555 research outputs found

    Bright Spots Leadership in the Pacific Northwest

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    The operating environment for nonprofit cultural organizations today is daunting. Demographic shifts, changing participation patterns, evolving technology, increased competition for consumer attention, rising costs of doing business, shifts in the philanthropic sector and public funding, and the lingering recession form a stew of change and uncertainty. Every cultural organization is experiencing a combination of these shifts, each in its own way. Yet, while some organizations are struggling in this changing context, others are managing to stay healthy and dynamic while operating under the same conditions as their peers. These groups are observable exceptions, recognized by their peers as achieving success outside the norm in their artistic program, their engagement of community, and/or their financial stability. These are the "bright spots" of the cultural sector.Who are they? What are they doing differently? What can we learn by studying their behavior?To explore these questions, the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation asked Helicon Collaborative to conduct a study of cultural groups in the Pacific Northwest. The project had two goals: 1) to identify "bright spots," defined as cultural organizations that are successfully adapting to their changing circumstances without exceptional resources, and 2) to see if these organizations share characteristics or strategies that can be replicated by others

    libcloudph++ 0.2: single-moment bulk, double-moment bulk, and particle-based warm-rain microphysics library in C++

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    This paper introduces a library of algorithms for representing cloud microphysics in numerical models. The library is written in C++, hence the name libcloudph++. In the current release, the library covers three warm-rain schemes: the single- and double-moment bulk schemes, and the particle-based scheme with Monte-Carlo coalescence. The three schemes are intended for modelling frameworks of different dimensionality and complexity ranging from parcel models to multi-dimensional cloud-resolving (e.g. large-eddy) simulations. A two-dimensional prescribed-flow framework is used in example simulations presented in the paper with the aim of highlighting the library features. The libcloudph++ and all its mandatory dependencies are free and open-source software. The Boost.units library is used for zero-overhead dimensional analysis of the code at compile time. The particle-based scheme is implemented using the Thrust library that allows to leverage the power of graphics processing units (GPU), retaining the possibility to compile the unchanged code for execution on single or multiple standard processors (CPUs). The paper includes complete description of the programming interface (API) of the library and a performance analysis including comparison of GPU and CPU setups.Comment: The library description has been updated to the new library API (i.e. v0.1 -> v0.2 update). The key difference is that the model state variables are now mixing ratios as opposed to densities. The particle-based scheme was supplemented with the "particle recycling" process. Numerous editorial corrections were mad

    Visualization of Practices and Metrics (Workpackage 1.2)

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    Measuring applications is a challenge and one of the goal of the Squale project is to propose a sound quality model. Now presenting the results of such analysis is also a challenge since it is complex to output and present to the user for the following rea- sons: first a lot of data should be presented and at different audience. Second displaying information is one aspect another one is navigating the information. Finally it is im- portant not to overwhelm the users with too much visualizations. This workpackage presents a state of the art in terms of software visualization approaches that are specif- ically designed to display metrics. In addition it sets up the context for the application of such visualization to practices

    Automated Tool for Software Requirements Inspection

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    The software inspection process is a very cost effective method of identifying defects in documents produced during the software life cycle, leading to higher quality software with lower field failures. Manual inspections are labor intensive and dependent on human factors (e.g., preparation, moderation, and cooperation among development and quality assurance teams). An automated software inspection tool replaces a labor intensive manual approach of performing the inspection process. An automated inspection tool will offer greater efficiencies than any techniques involving manual inspections. Automation allows stakeholders (e.g., authors, inspectors) to closely work in coordination using the tool. Authors can host documents, view comments posted by inspectors, assign users and delete them. Inspectors can participate in the inspection process by validating against a set of guidelines and detect faults in a specific frame of time using different fault and error based inspection techniques. It is human to err, and as a result some of the faults may be overlooked. Hence, provisions are made for iterative inspection cycles to maximize the number of defects found and minimize the number of overlooked ones

    Package mountaineer tourists holidaying in the French Alps: An evaluation of key influences encouraging their participation

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    This study investigates the key influences that encourage mountaineer tourists, classified as a type of adventure tourist, to participate in package mountaineering holidays. There is limited understanding of why tourists take package adventure holidays, yet the demand for such holidays has grown dramatically in recent years. The author conducted in-depth interviews with mountaineer tourists either during or at the end of their package mountaineering holiday in the Chamonix region of the French Alps. Interview findings provide an insight into package mountaineer tourists. Firstly, mountaineering was an important part of respondents’ lifestyles. Secondly, contrary to previous research on experienced mountaineers, respondents did not consider risk as an important motive and they did not view themselves as risk takers. Thirdly, skills development and experience were key motives encouraging package mountaineering holiday participation. Fourthly, a major concern for respondents was to have a safe mountaineering experience in which the mountaineering organisation and the guide played a key role

    The busy coder's guide to Android development

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    380 p. ; il. , Indice.Libro ElectrónicoIf you are interested in programming for Android, you will need at least basic understanding of how to program in Java. Android programming is done using Java syntax, plus a class library that resembles a subset of the Java SE library (plus Android-specific extensions). If you have not programmed in Java before, you probably should quick learn how that works before attempting to dive into programming for Android. The book does not cover in any detail how to download or install the Android development tools, either the Eclipse IDE flavor or the standalone flavor. The Android Web site covers this quite nicely. The material in the book should be relevant whether you use the IDE or not. You should download, install, and test out the Android development tools from the Android Web site before trying any of the examples listed in this book.Welcome to the Warescription!xiii Prefacexv Welcome to the Book!xv Prerequisitesxv Warescriptionxvi Book Bug Bountyxvii Source Code Licensexviii Creative Commons and the Four-to-Free (42F) Guaranteexviii The Big Picture1 What Androids Are Made Of3 Activities3 Content Providers4 Intents4 Services4 Stuff At Your Disposal5 Storage5 Network5 Multimedia5 GPS5 Phone Services6 Project Structure7 Root Contents7 The Sweat Off Your Brow8 iii Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition And Now, The Rest of the Story8 What You Get Out Of It9 Inside the Manifest11 In The Beginning, There Was the Root, And It Was Good11 Permissions, Instrumentations, and Applications (Oh, My!)12 Your Application Does Something, Right?13 Creating a Skeleton Application17 Begin at the Beginning17 The Activity18 Dissecting the Activity19 Building and Running the Activity21 Using XML-Based Layouts23 What Is an XML-Based Layout?23 Why Use XML-Based Layouts?24 OK, So What Does It Look Like?25 What's With the @ Signs?26 And We Attach These to the JavaHow?26 The Rest of the Story27 Employing Basic Widgets29 Assigning Labels29 Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?30 Fleeting Images31 Fields of Green Or Other Colors31 Just Another Box to Check34 Turn the Radio Up37 It's Quite a View39 Useful Properties39 Useful Methods39 Working with Containers41 Thinking Linearly42 Concepts and Properties42 Example45 All Things Are Relative50 iv Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Concepts and Properties50 Example53 Tabula Rasa56 Concepts and Properties56 Example59 Scrollwork60 Using Selection Widgets65 Adapting to the Circumstances65 Using ArrayAdapter66 Other Key Adapters67 Lists of Naughty and Nice68 Spin Control70 Grid Your Lions (Or Something Like That)74 Fields: Now With 35% Less Typing!78 Galleries, Give Or Take The Art82 Employing Fancy Widgets and Containers83 Pick and Choose83 Time Keeps Flowing Like a River88 Making Progress89 Putting It On My Tab90 The Pieces91 The Idiosyncrasies91 Wiring It Together93 Other Containers of Note96 Applying Menus97 Flavors of Menu97 Menus of Options98 Menus in Context100 Taking a Peek102 Embedding the WebKit Browser107 A Browser, Writ Small107 Loading It Up109 Navigating the Waters111 v Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Entertaining the Client111 Settings, Preferences, and Options (Oh, My!)114 Showing Pop-Up Messages117 Raising Toasts117 Alert! Alert!118 Checking Them Out119 Dealing with Threads123 Getting Through the Handlers123 Messages124 Runnables127 Running In Place127 Utilities (And I Don't Mean Water Works)128 And Now, The Caveats128 Handling Activity Lifecycle Events131 Schroedinger's Activity131 Life, Death, and Your Activity132 onCreate() and onCompleteThaw()132 onStart(), onRestart(), and onResume()133 onPause(), onFreeze(), onStop(), and onDestroy()134 Using Preferences137 Getting What You Want137 Stating Your Preference138 A Preference For Action138 Accessing Files143 You And The Horse You Rode In On143 Readin' 'n Writin'147 Working with Resources151 The Resource Lineup151 String Theory152 Plain Strings152 String Formats153 Styled Text153 Styled Formats154 vi Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Got the Picture?158 XML: The Resource Way160 Miscellaneous Values163 Dimensions163 Colors164 Arrays165 Different Strokes for Different Folks166 Managing and Accessing Local Databases171 A Quick SQLite Primer172 Start at the Beginning173 Setting the Table174 Makin' Data174 What Goes Around, Comes Around176 Raw Queries176 Regular Queries177 Building with Builders177 Using Cursors179 Change for the Sake of Change179 Making Your Own Cursors180 Data, Data, Everywhere180 Leveraging Java Libraries183 The Outer Limits183 Ants and Jars184 Communicating via the Internet187 REST and Relaxation187 HTTP Operations via Apache Commons188 Parsing Responses190 Stuff To Consider192 Email over Java193 Creating Intent Filters199 What's Your Intent?200 Pieces of Intents200 Stock Options201 vii Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Intent Routing202 Stating Your Intent(ions)203 Narrow Receivers205 Launching Activities and Sub-Activities207 Peers and Subs208 Start 'Em Up208 Make an Intent209 Make the Call209 Finding Available Actions via Introspection215 Pick 'Em216 Adaptable Adapters220 Would You Like to See the Menu?223 Asking Around225 Using a Content Provider229 Pieces of Me229 Getting a Handle230 Makin' Queries231 Adapting to the Circumstances233 Doing It By Hand235 Position235 Getting Properties236 Setting Properties237 Give and Take238 Beware of the BLOB!239 Building a Content Provider241 First, Some Dissection241 Next, Some Typing242 Step #1: Create a Provider Class243 ContentProvider243 DatabaseContentProvider252 Step #2: Supply a Uri252 Step #3: Declare the Properties252 Step #4: Update the Manifest253 viii Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Notify-On-Change Support254 Requesting and Requiring Permissions257 Mother, May I?258 Halt! Who Goes There?259 Enforcing Permissions via the Manifest260 Enforcing Permissions Elsewhere261 May I See Your Documents?262 Creating a Service263 Getting Buzzed264 Service with Class264 When IPC Attacks!266 Write the AIDL267 Implement the Interface268 Manifest Destiny270 Where's the Remote?271 Invoking a Service273 Bound for Success274 Request for Service276 Prometheus Unbound276 Manual Transmission276 Alerting Users Via Notifications279 Types of Pestering279 Hardware Notifications280 Icons281 Letting Your Presence Be Felt281 Accessing Location-Based Services287 Location Providers: They Know Where You're Hiding288 Finding Yourself288 On the Move292 Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet?292 TestingTesting296 Mapping with MapView and MapActivity299 The Bare Bones299 ix Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Exercising Your Control301 Zoom301 Center302 Reticle303 Traffic and Terrain303 Follow You, Follow Me305 Layers Upon Layers307 Overlay Classes308 Drawing the Overlay308 Handling Screen Taps310 Playing Media313 Get Your Media On314 Making Noise315 Moving Pictures321 Handling Telephone Calls325 No, No, No – Not That IPhone326 What's Our Status?326 You Make the Call!326 Searching with SearchManager333 Hunting Season333 Search Yourself335 Craft the Search Activity336 Update the Manifest340 Try It Out342 The TourIt Sample Application347 Installing TourIt347 Demo Location Provider347 SD Card Image with Sample Tour348 Running TourIt349 Main Activity350 Configuration Activity352 Cue Sheet Activity354 Map Activity355 x Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Tour Update Activity357 Help Activity358 TourIt's Manifest359 TourIt's Content360 Data Storage361 Content Provider361 Model Classes361 TourIt's Activities362 TourListActivity362 TourViewActivity363 TourMapActivity367 TourEditActivity367 HelpActivity367 ConfigActivity36

    Visualising The Complex Features Of Source Code

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    Software development is a complex undertaking composed of several activities that include reading, writing, and modifying source code. Indeed, previous studies have shown that the majority of the effort invested in software development is dedicated to understanding code. This includes understanding the static structure, dynamic behaviour, and evolution of the code. Given these particular characteristics, as well as the high complexity of source code, it is reasonable to consider how visualisation can facilitate source code understanding. This work proposes to extend existing software development tools with visualisations that can be used to encode the various complex features within a source code document. Further, this work establishes a design space which includes a series of visualisations that are meant to complement existing textual views of source code, as found in source code editors. Several prototype visualisations are presented in this work which utilise various visualisation techniques, such as tree visualisations techniques and visualisation techniques based on the code-map metaphor. This work also presents several experiments, where the results of these experiments indicate that combining existing software development tools with visualisations can have a positive effect on source code understanding. Additionally, the result of the experiments show that the less a visualisation is abstracted from the original textural representation of a source code document, in terms of line, token, ordering, and character information, the more likely it is that viewers can link the visualisation to the code and back
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