734 research outputs found

    Investigating the document structure as a source of evidence for multimedia fragment retrieval

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    International audienceMultimedia objects can be retrieved using their context that can be for instance the text surrounding them in documents. This text may be either near or far from the searched objects. Our goal in this paper is to study the impact, in term of effectiveness, of text position relatively to searched objects. The multimedia objects we consider are described in structured documents such as XML ones. The document structure is therefore exploited to provide this text position in documents. Although structural information has been shown to be an effective source of evidence in textual information retrieval, only a few works investigated its interest in multimedia retrieval. More precisely, the task we are interested in this paper is to retrieve multimedia fragments (i.e. XML elements having at least one multimedia object). Our general approach is built on two steps: we first retrieve XML elements containing multimedia objects, and we then explore the surrounding information to retrieve relevant multimedia fragments. In both cases, we study the impact of the surrounding information using the documents structure.Our work is carried out on images, but it can be extended to any other media, since the physical content of multimedia objects is not used. We conducted several experiments in the context of the Multimedia track of the INEX evaluation campaign. Results showed that structural evidences are of high interest to tune the importance of textual context for multimedia retrieval. Moreover, the proposed approach outperforms state of the art approaches

    Overview of the wikipediaMM task at ImageCLEF 2008

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    The wikipediaMM task provides a testbed for the system-oriented evaluation of ad-hoc retrieval from a large collection of Wikipedia images. It became a part of the ImageCLEF evaluation campaign in 2008 with the aim of investigating the use of visual and textual sources in combination for improving the retrieval performance. This paper presents an overview of the task¿s resources, topics, assessments, participants' approaches, and main results

    The Wikipedia Image Retrieval Task

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    The wikipedia image retrieval task at ImageCLEF provides a testbed for the system-oriented evaluation of visual information retrieval from a collection of Wikipedia images. The aim is to investigate the effectiveness of retrieval approaches that exploit textual and visual evidence in the context of a large and heterogeneous collection of images that are searched for by users with diverse information needs. This chapter presents an overview of the available test collections, summarises the retrieval approaches employed by the groups that participated in the task during the 2008 and 2009 ImageCLEF campaigns, provides an analysis of the main evaluation results, identifies best practices for effective retrieval, and discusses open issues

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    Multimedia search without visual analysis: the value of linguistic and contextual information

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    This paper addresses the focus of this special issue by analyzing the potential contribution of linguistic content and other non-image aspects to the processing of audiovisual data. It summarizes the various ways in which linguistic content analysis contributes to enhancing the semantic annotation of multimedia content, and, as a consequence, to improving the effectiveness of conceptual media access tools. A number of techniques are presented, including the time-alignment of textual resources, audio and speech processing, content reduction and reasoning tools, and the exploitation of surface features

    Combining Document-and Paragraph-Based Entity Ranking

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    We study entity ranking on the INEX entity track and pro- pose a simple graph-based ranking approach that enables to combine scores on document and paragraph level. The com- bined approach improves the retrieval results not only on the INEX testset, but similarly on TREC’s expert finding task

    Sound ranking algorithms for XML search

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    Ranking algorithms for XML should reflect the actual combined content and structure constraints of queries, while at the same time producing equal rankings for queries that are semantically equal. Ranking algorithms that produce different rankings for queries that are semantically equal are easily detected by tests on large databases: We call such algorithms not sound. We report the behavior of different approaches to ranking content-and-structure queries on pairs of queries for which we expect equal ranking results from the query semantics. We show that most of these approaches are not sound. Of the remaining approaches, only 3 adhere to the W3C XQuery Full-Text standard

    Seven years of INEX interactive retrieval experiments – lessons and challenges

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    This paper summarizes a major effort in interactive search investigation, the INEX i-track, a collective effort run over a seven-year period. We present the experimental conditions, report some of the findings of the participating groups, and examine the challenges posed by this kind of collective experimental effort

    External query reformulation for text-based image retrieval

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    In text-based image retrieval, the Incomplete Annotation Problem (IAP) can greatly degrade retrieval effectiveness. A standard method used to address this problem is pseudo relevance feedback (PRF) which updates user queries by adding feedback terms selected automatically from top ranked documents in a prior retrieval run. PRF assumes that the target collection provides enough feedback information to select effective expansion terms. This is often not the case in image retrieval since images often only have short metadata annotations leading to the IAP. Our work proposes the use of an external knowledge resource (Wikipedia) in the process of refining user queries. In our method, Wikipedia documents strongly related to the terms in user query (" definition documents") are first identified by title matching between the query and titles of Wikipedia articles. These definition documents are used as indicators to re-weight the feedback documents from an initial search run on a Wikipedia abstract collection using the Jaccard coefficient. The new weights of the feedback documents are combined with the scores rated by different indicators. Query-expansion terms are then selected based on these new weights for the feedback documents. Our method is evaluated on the ImageCLEF WikipediaMM image retrieval task using text-based retrieval on the document metadata fields. The results show significant improvement compared to standard PRF methods

    The effect of granularity and order in XML element retrieval

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    The article presents an analysis of the effect of granularity and order in an XML encoded collection of full text journal articles. 218 sessions of searchers performing simulated work tasks in the collection have been analysed. The results show that searchers prefer to use smaller sections of the article as their source of information. In interaction sessions during which articles are assessed, however, they are to a large degree evaluated as more important than the articles’ sections and subsections