56 research outputs found

    Investigation of empty container shortage based on SWARA-ARAS methods in the COVID-19 era

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    A shortage of empty containers has become a global crisis with more devastating effects than during previous periods when combined with various problems arising from the COVID-19, such as an increase in an imbalance of global trade between supply and demand, a decrease in the workforce, and restrictions by countries or regional quarantine practices. The absence of empty containers in regions where they are needed slows down industrial activities and locks the global supply networks, necessitating the use of alternative methods that are inefficient. Although this shortage causes many disruptions in global trade, solutions to the issue have not been studied in detail. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the issues caused by the shortage of empty containers and to rank the appropriate solutions. Four main criteria and sixteen subcategories used to define the issues, as well as a multi criteria decision model comprising five criteria for the solutions, were proposed based on information from the literature, sectorial publications, and expert opinions. The issues’ weighted order of importance in our proposed model was calculated using the SWARA (Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) method; solutions were ranked using the ARAS (Additive Ratio Assessment) method. The results of the study revealed that the issues were ranked in importance as cost increases, uncertainty in the supply chain, volume loss, and increases in blank sailing announcements. Appropriate solutions were ranked as booking guarantee applications and information communication technologies, using shipper-owned containers, inducement calls, and E2E (end to end) delivery services

    A Systematic Approach to the Management of Military Human Resources through the ELECTRE-MOr Multicriteria Method

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    Personnel selection is increasingly proving to be an essential factor for the success of organizations. These issues almost universally involve multiple conflicting objectives, uncertainties, costs, and benefits in decision-making. In this context, personnel assessment problems, which include several candidates as alternatives, along with several complex evaluation criteria, can be solved by applying Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. Uncertainty and subjectivity characterize the choice of personnel for missions or promotions at the military level. In this paper, we evaluated 30 Brazilian Navy officers in the light of four criteria and 34 subcriteria. To support the decision-making process regarding the promotion of officers, we applied the ELECTRE-Mor MCDM method. We categorized the alternatives into three classes in the modeling proposed in this work, namely: Class A (Promotion by deserving), Class B (Promotion by seniority), and Class C (Military not promoted). As a result, the method presented 20% of the officers evaluated with performance corresponding to class A, 53% of the alternatives to class B, and 26.7% with performances attributed to class C. In addition, we presented a sensitivity analysis procedure through variation of the cut-off level λ, allowing decision-making on more flexible or rigorous scenarios at the discretion of the Naval High Administration. This work brings a valuable contribution to academia and society since it represents the application of an MCDM method in state of the art to contribute to solving a real problem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The weights of evaluation criteria could have a significant impact on the results obtained by applying multiple criteria decision-making methods. Therefore, the two extensions of the SWARA method that can be used in cases when it is not easy, or even is impossible to reach a consensus on the expected importance of the evaluation criteria are proposed in this paper. The primary objective of the proposed extensions is to provide an understandable and easy-to-use approach to the collecting of respondents’ real attitudes towards the significance of evaluation criteria and to also provide an approach to the checking of the reliability of the data collected

    Hotel selection with safe tourism certificates in Covid-19 pandemic using SWARA and fuzzy COPRAS methods

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    The virus, which emerged in Wuhan, China, has taken the whole world under its influence in a short time. The World Health Organization declared this period as the "pandemic period", which means a global epidemic, due to the spread of the virus to the world in a short time. This period has undoubtedly been a period when many habits changed for everyone. Vacation habit is also one of the habits that change during this period. Especially in the summer months, people who spend their holidays in hotels had to be more sensitive in choosing the hotel due to the continuation of the pandemic period. While different criteria were considered in hotel selection before, the criterion of having a safe tourism certificate has become the most important criterion due to the pandemic. Businesses with this certificate can provide service without any problems as they take all precautions during the pandemic period. In this study, a hotel selection problem that takes into account the criteria of safe tourism certificate is discussed. In this study, a hotel selection problem that takes into account the safe tourism certification criteria is discussed. In the study, Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) and fuzzy logic based The Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) methods were used to solve the problem of choosing the most suitable hotel. As a result of the study, ten hotel alternatives were evaluated according to the criteria of safe tourism certificate during the pandemic period and the most suitable hotel was selected


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    Aircraft’s training is crucial for a flight training organization (FTO). Therefore, an important decision that these organizations should wisely consider the choice of aircraft to be bought among many alternatives. The criteria for evaluating the optimal training aircraft for FTOs are collected based on the survey approach. Single valued neutrosophic sets (SVNS) have the degree of truth, indeterminacy, and falsity membership functions and, as a special case, neutrosophic sets (NS) deal with inconsistent environments. In this regard, this study has extended a single-valued neutrosophic analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based on multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis plus a full multiplicative form (MULTIMOORA) to rank the training aircraft as the alternatives. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is performed to demonstrate the stability of the developed method. Finally, a comparison between the results of the developed approach and the existing approaches for validating the developed approach is discussed. This analysis shows that the proposed approach is efficient and with the other methods

    Modeli za evaluaciju i izbor zaposlenih zasnovani na metodama višekriterijumskog odlučivanja

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    У данашње време савремене организације се налазе пред великим изазовом, а све због динамичнијих и захтевнијих услова пословања. Запослени представљају кључни фактор на основу којег организације постижу и задржавају конкурентску предност. Из тог разлога, менаџмент људских ресурса представља важну пословну активност од које зависи успех организације. Из тог разлога, процесу регрутације и селекције кадрова се посвећује посебна пажња. Избор компетентних запослених се најчешће одвија у кратком временском интервалу, док са друге стране организација тежи да запослени остану што дуже у организацији. Током времена предложено је више приступа, алата и техника за избор запослених. Традиционалне методе најчешће за евалуацију кандидата укључују статистичке анализе, тестове личности и сл. У циљу смањења субјективности и интуитивности у процесу селекције кадрова, на располагању су и технике које се заснивају на примени метода вишекритеријумског одлучивања. Сходно томе, докторска дисертација има за циљ да предложи вишекритеријумске оквире тј. моделе за избор кадрова. Модели се заснивају на примени Step‐Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis - SWARA , Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution - TOPSIS и Combined Compromise Solution – CoCoSo метода. SWARA метода је у докторској дисертацији примењена за дефинисање тежина евалуационих критеријума. За коначно рангирање алтернатива односно кандидата примењене су TOPSIS и CoCoSo методе.U današnje vreme savremene organizacije se nalaze pred velikim izazovom, a sve zbog dinamičnijih i zahtevnijih uslova poslovanja. Zaposleni predstavljaju ključni faktor na osnovu kojeg organizacije postižu i zadržavaju konkurentsku prednost. Iz tog razloga, menadžment ljudskih resursa predstavlja važnu poslovnu aktivnost od koje zavisi uspeh organizacije. Iz tog razloga, procesu regrutacije i selekcije kadrova se posvećuje posebna pažnja. Izbor kompetentnih zaposlenih se najčešće odvija u kratkom vremenskom intervalu, dok sa druge strane organizacija teži da zaposleni ostanu što duže u organizaciji. Tokom vremena predloženo je više pristupa, alata i tehnika za izbor zaposlenih. Tradicionalne metode najčešće za evaluaciju kandidata uključuju statističke analize, testove ličnosti i sl. U cilju smanjenja subjektivnosti i intuitivnosti u procesu selekcije kadrova, na raspolaganju su i tehnike koje se zasnivaju na primeni metoda višekriterijumskog odlučivanja. Shodno tome, doktorska disertacija ima za cilj da predloži višekriterijumske okvire tj. modele za izbor kadrova. Modeli se zasnivaju na primeni Step‐Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis - SWARA , Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution - TOPSIS i Combined Compromise Solution – CoCoSo metoda. SWARA metoda je u doktorskoj disertaciji primenjena za definisanje težina evaluacionih kriterijuma. Za konačno rangiranje alternativa odnosno kandidata primenjene su TOPSIS i CoCoSo metode


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    In this paper, based on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis, a matrix of Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Strengths (TOWS) was formed. It represents possible business strategies of the transport company. To choose the right plan, a model based on the integration of Fuzzy PIvot Pairwise RElative Criteria Importance Assessment (fuzzy PIPRECIA), Full Consistency Method (FUCOM) and Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to COmpromise Solution (MARCOS) methods, has been formed. A case study was conducted in the transport company from Bosnia and Herzegovina which provides services on the domestic and the European Union market for 20 years and belongs to a group of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The SWOT analysis in this transport company was the basis for forming the TOWS matrix, which represents a set of possible business strategies. These strategies are the basis for developing five basic alternatives. The transport company should choose the best one of them for future business. The research focuses on forming a model for choosing the best strategy by which the transport company seeks to improve its business. Decision-making (DM) is not a straightforward sequence of operations, so the harmonization of methods as well as the verification of their results, are essential in the research. This model is applicable in SMEs that make these and similar decisions. Using this model, companies can adjust their business policies to the results of the model and achieve better business results. This research is the first that allows the use of such a model in making strategic decisions

    Ranking of Web Sites Performance of Commercial Banks in Turkey by SWARA and ARAS Method

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    Günümüzde teknolojik gelişmeler ile birlikte küresel olarak birçok alanda önemli dönüşümler başlamış olup ekonomik ve ticari faaliyetlerin birçoğu internet ortamına taşımıştır. Böylece birçok sektörde dijitalleşmeye geçişi hızlanmıştır. Özellikle bankacılık sektörü dijital dönüşüme en hızlı adapte olan sektörlerden biridir. Bankacılık sektöründeki dijital dönüşümün hızlanmasıyla birçok banka şubelerinde sunduğu hizmetleri web sitelerinde internet bankacılığı uygulamaları aracılığıyla da sunmaya başlamıştır. Böylece bankalara ait web sitelerin önemi artmıştır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada Türkiye’deki 15 ticari bankanın web sitelerinin performansını analiz ederek banka web sitlerini sıralamak amaçlanmıştır. Web sitelerinin performans kriterlerine göre sıralanmasında SWARA ve ARAS yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. SWARA yöntemi sonuçlarına göre banka web sitesi performansının değerlendirilmesinde sayfa açılma süresi ve hız endeksi kriterleri en yükse ağırlığa sahip kriterler olarak bulunmuşken, web sitesinde geçirilen ortalama süre, dünya sıralaması ve Türkiye sıralaması kriterleri ise en düşük ağırlığı sahip kriterler olarak bulunmuştur. ARAS yöntemi sonucunda hesaplanan fayda değerlerine göre ise sırasıyla HSBC, Fiba Bank ve Şeker Bank’ın en iyi performans gösteren web sitelerine sahip olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Türkiye Ekonomi Bankası, ING Bank ve Akbank ise en kötü performans gösteren web sitelerine sahip olup yapılan sıralamada son üç sırada yer almıştır