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    Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan fenomena peningkatan penggunaan digital music streaming services, namun sebaran pengguna digital music streaming services masih belum seimbang dan optimal, dimana pengguna terbesar ada pada kelompok generasi millennial. Model penelitian dibentuk dari sintesa literatur-literatur penelitian terdahulu dengan menggunakan bibliomterik analisis dan systematic literature review. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah bagaimana hubungan saling keterkaitan antara performance expectancy, perceived ease of use, price value, social influence, personalization, service experience, continuance intention terhadap continuance intention digital music streaming services di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan digital music streaming services sebagai unit analisis dengan teknik systematic random sampling dari 235 responden pelanggan premium. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian verifikatif dengan eksplanasi survei dan teknik analisis deskriptif dan inferensial. Analisa data menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) melalui Sofware SmartPLS 3. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa integrasi model TAM, DOI dan UTAUT sangat baik dan kuat dan menjelaskan continuance purchase sebesar 63,9 %. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa variabel service experience, perceived ease of use, price value, social influence, personalization, service experience, continuance intention dan continuance purchase terukur dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua variabel berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap continuance purchase digital music streaming services. Novelty dari penelitian ini menghasilkan model baru adopsi teknologi digital music streaming services dengan melihat faktor pendorong dan faktor penghambat dengan service experience dan continuance intention sebagai variabel mediasi. Berdasarkan output uji pengaruh tidak langsung model ini memiliki part mediation, dengan kata lain, variabel bebas secara langsung dapat mempengaruhi variabel terikat tanpa adanya intervensi dari variabel mediator. This research was conducted based on the phenomenon of increasing use of digital music streaming services, but the distribution of users of digital music streaming services is still not balanced and optimal, where the largest users are in the millennial generation group. The research model was formed from a synthesis of previous research literature using bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review. The goal to be achieved is how the interrelationships between performance expectancy, perceived ease of use, price value, social influence, personalization, service experience, continuance intention on the continuance intention of digital music streaming services in Indonesia. This study uses digital music streaming services as the unit of analysis with a systematic random sampling technique from 235 premium customer respondents. This research is verification research with survey explanation and descriptive and inferential analysis techniques. Data analysis used the Structural Equation Model (SEM) through SmartPLS 3 Software. This study found that the integration of the TAM, DOI and UTAUT models was very good and strong and explained a continuance purchase of 63.9%. The results of the descriptive analysis show that the variables service experience, perceived ease of use, price value, social influence, personalization, service experience, continuance intention and continuance purchase are measurable in the very high category. The results of this study indicate that not all variables have a positive and significant effect on the continuation of purchasing digital music streaming services. The novelty of this study resulted in a new model of adoption of digital music streaming service technology by looking at the driving factors and inhibiting factors with service experience and intention to continue as mediating variables. Based on the output effect test, this model does not directly have a mediation part, in other words, the independent variables can directly affect the variable attachment without the intervention of the mediator variable

    음원스트리밍 서비스의 지속사용 의도에 관한 연구: 이원적 모형의 관점에서

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 경영학과, 2017. 2. 장정주.With the rapid development of information and communication technology and the rise of digital era, the trend in music consumption has gone through a tremendous change in recent years: from physical, online downloads, and streaming. The success of music streaming services depends heavily on customers continuance usage, a topic not yet adequately investigated in information systems research. It is unclear to what extent, and how, the existing theories can be extended to explain the continuance usage of such services. In consideration of the distinctive features of these services, this study adapts the dedication-constraint framework and develops a model of music streaming services continuance, which is assessed empirically using data collected from 315 actual users. Results indicate that music streaming services continuance intention is jointly determined by two mechanisms: perceived benefits (usefulness and enjoyment), and service-specific investments (personalization and learning), with the former playing a more central role. Perceived usefulness and enjoyment directly promote satisfaction, while service specific investments in personalization and learning increase switching costs. Theoretical and practical implications and future research directions are subsequently discussed.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 2.1 Music Streaming Services 3 2.2 IS post-adoption behavior 5 2.2.1 Expectation Confirmation Theory 6 2.2.2 Social Exchange Theory 8 CHAPTER 3 THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH MODEL 9 3.1 Dedication-based mechanism 9 3.2 Constraint-based mechanism 14 CHAPTER 4 METHOD 21 4.1 Measures 21 4.2 Data Collection 22 CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 23 5.1 Measurement Model 23 5.2 Structural Model & Hypothesis Testing 27 CHAPTER 6 DISCUSSION 30 6.1 Theoretical Implications 31 6.2 Managerial Implications 32 6.3 Limitations and Future Research 34 References 36 초록 42 Appendix A : Measurement Scales 43 Appendix B : Respondents' Demographics & Experiences with MSS 44Maste

    Measuring the impact of enjoyment on the usage continuance intention

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research e CRMThis study examines the behavioural intentions of video-on-demand (VoD) consumers to continue using the service and further examines the influence of enjoyment over the intention to continue to use. To explore the usage continuance, we adopt the expectation confirmation model (ECM) for information technology and integrate it with the hedonic system adoption model. Specifically, we measure the influence of enjoyment over the behavioural intention to continue to use. The results suggest that satisfaction is the greatest predictor of the usage continuance intention and enjoyment strongly impacts satisfaction. In fact, our model explains 48.1% of the variance of the usage continuance and 53.8% of the satisfaction

    Motivations in the adoption and conversion of Music Freemium Services

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    Mestrado Bolonha em MarketingCom o recente avanço tecnológico, é possível ouvir música de novas maneiras. Isto resultou no aumento do valor de mercado da música e no surgimento de diversos serviços de streaming on-demand com o modelo de negócio freemium. Estes serviços têm sucesso, especialmente, quando os seus utilizadores convertem a sua subscrição de free para premium. O presente trabalho propõe-se a estudar quais as motivações que levam os consumidores a adotar uma plataforma de streaming de música, e quais as motivações e características de utilizador que levam à conversão para o serviço premium. Alguns estudos dedicaram-se a explicar o porquê desta conversão, mas pouco foi pesquisado no que toca às motivações dos consumidores para distinguir entre diferentes plataformas. Para aprofundar estas questões, este estudo analisa um conjunto de motivações e caraterísticas de utilizador como variáveis explicativas em conjunto, de forma original, não encontrada na literatura. Deste modo, os dados foram obtidos através de um inquérito online, com uma amostra de 231 utilizadores portugueses de plataformas de streaming. Os resultados principais apontam que a satisfação, valor percebido e ubiquidade são motivações estatisticamente significativas que influenciam positivamente a escolha de diferentes plataformas. Para além disto, as mesmas motivações, bem como a idade e ocupação (características de utilizador) mostraram-se impactantes no que diz respeito à conversão, sendo relevante do ponto de vista teórico e do ponto de vista prático. No entanto, os resultados destacam a influência negativa da satisfação e idade nesta compra. Isto significa que um utilizador altamente satisfeito não se converte e de modo semelhante, quanto mais velho for o utilizador, menos provável é que a compra ocorra. Não há evidência estatística que as motivações de descoberta, exclusividade, social e personalização e as restantes características de utilizador influenciem a conversão de utilizadores free em utilizadores premium.With the recent technological advancement, music is being experienced in new ways. This resulted in the rising value of the music market and the surge of diverse on-demand streaming services with the freemium business model. These services thrive especially when its users convert their subscription from free to premium. The current dissertation aims to study what motivations drive consumers to adopt different music streaming platforms and what motivations and user characteristics leads them to convert to the premium service. Several studies endeavoured on explaining this phenomenon, but little research was dedicated on what are the motivations for consumers to distinguish between different platforms. To enhance comprehension in this matter, this study analysis a group of motivations and user characteristics as explanatory variables together as a set, in a original way, not found on the literature. Thus, data was obtained via an online questionnaire, with a sample of 231 Portuguese users of streaming platforms. The main results suggest that satisfaction, perceived value and ubiquity are statistically significant motivations that positively influence choosing a different platform. Regarding subscribing to the premium service, the same motivations, as well as age and occupation (user characteristics) present influential results, which poses relevancy from a theorical point of view and managerial point of view. However, the findings highlight satisfaction and age as negative influences for this purchase. This means that highly satisfied free users don’t convert and similarly, the older the consumer, the less likely the conversion happens. No statistical evidence was found in discovery, exclusivity, social and personalization motivations alongside the remaining user characteristics for the conversion of free users into premium users.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How does digital piracy influence the subscription of online video bundling services?

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThe availability of digital channels that allow the distribution of copyrighted material has raised several questions over the last few years. With several different media and entertainment companies claiming lost profits due to digital piracy, this master thesis was created to deliberate whether companies have a right to feel damaged by illegal activities related with their content, more specifically TV-shows, the motives leading to this behavior, and if this influences the subscription of online video bundling services such as Netflix for people who access this content illegally via for example Torrent communities. We address these questions by gathering information from various legitimate sources regarding current TV-show business models (Mirrlees 2013) (Masouras 2015), the way pirates’ access and visualize copyrighted content and by inquiring said pirates about their purchase intentions regarding services like Netflix. In order to do this, an online survey was created and shared on social media as well as in popular torrent websites, targeting people that incur or had incurred in illegal downloading of video content. We use a variation of the popular Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to gather the data regarding pirates’ intentions of subscribing an online video bundling service. While some of the chosen variables revealed themselves to be non-significant contrary to what was firstly believed, we were able to identify Perceived Convenience, Price, Perceived Value and Morals and Ethics as the most influential factors that users contemplate when considering adopting an online video bundling service. This master thesis is therefore an addition to the current academic literature that depicts media consumption when users have an illegal free option to choose from. Adding the fact that this research focus specifically in the TV-Show industry ( something that has been majorly overlooked so far), we hope that the studios and related media personnel will understand what is actually valued by these type of consumers so that in the future they can offer higher value in order to capture these potential customers

    Understanding the voluntary moderation practices in live streaming communities

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    Harmful content, such as hate speech, online abuses, harassment, and cyberbullying, proliferates across various online communities. Live streaming as a novel online community provides ways for thousands of users (viewers) to entertain and engage with a broadcaster (streamer) in real-time in the chatroom. While the streamer has the camera on and the screen shared, tens of thousands of viewers are watching and messaging in real-time, resulting in concerns about harassment and cyberbullying. To regulate harmful content—toxic messages in the chatroom, streamers rely on a combination of automated tools and volunteer human moderators (mods) to block users or remove content, which is termed content moderation. Live streaming as a mixed media contains some unique attributes such as synchronicity and authenticity, making real-time content moderation challenging. Given the high interactivity and ephemerality of live text-based communication in the chatroom, mods have to make decisions with time constraints and little instruction, suffering cognitive overload and emotional toll. While much previous work has focused on moderation in asynchronous online communities and social media platforms, very little is known about human moderation in synchronous online communities with live interaction among users in a timely manner. It is necessary to understand mods’ moderation practices in live streaming communities, considering their roles to support community growth. This dissertation centers on volunteer mods in live streaming communities to explore their moderation practices and relationships with streamers and viewers. Through quantitative and qualitative methods, this dissertation mainly focuses on three aspects: the strategies and tools used by moderators, the mental model and decision-making process applied toward violators, and the conflict management present in the moderation team. This dissertation uses various socio-technical theories to explain mods’ individual and collaborative practices and suggests several design interventions to facilitate the moderation process in live streaming communities

    Digital enabled experience – the listening experience in music streaming

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    This article investigates what constitutes a music listening experience in digitaldriven markets and identifies the drivers, as well as outcomes of the experience. The article uses data collected from 1,794 respondents to a face-to-face survey to perform a structural equation modelling. The article reveals that the listening experience is an important mediator that enables artists to strengthen their relationships with fans, through playlists. The experience consists of cognitive, emotional, and sensory values; it is influenced by social factors such as recommendations and social fellowship with musical peers; and it strongly drives loyalty toward playlists. These results suggest that the key concept for understanding digital streaming services is the music listening co-experience, reflecting a social imperative.publishedVersio

    Exploring the Emerging Domain of Research on Video Game Live Streaming in Web of Science: State of the Art, Changes and Trends

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    In recent years, interest in video game live streaming services has increased as a new communication instrument, social network, source of leisure, and entertainment platform for millions of users. The rise in this type of service has been accompanied by an increase in research on these platforms. As an emerging domain of research focused on this novel phenomenon takes shape, it is necessary to delve into its nature and antecedents. The main objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive reference that allows future analyses to be addressed with greater rigor and theoretical depth. In this work, we developed a meta-review of the literature supported by a bibliometric performance and network analysis (BPNA). We used the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) protocol to obtain a representative sample of 111 published documents since 2012 and indexed in the Web of Science. Additionally, we exposed the main research topics developed to date, which allowed us to detect future research challenges and trends. The findings revealed four specializations or subdomains: studies focused on the transmitter or streamer; the receiver or the audience; the channel or platform; and the transmission process. These four specializations add to the accumulated knowledge through the development of six core themes that emerge: motivations, behaviors, monetization of activities, quality of experience, use of social networks and media, and gender issues

    Do Loyal Customers Pay More in Live Streaming?

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    With the rise of the live streaming industry, streamers are facing stiff competition. While there is a common perception that loyalty generates more profits for the firm, there is also conflicting evidence that loyal customers may not be charged more. The live streaming context provides an ideal setting to empirically examine the value of loyal customers and offers a new dimension for measuring behavioral loyalty. Our results suggest that customers with higher consumption loyalty generally pay less while those with higher social loyalty tend to voluntarily pay more. Moreover, there is a crowding-out effect for the same type of resources and a compensation effect between different types of resources concerning the relationship between historical and current inputs. Theoretical explanations drawn on the social exchange theory and practical implications are discussed