292 research outputs found

    Sets of lines and cutting out polyhedral objects

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    AbstractWe study algorithmic questions related to cutting polyhedral shapes with a hot wire cutter. Such cutters are popular manufacturing tools for cutting expanded polystyrene (styrofoam) with a thin, moving heated wire. In particular, we study the question of polyhedral-wise continuity: Can a given object be cut out without disconnecting and then reattaching the wire? In an abstract setting this question translates to properties of sets of lines and segments and therefore becomes suitable for computational geometry techniques. On the combinatorial and algorithmic levels the results and methods are related to two problems: (1) given a set F={f1,
,fk} of polygons and a polygon f, decide if there is a subset of lines in the set of lines not stabbing F that cover f; (2) construct the connectivity graph for free movements of lines that maintain contact with the polyhedral shape. Problem (1) is solved with the dual projection and arrangements of convex and concave x-monotone curves. Problem (2) can be solved with a combination of the skewed projections [6] and hyperbola arrangements proposed by McKenna and O'Rourke [11]. We provide an O(n5) algorithm for constructing a cutting path, if it exists. The complexity of the algorithm is determined by the O(n4) size of the connectivity graph and the cost of solving (2)

    Rationalization with ruled surfaces in architecture

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    A Full Coverage Film Cooling Study: The Effect of an Alternating Compound Angle

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    This thesis is an experimental and numerical full-coverage film cooling study. The objective of this work is the quantification of local heat transfer augmentation and adiabatic film cooling effectiveness for two full-coverage film cooling geometries. Experimental data was acquired with a scientific grade CCD camera, where images are taken over the heat transfer surface, which is painted with a temperature sensitive paint. The CFD component of this study served to evaluate how well the v2-f turbulence model predicted film cooling effectiveness throughout the array, as compared with experimental data. The two staggered arrays tested are different from one another through a compound angle shift after 12 rows of holes. The compound angle shifts from ?=-45° to ?=+45° at row 13. Each geometry had 22 rows of cylindrical film cooling holes with identical axial and lateral spacing (X/D=P/D=23). Levels of laterally averaged film cooling effectiveness for the superior geometry approach 0.20, where the compound angle shift causes a decrease in film cooling effectiveness. Levels of heat transfer augmentation maintain values of nearly h/h0=1.2. There is no effect of compound angle shift on heat transfer augmentation observed. The CFD results are used to investigate the detrimental effect of the compound angle shift, while the SST k-? turbulence model shows to provide the best agreement with experimental results

    Influence of side dilution jets on swirling and non-swirling pulverised biomass turbulent annular flows

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    The use of pulverised biomass in non-premixed combustion systems, featuring turbulent annular flows (swirling, non-swirling) with downstream air dilution jets, is of immense practical importance. The overall combustion performance and emissions heavily rely on the underlying flow dynamics, turbulence and dispersion behaviour of the pulverised biomass particles. Despite the practical significance of side dilution jets in aiding complete combustion and controlling pollutants, the fundamental understanding of side dilution jets influence on the biomass particle velocity field, turbulence, and dispersion characteristics is still lacking. However, the presence of a multi-phase (solid-gas) flow field, highly turbulent annular flows, swirl, and cross-wise turbulent dilution jets poses significant challenges to these investigations. This work employs a combination of two-dimensional planar Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiments and three-dimensional multi-phase numerical modelling to resolve the influence of turbulent side dilution jets (Red = 18,000 and 27,000) on the particle flow and dispersion characteristics of turbulent annular jets equipped with a central pulverised biomass-laden jet. The numerical modelling uses Reynolds stress model (RSM) and discrete phase model (DPM) for the solution of gas and dispersed phases, respectively. Walnut flour based raw pulverised biomass is injected at a certain particle loading ratio ( p=0.33 and 0.49) through a turbulent central jet (Rj = 4500) into non-swirling (S = 0) and swirling (S = 0.3) turbulent confined annular flows (Res = 35,500 and 17,800). Comprehensive Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA) experiments are conducted to obtain well-defined boundary conditions for experiments as well as numerical simulations. Prior to numerical predictions, the models are duly validated against the experimental data. Results reveal that the characteristic flow feature of side dilution jets, i.e., peripheral recirculation zones (PRZ) significantly entrains pulverised biomass particles from the turbulent particle-laden (central jet) annular flows (both swirling and non-swirling) and alters the particle flow and turbulence characteristics. Under non-swirling conditions (S = 0), side dilution jets reduce mean particle axial velocity by 22.4% and increase turbulent fluctuating velocity by 52.6%. These figures elevate to 32.5% and 100% respectively for swirling conditions (S = 0.3), depicting enhanced turbulent mixing between solid particles and the gas phase. In terms of particle dispersion, side dilution jets significantly enhance lateral dispersion of biomass particles, particularly under swirling flow conditions. In the PRZ region, side dilution jets led to a 108% and 279% increase in normalised particle count for non-swirling and swirling cases, respectively. These findings suggest that swirl doubles the particle dispersion in the PRZ. Furthermore, a 50% increase in Red enables side dilution jets to entrain more biomass particles and disperse them into the PRZ. Conversely, a 50% increase in áčp leads to a significant increase in particle volume fraction along the central axis of the nozzle

    Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Machine Learning-Powered Networks: A Contemporary Survey

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    Adversarial attacks and defenses in machine learning and deep neural network have been gaining significant attention due to the rapidly growing applications of deep learning in the Internet and relevant scenarios. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of the recent advancements in the field of adversarial attack and defense techniques, with a focus on deep neural network-based classification models. Specifically, we conduct a comprehensive classification of recent adversarial attack methods and state-of-the-art adversarial defense techniques based on attack principles, and present them in visually appealing tables and tree diagrams. This is based on a rigorous evaluation of the existing works, including an analysis of their strengths and limitations. We also categorize the methods into counter-attack detection and robustness enhancement, with a specific focus on regularization-based methods for enhancing robustness. New avenues of attack are also explored, including search-based, decision-based, drop-based, and physical-world attacks, and a hierarchical classification of the latest defense methods is provided, highlighting the challenges of balancing training costs with performance, maintaining clean accuracy, overcoming the effect of gradient masking, and ensuring method transferability. At last, the lessons learned and open challenges are summarized with future research opportunities recommended.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figure

    Life and Economy at Early Medieval Flixborough, c. AD 600-1000

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    Between 1989 and 1991, excavations in the parish of Flixborough, North Lincolnshire, unearthed remains of an Anglo-Saxon settlement associated with one of the largest collections of artefacts and animal bones yet found on such a site. In an unprecedented occupation sequence from an Anglo-Saxon rural settlement, six main periods of occupation have been identified, dating from the seventh to the early eleventh centuries; with a further period of activity, between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries AD. Volume 2 contains detailed presentation of some 10,000 recorded finds, over 6,000 sherds of pottery, and many other residues and bulk finds, illustrated with 213 blocks of figures and 67 plates, together with discussion of their significance.It presents the most comprehensive, and currently unique picture of daily life on a rural settlement of this period in eastern England, and is an assemblage of Europe wide significance to Anglo-Saxon and early medieval archaeologists

    Prohibited Volume Avoidance for Aircraft

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    This thesis describes the development of a pilot override control system that prevents aircraft entering critical regions of space, known as prohibited volumes. The aim is to prevent another 9/11 style terrorist attack, as well as act as a general safety system for transport aircraft. The thesis presents the design and implementation of three core modules in the system; the trajectory generation algorithm, the trigger mechanism for the pilot override and the trajectory following element. The trajectory generation algorithm uses a direct multiple shooting strategy to provide trajectories through online computation that avoid pre-defi ned prohibited volume exclusion regions, whilst accounting for the manoeuvring capabilities of the aircraft. The trigger mechanism incorporates the logic that decides the time at which it is suitable for the override to be activated, an important consideration for ensuring that the system is not overly restrictive for a pilot. A number of methods are introduced, and for safety purposes a composite trigger that incorporates di fferent strategies is recommended. Trajectory following is best achieved via a nonlinear guidance law. The guidance logic sends commands in pitch, roll and yaw to the control surfaces of the aircraft, in order to closely follow the generated avoidance trajectory. Testing and validation is performed using a full motion simulator, with volunteers flying a representative aircraft model and attempting to penetrate prohibited volumes. The proof-of-concept system is shown to work well, provided that extreme aircraft manoeuvres are prevented near the exclusion regions. These hard manoeuvring envelope constraints allow the trajectory following controllers to follow avoidance trajectories accurately from an initial state within the bounding set. In order to move the project closer to a commercial product, operator and regulator input is necessary, particularly due to the radical nature of the pilot override system

    ColDICE: a parallel Vlasov-Poisson solver using moving adaptive simplicial tessellation

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    Resolving numerically Vlasov-Poisson equations for initially cold systems can be reduced to following the evolution of a three-dimensional sheet evolving in six-dimensional phase-space. We describe a public parallel numerical algorithm consisting in representing the phase-space sheet with a conforming, self-adaptive simplicial tessellation of which the vertices follow the Lagrangian equations of motion. The algorithm is implemented both in six- and four-dimensional phase-space. Refinement of the tessellation mesh is performed using the bisection method and a local representation of the phase-space sheet at second order relying on additional tracers created when needed at runtime. In order to preserve in the best way the Hamiltonian nature of the system, refinement is anisotropic and constrained by measurements of local Poincar\'e invariants. Resolution of Poisson equation is performed using the fast Fourier method on a regular rectangular grid, similarly to particle in cells codes. To compute the density projected onto this grid, the intersection of the tessellation and the grid is calculated using the method of Franklin and Kankanhalli (1993) generalised to linear order. As preliminary tests of the code, we study in four dimensional phase-space the evolution of an initially small patch in a chaotic potential and the cosmological collapse of a fluctuation composed of two sinusoidal waves. We also perform a "warm" dark matter simulation in six-dimensional phase-space that we use to check the parallel scaling of the code.Comment: Code and illustration movies available at: http://www.vlasix.org/index.php?n=Main.ColDICE - Article submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    CFD analyses and performance comparison of micro-hydropowder plants

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    The project concerns the hydropower renewable energy technology at its micro scale: thanks to an internship performed with the Belgian startup TurbulentHydro, the purpose of this Master Thesis is to evaluate the energy performance of 2 di erent models currently under investigation: the so-called Flatblades and Streamlines con gurations. These layouts are similar in shape but di erent both in dimension and for the turbine used. After a little introduction on renewable energies and hydropower technology, the selected CFD simulation procedure and all its options have been explained as well as the choice of the turbulence model to apply, computing the meaningful parameters to add in the model. This dissertation highlights the uid dynamics behaviour by means of suitable softwares for this purpose: Autodesk Inventor, the 3D CAD mechanical design software in order to build, and edit when necessary, the geometries of the models considered, MeshMixer, a state-of-art software for locally adjusting the mesh of the starting model and OpenFOAM, a free and open source CFD program in order to run and evaluate any details of the analysis, simulating the operation conditions by means of its components and tools. Eventually, the most important CFD results are presented. Di erent con gurations bring di erent results. Regarding Flatblades model, the scope was re ned the CFD initial setup in order to achieve results as close to the real case validation as possible whereas, for Streamlines model, an additional new component has been added for improving the current design in terms of energy output at the turbine level. At the end, conclusions stated possible re nements and improvements for these simulations as well as uncertainties arose from the results that might be avoided for the next stages

    Investigation of a Novel Turbulence Model and Using Leading-Edge Slots for Improving the Aerodynamic Performance of Airfoils and Wind Turbines

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    Because of the problems associated with increase of greenhouse gases, as well as the limited supplies of fossil fuels, the transition to alternate, clean, renewable sources of energy is inevitable. Renewable sources of energy can be used to decrease our need for fossil fuels, thus reducing impact to humans, other species and their habitats. The wind is one of the cleanest forms of energy, and it can be an excellent candidate for producing electrical energy in a more sustainable manner. Vertical- and Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT and HAWT) are two common devices used for harvesting electrical energy from the wind. Due to the development of a thin boundary layer over the ground surface, the modern commercial wind turbines have to be relatively large to be cost-effective. Because of the high manufacturing and transportation costs of the wind turbine components, it is necessary to evaluate the design and predict the performance of the turbine prior to shipping it to the site, where it is to be installed. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has proven to be a simple, cheap and yet relatively accurate tool for prediction of wind turbine performance, where the suitability of different designs can be evaluated at a low cost. High accuracy simulation methods such as Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) are developed and utilized in the past decades. Despite their superior importance in large fluid domains, they fail to make very accurate predictions near the solid surfaces. Therefore, in the present effort, the possibility of improving near-wall predictions of CFD simulations in the near-wall region by using a modified turbulence model is also thoroughly investigated. Algebraic Stress Model (ASM) is employed in conjunction with Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) to improve Reynolds stresses components, and consequently predictions of the near-wall velocities and surface pressure distributions. The proposed model shows a slightly better performance as compared to the baseline DES. In the second part of this study, the focus is on improving the aerodynamic performance of airfoils and wind turbines in terms of lift and drag coefficients and power generation. One special type of add-on feature for wind turbines and airfoils, i.e., leading-edge slots are investigated through numerical simulation and laboratory experiments. Although similar slots are designed and employed for aircrafts, a special slot with a reversed flow direction is drilled in the leading edge of a sample wind turbine airfoil to study its influence on the aerodynamic performance. The objective is to vary the five main geometrical parameters of slot and characterize the performance improvement of the new design under different operating conditions. A number of Design of Experiment and optimization studies are conducted to determine the most suitable slot configuration to maximize the lift or lift-over-drag ratio. Results indicate that proper sizing and placement of slot can improve the lift coefficient, while it has negligible negative impact on the drag. Some recommendations for future investigation on slot are proposed at the end. The performance of a horizontal axis wind turbine blade equipped with leading-edge slot is also studied, and it is concluded that slotted blades can generate about 10% more power than solid blades, for the two operating conditions investigated. The good agreement between the CFD predictions and experimental data confirms the validity of the model and results
