405,439 research outputs found

    Ancillary Services in Hybrid AC/DC Low Voltage Distribution Networks

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    In the last decade, distribution systems are experiencing a drastic transformation with the advent of new technologies. In fact, distribution networks are no longer passive systems, considering the current integration rates of new agents such as distributed generation, electrical vehicles and energy storage, which are greatly influencing the way these systems are operated. In addition, the intrinsic DC nature of these components, interfaced to the AC system through power electronics converters, is unlocking the possibility for new distribution topologies based on AC/DC networks. This paper analyzes the evolution of AC distribution systems, the advantages of AC/DC hybrid arrangements and the active role that the new distributed agents may play in the upcoming decarbonized paradigm by providing different ancillary services.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2017-84813-RUnión Europea (Programa Horizonte 2020) 76409

    Mapping Datasets to Object Storage System

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    Access libraries such as ROOT and HDF5 allow users to interact with datasets using high level abstractions, like coordinate systems and associated slicing operations. Unfortunately, the implementations of access libraries are based on outdated assumptions about storage systems interfaces and are generally unable to fully benefit from modern fast storage devices. The situation is getting worse with rapidly evolving storage devices such as non-volatile memory and ever larger datasets. This project explores distributed dataset mapping infrastructures that can integrate and scale out existing access libraries using Ceph's extensible object model, avoiding re-implementation or even modifications of these access libraries as much as possible. These programmable storage extensions coupled with our distributed dataset mapping techniques enable: 1) access library operations to be offloaded to storage system servers, 2) the independent evolution of access libraries and storage systems and 3) fully leveraging of the existing load balancing, elasticity, and failure management of distributed storage systems like Ceph. They also create more opportunities to conduct storage server-local optimizations specific to storage servers. For example, storage servers might include local key/value stores combined with chunk stores that require different optimizations than a local file system. As storage servers evolve to support new storage devices like non-volatile memory, these server-local optimizations can be implemented while minimizing disruptions to applications. We will report progress on the means by which distributed dataset mapping can be abstracted over particular access libraries, including access libraries for ROOT data, and how we address some of the challenges revolving around data partitioning and composability of access operations

    A Versatile Stochastic Dissemination Model

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    This paper considers a highly general dissemination model that keeps track of the stochastic evolution of the distribution of wealth over a set of agents. There are two types of events: (i) units of wealth externally arrive, and (ii) units of wealth are redistributed among the agents, while throughout Markov modulation is allowed. We derive a system of coupled differential equations describing the joint transient distribution of the agents’ wealth values, which translate into linear differential equations when considering the corresponding means and (co-)variances. While our model uses the (economic) terminology of wealth being distributed over agents, we illustrate through a series of examples that it can be used considerably more broadly. Indeed, it also facilitates the analysis of the spread of opinions over a population (thus generalizing existing opinion dynamics models), and the analysis of the dynamics of a file storage system (thus allowing the assessment of the efficacy of storage policies)

    A Vision for Co-optimized T&D System Interaction with Renewables and Demand Response

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    The evolution of the power system to the reliable, efficient and sustainable system of the future will involve development of both demand- and supply-side technology and operations. The use of demand response to counterbalance the intermittency of renewable generation brings the consumer into the spotlight. Though individual consumers are interconnected at the low-voltage distribution system, these resources are typically modeled as variables at the transmission network level. In this paper, a vision for co-optimized interaction of distribution systems, or microgrids, with the high-voltage transmission system is described. In this framework, microgrids encompass consumers, distributed renewables and storage. The energy management system of the microgrid can also sell (buy) excess (necessary) energy from the transmission system. Preliminary work explores price mechanisms to manage the microgrid and its interactions with the transmission system

    FEW phone file system

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    Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThe evolution of mobile phones has made these devices more than just simple mobile communication devices. Current mobile phones include such features as built-in digital cameras, the ability to play and record multimedia contents and also the possibility of playing games. Most of these devices have support for Java developed applications, as well as multiple wireless technologies (e.g. GSM/GPRS, UMTS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi). All these features have been made possible due to technological evolution that led to the improvement of computational power, storage capacity, and communication capabilities of these devices. This thesis presents a distributed data management system, based on optimistic replication,named FEW Phone File System. This system takes advantage of the storage capacity and wireless communication capabilities of current mobile phones, by allowing users to carry their personal data “in” their mobile phones, and to access it in any workstation, as if they were files in the local file system. The FEW Phone File System is based on a hybrid architecture that merges the client/server model with peer-to-peer replication, that relies on periodic reconciliation to maintain consistency between replicas. The system’s server side runs on the mobile phone, and the client on a workstation. The communication between the client and the server can be supported by one of multiple network technologies, allowing the FEW Phone File System to dynamically adapt to the available network connectivity. The presented system addresses the mobile phone’s storage and power limitations by allowing multimedia contents to be adapted to the device’s specifications, thus reducing the volume of data transferred to the mobile phone, allowing for more user’s data to be stored. The FEW Phone File System also integrates mechanisms that maintain information about the existence of other copies of the stored files (e.g. WWW), avoiding the transfer of those files from the mobile device whenever accessing those copies is advantageous. Due to the increasing number of on-line storage resources (e.g. CVS/SVN, Picasa), this approach allows for those resources to be used by the FEW Phone File System to obtain the stored copies of the user’s files

    Application of Rechargeable Batteries of Electrical Vehicles as Time Dependent Storage Resource for the Public Electricity Grid

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    This study investigates the potential to use the EES storages of a fleet of privately owned Electrical Vehicles (EV) as time dependent storage source connected to the electrical grid. The example of the national German electricity grid is examined. Calculations are done as time series on a complete yearly set of quarter-hour data for generation and consumption, as obtained from the national regulatory authority (“Bundesnetzagentur”). Future scenarios foresee targets that have been publicly stated by the German government, e.g. the projected discontinuation of electricity generation by nuclear power, the envisaged shares of renewables within the electricity mix per 2030 or 2050, and a projected evolution of the number of EV. Besides, the technical evolution like introduction of new types of EES like the Li-Air-storage promising higher storage capacity in the future is expected. The model assumes that private users of EV will provide the storage capacity within their EV to the public grid following a certain time pattern. A minimum reserve for the user is always granted and moreover it is assumed that the electrical system operator will make compensation payments to the user of the EV. In a scenario beyond 2030 where 6 Mio EV are projected, the number of EV is assumed to be 20 Mio EV in 2050. This results in a considerably large distributed storage to help dealing with a future more and more volatile electricity provision by more and more renewable energy sources, especially wind and PV. According to our preliminary results, an optimum for this model can be obtained at moderate power levels for charge and discharge, avoiding the necessity for a comparable high invest of “fast charging” stations

    Visualization of hyperspectral images on parallel and distributed platform: Apache Spark

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    The field of hyperspectral image storage and processing has undergone a remarkable evolution in recent years. The visualization of these images represents a challenge as the number of bands exceeds three bands, since direct visualization using the trivial system red, green and blue (RGB) or hue, saturation and lightness (HSL) is not feasible. One potential solution to resolve this problem is the reduction of the dimensionality of the image to three dimensions and thereafter assigning each dimension to a color. Conventional tools and algorithms have become incapable of producing results within a reasonable time. In this paper, we present a new distributed method of visualization of hyperspectral image based on the principal component analysis (PCA) and implemented in a distributed parallel environment (Apache Spark). The visualization of the big hyperspectral images with the proposed method is made in a smaller time and with the same performance as the classical method of visualization

    The Direction of Lightweight Ciphers in Mobile Big Data Computing

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    AbstractIt is too fast. The advances of the computing technology are moving very fast and far from the era of gigantic machine. This advanced technology offers easy, fast and wide range of computing activities particularly users who want to use the Internet, regardless of time and place. In addition, this advanced technology can also connect more communication tool. At the same time, greater storage platform is also available as mobile computing cloud computing architecture adopted to carry out computer activities. However, the larger the network which is connected to a computer, the more susceptible the computer to the outside threats. Indirectly, the communication system and the information stored in the computer are also exposed. Therefore, in this paper, we has discussed on the evolution of the computing which begin with the distributed system until recent computing technology which we called Mobile Big Data Computing. Besides, in this paper, we define the term Mobile Big Data Computing. Our discussion focuses on the information security aspects for the security of storage and transmitted data. Ultimately, this paper discusses the direction of the lightweight cipher design consideration towards Mobile Big Data Computing

    Innovative Smart Grid Solutions for Network Planning and Access

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    Smart Grids are the cornerstone for Distribution System Operators transformation. Having new solutions to deal with historical and future problems is key to ensure a smooth transition to an advanced power system that not only integrate a large share of renewables and distributed energy resources (e.g. storage, electrical vehicles), but also requires efficient operation, better planning and exceptional customer service. EDP Distribuição is at the forefront of this transformation, as it is developing Inovgrid, a smart grid project in Évora city (Portugal), where a smart grid infrastructure was deployed, and new data is now available to incorporate in planning and access tools and procedures, hence contributing to a Smarter Grid. This paper discusses the results that EDP Distribuição has attained so far in these areas of the smart grid development, as well as the projected evolution of these innovative approaches to the future of the distribution grid, which are being developed in European projects like SuSTAINABLE (www.sustainableproject.eu)