individuals can easily lose faith in their own ability to shape change beyond the hyperlocal level. Against this challenging backdrop, could the arts and creative practice become a particle accelerator - to shift mindsets, embrace new ways of sharing space and resources, and catalyze more creative leadership in the public and private spheres? The goal of this Salzburg Global Seminar session was to build on path-breaking cultural initiatives to advance international and cross-sectoral links between existing arts and sustainability activities around the world, encourage bolder awareness-raising efforts, and recommend strategic approaches for making innovative grassroots to scale for greater, longer-term impact

    A Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and Applications

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    The last decade has shown an increasing interest on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) based on shared control, where automation is continuously supporting the driver at the control level with an adaptive authority. A first look at the literature offers two main research directions: 1) an ongoing effort to advance the theoretical comprehension of shared control, and 2) a diversity of automotive system applications with an increasing number of works in recent years. Yet, a global synthesis on these efforts is not available. To this end, this article covers the complete field of shared control in automated vehicles with an emphasis on these aspects: 1) concept, 2) categories, 3) algorithms, and 4) status of technology. Articles from the literature are classified in theory- and application-oriented contributions. From these, a clear distinction is found between coupled and uncoupled shared control. Also, model-based and model-free algorithms from these two categories are evaluated separately with a focus on systems using the steering wheel as the control interface. Model-based controllers tested by at least one real driver are tabulated to evaluate the performance of such systems. Results show that the inclusion of a driver model helps to reduce the conflicts at the steering. Also, variables such as driver state, driver effort, and safety indicators have a high impact on the calculation of the authority. Concerning the evaluation, driver-in-the-loop simulators are the most common platforms, with few works performed in real vehicles. Implementation in experimental vehicles is expected in the upcoming years.This work was supported in part by the ECSEL Joint Undertaking, which funded the PRYSTINE project under Grant 783190, and in part by the AUTOLIB project (ELKARTEK 2019 ref. KK-2019/00035; Gobierno Vasco Dpto. Desarrollo econĂłmico e infraestructuras)

    A Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and Applications

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    The last decade has shown an increasing interest on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) based on shared control, where automation is continuously supporting the driver at the control level with an adaptive authority. A first look at the literature offers two main research directions: 1) an ongoing effort to advance the theoretical comprehension of shared control, and 2) a diversity of automotive system applications with an increasing number of works in recent years. Yet, a global synthesis on these efforts is not available. To this end, this article covers the complete field of shared control in automated vehicles with an emphasis on these aspects: 1) concept, 2) categories, 3) algorithms, and 4) status of technology. Articles from the literature are classified in theory- and application-oriented contributions. From these, a clear distinction is found between coupled and uncoupled shared control. Also, model-based and model-free algorithms from these two categories are evaluated separately with a focus on systems using the steering wheel as the control interface. Model-based controllers tested by at least one real driver are tabulated to evaluate the performance of such systems. Results show that the inclusion of a driver model helps to reduce the conflicts at the steering. Also, variables such as driver state, driver effort, and safety indicators have a high impact on the calculation of the authority. Concerning the evaluation, driver-in-the-loop simulators are the most common platforms, with few works performed in real vehicles. Implementation in experimental vehicles is expected in the upcoming years

    Ecological Advanced Driver Assistance System for Optimal Energy Management in Electric Vehicles

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    Battery Electric Vehicles have a high potential in modern transportation, however, they are facing limited cruising range. The driving style, the road geometries including slopes, curves, the static and dynamic traffic conditions such as speed limits and preceding vehicles have their share of energy consumption in the host electric vehicle. Optimal energy management based on a semi-autonomous ecological advanced driver assistance system can improve the longitudinal velocity regulation in a safe and energy-efficient driving strategy. The main contribution of this paper is the design of a real-time risk-sensitive nonlinear model predictive controller to plan the online cost-effective cruising velocity in a stochastic traffic environment. The basic idea is to measure the relevant states of the electric vehicle at runtime, and account for the road slopes, the upcoming curves, and the speed limit zones, as well as uncertainty in the preceding vehicle behavior to determine the energy-efficient velocity profile. Closed-loop Entropic Value-at-Risk as a coherent risk measure is introduced to quantify the risk involved in the system constraints violation. The obtained simulation and field experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for a semi-autonomous electric vehicle in terms of safe and energy-efficient states regulation and constraints satisfaction
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