70 research outputs found

    Runtime support for load balancing of parallel adaptive and irregular applications

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    Applications critical to today\u27s engineering research often must make use of the increased memory and processing power of a parallel machine. While advances in architecture design are leading to more and more powerful parallel systems, the software tools needed to realize their full potential are in a much less advanced state. In particular, efficient, robust, and high-performance runtime support software is critical in the area of dynamic load balancing. While the load balancing of loosely synchronous codes, such as field solvers, has been studied extensively for the past 15 years, there exists a class of problems, known as asynchronous and highly adaptive , for which the dynamic load balancing problem remains open. as we discuss, characteristics of this class of problems render compile-time or static analysis of little benefit, and complicate the dynamic load balancing task immensely.;We make two contributions to this area of research. The first is the design and development of a runtime software toolkit, known as the Parallel Runtime Environment for Multi-computer Applications, or PREMA, which provides interprocessor communication, a global namespace, a framework for the implementation of customized scheduling policies, and several such policies which are prevalent in the load balancing literature. The PREMA system is designed to support coarse-grained domain decompositions with the goals of portability, flexibility, and maintainability in mind, so that developers will quickly feel comfortable incorporating it into existing codes and developing new codes which make use of its functionality. We demonstrate that the programming model and implementation are efficient and lead to the development of robust and high-performance applications.;Our second contribution is in the area of performance modeling. In order to make the most effective use of the PREMA runtime software, certain parameters governing its execution must be set off-line. Optimal values for these parameters may be determined through repeated executions of the target application; however, this is not always possible, particularly in large-scale environments and long-running applications. We present an analytic model that allows the user to quickly and inexpensively predict application performance and fine-tune applications built on the PREMA platform

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    Multigrain shared memory

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-203).by Donald Yeung.Ph.D

    Performance Projections of HPC Applications on Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) Based Systems

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    Performance projections of High Performance Computing (HPC) applications onto various hardware platforms are important for hardware vendors and HPC users. The projections aid hardware vendors in the design of future systems and help HPC users with system procurement and application refinements. In this dissertation, we present an efficient method to project the performance of HPC applications onto Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) based systems using widely available standard benchmark data. The main advantage of this method is the use of published data about the target machine; the target machine need not be available. With the current trend in HPC platforms shifting towards cluster systems with chip multiprocessors (CMPs), efficient and accurate performance projection becomes a challenging task. Typically, CMP-based systems are configured hierarchically, which significantly impacts the performance of HPC applications. The goal of this research is to develop an efficient method to project the performance of HPC applications onto systems that utilize CMPs. To provide for efficiency, our projection methodology is automated (projections are done using a tool) and fast (with small overhead). Our method, called the surrogate-based workload application projection method, utilizes surrogate benchmarks to project an HPC application performance on target systems where computation component of an HPC application is projected separately from the communication component. Our methodology was validated on a variety of systems utilizing different processor and interconnect architectures with high accuracy and efficiency. The average projection error on three target systems was 11.22 percent with standard deviation of 1.18 percent for twelve HPC workloads

    Design and resource management of reconfigurable multiprocessors for data-parallel applications

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    FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array)-based custom reconfigurable computing machines have established themselves as low-cost and low-risk alternatives to ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) implementations and general-purpose microprocessors in accelerating a wide range of computation-intensive applications. Most often they are Application Specific Programmable Circuiits (ASPCs), which are developer programmable instead of user programmable. The major disadvantages of ASPCs are minimal programmability, and significant time and energy overheads caused by required hardware reconfiguration when the problem size outnumbers the available reconfigurable resources; these problems are expected to become more serious with increases in the FPGA chip size. On the other hand, dominant high-performance computing systems, such as PC clusters and SMPs (Symmetric Multiprocessors), suffer from high communication latencies and/or scalability problems. This research introduces low-cost, user-programmable and reconfigurable MultiProcessor-on-a-Programmable-Chip (MPoPC) systems for high-performance, low-cost computing. It also proposes a relevant resource management framework that deals with performance, power consumption and energy issues. These semi-customized systems reduce significantly runtime device reconfiguration by employing userprogrammable processing elements that are reusable for different tasks in large, complex applications. For the sake of illustration, two different types of MPoPCs with hardware FPUs (floating-point units) are designed and implemented for credible performance evaluation and modeling: the coarse-grain MIMD (Multiple-Instruction, Multiple-Data) CG-MPoPC machine based on a processor IP (Intellectual Property) core and the mixed-mode (MIMD, SIMD or M-SIMD) variant-grain HERA (HEterogeneous Reconfigurable Architecture) machine. In addition to alleviating the above difficulties, MPoPCs can offer several performance and energy advantages to our data-parallel applications when compared to ASPCs; they are simpler and more scalable, and have less verification time and cost. Various common computation-intensive benchmark algorithms, such as matrix-matrix multiplication (MMM) and LU factorization, are studied and their parallel solutions are shown for the two MPoPCs. The performance is evaluated with large sparse real-world matrices primarily from power engineering. We expect even further performance gains on MPoPCs in the near future by employing ever improving FPGAs. The innovative nature of this work has the potential to guide research in this arising field of high-performance, low-cost reconfigurable computing. The largest advantage of reconfigurable logic lies in its large degree of hardware customization and reconfiguration which allows reusing the resources to match the computation and communication needs of applications. Therefore, a major effort in the presented design methodology for mixed-mode MPoPCs, like HERA, is devoted to effective resource management. A two-phase approach is applied. A mixed-mode weighted Task Flow Graph (w-TFG) is first constructed for any given application, where tasks are classified according to their most appropriate computing mode (e.g., SIMD or MIMD). At compile time, an architecture is customized and synthesized for the TFG using an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation and a parameterized hardware component library. Various run-time scheduling schemes with different performanceenergy objectives are proposed. A system-level energy model for HERA, which is based on low-level implementation data and run-time statistics, is proposed to guide performance-energy trade-off decisions. A parallel power flow analysis technique based on Newton\u27s method is proposed and employed to verify the methodology

    Performance analysis for parallel programs from multicore to petascale

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    Cutting-edge science and engineering applications require petascale computing. Petascale computing platforms are characterized by both extreme parallelism (systems of hundreds of thousands to millions of cores) and hybrid parallelism (nodes with multicore chips). Consequently, to effectively use petascale resources, applications must exploit concurrency at both the node and system level --- a difficult problem. The challenge of developing scalable petascale applications is only partially aided by existing languages and compilers. As a result, manual performance tuning is often necessary to identify and resolve poor parallel and serial efficiency. Our thesis is that it is possible to achieve unique, accurate, and actionable insight into the performance of fully optimized parallel programs by measuring them with asynchronous-sampling-based call path profiles; attributing the resulting binary-level measurements to source code structure; analyzing measurements on-the-fly and postmortem to highlight performance inefficiencies; and presenting the resulting context- sensitive metrics in three complementary views. To support this thesis, we have developed several techniques for identifying performance problems in fully optimized serial, multithreaded and petascale programs. First, we describe how to attribute very precise (instruction-level) measurements to source-level static and dynamic contexts in fully optimized applications --- all for an average run-time overhead of a few percent. We then generalize this work with the development of logical call path profiling and apply it to work-stealing-based applications. Second, we describe techniques for pinpointing and quantifying parallel inefficiencies such as parallel idleness, parallel overhead and lock contention in multithreaded executions. Third, we show how to diagnose scalability bottlenecks in petascale applications by scaling our our measurement, analysis and presentation tools to support large-scale executions. Finally, we provide a coherent framework for these techniques by sketching a unique and comprehensive performance analysis methodology. This work forms the basis of Rice University's HPCTOOLKIT performance tools

    High-performance cluster computing, algorithms, implementations and performance evaluation for computation-intensive applications to promote complex scientific research on turbulent flows

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    Large-scale high-performance computing is a very rapidly growing field of research that plays a vital role in the advance of science, engineering, and modern industrial technology. Increasing sophistication in research has led to a need for bigger and faster computers or computer clusters, and high-performance computer systems are themselves stimulating the redevelopment of the methods of computation. Computing is fast becoming the most frequently used technique to explore new questions. We have developed high-performance computer simulation modeling software system on turbulent flows. Five papers are selected to present here from dozens of papers published in our efforts on complex software system development and knowledge discovery through computer simulations. The first paper describes the end-to-end computer simulation system development and simulation results that help understand the nature of complex shelterbelt turbulent flows. The second paper deals specifically with high-performance algorithm design and implementation in a cluster of computers. The third paper discusses the twelve design processes of parallel algorithms and software system as well as theoretical performance modeling and characterization of cluster computing. The fourth paper is about the computing framework of drag and pressure coefficients. The fifth paper is about simulated evapotranspiration and energy partition of inhomogeneous ecosystems. We discuss the end-to-end computer simulation system software development, distributed parallel computing performance modeling and system performance characterization. We design and compare several parallel implementations of our computer simulation system and show that the performance depends on algorithm design, communication channel pattern, and coding strategies that significantly impact load balancing, speedup, and computing efficiency. For a given cluster communication characteristics and a given problem complexity, there exists an optimal number of nodes. With this computer simulation system, we resolved many historically controversial issues and a lot of important problems

    Techniques for mitigating congestion in wireless sensor networks

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-105).Network congestion occurs when offered traffic load exceeds available capacity at any point in a network. In wireless sensor networks, congestion causes overall channel quality to degrade and loss rates to rise, leads to buffer drops and increased delays (as in wired networks), and tends to be grossly unfair toward nodes whose data has to traverse a larger number of radio hops. Congestion control in wired networks is usually done using end-to-end and network-layer mechanisms acting in concert. However, this approach does not solve the problem in wireless networks because concurrent radio transmissions on different "links" interact with and affect each other, and because radio channel quality shows high variability over multiple time-scales. In this thesis, we examine three techniques that span different layers of the traditional protocol stack: hop-by-hop flow control, rate limiting source traffic when transit traffic is present, and a prioritized medium access control (MAC) protocol. We implement these techniques and present experimental results from a 55-node in-building wireless sensor network. We demonstrate that the combination of these techniques can improve network efficiency by a factor of three under realistic workloads.by Bret Warren Hull.S.M

    Portability and performance in heterogeneous many core Systems

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    Dissertação de mestrado em InformáticaCurrent computing systems have a multiplicity of computational resources with different architectures, such as multi-core CPUs and GPUs. These platforms are known as heterogeneous many-core systems (HMS) and as computational resources evolve they are o ering more parallelism, as well as becoming more heterogeneous. Exploring these devices requires the programmer to be aware of the multiplicity of associated architectures, computing models and development framework. Portability issues, disjoint memory address spaces, work distribution and irregular workload patterns are major examples that need to be tackled in order to e ciently explore the computational resources of an HMS. This dissertation goal is to design and evaluate a base architecture that enables the identi cation and preliminary evaluation of the potential bottlenecks and limitations of a runtime system that addresses HMS. It proposes a runtime system that eases the programmer burden of handling all the devices available in a heterogeneous system. The runtime provides a programming and execution model with a uni ed address space managed by a data management system. An API is proposed in order to enable the programmer to express applications and data in an intuitive way. Four di erent scheduling approaches are evaluated that combine di erent data partitioning mechanisms with di erent work assignment policies and a performance model is used to provide some performance insights to the scheduler. The runtime e ciency was evaluated with three di erent applications - matrix multiplication, image convolution and n-body Barnes-Hut simulation - running in multicore CPUs and GPUs. In terms of productivity the results look promising, however, combining scheduling and data partitioning revealed some ine ciencies that compromise load balancing and needs to be revised, as well as the data management system that plays a crucial role in such systems. Performance model driven decisions were also evaluated which revealed that the accuracy of a performance model is also a compromising component