2,117 research outputs found

    Using virtual reality to investigate physical environmental factors related to cycling in older adults : a comparison between two methodologies

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    Introduction: Cycling has a positive impact on physical, mental and social health, and slows the aging process. However, there is still a large potential to increase the cycling levels in Belgian older adults. In order to promote cycling for transport, safe and attractive street characteristics have previously been investigated by using cross-sectional surveys and manipulated photographs. As VR-technology is still rarely used in transportation research, the aim of this study was to develop and compare the use of two different novel VR-applications, i.e. cycling in a 3D-CAVE and cycling with a VR-headset, as experimental approaches with regard to the sense of presence, the representation of the reality, and simulator sickness. Furthermore, the moderating effects of personal characteristics and test sequence were investigated. Methods: In total, 108 older adults (>= 65 years) participated in the cross-over experiment. The participants performed two cycling tests (i.e. cycling through virtually displayed existing streets in Ghent) using both VR-applications (3D-CAVE and VR-headset) in random order. After each cycle test, participants had to complete the same questionnaire. Results: Both VR-methodologies are equally good to be used among older adults (>= 65 years) in future research, i.e. identify which characteristics in the physical environment have an impact on cycling for transport. Additionally, there are no specific requirements for particular target groups regarding the kind of VR-application. General preference was given to the test setup that was completed in second place, indicating the importance of habituation to the virtual environment. Conclusions: Both VR-applications can be used in future research. The advantage of the VR-headset in comparison to the 3D-CAVE, is that the VR-headset is more practical to use at different locations. Especially in regard to the older populations, it is more convenient to bring the test setup closer to the subjects themselves

    An Investigation into the Impact of Parkinson's Disease upon Decision Making Ability and Driving Performance

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    Diagnostics and Rehabilitation of Parkinson's Disease presents the most current information pertaining to news-making topics relating to this disease, including etiology, early biomarkers for the diagnostics, novel methods to evaluate symptoms, research, multidisciplinary rehabilitation, new applications of brain imaging and invasive methods to the study of Parkinson's disease. Researchers have only recently begun to focus on the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease, which are poorly recognized and inadequately treated by clinicians. The non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease have a significant impact on patient quality of life and mortality and include cognitive impairments, autonomic, gastrointestinal, and sensory symptoms. In-depth discussion of the use of imaging tools to study disease mechanisms is also provided, with emphasis on the abnormal network organization in parkinsonism. Deep brain stimulation management is a paradigm-shifting therapy for Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, and dystonia. In the recent years, new approaches of early diagnostics, training programmes and treatments have vastly improved the lives of people with Parkinson's disease, substantially reducing symptoms and significantly delaying disability. Written by leading scientists on movement and neurological disorders, this comprehensive book should appeal to a multidisciplinary audience and help people cope with medical, emotional, and practical challenges

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 324)

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    This bibliography lists 200 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during May, 1989. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Feasibility and validity of a low-cost racing simulator in driving assessment after stroke

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    There is a myriad of methodologies to assess driving performance after a stroke. These include psychometric tests, driving simulation, questionnaires, and/or road tests. Research-based driving simulators have emerged as a safe, convenient way to assess driving performance after a stroke. Such traditional research simulators are useful in recreating street traffic scenarios, but are often expensive, with limited physics models and graphics rendering. In contrast, racing simulators developed for motorsport professionals and enthusiasts offer high levels of realism, run on consumer-grade hardware, and can provide rich telemetric data. However, most offer limited simulation of traffic scenarios. This pilot study compares the feasibility of research simulation and racing simulation in a sample with minor stroke. We determine that the racing simulator is tolerated well in subjects with a minor stroke. There were correlations between research and racing simulator outcomes with psychometric tests associated with driving performance, such as the Trails Making Test Part A, Snellgrove Maze Task, and the Motricity Index. We found correlations between measures of driving speed on a complex research simulator scenario and racing simulator lap time and maximum tires off track. Finally, we present two models, using outcomes from either the research or racing simulator, predicting road test failure as linked to a previously published fitness-to-drive calculator that uses psychometric screening

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 317)

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    This bibliography lists 182 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in November, 1988

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 203

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    This bibliography lists 150 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in January 1980

    The Body Image Virtual Reality Assessment (BIVRA): Measuring the body representation through virtual reality

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    Our physical and psychological well-being is significantly in-fluenced by how we perceive our body, in addition to our thoughts and emotions associated with it. Dysfunctional body perceptions and attitudes play a key role in the devel-opment and maintenance of severe conditions such as eat-ing disorders in both males and females. Given its relevance, some attempts have been made to improve body image as-sessment methods in terms of perceptual accuracy and body satisfaction taking advantage of technological advances such as virtual reality. However, existing applications have mainly focused on women and clinical conditions. In this study, we presented the Body Image Virtual Reality Assessment (BIVRA), a virtual reality figure rating scale to assess body image in both male and female subjects. We tested BIVRA's ability to measure perceptual accuracy and compared its re-sults with a standardized body satisfaction questionnaire. Additionally, we investigated gender differences. BIVRA was found to be effective in assessing body image. We observed that a perceptually based task successfully captured both low and high levels of body representations, shedding light on the significant gender differences. The association between BIVRA and the body satisfaction questionnaires was moder-ated by gender, with a stronger association for women. While further validation of BIVRA is needed to fully exploit its po-tential, our results suggest that the integration of virtual real-ity into the assessment of body image and related disorders may significantly enhance our understanding of individuals struggling with body image issues and has the potential to advance current methods and techniques

    Using Biofeedback while Immersed in a Stressful Videogame Increases the Effectiveness of Stress Management Skills in Soldiers

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    This study assessed the efficacy of using visual and auditory biofeedback while immersed in a tridimensional videogame to practice a stress management skill (tactical breathing). All 41 participants were soldiers who had previously received basic stress management training and first aid training in combat. On the first day, they received a 15-minute refresher briefing and were randomly assigned to either: (a) no additional stress management training (SMT) for three days, or (b) 30-minute sessions (one per day for three days) of biofeedback-assisted SMT while immersed in a horror/first-person shooter game. The training was performed in a dark and enclosed environment using a 50-inch television with active stereoscopic display and loudspeakers. On the last day, all participants underwent a live simulated ambush with an improvised explosive device, where they had to provide first aid to a wounded soldier. Stress levels were measured with salivary cortisol collected when waking-up, before and after the live simulation. Stress was also measured with heart rate at baseline, during an apprehension phase, and during the live simulation. Repeated-measure ANOVAs and ANCOVAs confirmed that practicing SMT was effective in reducing stress. Results are discussed in terms of the advantages of the proposed program for military personnel and the need to practice SMT

    The Psychology of Driving on Rural Roads: Development and Testing of a Model

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    Rural roads constitute the most dangerous road category with regard to the number of fatal accidents. In order to increase traffic safety on rural roads it is necessary to take into account not only their inherent properties but also their effect on behaviour. Gert Weller develops a psychological model for driving on rural roads which is validated in three empirical steps: laboratory, simulator and driving experiments. His results provide insight into the possibilities of how driving behaviour on rural roads can be influenced and give practical guidance for the enhancement of rural road safety. The book is written for psychologists in the fields of traffic psychology and human factors research, traffic engineers, road planners as well as for political decision makers in traffic planning departments.:1. Driving on Rural Roads: The Current Situation 2. Applying Existing Models to Driving on Rural Roads 2.1. A Framework 2.2. Individual Differences: Traits and Demographic Variables 2.3. Driving as a Self-Paced Task: Motivational Models 2.4. Perception and Information-Processing 3. A Psychological Model for Driving on Rural Roads 4. Empirical Validation 4.1. Overview and General Course of Events 4.2. The Laboratory Study: The Role of Perceived Road Characteristics 4.3. The Simulator Study: The Role of Cues and Affordances 4.4. On-the-Road Driving Tests: Behaviour and Accidents 5. Empirical Validation: Summary and Conclusion
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