9 research outputs found

    An Algorithm for Real-Time Blind Image Quality Comparison and Assessment

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    This research aims at providing means to image comparison from different image processing algorithms for performance assessment purposes. Reconstruction of images corrupted by blur and noise requires specialized filtering techniques. Due to the immense effect of these corruptive parameters, it is often impossible to evaluate the quality of a reconstructed image produced by one technique versus another. The algorithm presented here is capable of performing this comparison analytically and quantitatively at a low computational cost (real-time) and high efficiency. The parameters used for comparison are the degree of blurriness, information content, and the amount of various types of noise associated with the reconstructed image. Based on a heuristic analysis of these parameters the algorithm assesses the reconstructed image and quantify the quality of the image by characterizing important aspects of visual quality. Extensive effort has been set forth to obtain real-world noise and blur conditions so that the various test cases presented here could justify the validity of this approach well. The tests performed on the database of images produced valid results for the algorithms consistently. This paper presents the description and validation (along with test results) of the proposed algorithm for blind image quality assessment.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i1.112 

    Synthetic aperture sonar images segmentation using dynamical modeling analysis

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    Symbolic Models applied to Synthetic Aperture Sonar images are proposed in order to assess the validity and reliability of use of such models and evaluate how effective they can be in terms of image classification and segmentation. We developed an approach for the description of sonar images where the pixels distribution can be transformed into points in the symbolic space in a similar way as symbolic space can encode a trajectory of a dynamical system. One of the main characteristic of approach is that points in the symbolic space are mapped respecting dynamical rules and, as a consequence, it can possible to calculate quantities that\ud characterize the dynamical system, such as Fractal Dimension (D), Shannon Entropy (H) and the amount of information of the image. It also showed potential to classify image sub-patterns based on the textural characteristics of the seabed. The proposed method reached a reasonable degree of success with results compatible with the classical techniques described in literatureEste estudo apresenta uma proposta de metodologia para segmentação e classificação de imagens de sonar de Abertura Sintética a partir de modelos de Dinâmica Simbólica. Foram desenvolvidas, em um primeiro momento, técnicas de descrição de registros de sonar, com base na transformação da distribuição dos pixels da imagem em pontos em um espaço simbólico, codificado a partir de uma função de interação, de modo que as imagens podem ser interpretadas como sistemas dinâmicos em que trajetórias do sistema podem ser estabelecidas. Uma das características marcantes deste método é que, ao descrever uma imagem como um sistema dinâmico, é possível calcular grandezas como dimensão fractal (D) e entropia de Shannon (H) além da quantidade de informação inerente a imagem. Foi possível classificar, posteriormente, características texturais das imagens com base nas propriedades dinâmicas do espaço simbólico, o que permitiu a segmentação automática de padrões de “backscatter” indicando variações da geologia/geomorfologia do substrato marinho. O método proposto atingiu um razoável grau de sucesso em relação à acurácia de segmentação, com sucesso compatível com métodos alternativos descritos em literaturaUK Defense Science & Technology Laborator

    Seabed classification using physics-based modeling and machine learning

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    In this work model-based methods are employed along with machine learning techniques to classify sediments in oceanic environments based on the geoacoustic properties of a two-layer seabed. Two different scenarios are investigated. First, a simple low-frequency case is set up, where the acoustic field is modeled with normal modes. Four different hypotheses are made for seafloor sediment possibilities and these are explored using both various machine learning techniques and a simple matched-field approach. For most noise levels, the latter has an inferior performance to the machine learning methods. Second, the high-frequency model of the scattering from a rough, two-layer seafloor is considered. Again, four different sediment possibilities are classified with machine learning. For higher accuracy, 1D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are employed. In both cases we see that the machine learning methods, both in simple and more complex formulations, lead to effective sediment characterization. Our results assess the robustness to noise and model misspecification of different classifiers

    A Label Field Fusion Bayesian Model and Its Penalized Maximum Rand Estimator for Image Segmentation

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    The fusion of large scale classified side-scan sonar image mosaics

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    Abstract—This paper presents a unified framework for the creation of classified maps of the seafloor from sonar imagery. Significant challenges in photometric correction, classification, navigation and registration, and image fusion are addressed. The techniques described are directly applicable to a range of remote sensing problems. Recent advances in side-scan data correction are incorporated to compensate for the sonar beam pattern and motion of the acquisition platform. The corrected images are segmented using pixel-based textural features and standard classifiers. In parallel, the navigation of the sonar device is processed using Kalman filtering techniques. A simultaneous localization and mapping framework is adopted to improve the navigation accuracy and produce georeferenced mosaics of the segmented side-scan data. These are fused within a Markovian framework and two fusion models are presented. The first uses a voting scheme regularized by an isotropic Markov random field and is applicable when the reliability of each information source is unknown. The Markov model is also used to inpaint regions where no final classification decision can be reached using pixel level fusion. The second model formally introduces the reliability of each information source into a probabilistic model. Evaluation of the two models using both synthetic images and real data from a large scale survey shows significant quantitative and qualitative improvement using the fusion approach. Index Terms—Classification, fusion, Markov random fields, mosaicing, registration, side-scan sonar (SSS), simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). I

    The fusion of large scale classified side-scan sonar image mosaics

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    Umgebungskartenschätzung aus Sidescan-Sonardaten für ein autonomes Unterwasserfahrzeug

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    Für die Schätzung der Höhenkarten aus Sidescan-Sonardaten liefert die Arbeit mehrere Beiträge: Ein neues Schätzverfahren, das Sonarmessungen aus vorberechneten Sonarantworten von Basiselementen, sog. Kerneln, zusammensetzt und so zu einer Höhenschätzung gelangt. Des Weiteren ein dreidimensionales Verfahren, das auf Markov Random Fields basiert und eine Sidescan-Sonarsimulationsumgebung für beliebige dreidimensionale Szenen, die auch verschiedene Sonaraufnahmemodi und Terraingeneratoren bietet