3,424 research outputs found


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    Non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) refers to vegetation that cannot perform a photosynthetic function. NPV, including standing dead vegetation and surface plant litter, plays a vital role in maintaining ecosystem function through controlling carbon, water and nutrient uptake as well as natural fire frequency and intensity in diverse ecosystems such as forest, savannah, wetland, cropland, and grassland. Due to its ecological importance, NPV has been selected as an indicator of grassland ecosystem health by the Alberta Public Lands Administration in Canada. The ecological importance of NPV has driven considerable research on quantifying NPV biomass with remote sensing approaches in various ecosystems. Although remote images, especially hyperspectral images, have demonstrated potential for use in NPV estimation, there has not been a way to quantify NPV biomass in semiarid grasslands where NPV biomass is affected by green vegetation (PV), bare soil and biological soil crust (BSC). The purpose of this research is to find a solution to quantitatively estimate NPV biomass with remote sensing approaches in semiarid mixed grasslands. Research was conducted in Grasslands National Park (GNP), a parcel of semiarid mixed prairie grassland in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Multispectral images, including newly operational Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2A Multi-spectral Instrument (MSIs) images and fine Quad-pol Radarsat-2 images were used for estimating NPV biomass in early, middle, and peak growing seasons via a simple linear regression approach. The results indicate that multispectral Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2A MSIs have potential to quantify NPV biomass in peak and early senescence growing seasons. Radarsat-2 can also provide a solution for NPV biomass estimation. However, the performance of Radarsat-2 images is greatly affected by incidence angle of the image acquisition. This research filled a critical gap in applying remote sensing approaches to quantify NPV biomass in grassland ecosystems. NPV biomass estimates and approaches for estimating NPV biomass will contribute to grassland ecosystem health assessment (EHA) and natural resource (i.e. land, soil, water, plant, and animal) management

    Remote sensing in support of conservation and management of heathland vegetation

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    Remote sensing in forestry: Application to the Amazon region

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    The utilization of satellite remote sensing in forestry is reviewed with emphasis on studies performed for the Brazilian Amazon Region. Timber identification, deforestation, and pasture degradation after deforestation are discussed

    Rangeland degradation assessment using remote sensing and vegetation species.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.The degradation of rangeland grass is currently one of the most serious environmental problems in South Africa. Increaser and decreaser grass species have been used as indicators to evaluate rangeland condition. Therefore, classifying these species and monitoring their relative abundance is an important step for sustainable rangelands management. Traditional methods (e.g. wheel point technique) have been used in classifying increaser and decreaser species over small geographic areas. These methods are regarded as being costly and time-consuming, because grasslands usually cover large expanses that are situated in isolated and inaccessible areas. In this regard, remote sensing techniques offer a practical and economical means for quantifying rangeland degradation over large areas. Remote sensing is capable of providing rapid, relatively inexpensive, and near-real-time data that could be used for classifying and monitoring species. This study advocates the development of techniques based on remote sensing to classify four dominant increaser species associated with rangeland degradation namely: Hyparrhenia hirta, Eragrostis curvula, Sporobolus africanus and Aristida diffusa in Okhombe communal rangeland, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. To our knowledge, no attempt has yet been made to discriminate and characterize the landscape using these species as indicators of the different levels of rangeland degradation using remote sensing. The first part of the thesis reviewed the problem of rangeland degradation in South Africa, the use of remote sensing (multispectral and hyperspectral) and their challenges and opportunities in mapping rangeland degradation using different indicators. The concept of decreaser and increaser species and how it can be used to map rangeland degradation was discussed. The second part of this study focused on exploring the relationship between vegetation species (increaser and decreaser species) and different levels of rangeland degradation. Results showed that, there is significant relationship between the abundance and distribution of different vegetation species and rangeland condition. The third part of the study aimed to investigate the potential use of hyperspectral remote sensing in discriminating between four increaser species using the raw field spectroscopy data and discriminant analysis as a classifier. The results indicate that the spectroscopic approach used in this study has a strong potential to discriminate among increaser species. These positive results prompted the need to scale up the method to airborne remote sensing data characteristics for the purpose of possible mapping of rangeland species as indicators of degradation. We investigated whether canopy reflectance spectra resampled to AISA Eagle resolution and random forest as a classification algorithm could discriminate between four increaser species. Results showed that hyperspectral data assessed with the random forest algorithm has the potential to accurately discriminate species with best overall accuracy. Knowledge on reduced key wavelength regions and spectral band combinations for successful discrimination of increaser species was obtained. These wavelengths were evaluated using the new WorldView imagery containing unique and strategically positioned band settings. The study demonstrated the potential of WorldView-2 bands in classifying grass at species level with an overall accuracy of 82% which is only 5% less than an overall accuracy achieved by AISA Eagle hyperspectral data. Overall, the study has demonstrated the potential of remote sensing techniques to classify different increaser species representing levels of rangeland degradation. In this regard, we expect that the results of this study can be used to support up-to-date monitoring system for sustainable rangeland management

    Mapping Weekly Rangeland Vegetation Productivity Using MODIS Algorithms

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    The great spatial extent of rangelands combined with recent emphasis on rangeland health has prompted a need for more efficient and cost effective management tools. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor of the Earth Observing System (EOS) will offer improved and more timely monitoring of rangeland vegetation, and, unlike any previous satellite sensor, the publicly available MODIS data stream will include estimates of rangeland productivity. These estimations of rangeland productivity can be used regionally for measuring biomass production and will be available every eight-days, with global coverage at 1- km^ resolution. MODIS derived estimates of rangeland productivity combine remote sensing information with daily meteorological data as inputs to a mathematical model of photosynthetic conversion of solar radiation into plant carbohydrates. Vegetation productivity is .a measure of rangeland vegetation vigor and growth capacity, which are important components of rangeland management and health assessment. Using MODIS data, it will be possible to characterize rangeland vegetation seasonality, estimate herbage quantity and, monitor the rates and trends of change in primary production. Consistent, objective and frequent productivity estimates will be available for even the most inaccessible rangelands. Potential applications of weekly and annual productivity estimates are demonstrated on the Shoshone BLM Administrative District and a larger portion of the Interior Northwestern United States. Productivity estimates were derived using Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer data as a surrogate for the MODIS data stream. Shrub and grassland vegetation seasonality for 1991 was characterized. Herbage quantity was estimated from the 1993 shrub and grassland regional net primary production. A 5-year average productivity from 1990 - 1994 and departures from that average were calculated for the years 1991 and 1993. The measures of departure indicated that 1991 was regionally less productive and 1993 more productive than the five year average. Collaboration between rangeland scientists and managers is necessary to realize the potential for EOS-derived vegetation productivity as a management tool. Future research will include field calibration of the productivity algorithms and exploration of new techniques for using EOS-derived productivity measures for rangeland management. Measures of rangeland productivity could become part of an integrated rangeland system analysis. This may permit differentiation between anthropogenic, biotic, and abiotic factors as the primary cause of declining productivity. Other research may include customization of biome properties for selected regions

    Satellite-based monitoring of pasture degradation on the Tibetan Plateau: A multi-scale approach

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    The Tibetan Plateau has been entitled Third-Pole-Environment'' because of its outstanding importance for the global climate and the hydrological system of East and Southeast Asia. Its climatological and hydrological influences are strongly affected by the local vegetation which is supposed to be subject to ongoing degradation. The degradation of the Tibetan pastures was investigated on the local scale by numerous studies. However, because methods and scales substantially differed among the previous studies, the overall pattern of degradation on the Tibetan Plateau is hitherto unknown. Consequently, the aims of this thesis are to monitor recent changes in the grassland degradation on the Tibetan Plateau and to detect the underlying driving forces of the observed changes. Therefore, a comprehensive remote sensing based approach is developed. The new approach consists of three parts and incorporates different spatial and temporal scales: (i) the development and testing of an indicator system for pasture degradation on the local scale, (ii) the development of a MODIS-based product usable for degradation monitoring from the local to the plateau scale, and (iii) the application of the new product to delineate recent changes in the degradation status of the pastures on the Tibetan Plateau. The first part of the new approach comprised the test of the suitability of a new two-indicator system and its transferability to spaceborne data. The indicators were land-cover fractions (e.g.,~green vegetation, bare soil) derived from linear spectral unmixing and chlorophyll content. The latter was incorporated as a proxy for nutrient and water availability. It was estimated combining hyperspectral vegetation indices as predictors in partial least squares regression. The indicator system was established and tested on the local scale using a transect design and textit{in situ} measured data. The promising results revealed clear spatial patterns attributed to degradation, indicating that the combination of vegetation cover and chlorophyll content is a suitable indicator system for the detection of pasture degradation on local scales on the Tibetan Plateau. To delineate patterns of degradation changes on the plateau scale, the green plant coverage of the Tibetan pastures was derived in the second part. Therefore, an upscaling approach was developed. It is based on satellite data from high spatial resolution sensors on the local scale (WorldView-type) via medium resolution data (Landsat) to low resolution data on the plateau scale (MODIS). The different spatial resolutions involved in the methodology were incorporated to enable the cross-validation of the estimations in the new product against field observations (over 600 plots across the entire Tibetan Plateau). Four methods (linear spectral unmixing, spectral angle mapper, partial least squares regression, and support vector machine regression) were tested on their predictive performance for the estimation of plant cover and the method with the highest accuracy (support vector machine regression) was applied to 14 years of MODIS data to generate a new vegetation coverage product. In the third part, the changes in vegetation cover between the years 2000 and 2013 and their driving forces were investigated by comparing the trends in the new vegetation coverage product against climate variables (precipitation from tropical rainfall measuring mission and 2 m air temperature from ERA-Interim reanalysis data) on the entire Tibetan Plateau. Large areas in southern Qinghai were identified where vegetation cover increased as a result of positive precipitation trends. Thus, degradation did not proceed in these regions. Contrasting with this, large areas in the central and western parts of the Tibetan Autonomous Region were subject to an ongoing degradation. This degradation can be attributed to the coincidence of rising temperatures and anthropogenic induced increases in livestock numbers as a consequence of local land-use change. In those areas, the ongoing degradation influenced local precipitation patterns because sensible heat fluxes were accelerated above degraded pastures. In combination with advected moist air masses at higher atmospheric levels, the accelerated heat fluxes led to an intensification of local convective rainfall. The ongoing degradation detected by the new remote sensing approach in this thesis is alarming. The affected regions encompass the river systems of the Indus and Brahmaputra Rivers, where the ongoing degradation negatively affects the water storage capacities of the soils and enhances erosion. In combination with the feed-back mechanisms between plant coverage and the changed precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau, the reduced water storage capacity will exacerbate runoff extremes in the middle and lower reaches of those important river systems

    Anthropogenic impact on ecosystems and land degradation in the Eastern Mongolian Steppe

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    Kliimamuutuse mõju hindamine rannaniidu taimekooslusele mesokosmi katse ja mehitamata õhusõidukiga kogutud andmete põhjal

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Protection.Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks keskkonnakaitse erialal.Semi-natural grasslands are an essential part of the cultural landscape of Europe. Semi-natural grasslands are commonly characterised by a very high biodiversity, including rare species. Beyond the high biodiversity value, semi-natural grasslands worldwide provide many ecosystem services, including: carbon sequestration and storage, nutrient cycling, regulation of soil quality, habitats for migrating birds, erosion control, and flood regulation. Within the realm of semi-natural grasslands, coastal meadows are particularly important. However, coastal grasslands are threatened by a range of factors such as coastal squeeze, transformation into monoculture ponds, pollution, and climate change. Coastal areas are threatened at a range of spatial scales as a result of sea-level rise, and can include higher flooding frequency in coastal areas, salt water intrusion in aquifers, and potential declines in the extent of coastal wetlands. A warmer climate also implies a modification in precipitation patterns affecting runoff into the sea. In coastal areas, both water levels and salinity have a strong impact on species distribution and therefore on the structure and composition of aquatic and coastal floral and faunal communities. Consequently, plant communities in coastal meadows are expected to undergo changes in their composition and structure. The current thesis explores different methodologies to assess plant community distribution, above-ground biomass, and the effects of management type, duration, and intensity on sward structure using UAV-derived multispectral data and aerial photogrammetry. In addition, the keystone of this thesis is a mesocosm experiment that was used to assess shifts in species richness and abundance in plant community types in Estonian coastal meadows related to future change scenarios of water level and salinity for the Baltic Sea. a. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) The use of UAV demonstrated to be able to identify plant community extent and distribution in high biodiversity value coastal meadows in West Estonia. Species diversity and biomass significantly influence the quality of data and this should be accounted for when planning the sample collection to achieve better results. This study has shown that UAVs are useful tools of mapping grasslands at a plant community level. Also, UAV showed to be possible to reveal the structure of the grassland and how it is affected by the management history. For example, the grassland turns more homogeneous under long-term monospecific grazing, b. Mesoscosm Experiment The mesocosm experiment in the present study revealed different temporal changes of wetland communities to altered salinity and water conditions, highlighting the response of plant species to environmental variables. These changes were not significant according to alteration of water level and salinity in the Open Pioneer community, but they were over time. On the other hand, Lower Shore and Upper Shore had significant changes according to time and treatments. These could be explained by dynamic differences in the communities, since Open Pioneer was more variable. c. Conclusions Both methodologies, remote sensing and the mesocosm experiment, are evidently important to evaluate the structure and function of Estonian coastal meadows. The mapping of the extent and structure of coastal plant communities allows an evaluation of the current state of the ecosystem. The mesocosm experiment helps to understand changes in plant community composition under altered conditions of water level and salinity in Estonian coastal meadows and consequently, understand how species richness, abundance, and biomass will respond to those changes. This information is important when considering the protection and potential management of these areas taking into account the species diversity of fauna and flora as well as that of livestock.Uuring viidi läbi kahel tasandil: uuringukohtades Lääne-Eestis ja katsekeskkonnas. Esimesel juhul valiti Silma looduskaitsealal, Matsalu rahvuspargis ja Vormsi saarel ranniku taimekoosluste ja maapealse biomassi kaardistamiseks kokku üheksa rannaniiduala (I, II). Teine osa hõlmab mesokosmi katset (III), mille käigus kasutati katse seadmiseks ja eksperimenteerimiseks Silma looduskaitsealalt kogutud proove. Vaatamata oma suhteliselt väikesele pindalale (45 228 km2) iseloomustab Eestit mitmekesine geoloogia, pinnamood ja kliima. Läänemere rannaniidud on tekkinud ja need säilivad maa isostaatilise tõusu, setete kogunemise ja alade vähese intensiivsusega majandamise – karjatamise või niitmise – tõttu. Eesti rannikumärgaladel on ebatavaline hüdroloogiline režiim. Kuna loodete ulatus on väga väike (~0,02 m), põhjustab rannaniitude üleujutusi valdavalt tsüklonaalne aktiivsus Põhja-Atlandil ja Fennoskandias. Üleujutuste sagedus ja ulatus on ebaregulaarne ning varieerub kogu rannikumaastikul, sõltudes tuule kiirusest ja suunast. Hiljutised hinnangud suhtelise meretaseme tõusu kohta kolmelt mõõnamõõturilt piki Eesti rannikut on järgmised: Tallinnas 1,5–1,7 mm a-1, Narva-Jõesuus 1,7–2,1 mm a-1 ja Pärnus 2,3–2,7 mm a-1 (Ward et al., 2014). Taimekoosluse klassifitseerimiseks ja biomassi prognoosimiseks analüüsiti üheksat rannikumärgala kolmes kohas Silma looduskaitsealal, kahes kohas Matsalu rahvuspargis ja neljas kohas Vormsi saarel. Neis kohtades esinevad kõik väitekirjas käsitletud taimekooslused. Uurimiskohtade taimekooslused liigitati vastavalt Burnside´i jt fütosotsioloogilisele klassifikatsioonile (2007): pilliroostik, võsasoo, madal rannik, kõrgrannik, pioneerliikidega paljakud, kõrgrohustu, võsa ja metsamaa. Võsasoo ning võsa ja metsamaa jäeti nende marginaalse esinemise tõttu uurimusest välja. Uurimistöö käigus tehti kaks erinevat analüüsi, kasutades UAV-ga kogutud multispektraal- ja rgb-fotosid. UAV multispektraalseid pilte kasutati taimekoosluste kaardistamiseks Silma looduskaitsealal Põhja-Tahu, Lõuna-Tahu ja Kudani rannaniidul (I). Järgnevalt kasutati multispektraalseid ja rgb-pilte kõrge ruumilise eraldusvõimega kaartide koostamiseks maapealse biomassi tuvastamiseks kõigis üheksas uuringukohas (II). Taimekoosluste kaardistamiseks (I) ja maapealse biomassi prognoosimiseks (II) kasutati otsustusmetsa klassifikatsiooni. Seejärel analüüsiti maapealse biomassi kaartide abil majandamisviisi ja intensiivsuse mõju rannaniitude heinamaade struktuurile (II). Teavet rannaniitude kasutusviisi kohta saadi maaomanikega isiklikult suheldes. Uurimistöö teises osas valiti mesokosmi katse jaoks kolm taimekooslust: pioneerliikidega paljakud, madal rannik ja kõrgrannik. Need kooslused valiti sealsete võtmeliikide spetsiifilise autökoloogilise kasvukohaeelistuse tõttu (nt soolsus ja mulla veesisaldus). Katsest välja jäetud pilliroostikus ja võsasoos domineerivad üleujutust taluvad liigid; kõrgrohustu kujutab endast maismaa ja märgalade ökosüsteemi vahelist kooslust, ning võsa on täielikult maismaa. Silma looduskaitsealal varuti Põhja-Tahu alalt 2018. aasta juunis kolmest valitud taimekooslusest 15 mätast (suurus 50 x 70 cm, paksus 30 cm). Mesokosmi katse varustus koosnes mahutitest (90L, mõõtmed 56 x 79 x 32 cm), mis olid täidetud 2:1:1 mullaseguga, mis koosneb pestud sõmera struktuuriga liivast, savist ja kompostist, mis on väga sarnane märgala põhjasubstraadiga. Mahutid numereeriti ja varustati vastava tähisega. Mahutid asusid kogu katse jooksul samal kohal. Katse käiku hinnati alalise gradueeritud 50 cm2 kvadraadi abil, mis jaotati 25 kvadraadiks (10 x 10 cm), ja määrati kindlaks muutused esinevate taimeliikide arvukuses pinnakatte pindala järgi (katteprotsent). Katse kestis kolme aastat veetaseme ja soolsuse tingimustes, mis tuletati kliimamuutuste prognoosidest 2100. aastaks. Liikide arvukus ja liigirikkus arvutati 2018., 2019. ja 2020. aastaks iga taimekoosluse kohta eraldi. Liigirikkuse erinevusi aastati ja kasvutingimuste suhtes hinnati Kruskal Wallise testiga, mis põhineb Bonferroni kohandustega Dunni testil, et tuvastada liigirikkuse erinevusi igal aastal. Liigilise arvukuse esitamiseks kasutati arvukuse kõveraid. Taimekoosluse koostise erinevuste uurimiseks kasutati permutatsioonilist mitmemõõtmelist analüüsi Bray-Curtise erinevusega. Aasta ristmõju analüüsis käsitleti töötlemisviisi fikseeritud mõju ja valimeid juhusliku mõjuna. Tulemused ja järeldused Rannaniitudel hinnati taimekoosluste levikut, maismaa biomassi ja taimestiku vertikaalset struktuuri. Fleissi kapa kordaja 0,89 põhjal kaardistati põhjalikult taimekooslused (I). Otsustusmetsa klassijärgsed vead näitavad, et homogeensema struktuuriga piirkondi on kergem klassifitseerida kui keerulise struktuuriga koosluseid. Otsustusmetsa algoritmi jõudlusanalüüs näitas, et biomassi hindamisel saadi parim tulemus, kui multispektraalne info kombineeriti fotogramm-meetriliselt loodud digitaalse maastikumudeliga (DTM, ingl digital terrain model) (II). Tulemused viitavad sellele, et mitme anduri kombinatsiooni saab kasutada ökosüsteemi omaduste mõõtmiseks, mida ainult spektraalinformatsiooni analüüsides ei pruugi tuvastada. Siinse uuringu maapealse biomassi prognooside suur täpsus näitab, et rannaniitude jälgimisel on kaugseire UAV-ga sobiv meetod. Struktuurianalüüsi tulemused näitasid, mil määral mõjutab biomassi jaotust karjatamise kestus ja heterogeensus. Pidevalt majandatavatele rohumaadele on iseloomulikud suuremad ja homogeensemad alad (II). Üldine lineaarne mudelianalüüs ja Mann-Whitney u-testid näitasid, kuidas taimtoidulised liigid mõjutavad rohumaa struktuuri. Rohumaad, millel karjatatakse erinevaid taimtoidulisi, on mitmekesisema struktuuriga kui veiste karjamaa (II). Mesokosmi katse tulemused näitasid, et kõigis kolmes Läänemere ranniku märgalade koosluses ilmnesid aja jooksul vee- ja soolsusrežiimis märkimisväärsed muutused, mis tõi esile taimeliikide reaktsiooni keskkonnamuutuste suhtes (III). Pioneerliikidega paljakutel suurenes liigirikkus ja taimkate kõigi keskkonnamuutuste korral, sellega võrreldes esines madalal rannikul ja kõrgrannikul nii veetaseme kui ka soolsusega seotud muutusi vähemal määral. Pioneerliikidega paljakuid mõjutab enamasti soolsus, seda isegi peamiselt sõmerast, keskmise fraktsiooniga ja peenest liivast koosnevas pinnases, mis säilitab vähem toitaineid kui peenema fraktsiooniga muld. Spergularia marina ja Glaux maritima aitasid kaasa liigirikkuse suurenemisele mulla suurenenud ja vähenenud soolsuse tingimustes. Üldiselt ei ilmnenud madala ranniku ja kõrgranniku taimekooslustes soolsuse muutumise korral olulisi muutusi võrreldes kontrollkatsega. Nendes kooslustes on liike, mis kasvavad nii soolases kui ka mittesoolases keskkonnas. Veetaseme muutus mõjutas pioneerliikidega paljakute taimekooslust sarnaselt soolsuse muutmisega. Selle koosluse liigirikkus suurenes kõrgema veetaseme korral, võrreldes kontrollkatsega. Kõrgema veetasemega kohanenud liike nagu Eleocharis palustris esines kõrgenenud veetaseme korral kolmandal aastal rohkem; alanenud vees leidus katse lõpus rohkem väiksema veevajadusega liike, nagu Glaux maritima ja Centaurium littorale. Madalal rannikul registreeriti madalama veetaseme korral liigirikkuse muutus, võrreldes kontrollkatsega. Aja jooksul toimuv liikide varieeruvus ilmnes vähese pinnakatvusega liikide puhul, nt ahenesid Carex flacca ja Triglochin palustris´e kasvukohad. Madal rannik asub veetasemelt pioneerliikidega paljaku ja kõrgranniku vahel ning see võib seletada, miks sealsed liigid taluvad mulla mitmesuguseid niiskustingimusi. Kõrgranniku koosluses vähenes kõrgenenud veetaseme korral liikide arv ja sellest tulenevalt ka liigirikkus; sealjuures laienesid vähese pinnakatvuse ja madala veetasemega kohastunud liikide Stellaria graminea ja Viola canina kasvukohad. See uurimus näitas, et ökoloogilistes uuringutes võib erinevate metoodikate kombinatsioon osutuda tõhusaks. Vaid vähestes uuringutes kombineeritakse ökosüsteemiprotsesside mõistmiseks erinevaid lähenemisviise, nt kaugseiret ja katseplatvorme, antud töös mesokosmi katset. Uued tehnoloogilised edusammud kaugseire vallas võivad lahendada küsimusi, millele vastuse leidmine traditsiooniliste ökoloogiliste meetodite abil oleks keeruline või ebapraktiline. Samas on traditsioonilise lähenemisviisiga, nt mesokosmi katsega saadud teadmised uue tehnoloogilise potentsiaali rakendamiseks väga vajalikud. Uurimus näitas, et UAV on sobiv vahend rannikurohumaade struktuuri ja taimekoosluste leviku täpse eraldusvõimega kaartide koostamiseks. Teisest küljest aitab mesokosmi katse mõista taimekoosluse koostise muutusi eri veetaseme ja soolsuse tingimustes.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology created under the auspices of the European Social Fund
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