60 research outputs found

    The IF toolset

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    This paper presents an overview on the IF toolset which is an environment for modelling and validation of heterogeneous real-time systems. The toolset is built upon a rich formalism, the IF notation, allowing structured automata-based system representations. Moreover, the IF notation is expressive enough to support real-time primitives and extensions of high-level modelling languages such as SDL and UML by means of structure preserving mappings. The core part of the IF toolset consists of a syntactic transformation component and an open exploration platform. The syntactic transformation component provides language level access to IF descriptions and has been used to implement static analysis and optimisation techniques. The exploration platform gives access to the graph of possible executions. It has been connected to different state-of-the-art model-checking and test-case generation tools. A methodology for the use of the toolset is presented at hand of a case study concerning the Ariane-5 flight program for which both an SDL and a UML model have been validate

    An Object-Oriented Framework for Explicit-State Model Checking

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    This paper presents a conceptual architecture for an object-oriented framework to support the development of formal veriïŹcation tools (i.e. model checkers). The objective of the architecture is to support the reuse of algorithms and to encourage a modular design of tools. The conceptual framework is accompanied by a C++ implementation which provides reusable algorithms for the simulation and veriïŹcation of explicit-state models as well as a model representation for simple models based on guard-based process descriptions. The framework has been successfully used to develop a model checker for a subset of PROMELA

    Composable Timed Automata Models for Real-Time Embedded Systems Middleware

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    Middleware for distributed real-time embedded (DRE) systems has grown more and more complex in recent years, to address functional and temporal requirements of complex real-time applications. While current approaches for modeling middleware have eased the task of assembling, deploying and configuring middleware and applications, a more formal, fundamental and lower-level set of models is needed to be able to uncover subtle safety and timing errors introduced by interference between computations, particularly in the face of alternative concurrency strategies in the middleware layer. In this paper, we examine how formal models of lower-level middleware building blocks provide an appropriate level of abstraction for both modeling and synthesis of a variety of kinds of middleware from these building blocks. When combined with model checking techniques, these formal models can help developers in constructing correct combinations and configurations of middleware mechanisms, for each particular application

    Formal and Informal Methods for Multi-Core Design Space Exploration

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    We propose a tool-supported methodology for design-space exploration for embedded systems. It provides means to define high-level models of applications and multi-processor architectures and evaluate the performance of different deployment (mapping, scheduling) strategies while taking uncertainty into account. We argue that this extension of the scope of formal verification is important for the viability of the domain.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156

    Modeling Timed Component-Based Real-time Systems

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    Component based middleware helps to facilitate software reuse by separating application-specific concerns into modular components that are shielded from the concerns of other components and from the common concerns addressed by underlying middleware services. In real-time systems, concerns such as invocation rates, execution latencies, deadlines, and concurrency semantics cross-cut multiple component and middleware abstractions. Thus, the verification of these systems must consider features of the application components (e.g., their execution latencies and relative invocation rates) and of the supporting middleware (e.g., concurrency and scheduling) together. However, existing approaches only address a sub-set of the features that must be modeled in component based real-time systems, and a new more comprehensive approach is needed. To address that need, this paper offers three main contributions to the state of the art in the verification of component based real-time systems: (1) it introduces a formal model called component automata that combines new input/output rate specifications with input/output actions and timed internal actions from the existing interface automata and timed automata models respectively; (2) it presents new component composition operations for single-threaded and cooperative multi-tasking, in addition to composition under the preemptive multi-tasking semantics assumed by interface automata; and (3) it describes how the composed component models then can be combined with task location specifications, a scheduling model, and a communication delay model, to generate a combined timed automaton representation of the components and middleware that can be verified by existing timed model checkers. This research was supported in part by NSF grant CCF-0448562 titled CAREER: Time and Event Based System Software Construction

    A Methodology and Supporting Tools for the Development of Component-Based Embedded Systems.

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    International audienceThe paper presents a methodology and supporting tools for developing component-based embedded systems running on resource- limited hardware platforms. The methodology combines two complementary component frameworks in an integrated tool chain: BIP and Think. BIP is a framework for model-based development including a language for the description of heterogeneous systems, as well as associated simulation and veriïŹcation tools. Think is a software component framework for the generation of small-footprint embedded systems. The tool chain allows generation, from system models described in BIP, of a set of func tionally equivalent Think components. From these and libraries including OS services for a given hardware platform, a minimal system can be generated. We illustrate the results by modeling and implementing a software MPEG encoder on an iPod

    Model-checking for TASTE designed space software systems: results and lessons learned

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    Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is an adopted modelling and development approach for correct-by- construction of complex software systems, such as space applications. TASTE [1] is a pragmatic and mature MBSE toolset supported by ESA that enables and provides automation for most of the phases of software system development: (i) heterogeneous system design through several modelling and programming languages (e.g., ASN.1, AADL, SDL, C/C++), (ii) code generation, build and deployment of the binary application(s), (iii) validation through static analysis and simulation, and (iv) formal verification of properties by model-checking. The formal verification capabilities have been recently added to the TASTE toolset in the ESA project Model-Checking for Formal Verification of Space Systems (MoC4Space) and validated on two real-life case studies. Within this paper we report on the results and lessons learned during the project

    Early Analysis of Ambient Systems SysML Properties using OMEGA2-IFx

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    International audienceFormal methods provide tools to verify the consistency and correctness of a specification with respect to the desired properties of the system. This verification is important as the development of an AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) system involves different technologies (medical services, surveillance cameras, intelligent devices, etc.) requiring a strong consistency checking between models. We illustrate in this paper how we prove some of the properties of the system before the development even starts. To model the AAL system, we use the SysML language. In terms of tools, we used Rational Rhapsody in combination with the OMEGA2 profile which is an executable Uml/SysML profile used for the formal specification and validation of critical real-time systems. This profile is supported by the IFx toolset which provides mechanisms for the model simulation and properties verification of the AAL system
