144 research outputs found

    A First Step Towards Automatically Building Network Representations

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    To fully harness Grids, users or middlewares must have some knowledge on the topology of the platform interconnection network. As such knowledge is usually not available, one must uses tools which automatically build a topological network model through some measurements. In this article, we define a methodology to assess the quality of these network model building tools, and we apply this methodology to representatives of the main classes of model builders and to two new algorithms. We show that none of the main existing techniques build models that enable to accurately predict the running time of simple application kernels for actual platforms. However some of the new algorithms we propose give excellent results in a wide range of situations

    Publishing H2O pluglets in UDDI registries

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    Interoperability and standards, such as Grid Services are a focus of current Grid research. The intent is to facilitate resource virtualization, and to accommodate the intrinsic heterogeneity of resources in distributed environments. It is important that new and emerging metacomputing frameworks conform to these standards, in order to ensure interoperability with other grid solutions. In particular, the H2O metacomputing system offers several benefits, including lightweight operation, user-configurability, and selectable security levels. Its applicability would be enhanced even further through support for grid services and OGSA compliance. Code deployed into the H2O execution containers is referred to as pluglets. These pluglets constitute the end points of services in H2O, services that are to be made known through publication in a registry. In this contribution, we discuss a system pluglet, referred to as OGSAPluglet, that scans H2O execution containers for available services and publishes them into one or more UDDI registries. We also discuss in detail the algorithms that manage the publication of the appropriate WSDL and GSDL documents for the registration process

    Cooperative fault-tolerant distributed computing U.S. Department of Energy Grant DE-FG02-02ER25537 Final Report

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    Data and Activity Representation for Grid Computing

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    Computational grids are becoming increasingly popular as an infrastructure for computa- tional science research. The demand for high-level tools and problem solving environments has prompted active research in Grid Computing Environments (GCEs). Many GCEs have been one-o development eorts. More recently, there have been many eorts to dene component ar- chitectures for constructing important pieces of a GCE. This paper examines another approach, based on a `data-centric' framework for building powerful, context-aware GCEs spanning mul- tiple layers of abstraction. We describe a scheme for representing data and activities in a GCE and outline various tools under development which use this representation

    Use of A Network Enabled Server System for a Sparse Linear Algebra Grid Application

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    Solving systems of linear equations is one of the key operations in linear algebra. Many different algorithms are available in that purpose. These algorithms require a very accurate tuning to minimise runtime and memory consumption. The TLSE project provides, on one hand, a scenario-driven expert site to help users choose the right algorithm according to their problem and tune accurately this algorithm, and, on the other hand, a test-bed for experts in order to compare algorithms and define scenarios for the expert site. Both features require to run the available solvers a large number of times with many different values for the control parameters (and maybe with many different architectures). Currently, only the grid can provide enough computing power for this kind of application. The DIET middleware is the GRID backbone for TLSE. It manages the solver services and their scheduling in a scalable way.La résolution de systèmes linéaires creux est une opération clé en algèbre linéaire. Beaucoup d’algorithmes sont utilisés pour cela, qui dépendent de nombreux paramètres, afin d’offrir une robustesse, une performance et une consommation mémoire optimales. Le projet GRID-TLSE fournit d’une part, un site d’expertise basé sur l’utilisation de scénarios pour aider les utilisateurs à choisir l’algorithme qui convient le mieux à leur problème ainsi que les paramètres associés; et d’autre part, un environnement pour les experts du domaine leur permettant de comparer efficacement des algorithmes et de définir dynamiquement de nouveaux scénarios d’utilisation. Ces fonctionnalités nécessitent de pouvoir exécuter les logiciels de résolution disponibles un grand nombre de fois,avec beaucoup de valeurs différentes des paramètres de contrôle (et éventuellement sur plusieurs architectures de machines). Actuellement, seule la grille peut fournir la puissance de calcul pour ce type d’applications. L’intergiciel DIETest utilisé pour gérer la grille, les différents services, et leur ordonnancement efficace

    Grid-enabling problem solving environments: a case study of SCIRun and NetSolve

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    Journal ArticleCombining the functionality of NetSolve, a grid-based middleware solution, with SCIRun, a graphically-based problem solving environment (PSE), yields a platform for creating and executing grid-enabled applications. Using this integrated system, hardware and/or software resources not previously accessible to a user become available completely behind the scenes. Neither the SCIRun system nor the SCIRun user need to know any details about how these resources are located and utilized. A SCIRun module merely makes an RPC-style call to NetSolve via the NetSolve C language API to invoke a certain routine and to pass its data. Distributed computation and the details of remote communication are completely abstracted away from the SCIRun framework and its end user

    Distributed Name Service in Harness

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