497 research outputs found

    Aplicações de IoT no contexto de uma cidade inteligente

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    Over the last few years, Smart City solutions mature very rapidly alongside IoT and cloud computing. These technologies made it easier to create services and incorporate applications devoted to improving citizen’s quality of life and offer ways for businesses to implement their solutions. Through rapid advances in the quality of sensors, new methods emerged, combining different types of devices to create a better picture of the environment. The purpose of this dissertation is to provide useful information thought public services, that can be accessed by people visiting or residing in the beach area of Costa Nova and Barra. It also provides a solution for the traffic classification problem that projects based on radar data tend to face. These applications take advantage of the devices implemented in the PASMO project, such as parking sensors, radars, and CCTV cameras. By making the service public, businesses have the opportunity to build applications on top of it, utilizing the sensor data without being directly connected to the data storage. The example developed in this dissertation offers a dashboard experience where users can navigate through charts that provide a variety of data and real-time maps. It also provides a public API that researchers and businesses can use to develop new applications in the context of PASMO. The other area tackled in this document is traffic classification. Although the data provided is reliable for the most part, one big issue is the accuracy of vehicle classification provided by the radar. Still, this device offers precise values when it comes to detection, with the cameras doing a good job in classifying traffic. The goal is to combine these two devices to present much precise information, using state-of-the-art object detection algorithms and sensor fusion methods. In the end, the system will enrich the PASMO project by making its data easily available to the public while correcting the accuracy problems of some devices.Nos últimos anos, as soluções Smart City amadurecem muito rapidamente em conjunto com IoT e serviços na cloud. Estas tecnologias facilitam a criação de serviços e a incorporação de aplicações direcionados á melhoria da qualidade de vida do cidadão, oferecendo formas das empresas implementarem suas soluções. Por meio de rápidos avanços na qualidade dos sensores, novos métodos surgiram, combinando diferentes tipos de dispositivos para criar uma melhor imagem da realidade. O objetivo desta dissertação é fornecer informações úteis através de serviços públicos, que podem ser acedidos por pessoas que visitam ou residem na Costa Nova e Barra. Também fornece uma solução para o problema de classificação de tráfego que projetos baseados em dados de radar tendem a enfrentar. Estas aplicações beneficiam dos dispositivos implementados no projeto PASMO, como sensores de estacionamento, radares e câmeras de CFTV. Ao disponibilizar os serviços publicamente, as empresas têm a oportunidade de construir as suas próprias aplicações em cima destes, usando os dados dos sensores sem estar diretamente conectado ao armazenamento de dados. O exemplo desenvolvido nesta dissertação oferece uma experiência de dashboard onde os utilizadores podem navegar por gráficos que fornecem uma variedade de dados e mapas em tempo real. Também fornece uma API pública que os investigadores e empresas podem usar para desenvolver novos aplicativos no contexto do PASMO. A outra área abordada neste documento é a classificação de tráfego. Embora os dados fornecidos sejam confiáveis, um grande problema provém da precisão da classificação dos veículos fornecida pelo radar. Ainda assim, este dispositivo oferece valores precisos quando se trata de detecção, com as câmeras fazendo um bom trabalho na parte de classificação do tráfego. O objetivo é combinar estes dois dispositivos para apresentar informações corretas, usando algoritmos de detecção de objetos e métodos de fusão de sensores. No final, o sistema irá enriquecer o projeto PASMO, tornando seus dados facilmente disponíveis ao público e corrigindo problemas de precisão de alguns dispositivos.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Trailgazers: A Scoping Study of Footfall Sensors to Aid Tourist Trail Management in Ireland and Other Atlantic Areas of Europe

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    This paper examines the current state of the art of commercially available outdoor footfall sensor technologies and defines individually tailored solutions for the walking trails involved in an ongoing research project. Effective implementation of footfall sensors can facilitate quantitative analysis of user patterns, inform maintenance schedules and assist in achieving management objectives, such as identifying future user trends like cyclo-tourism. This paper is informed by primary research conducted for the EU funded project TrailGazersBid (hereafter referred to as TrailGazers), led by Donegal County Council, and has Sligo County Council and Causeway Coast and Glens Council (NI) among the 10 project partners. The project involves three trails in Ireland and five other trails from Europe for comparison. It incorporates the footfall capture and management experiences of trail management within the EU Atlantic area and desk-based research on current footfall technologies and data capture strategies. We have examined 6 individual types of sensor and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. We provide key learnings and insights that can help to inform trail managers on sensor options, along with a decision-making tool based on the key factors of the power source and mounting method. The research findings can also be applied to other outdoor footfall monitoring scenarios

    Detection and classification of small impacts on vehicles based on deep learning algorithms

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringThis thesis explores the detection of impacts that cause damage based on data retrieved by an accelerometer placed inside a vehicle and subsequently classified by deep learning algorithms. The real world application of this work inserts itself in the car sharing market, by providing an automated service that allows constant monitoring on the vehicle status. The proposed solution was set as an alternative to the current machine learning algorithms in use. Previous research showed that deep learning algorithms are achieving better performance results when compared to non deep learning algorithms. We use data retrieved from two types of events: Normal driving and damage causing situations to test if the models are capable of generalising damage events. The approach to achieve this objective consisted in exploring and testing different algorithms: Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Results revealed promising performance, with the MLP reaching a 82% true positive rate. Despite not matching the result obtained by the current non deep learning algorithm allows us to assess that deep learning is a strong alternative in the long term as more data is collected.O principal objectivo desta tese foi a exploração e detecção de impactos que causam danos com base em dados recolhidos por um acelerómetro colocado no interior um veículo e posteriormente classificados por algoritmos de deep learning. A aplicação deste trabalho no mundo real insere-se no mercado de partilha de veículos, ao fornecer um serviço automático que permite uma monitorização constante do estado do veículo. A solução proposta foi definida como uma alternativa aos actuais algoritmos de machine learning em uso. A revisão de literatura revelou que algoritmos de deep learning estão a alcançar melhores resultados de desempenho quando comparados com algoritmos de machine learning. Utilizamos dados recolhidos de dois tipos de eventos: Condução normal e situações que causam dano e testar se os modelos são capazes de generalizar os eventos de danos. A abordagem para alcançar este objectivo consistiu em explorar e testar diferentes algoritmos: MLP, CNN e RNN. Os resultados revelaram um desempenho promissor, com a MLP a atingir uma taxa de 82% de verdadeiros positivos. Apesar de não corresponder ao melhor resultado obtido pelo actual algoritmo de machine learning em uso permite-nos avaliar que deep learning é uma forte alternativa a longo prazo à medida que mais dados forem recolhidos

    Tecnología para Tiendas Inteligentes

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Doble Grado en Ingeniería Informática y Matemáticas, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Curso 2020/2021Smart stores technologies exemplify how Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things can effectively join forces to shape the future of retailing. With an increasing number of companies proposing and implementing their own smart store concepts, such as Amazon Go or Tao Cafe, a new field is clearly emerging. Since the technologies used to build their infrastructure offer significant competitive advantages, companies are not publicly sharing their own designs. For this reason, this work presents a new smart store model named Mercury, which aims to take the edge off of the lack of public and accessible information and research documents in this field. We do not only introduce a comprehensive smart store model, but also work-through a feasible detailed implementation so that anyone can build their own system upon it.Las tecnologías utilizadas en las tiendas inteligentes ejemplifican cómo la Inteligencia Artificial y el Internet de las Cosas pueden unir, de manera efectiva, fuerzas para transformar el futuro de la venta al por menor. Con un creciente número de empresas proponiendo e implementando sus propios conceptos de tiendas inteligentes, como Amazon Go o Tao Cafe, un nuevo campo está claramente emergiendo. Debido a que las tecnologías utilizadas para construir sus infraestructuras ofrecen una importante ventaja competitiva, las empresas no están compartiendo públicamente sus diseños. Por esta razón, este trabajo presenta un nuevo modelo de tienda inteligente llamado Mercury, que tiene como objetivo mitigar la falta de información pública y accesible en este campo. No solo introduciremos un modelo general y completo de tienda inteligente, sino que también proponemos una implementación detallada y concreta para que cualquier persona pueda construir su propia tienda inteligente siguiendo nuestro modelo.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Cyberthreat discovery in open source intelligence using deep learning techniques

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    Tese de mestrado, Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2017Face à necessidade crescente de se processar grandes quantidades de dados relativos a ameaças de segurança, fomos cativados pelo desafio da descoberta de ameaças cibernéticas em fontes abertas através do uso de técnicas de aprendizagem automática. Em termos de dados, isto significa que trabalhámos com informação recolhida de fontes abertas como o Twitter. O que distingue o nosso trabalho encontra-se no modo como escolhemos abordar este desafio. A nossa hipótese é a de que processar tais quantidades de dados através de métodos de aprendizagem automática representa uma vantagem significativa em termos de eficiência e adequação, pelo que recorremos a redes neuronais. Escolhemos esta abordagem uma vez que as abordagens de aprendizagem automática têm vindo a ganhar destaque merecido uma vez que asseguram uma maneira robusta de resolver um número de tarefas extremamente complexas no contexto de problemas de big data. Esta dissertação introduz conceitos e noções gerais em que o nosso trabalho se baseia, apresenta o trabalho relacionado consultado por forma a ser eventualmente útil em trabalhos futuros, apresenta também o trabalho que realizámos, os resultados obtidos, e elenca sugestões sobre linhas de progresso promissoras e trabalho futuro. Antes de discutir resultados, é necessário começar por introduzir conceitos centrais, o primeiro dos quais sendo o de aprendizagem automática. Aprendizagem automática (machine learning) pode ser definida como a área ou abordagem da inteligência artificial de forma a que o sistema tenha a aptidão de aprender e melhorar com a experiência. Isto significa que não é necessária programação explícita para resolver o problema de partida pois o sistema de aprendizagem procura por regularidades nos dados e adquire a capacidade de tomar melhores decisões com base nos dados de exemplo que recebe. Aprofundando esta abordagem, uma rede neuronal é um paradigma de processamento inspirado no modo como processos biológicos nervosos, como os que ocorrem no cérebro humano, processam informação. A chave deste paradigma é a conexão entre os elementos básicos do sistema. Este é composto por um grande número de elementos de processamento, os neurónios, organizados em rede que entregam as suas saídas uns aos outros para resolverem problemas específicos, cabendo notar que uma rede neuronal é tipicamente condicionada no seu desenho pelo problema que se pretende que resolva, ou seja, é configurada para uma única aplicação (e.g. reconhecimento de padrões, classificação de dados, etcetera). De entre as técnicas de aprendizagem automática, a aprendizagem profunda (deep learning) tem adquirido grande relevância e vários projectos têm procurado explorar as suas vantagens. Trata-se de uma subárea da aprendizagem automática, e em particular das redes neuronais, sendo que o que distingue esta abordagem consiste no facto de os dados de entrada passarem por várias camadas funcionais de neurónios, usualmente não lineares, até serem totalmente processados. No nosso projecto, a rede neuronal foi aplicada na resolução do problema que consiste na classificação de tweets em itens que se referem a uma ameaça de segurança, ou itens não relevantes a esse respeito. Com essa finalidade, foi implementada uma rede neuronal convolucional, que comparativamente necessita de pouca intervenção humana para ser posta a funcionar. A vantagem de se aliviar a necessidade de tal intervenção também se prende com o tipo da rede, que pode ser supervisionada ou não supervisionada. Em aprendizagem supervisionada, um conjunto de dados de treino injectado na rede é composto por pares de entrada/saída, sendo que a entrada é tipicamente composta por um vector e a saída é o resultado pretendido para a entrada respetiva. A rede é treinada sobre todo o conjunto de dados para depois ser aplicada a novas situações ou dados de entrada desconhecidos. É assim necessário que o algoritmo de processamento generalize a partir dos dados de treino. No caso da aprendizagem não supervisada, os dados injectados na rede são apenas de entrada, o que obriga a rede a inferir funções que descrevem a possível estrutura subjacente aos dados, pois a sua classificação explícita não é fornecida à rede. Como os dados não estão associados à sua classificação, não é trivial avaliar a adequação do resultado obtido pela rede neste caso. Outro conceito importante é o de redes profundas (deep) vs. rasas (shallow). As redes neuronais são organizadas por camadas. Estas camadas são compostas por nós inter-conectados que contêm funções de activação, compreendendo a camada de entrada, as camadas escondidas, que pode englobar várias camadas para processamento de dados, e a camada de saída. O termo redes rasas é usado para descrever as redes que contêm apenas uma ou duas camadas escondidas, que são funcionalmente idênticas. No caso de redes profundas, estas tendem a ter mais camadas escondidas, com grupos de camadas com funcionalidades distintas. A terminologia mais comummente aceite é a de que para uma rede ser considerada profunda tem de conter pelo menos três camadas que são escondidas e funcionalmente distintas. As redes convolucionais são redes profundas compostas por várias camadas com funções não lineares aplicadas em cada nó. Em redes normais, cada neurónio de entrada está conectado a um neurónio de saída na camada seguinte. As redes neuronais convolucionais, por sua vez, optam antes por aplicar convoluções sobre a camada de entrada para computar a saída, em que cada região de entrada está conectada a um neurónio de saída, consistindo numa rede de conexões locais. Outro aspecto relevante das redes convolucionais é o de que durante a fase de treino, a rede aprende os valores dos seus filtros automaticamente baseando-se na tarefa a ser aprendida e executada. A última camada destas redes é então um classificador que usa as características (features) de alto nível inferidas pela rede. Como acabámos de assinalar, uma rede profunda tem várias camadas escondidas e esse é o modelo da rede que adoptámos no nosso trabalho. A primeira camada da nossa rede transforma palavras, e como consequência tweets, emvectores. Depois desta camada, passa-se às camadas de convolução, que iteram sobre os vectores de palavras embutidos (word embeddings) realizando convoluções sobre múltiplos filtros com janelas de dimensões diferentes. No nosso caso, optámos por ter três filtros, sendo que cada um itera sobre uma quantidade de palavras diferente para cada convolução. De seguida, para evitar que a rede se torne demasiado específica aos dados de treino (overfitting), temos uma camada de abandono (dropout) que obriga 50% dos neurónios a desligarem-se por forma a que os neurónios não se co-adaptem em demasia e por conseguinte sejam capazes de aprender características utéis individuais e independentes. Por último, uma camada de softmax é usada para classificar os dados de saída como positivos (tweet que menciona ameaças de segurança), ou negativos (caso contrário). Mesmo com uma rede convolucional, é preciso acertar vários parâmetros para que a rede seja eficiente e produza bons resultados. Após ter uma base de parâmetros com que a rede produz bons resultados, tratámos de avaliar com recurso a validação cruzada (cross validation) os parâmetros óptimos para a rede, variando apenas aqueles que verificámos que produziam a maior diferença nos resultados. Um dos parâmetros que foi feito variar foi o tamanho de um batch. Na análise dos nossos resultados, verificamos que tamanhos menores de batch levam a resultados piores. Atribuímos estes resultados piores ao facto de a rede treinar demasiado sobre o mesmo conjunto de dados, pois um batch menor implica um número maior de passos (steps) sobre um mesmo conjunto de dados. Outra procura de melhorar o desempenho da rede consistiu em tomar tweets que são positivos para uma dada infraestrutura e adicioná-los ao conjunto de dados para outra infraestrutura como tweets negativos (e.g. um tweet positivo para a Oracle é adicionado como um tweet negativo para o Chrome). Emgeral, o conjunto de dados de base obteve melhores resultados do que quando era assim modificado, sendo que atribuímos esta diferença ao facto de os dados de treino ficarem demasiado desequilibrados entre tweets positivos e negativos. De notar no entanto, que o conjunto de dados assim modificado teve, em geral, menos variância de resultados entre batches, devido provavelmente ao conjunto de dados de treino ser mais extenso. Não obstante a diferença de parâmetros, em geral a nossa rede apresentou bons resultados. Face aos resultados francamente positivos obtidos achamos que a instalação da nossa solução num centro de segurança operacional é viável e ajudará a detectar informação relevante acerca de várias ameaças possíveis que é veiculada de forma massiva através de tweets.Responding to an increasing need to process large amounts of data regarding security threats, in the present dissertation we are addressing the topic of cyberthreat discovery in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) using deep learning techniques. In terms of data sources, this means that we will be working with information gathered in web media outlets such as Twitter. What differentiates our work is the way we approach the subject. Our standpoint is that to process such large amounts of data through deep learning architectures and algorithms represents a significant advantage in terms of efficiency and accuracy, which is why we will make use of neural networks. We adopt this approach given that deep learning mechanisms have recently gained much attention as they present an effective way to solve an increasing number of extremely complex tasks on very demanding big data problems. To train our neural networks, we need a dataset that is representative and as large as possible. Once that is gathered we proceed by formulating adequate deep learning architectures and algorithmic solutions. Our ultimate goal is to automatically classify tweets as referring, or not, to cyberthreats in order to assess whether our hypothesis gets confirmed. This dissertation is also meant to introduce general concepts and notions on the basis of which our work is deployed and to provide an overview of related work in such a way that this may be useful for future work. It also aims at providing an account of the work undertaken and of the obtained results, and last but not least to suggest what we see as promising paths for future work and improvements

    Automatic Analysis of People in Thermal Imagery

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    Formulating a Strategy for Securing High-Speed Rail in the United States, Research Report 12-03

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    This report presents an analysis of information relating to attacks, attempted attacks, and plots against high-speed rail (HSR) systems. It draws upon empirical data from MTI’s Database of Terrorist and Serious Criminal Attacks Against Public Surface Transportation and from reviews of selected HSR systems, including onsite observations. The report also examines the history of safety accidents and other HSR incidents that resulted in fatalities, injuries, or extensive asset damage to examine the inherent vulnerabilities (and strengths) of HSR systems and how these might affect the consequences of terrorist attacks. The study is divided into three parts: (1) an examination of security principles and measures; (2) an empirical examination of 33 attacks against HSR targets and a comparison of attacks against HSR targets with those against non-HSR targets; and (3) an examination of 73 safety incidents on 12 HRS systems. The purpose of this study is to develop an overall strategy for HSR security and to identify measures that could be applied to HSR systems currently under development in the United States. It is hoped that the report will provide useful guidance to both governmental authorities and transportation operators of current and future HSR systems

    A Comprehensive Review on Computer Vision Analysis of Aerial Data

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    With the emergence of new technologies in the field of airborne platforms and imaging sensors, aerial data analysis is becoming very popular, capitalizing on its advantages over land data. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the computer vision tasks within the domain of aerial data analysis. While addressing fundamental aspects such as object detection and tracking, the primary focus is on pivotal tasks like change detection, object segmentation, and scene-level analysis. The paper provides the comparison of various hyper parameters employed across diverse architectures and tasks. A substantial section is dedicated to an in-depth discussion on libraries, their categorization, and their relevance to different domain expertise. The paper encompasses aerial datasets, the architectural nuances adopted, and the evaluation metrics associated with all the tasks in aerial data analysis. Applications of computer vision tasks in aerial data across different domains are explored, with case studies providing further insights. The paper thoroughly examines the challenges inherent in aerial data analysis, offering practical solutions. Additionally, unresolved issues of significance are identified, paving the way for future research directions in the field of aerial data analysis.Comment: 112 page

    Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems 2022

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    The 4th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems (MFTS) was held in Dresden, Germany, from November 30th to December 2nd, 2022. Organized by the Chair of Traffic Process Automation (VPA) at the “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of the TU Dresden, the proceedings of this conference are published as volume 9 in the Chair’s publication series “Verkehrstelematik” and contain a large part of the presented conference extended abstracts. The focus of the MFTS conference 2022 was cooperative management of multimodal transport and reflected the vision of the professorship to be an internationally recognized group in ITS research and education with the goal of optimizing the operation of multimodal transport systems. In 14 MFTS sessions, current topics in demand and traffic management, traffic control in conventional, connected and automated transport, connected and autonomous vehicles, traffic flow modeling and simulation, new and shared mobility systems, digitization, and user behavior and safety were discussed. In addition, special sessions were organized, for example on “Human aspects in traffic modeling and simulation” and “Lesson learned from Covid19 pandemic”, whose descriptions and analyses are also included in these proceedings.:1 Connected and Automated Vehicles 1.1 Traffic-based Control of Truck Platoons on Freeways 1.2 A Lateral Positioning Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Lane-free Traffic 1.3 Simulation Methods for Mixed Legacy-Autonomous Mainline Train Operations 1.4 Can Dedicated Lanes for Automated Vehicles on Urban Roads Improve Traffic Efficiency? 1.5 GLOSA System with Uncertain Green and Red Signal Phases 2 New Mobility Systems 2.1 A New Model for Electric Vehicle Mobility and Energy Consumption in Urban Traffic Networks 2.2 Shared Autonomous Vehicles Implementation for a Disrupted Public Transport Network 3 Traffic Flow and Simulation 3.1 Multi-vehicle Stochastic Fundamental Diagram Consistent with Transportations Systems Theory 3.2 A RoundD-like Roundabout Scenario in CARLA Simulator 3.3 Multimodal Performance Evaluation of Urban Traffic Control: A Microscopic Simulation Study 3.4 A MILP Framework to Solve the Sustainable System Optimum with Link MFD Functions 3.5 On How Traffic Signals Impact the Fundamental Diagrams of Urban Roads 4 Traffic Control in Conventional Traffic 4.1 Data-driven Methods for Identifying Travel Conditions Based on Traffic and Weather Characteristics 4.2 AI-based Multi-class Traffic Model Oriented to Freeway Traffic Control 4.3 Exploiting Deep Learning and Traffic Models for Freeway Traffic Estimation 4.4 Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.5 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Traffic Light Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.6 Towards Efficient Incident Detection in Real-time Traffic Management 4.7 Dynamic Cycle Time in Traffic Signal of Cyclic Max-Pressure Control 5 Traffic Control with Autonomous Vehicles 5.1 Distributed Ordering and Optimization for Intersection Management with Connected and Automated Vehicles 5.2 Prioritization of an Automated Shuttle for V2X Public Transport at a Signalized Intersection – a Real-life Demonstration 6 User Behaviour and Safety 6.1 Local Traffic Safety Analyzer (LTSA) - Improved Road Safety and Optimized Signal Control for Future Urban Intersections 7 Demand and Traffic Management 7.1 A Stochastic Programming Method for OD Estimation Using LBSN Check-in Data 7.2 Delineation of Traffic Analysis Zone for Public Transportation OD Matrix Estimation Based on Socio-spatial Practices 8 Workshops 8.1 How to Integrate Human Aspects Into Engineering Science of Transport and Traffic? - a Workshop Report about Discussions on Social Contextualization of Mobility 8.2 Learning from Covid: How Can we Predict Mobility Behaviour in the Face of Disruptive Events? – How to Investigate the Mobility of the FutureDas 4. Symposium zum Management zukünftiger Autobahn- und Stadtverkehrssysteme (MFTS) fand vom 30. November bis 2. Dezember 2022 in Dresden statt und wurde vom Lehrstuhl für Verkehrsprozessautomatisierung (VPA) an der Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften„Friedrich List“ der TU Dresden organisiert. Der Tagungsband erscheint als Band 9 in der Schriftenreihe „Verkehrstelematik“ des Lehrstuhls und enthält einen Großteil der vorgestellten Extended-Abstracts des Symposiums. Der Schwerpunkt des MFTS-Symposiums 2022 lag auf dem kooperativen Management multimodalen Verkehrs und spiegelte die Vision der Professur wider, eine international anerkannte Gruppe in der ITS-Forschung und -Ausbildung mit dem Ziel der Optimierung des Betriebs multimodaler Transportsysteme zu sein. In 14 MFTS-Sitzungen wurden aktuelle Themen aus den Bereichen Nachfrage- und Verkehrsmanagement, Verkehrssteuerung im konventionellen, vernetzten und automatisierten Verkehr, vernetzte und autonome Fahrzeuge, Verkehrsflussmodellierung und -simulation, neue und geteilte Mobilitätssysteme, Digitalisierung sowie Nutzerverhalten und Sicherheit diskutiert. Darüber hinaus wurden Sondersitzungen organisiert, beispielsweise zu „Menschlichen Aspekten bei der Verkehrsmodellierung und -simulation“ und „Lektionen aus der Covid-19-Pandemie“, deren Beschreibungen und Analysen ebenfalls in diesen Tagungsband einfließen.:1 Connected and Automated Vehicles 1.1 Traffic-based Control of Truck Platoons on Freeways 1.2 A Lateral Positioning Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Lane-free Traffic 1.3 Simulation Methods for Mixed Legacy-Autonomous Mainline Train Operations 1.4 Can Dedicated Lanes for Automated Vehicles on Urban Roads Improve Traffic Efficiency? 1.5 GLOSA System with Uncertain Green and Red Signal Phases 2 New Mobility Systems 2.1 A New Model for Electric Vehicle Mobility and Energy Consumption in Urban Traffic Networks 2.2 Shared Autonomous Vehicles Implementation for a Disrupted Public Transport Network 3 Traffic Flow and Simulation 3.1 Multi-vehicle Stochastic Fundamental Diagram Consistent with Transportations Systems Theory 3.2 A RoundD-like Roundabout Scenario in CARLA Simulator 3.3 Multimodal Performance Evaluation of Urban Traffic Control: A Microscopic Simulation Study 3.4 A MILP Framework to Solve the Sustainable System Optimum with Link MFD Functions 3.5 On How Traffic Signals Impact the Fundamental Diagrams of Urban Roads 4 Traffic Control in Conventional Traffic 4.1 Data-driven Methods for Identifying Travel Conditions Based on Traffic and Weather Characteristics 4.2 AI-based Multi-class Traffic Model Oriented to Freeway Traffic Control 4.3 Exploiting Deep Learning and Traffic Models for Freeway Traffic Estimation 4.4 Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.5 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Traffic Light Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.6 Towards Efficient Incident Detection in Real-time Traffic Management 4.7 Dynamic Cycle Time in Traffic Signal of Cyclic Max-Pressure Control 5 Traffic Control with Autonomous Vehicles 5.1 Distributed Ordering and Optimization for Intersection Management with Connected and Automated Vehicles 5.2 Prioritization of an Automated Shuttle for V2X Public Transport at a Signalized Intersection – a Real-life Demonstration 6 User Behaviour and Safety 6.1 Local Traffic Safety Analyzer (LTSA) - Improved Road Safety and Optimized Signal Control for Future Urban Intersections 7 Demand and Traffic Management 7.1 A Stochastic Programming Method for OD Estimation Using LBSN Check-in Data 7.2 Delineation of Traffic Analysis Zone for Public Transportation OD Matrix Estimation Based on Socio-spatial Practices 8 Workshops 8.1 How to Integrate Human Aspects Into Engineering Science of Transport and Traffic? - a Workshop Report about Discussions on Social Contextualization of Mobility 8.2 Learning from Covid: How Can we Predict Mobility Behaviour in the Face of Disruptive Events? – How to Investigate the Mobility of the Futur

    Active Building Facades to Mitigate Urban Street Pollution

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    This multidisciplinary research utilizes current thinking in planning, engineering, science and architecture, and proposes an interdisciplinary solution for addressing urban air pollution related to increasing urbanization. The premise that buildings are interconnected with urban infrastructure, with buildings serving as a resource and not just as a load, and the use of an active building facade to remediate environmental air pollutants beyond the building’s perimeter, represents a fundamental paradigm shift as to the nature of buildings in the urban environment. Form Based Codes (FBCs) are urban design guidelines which also provide requirements for street dimensions between building facades and height limitations of buildings based upon the number of stories. If these FBCs do not control for height to width ratios, they can result in a morphology called an urban street canyon. The vertical dimension of a street canyon corresponds to the height of a building (H) which is typically regulated by the number of stories (floors). The horizontal dimension of a street canyon, the width of the street (W) and associated frontage, corresponds to the right of way (ROW) which is the space between building lot lines. The most important geometric detail about a street canyon is the ratio of the canyon height (H) to canyon width (W), H:W, which is defined as the aspect ratio because when the value of the aspect ratio is >= 1:1, air pollution can accumulate at the street level. The problem becomes one where FBCs are setting urban design guidelines for streets, ostensibly for walkability, but are unintentionally creating street canyons which are accumulating unhealthy air pollutants in the very locations where they hope to encourage people to walk. Within the envelope of an urban building, air quality is an issue addressed almost completely as an internal requirement. Building ventilation systems rely on internal air quality monitoring and are designed to optimize energy efficiency for the building and its occupants. There are no studies that suggest that the building HVAC system should be used to ameliorate air pollution found outside the building, except for use within the building perimeter. This research investigated the capacity of a double-skin-facades (DSF), an active façade system typically used only for building HVAC, to evacuate air at the street level within the frontage zone of influence, as well as whether the DSF could actually remove criteria pollutants from the streetscape where human interaction is being promoted. Aside from matters of cost, DSFs have had little impact in the United States because they do not effectively filter air pollutants, which is especially troubling if they are to be used for fresh air intake. Plant integration into a DSF has been proposed for thermal mitigation; however, the suggestion that the plants could also create a functional component to filter the air has not. The NEDLAW vegetated biofilter reduces concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene as well as other VOCs and PMs. A DSF integrated vegetated biofilter has numerous benefits for streetscapes and opportunities for expanded use of an energy efficient system that serves not only the building occupants but the urban environment. This research developed and evaluated an active DSF building system for the evacuation and amelioration of street level air pollutants. Several modeling methods, including computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation and experimental validation through the use of a boundary layer wind tunnel were employed. The results based upon CFD modeling showed definitive removal of street level air pollution with mixing with upper boundary air. The numerical modeling process identified gaps in the CFD analyses particularly with regarding to multi-scalar meshing of the DSF within the street canyon. Experimental verification and validation of the active DSF using an urban boundary layer wind tunnel also showed definitive ventilation of street level air pollution and mixing with upper boundary air. Furthermore, the data showed that a vegetated biofilter would be able to operate within the operational parameters of the DSF. This research identified a means to extend the building systems to function as urban infrastructure for purposes of air pollution removal. The development of a method where investment in a building system is an investment in the city’s infrastructure is a paradigm shift that has led to the identification of multiple avenues of future interdisciplinary research as well as informing future urban design guidelines