35 research outputs found

    Elements of gamification in virtual learning environments: a systematic review

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    Information technologies have introduced several changes in teaching and learning environments. In this scenario, the gamification technique emerges as a promissing approach, considering the impact on the students’ motivation and appealing to their participation. This paper describes a systematic review addressing gamification in virtual learning environments (VLE), presenting an overview on how gamification has been applied in these scenarios. This review was based on papers published in highly scored journals in the field of computers in education. The papers were selected according to the gamification theme, and the content was analyzed and a state of the art built, according to the retrieved qualitative data. The results seem to reveal that there are significant gains derived from the adoption of gamification in VLE. However, some gains are not unanimous and it depends on how the elements are applied. This paper also suggests a basis for future work aiming at applying gamification in a VLE.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objective: Analyze the use of gamification as a strategy for improving the increase in hand hygiene by health professionals, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: This is an integrative review study of the bibliography, from 2010 to 2020. Data was collected through research carried out in electronic databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL - BIREME) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo). Results: The selected articles highlight the importance of promoting hand hygiene as a measure in the prevention and control of healthcare-related infections, in addition to the challenges of implementing measures to maintain hand hygiene behavior by health professionals for a long time, bringing gamification as an element to boost the act of hand hygiene in a playful and fun way. In the present work we have as a panorama the current global pandemic situation, with the covid-19, which brings as measures to fight, hand hygiene, not only of health professionals but of the entire population, demonstrating its extreme importance for this theme. Conclusion: It is concluded that the pandemic brought a new look to the practice of hand hygiene, making mechanisms such as gamification more present for greater adherence and awareness of health professionals and the population in general.Objetivo: Analisar o uso da gamificação como estratégia para melhoria no aumento da higienização das mãos pelos profissionais da saúde, frente à pandemia de COVID-19. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo de revisão integrativa da bibliografia, no período de 2010 a 2020. Os dados foram coletados através de pesquisas realizadas em banco de dados eletrônicos da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS – BIREME) e Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo). Resultados: Os artigos selecionados destacam a importância da promoção da higiene das mãos como medida na prevenção e controle das infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde, além dos desafios na implementação de medidas para manter o comportamento de higienização das mãos pelos profissionais de saúde por tempo prolongado, trazendo a gamificação como um elemento para impulsionar o ato de higienizar as mãos de forma lúdica e divertida.  No presente trabalho temos como panorama a atual situação mundial pandêmica, com o covid-19, que traz como medidas para o combate, a higienização das mãos, não só dos profissionais de saúde como de toda a população, demonstrando sua extrema importância para o presente tema. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a pandemia trouxe um novo olhar para a prática de Higienização das mãos, tornando mecanismos como a gamificação mais presentes para maior adesão e conscientização dos profissionais de saúde e da população em geral

    Assessing Gamified Experiences in Physical Education Teachers and Students

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    Una de las metodologías con mayor auge educativo hoy en día es la gamificación. Esta metodología implica el uso de la mecánica del juego en el aula. El juego se trata como un elemento motivador en el aula, se considera activa porque el alumno debe estar activo en el proceso de aprendizaje y alienta a los estudiantes a ser activos en su proceso de aprendizaje, haciendo que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sea motivador y efectivo. Se utiliza la escala GAMEX (Gameful Experience in Gamification) para medir la experiencia gamificada. Se analizó la experiencia de 255 estudiantes y profesores en total. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos, destacamos como conclusiones que la gamificación facilita el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo, una reducción del afecto negativo y una mejora en la colaboración. El efecto de este tipo de experiencias es similar tanto en estudiantes como en maestros.One of the currently booming methodologies is gamification. Gamification in education involves the use of game mechanics in classroom. The game is treated as a motivating element in the classroom, while this methodology is considered active because the student must be active in the learning process. This methodology is considered active because it encourages students to be active in their learning process, making the teaching-learning process motivating and effective. To develop the research GAMEX scale (Gameful Experience in Gamification) is used to measures the gamified experience, this research analysed the gamification experience of 255 students and teachers in Andalusia in the area of Physical Education, a subject in which game-based learning is a widely used methodology. Among the main results obtained, we highlight as conclusions that gamification facilitates the development of creative thinking, a reduction in negative affect, and an improvement in collaboration. The effect of these types of experiences are similar in both students and teachers

    Review on gamification in children computer interaction (CCI) for persona modelling

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    Human Computer Interaction (HCI) plays an important role in connecting humans and computers. Many studies conducted to find better alternatives to improve communication between humans and computers. Various frameworks, catalogue and models revised to complement the lack of existing ideas. The growing technology is increasingly being used by not only adults but also children. However, many applications developed do not fully emphasize the use of HCI suitable for children. Thus, Children Computer Interaction (CCI) created to meet the specific needs of children. Yet, there are still many CCI weaknesses being improved to overcome various problems from time to time. One of the ideas presented is through gamification, which is fun and enjoyable in accordance with the nature of the children. Still, the use of gamification is not as simple as adding some game elements into children's apps, but wider to ensure success in achieving the objectives of the developed application. One way that matter is through the use of user-centered design-persona model. So, this paper reviewed the use of current HCI/CCI, gamification and modified the previously proposed design principles in HCI for children into interview questions for data collection which will be analyzed later to create persona model for future work

    Elaboration and validation of the scale to measure the experience on gamification in education (EGAMEDU)

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    Nowadays, we talk about the use of gamification in education, an active methodology that consists of the use of mechanics, design or game structures in class. With this type of methodology, the effort is rewarded, which is treated as a motivating tool in class. There is no valid or well-structured instrument to measure gamification properly in education. This research arises from the need to develop and validate an instrument to measure the experience on gamification in educational contexts (EGAMEDU) as a useful tool of diagnosis so that the teaching staff can guide their teaching practice toward the use of this methodology. The sample used for the validation of the questionnaire is composed of 401 participants related to education and gamified experiences. The results show good validity indexes and a factorial structure according to the one proposed in the theoryPeer Reviewe

    Gamificación como instrumento para mejorar los indicadores docentes en asignaturas de ingeniería agroforestal

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    En cursos iniciales de asignaturas de ingeniería aplicada se produce una reducida asistencia y participación del alumnado en clase, minorando el rendimiento de este y promoviendo el absentismo en el examen final. El fomento de la motivación del alumno puede ser un factor determinante en dicho problema, pudiendo presentarse la gamificación como herramienta útil para tal fin. En este trabajo, como respuesta ante esta cuestión, se muestra el uso de una herramienta on-line que ofrece la posibilidad de realizar una prueba tras cada unidad didáctica. Con ello, el alumno puede autoevaluar su proceso de aprendizaje y, al mismo tiempo, el profesorado tiene la posibilidad de conocer la evolución individual de cada estudiante. Para incentivar su uso, se ofrece la opción de superar contenidos de la asignatura para mantener la calificación de parte de la nota, previa a su evaluación en la prueba final de la asignatura. La práctica docente se ha llevado a cabo en una asignatura troncal con 126 alumnos, de los que han participado 87. Los resultados indican que se ha incrementado la asistencia a clase y la retroalimentación y proactividad de los alumnos a través de tutorías, foros y preguntas con relación a los tres cursos académicos anteriores. La práctica propuesta no aumenta sustancialmente la carga de trabajo del profesorado y mejora la compresión y el aprendizaje del alumno, así como la superación de las pruebas escritas de la asignatura

    Strategi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Mengelola Kepemimpinan Millenial Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Karyawan yang Didukung oleh Teknologi Modern

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    Penelitian ini dibuat untuk memberikan analisis literatur mengenai strategi manajemen sumber daya manusia dalam mengelola kepemimpinan milenial untuk meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan dengan dukungan teknologi modern. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur dimana peneliti mengkaji dan mensintesis berbagai macam referensi ilmiah terkait strategi manajemen sumber daya manusia dalam kepemimpinan milenial untuk mengelola sumber daya manusia dengan dukungan teknologi modern. Hasil dari analisis literatur menunjukkan untuk mencapai produktivitas yang optimal, para pemimpin harus mampu menunjukkan keterampilan mengelola sumber daya manusia secara unggul. Di era saat ini, mulai banyak muncul pemimpin di generasi milenial yang mengambil peran dalam mengelola SDM. Keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh generasi milenial adalah dekat dengan teknologi dan memiliki fleksibilitas yang lebih tinggi daripada generasi yang sebelumnya. Maka, perusahaan dapat mengoptimalkan kepemimpinan milenial dalam mengoptimalkan produktivitas karyawan dengan selalu memberikan perkembangan teknologi terbaru. Teknologi mampu mengoptimalkan potensi pemimpin milenial.Teknologi hadir dalam dunia industri sebagai media untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan produktivitas karyawan. Produktivitas yang optimal akan membantu perushaaan untuk terus bersaing dengan kompetitornya. Untuk mencapai produktivitas yang optimal, para pemimpin harus mampu menunjukkan keterampilan mengelola sumber daya manusia (SDM) secara unggul. Di era saat ini, mulai banyak muncul pemimpin di generasi milenial yang mengambil peran dalam mengelola SDM. Keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh generasi milenial adalah dekat dengan teknologi dan memiliki fleksibilitas yang lebih tinggi daripada generasi yang sebelumnya. Maka, perusahaan dapat mengoptimalkan kepemimpinan milenial dalam mengoptimalkan produktivitas karyawan dengan selalu memberikan perkembangan teknologi terbaru. Teknologi mampu mendorong potensi pemimpin milenial untuk mengelola SDM yang ada sehingga para karyawan dapat mencapai potensi maksimal dalam memberikan kinerja yang terbaik

    Flipped Learning and E-Learning as Training Models Focused on the Metaverse

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    Virtual Learning Environments (EVA) have acquired special importance in the educational field in recent years. The metaverse has been constructed as a learning space with enormous potential. As such, the immersion possibilities of the metaverse increase when compared to other methodologies that already implement technology, such as flipped learning and e-learning. In these learning environments, students require a set of specific abilities and skills. Therefore, this study aims to understand which training approach (flipped learning or e-learning) helps students acquire better skills through a teaching and learning process in the metaverse. This thesis used a pre-post quasi-experimental design of a group containing 173 Spanish high school students to achieve its aim. The data collection has been carried out by the Teaching and Learning Experiences Questionnaire (ETLQ). Among the obtained results, it is discovered that in all the dimensions analyzed, a significant relationship is observed. The greatest difference in means occurs in the LO dimension, meaning that these educational experiences directly impact the student’s academic results. It is concluded that both training approaches are adequate in preparing students for training processes carried out in the metaverse since they complement each other. Therefore, as preliminary instruction, the sequential use of these approaches is necessary when familiarizing students with a new learning reality such as the metaverse. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-013 Full Text: PD

    Ψηφιακή αφήγηση και παιχνιδοποίηση (Gamification) στη Διαπολιτισμική Εκπαίδευση

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    Η ψηφιακή αφήγηση είναι ένα εργαλείο της παιχνιδοποίησης το οποίο αν χρησιμοποιηθεί σωστά αποτελεί επικουρικό εργαλείο στα χέρια των εκπαιδευτικών ώστε να βοηθήσουν παιδαγωγικά τη γλωσσική ανάπτυξη ενός αλλόγλωσσου ή δίγλωσσου μαθητή.Digital storytelling is a playful tool and if the teacher used it properly, it will be an auxiliary tool for the teachers and can help pedagogically develop the linguistic development of a foreign language or bilingual student

    A Review of Research on Gamification Approach in Education

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    Gamification has become the most popular topic of the last few years. Studies in gamification area are examined based on certain different criteria in this study and content analysis method was used in order to identify trends in this area. Web of Science were scanned through using gamification as keyword without year restriction. A total number of 313 studies were regarded as appropriate for the aim of the study and examined. It is seen that research in this area have begun in 2011 and increased every year. It is also seen that motivational theories are mostly preferred in the studies conducted in gamification area. It was determined that goal-duty, reward and progression sticks are the mostly used components as game components. It is seen that gamification applications are frequently preferred in virtual environment, simulation and augmented reality learning environments after mobile environments and in parallel with these, they are also preferred in learning areas such as public, service, food and health. Therefore, identifying different activities which could affect success in online environments, integrating these into education environment and provide these activities with theories appropriate for students’ ages for them not to lose their motivation are essential