85 research outputs found

    The Geodetic Hull Number is Hard for Chordal Graphs

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    We show the hardness of the geodetic hull number for chordal graphs

    On the hull and interval numbers of oriented graphs

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    In this work, for a given oriented graph DD, we study its interval and hull numbers, denoted by in(D){in}(D) and hn(D){hn}(D), respectively, in the geodetic, P3{P_3} and P3∗{P_3^*} convexities. This last one, we believe to be formally defined and first studied in this paper, although its undirected version is well-known in the literature. Concerning bounds, for a strongly oriented graph DD, we prove that hng(D)≤m(D)−n(D)+2{hn_g}(D)\leq m(D)-n(D)+2 and that there is a strongly oriented graph such that hng(D)=m(D)−n(D){hn_g}(D) = m(D)-n(D). We also determine exact values for the hull numbers in these three convexities for tournaments, which imply polynomial-time algorithms to compute them. These results allows us to deduce polynomial-time algorithms to compute hnP3(D){hn_{P_3}}(D) when the underlying graph of DD is split or cobipartite. Moreover, we provide a meta-theorem by proving that if deciding whether ing(D)≤k{in_g}(D)\leq k or hng(D)≤k{hn_g}(D)\leq k is NP-hard or W[i]-hard parameterized by kk, for some i∈Z+∗i\in\mathbb{Z_+^*}, then the same holds even if the underlying graph of DD is bipartite. Next, we prove that deciding whether hnP3(D)≤k{hn_{P_3}}(D)\leq k or hnP3∗(D)≤k{hn_{P_3^*}}(D)\leq k is W[2]-hard parameterized by kk, even if the underlying graph of DD is bipartite; that deciding whether inP3(D)≤k{in_{P_3}}(D)\leq k or inP3∗(D)≤k{in_{P_3^*}}(D)\leq k is NP-complete, even if DD has no directed cycles and the underlying graph of DD is a chordal bipartite graph; and that deciding whether inP3(D)≤k{in_{P_3}}(D)\leq k or inP3∗(D)≤k{in_{P_3^*}}(D)\leq k is W[2]-hard parameterized by kk, even if the underlying graph of DD is split. We also argue that the interval and hull numbers in the oriented P3P_3 and P3∗P_3^* convexities can be computed in polynomial time for graphs of bounded tree-width by using Courcelle's theorem

    On the Steiner, geodetic and hull numbers of graphs

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    Given a graph G and a subset W ? V (G), a Steiner W-tree is a tree of minimum order that contains all of W. Let S(W) denote the set of all vertices in G that lie on some Steiner W-tree; we call S(W) the Steiner interval of W. If S(W) = V (G), then we call W a Steiner set of G. The minimum order of a Steiner set of G is called the Steiner number of G. Given two vertices u, v in G, a shortest u − v path in G is called a u − v geodesic. Let I[u, v] denote the set of all vertices in G lying on some u − v geodesic, and let J[u, v] denote the set of all vertices in G lying on some induced u − v path. Given a set S ? V (G), let I[S] = ?u,v?S I[u, v], and let J[S] = ?u,v?S J[u, v]. We call I[S] the geodetic closure of S and J[S] the monophonic closure of S. If I[S] = V (G), then S is called a geodetic set of G. If J[S] = V (G), then S is called a monophonic set of G. The minimum order of a geodetic set in G is named the geodetic number of G. In this paper, we explore the relationships both between Steiner sets and geodetic sets and between Steiner sets and monophonic sets. We thoroughly study the relationship between the Steiner number and the geodetic number, and address the questions: in a graph G when must every Steiner set also be geodetic and when must every Steiner set also be monophonic. In particular, among others we show that every Steiner set in a connected graph G must also be monophonic, and that every Steiner set in a connected interval graph H must be geodetic

    On geodesic and monophonic convexity

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    In this paper we deal with two types of graph convexities, which are the most natural path convexities in a graph and which are defined by a system P of paths in a connected graph G: the geodesic convexity (also called metric convexity) which arises when we consider shortest paths, and the monophonic convexity (also called minimal path convexity) when we consider chordless paths. First, we present a realization theorem proving, that there is no general relationship between monophonic and geodetic hull sets. Second, we study the contour of a graph, showing that the contour must be monophonic. Finally, we consider the so-called edge Steiner sets. We prove that every edge Steiner set is edge monophonic.Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologíaFondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalGeneralitat de Cataluny

    Rebuilding convex sets in graphs

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    The usual distance between pairs of vertices in a graph naturally gives rise to the notion of an interval between a pair of vertices in a graph. This in turn allows us to extend the notions of convex sets, convex hull, and extreme points in Euclidean space to the vertex set of a graph. The extreme vertices of a graph are known to be precisely the simplicial vertices, i.e., the vertices whose neighborhoods are complete graphs. It is known that the class of graphs with the Minkowski–Krein–Milman property, i.e., the property that every convex set is the convex hull of its extreme points, is precisely the class of chordal graphs without induced 3-fans. We define a vertex to be a contour vertex if the eccentricity of every neighbor is at most as large as that of the vertex. In this paper we show that every convex set of vertices in a graph is the convex hull of the collection of its contour vertices. We characterize those graphs for which every convex set has the property that its contour vertices coincide with its extreme points. A set of vertices in a graph is a geodetic set if the union of the intervals between pairs of vertices in the set, taken over all pairs in the set, is the entire vertex set. We show that the contour vertices in distance hereditary graphs form a geodetic set

    On the Computational Complexity of the Strong Geodetic Recognition Problem

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    A strong geodetic set of a graph~G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a vertex set~S⊆V(G)S \subseteq V(G) in which it is possible to cover all the remaining vertices of~V(G)∖SV(G) \setminus S by assigning a unique shortest path between each vertex pair of~SS. In the Strong Geodetic problem (SG) a graph~GG and a positive integer~kk are given as input and one has to decide whether~GG has a strong geodetic set of cardinality at most~kk. This problem is known to be NP-hard for general graphs. In this work we introduce the Strong Geodetic Recognition problem (SGR), which consists in determining whether even a given vertex set~S⊆V(G)S \subseteq V(G) is strong geodetic. We demonstrate that this version is NP-complete. We investigate and compare the computational complexity of both decision problems restricted to some graph classes, deriving polynomial-time algorithms, NP-completeness proofs, and initial parameterized complexity results, including an answer to an open question in the literature for the complexity of SG for chordal graphs

    Parameterized Complexity of Geodetic Set

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    A vertex set S of a graph G is geodetic if every vertex of G lies on a shortest path between two vertices in S. Given a graph G and k ? ?, the NP-hard Geodetic Set problem asks whether there is a geodetic set of size at most k. Complementing various works on Geodetic Set restricted to special graph classes, we initiate a parameterized complexity study of Geodetic Set and show, on the negative side, that Geodetic Set is W[1]-hard when parameterized by feedback vertex number, path-width, and solution size, combined. On the positive side, we develop fixed-parameter algorithms with respect to the feedback edge number, the tree-depth, and the modular-width of the input graph
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