32 research outputs found

    Foreign-Language Quotations and Code-Switching: the Grammar Behind

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    In this paper, I look into a minor language-contact phenomenon — foreign-language quotations — and explore its connections to a widely studied language-contact phenomenon — code-switching. Rather than focus on the sociolinguistic dimension of these phenomena, I concentrate on the issue of their grammaticality. I start from the widely accepted assumption that code-switchers are competent bilingual speakers and that there is a grammar underlying code-switched utterances. I then turn to a variety of cross-linguistic quotations and examine its connections to code-switching. My hypotheses are (i) that the use of quotations from other languages is also grammatically constrained, (ii) that the grammar governing it is similar (the same?) as that behind code-switching

    The optimal grammar of code-switching between Kannada and English

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    Through this study I argue that code-switching between Kannada and English follows the five socio-cognitive constraints- FAITH, POWER, SOLIDARITY, FACE and PERSPECTIVE provided in Bhatt and Bolonyai (2011). Informal semi-structured interviews were conducted among Kannada speaking young adults in urban and semi-urban Karnataka. The results show that they code-switch between Kannada and English at intra-sentential and inter-sentential levels to reflect their traditional-modern and local-global identity. Although the extent of code-switching is quite high, making the code-switched variety the unmarked variety in conversations among the members of this group, the placement and the content of the switches show that the five principles still control the grammar of these bilinguals. The interaction of these principles gives rise to a ranking amongst them which accounts for the uniqueness of the grammar of code-switching between Kannada and English of this speech community.Ope

    A preliminary study of code switching in the speech of an Indonesian English bilingual

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    This preliminary study of the speech of a bilingual shows that code switching is relatively spontaneous and follows the conventions of both languages. Code switching in this subject is generally triggered by an bilingual interlocutor whom the subject knows well. Many of the instances of code switching can be categorized according Gumperz’s discourse functions. However, it was found that the grammar of the code switches is not consistent and it cannot be predicted when code switching will occur


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    This preliminary study of the speech of a bilingual shows that code switching is relatively spontaneous and follows the conventions of both languages. Code switching in this subject is generally triggered by an bilingual interlocutor whom the subject knows well. Many of the instances of code switching can be categorized according Gumperz’s discourse functions. However, it was found that the grammar of the code switches is not consistent and it cannot be predicted when code switching will occur. Keywords: bilingual, code-switching, bilingual interlocutor discourse function                

    Языковая мультивселенная

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    This paper argues that logic can benefit from a recent trend in linguistics, namely the study of multilingualism. Giving up monolingualism in logic does not necessarily lead to logical pluralism. Often enough pluralism is just a fight for the recognition of one’s own language rather than a plea for a different logic. Once we let go of the monolithic view of language and embrace multilingualism, interesting new avenues appear for logic that are worth exploring. Moreover, not only is it possible to use logic to analyse the multilingual universe, it is also quite revealing to use the linguistic methodology to reflect on the metatheory of logic itself.В статье обсуждается вопрос о том, что полезного логика может для себя найти в современной тенденции в лингвистике изучать явление многоязычия. Отказ от моноязычия в логике не ведёт с необходимостью к логическому плюрализму. Достаточно часто плюрализм — это просто борьба за признание своего собственного языка, нежели довод в пользу иной логики. При отказе от монолитного взгляда на язык и выборе многоязычия для логики открываются новые интересные перспективы, достойные исследования. Кроме того, не только можно использовать логику для анализа многоязычного универсума, но лингвистическая методология может быть применена для описания самой логической метатеории

    Code-switching in Yoruba newspapers as a reflection of the linguistic half-caste mode in Nigerian journalism

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    This paper examines code-switching as a language style of Yoruba newspapers, within the larger context of the day-to-day speech mannerisms of Nigerians. This linguistic mode is a result of culture mix and has encroached on the indigenous languages of the peoples, and the style (of the writings) of indigenous language media. The paper analyses the texts of Alaroye newspaper to demonstrate the phenomenon. Questions raised concerned the purpose of code-switching, as well as its effects on Yoruba language and influence on respondents’ interest in reading Alaroye. Survey and content analysis were the research designs used, while purposive sampling was preferred for the selection of seventy-five respondents to the questionnaire and six who were interviewed. Findings show that code-switching simplifies, aids comprehension, increases interest in indigenous language newspapers and accommodates the bilingualism of readers. Respondents agree that code-switching contributes to the linguistic half-caste mode of journalism and society


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    The role of foreign and indigenous languages in primary schools: The case of Kenya

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    This article investigates the use of English and other African languages in Kenyan primary schools. English is a foreign language to the majority of Kenyans, although there are some who claim that it is a Kenyan language. English is however the official language of Kenya and, in terms of policy, the medium of instruction from Grade 4 onwards. Kiswahili, an indigenous language, is the national language in Kenya which is taught and examined as a compulsory subject from Grade 1 up to Grade 12. Kiswahili is also a subject at Kenyan universities. The other indigenous languages are only taught up to Grade 3 and only in rural schools. While the situation described above is the language policy inschools, the practice differs from the policy. Based on a comprehensive study conducted in 2006, this paper shows how English and the indigenous languages complement each other to facilitate teachingand learning in primary schools. It is shown that Mathematics and Science lessons in Grade 4 (when English becomes the medium of instruction) are conducted in bilingual English-Kiswahili code switching and in trilingual English-Kiswahili-native language code switching in urban schools and peri-urban and rural schools, respectively.Keywords: Medium of instruction, Kiswahili, English, mother tongue, primary school, urban, periurba

    Les phénomènes de code-switching dans les conversations adulte-enfant(s) en basque-espagnol : une approche syntaxique

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    Le présent article étudie la syntaxe des structures langagières mixtes en basque-espagnol à partir d’observations de situations d’interaction entre adulte et enfant(s), réalisées aussi bien dans le cadre d’études longitudinales que transversales. L’objectif de la contribution est double. Elle vise, d’une part, le développement d’une typologie d’exemples de code switching (CS) permettant de délimiter le corpus adéquat pour tester différentes hypothèses relatives à la grammaire du CS (Jake et al. 2005, MacSwam 2005, 2008, Liceras et al. 2005, 2008). D’autre part, la quantification des données permet un approfondissement des connaissances sur le phénomène du CS dans des productions précoces. Elle incite à relativiser l’importance des énoncés mixtes comme indicateurs d’une majeure ou mineure compétence grammaticale des enfants bilingues dans le cadre de productions langagières (L1 et L2) en situation de communication habituelle avec d’autres partenaires enfants et adultes.Basque-Spanish code-switching in adult-child conversations: a syntactic approach.This paper deals with the syntax of mixed Basque-Spanish structures produced in conversations between children and adults. On the one hand, data obtained across several longitudinal and cross-sectional databases are used to examine the variety of mixed structures produced, as well as the predictive validity of some of the syntactic approaches to the grammar of code-switching (Jake et al. 2005, MacSwam 2005, 2008, Liceras et al. 2005, 2008). On the other hand, the quantification of the children’s data contributes to our knowledge of early CS phenomenon, suggesting that the low frequency of mixed structures observed in many bilingual databases weakens the relevance of mixed utterances as an indication of grammatical (in)competence of early bilinguals in their L1 or L2 during spontaneous conversations with adult and age peered partners

    Les phénomènes de code-switching dans les conversations adulte-enfant(s) en basque-espagnol : une approche syntaxique

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    Le présent article étudie la syntaxe des structures langagières mixtes en basque-espagnol à partir d’observations de situations d’interaction entre adulte et enfant(s), réalisées aussi bien dans le cadre d’études longitudinales que transversales. L’objectif de la contribution est double. Elle vise, d’une part, le développement d’une typologie d’exemples de code switching (CS) permettant de délimiter le corpus adéquat pour tester différentes hypothèses relatives à la grammaire du CS (Jake et al. 2005, MacSwam 2005, 2008, Liceras et al. 2005, 2008). D’autre part, la quantification des données permet un approfondissement des connaissances sur le phénomène du CS dans des productions précoces. Elle incite à relativiser l’importance des énoncés mixtes comme indicateurs d’une majeure ou mineure compétence grammaticale des enfants bilingues dans le cadre de productions langagières (L1 et L2) en situation de communication habituelle avec d’autres partenaires enfants et adultes.Basque-Spanish code-switching in adult-child conversations: a syntactic approach.This paper deals with the syntax of mixed Basque-Spanish structures produced in conversations between children and adults. On the one hand, data obtained across several longitudinal and cross-sectional databases are used to examine the variety of mixed structures produced, as well as the predictive validity of some of the syntactic approaches to the grammar of code-switching (Jake et al. 2005, MacSwam 2005, 2008, Liceras et al. 2005, 2008). On the other hand, the quantification of the children’s data contributes to our knowledge of early CS phenomenon, suggesting that the low frequency of mixed structures observed in many bilingual databases weakens the relevance of mixed utterances as an indication of grammatical (in)competence of early bilinguals in their L1 or L2 during spontaneous conversations with adult and age peered partners