7 research outputs found

    Contenido racional VS contenido emocional en la Publicidad a través del Móvil

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    Advertising tries to find its place in the new consumer-centered paradigm for media communication. Consumers no longer are a uniform group, passive and powerless. Mobile technology has set some specific conditions that determine this particular sender-receiver relationship. In this context, there is a need for evidence about the effectiveness of traditional advertising strategies in this rather new channel. This study explores the relationship between the relevance of rational or emotional mobile advertising contents and the product’s target cognitive and affective attitude components. An experiment was carried out in which two types of short messages (rational/emotional) advertising an eBook were sent to two groups of participants, and questions about its content were asked through an online questionnaire. Participants had been previously screened according their new role in the communication process. Results indicate that the cognitive processing component is significantly better rated than the affective component. Thus the rational strategy is more effective than the emotional one when talking about mobile advertising.La publicidad intenta encontrar su lugar en el nuevo paradigma comunicativo centrado en el consumidor. Este consumidor ha dejado de ser masivo, pasivo y sin poder. La tecnología móvil ha establecido unos condicionantes específicos que determinan una relación muy particular entre emisor y receptor. En este contexto, se precisan evidencias sobre la eficacia de las tradicionales estrategias de la publicidad en este nuevo medio. Este estudio explora la relación entre la relevancia de los contenidos racionales o emocionales en la publicidad a través del móvil y su correlación con los componentes cognitivos y actitudinales del target. Se llevó a cabo un experimento en el que dos tipos de mensajes (racional/emocional) publicitando un eBook fueron enviados a dos grupos de sujetos, a los que se les preguntó sobre su contenido mediante un cuestionario online. Los sujetos habían sido filtrados anteriormente de acuerdo a su nuevo rol en el proceso comunicativo. Los resultados indican que el componente de procesamiento cognitivo es puntuado significativamente mejor que el componente afectivo. Por lo tanto, la estrategia racional es más efectiva que la emocional en la publicidad móvil

    Rational vs emotional content in mobile advertising

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    Advertising tries to find its place in the new consumer-centered paradigm for media communication. Consumers no longer are a uniform group, passive and powerless. Mobile technology has set some specific conditions that determine this particular sender-receiver relationship. In this context, there is a need for evidence about the effectiveness of traditional advertising strategies in this rather new channel. This study explores the relationship between the relevance of rational or emotional mobile advertising contents the product's target cognitive and affective attitude components. An experiment was carried out in which two types of short messages (rational/emotional) advertising an eBook were sent to two groups of participants, and questions about its content were asked through an online questionnaire. Participants had been previously screened according their new role in the communication process. Results indicate that the cognitive processing component is significantly better rated than the affective component. Thus the rational strategy is more effective than the emotional one when talking about mobile advertising.La publicidad intenta encontrar su lugar en el nuevo paradigma comunicativo centrado en el consumidor. Este consumidor ha dejado de ser masivo, pasivo y sin poder. La tecnología móvil ha establecido unos condicionantes específicos que determinan una relación muy particular entre emisor y receptor. En este contexto, se precisan evidencias sobre la eficacia de las tradicionales estrategias de la publicidad en este nuevo medio. Este estudio explora la relación entre la relevancia de los contenidos racionales o emocionales en la publicidad a través del móvil y su correlación con los componentes cognitivos y actitudinales del target. Se llevó a cabo un experimento en el que dos tipos de mensajes (racional/emocional) publicitando un eBook fueron enviados a dos grupos de sujetos, a los que se les preguntó sobre su contenido mediante un cuestionario online. Los sujetos habían sido filtrados anteriormente de acuerdo a su nuevo rol en el proceso comunicativo. Los resultados indican que el componente de procesamiento cognitivo es puntuado significativamente mejor que el componente afectivo. Por lo tanto, la estrategia racional es más efectiva que la emocional en la publicidad móvi

    Understanding work-related social media use: An extension of theory of planned behavior.

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    This study examines the motives of employees to engage in work related social media use - i.e. the use of personal social media accounts to communicate about work-related issues. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) was used to explain this behavior. Because social media can enable users to express their identities, social identity expressiveness and self-identity expressiveness were added to the TPB model. Through an online questionnaire, using purposive sampling technique, 514 Dutch employees were asked about their social media use and motivation to do so. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to test our hypotheses. Results indicate that these identity constructs enhance the predictive ability of the TPB. As such, workrelation social media use is likely to take place spontaneously rather than deliberately and consciously planned

    Reading between the Lines: Gender Perception of Lean Media

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    Over the years, communication methods have evolved from face-to-face conversations to computer-mediated communication including: e-mail, instant message, and text message interactions. Since the methods have changed, a large aspect of communication, nonverbal cues, have become nearly impossible. These methods of communication that lack nonverbal cues are therefore referred to as lean media because they lack the richness of facial expression, vocal expression, and immediacy. In order to modify more recent forms of communication to include nonverbal cues, individuals have created their own nonverbal cues. While each individual is unique, though, genders normally tend to think or behave in similar fashion. This quantitative study researches the aspects of communication that deal with lean media and the gender perceptions that follow. This research focuses on three hypotheses: (1) Females tend to use more nonverbal cues than males when interacting in computer-mediated communication. (2) Females tend to perceive confusion at a higher rate than males when using lean media during computer- mediated communication. (3) Females tend to perceive conflict at a higher rate than males when using lean media during computer-mediated communication. By posting an online survey, data was colleted from 19 dichotomous and multiple-choice questions. A total of 300 individuals participated. The results revealed that females have a stronger tendency to use nonverbal cues when interacting on computer-mediated communication. They also showed how women generally receive confusion and conflict at a higher rate than men

    Twitter as an influence on the quality of online interpersonal relationships and language use

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    Magister Artium - MASocial networking sites are used on a daily basis, to communicate with friends we have known for quite some time as well as make new friends from all over the globe - a global phenomenon. According to Aparicio (2011) the use of social networking sites have given way to a new “social dynamic” where friendships are formed with individuals from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations. Larsen (2007) continues to state that social network sites make for the creation of new friendships and the maintenance of new relationships. Using social networking sites to develop relationships provides us with new social skills, but through constant use of these sites we lose valuable interpersonal skills learnt through the use of face to face interaction (Aparicio, 2011). This thesis investigated the notion of social networking sites, specifically focusing on interpersonal relationships and language use within the networking context. The social networking site in question is that of Twitter, as majority of existing studies in this area focuses on the more popular Facebook. The main objective was to determine whether social networking sites, specifically Twitter, influence the development and maintenance of interpersonal relationships and language use. Participants included a group of 11 males and 11 females (22 in total), ranging from the ages of 17 to 33 and from different geographical locations (e.g. United Kingdom, South Africa, Tokyo, and so on). These participants frequently keep in contact with each other. Four ways in which Twitter has been adapted to emulate face to face communication have been found, namely: (1) the use of Paralinguistic and Prosodic Features to imitate speech, (2) Ustream, although not prominent within the data collected, is used to make up for the lack of face to face communication.This, however, is one-way; only one user provides a video link while those communicating with him or her (as there can be more than one) would type messages, (3) as expected a variety of shortenings can be found within the data collected. Shortenings imitate speech among the younger generation, and (4) participants make use of an informal register, as the most common type of relationship found on Twitter is that of friendships. Both strong and weak ties exist in the collected data; with weak ties being the majority. It is possible for weak ties to become strong ties. All online relationships start off as weak and gradually, over time, become strong ties. This is done through establishing trust between participants and communicating on a regular basis. Paolillo (1999) found that online relationships manifests as both weak and strong. However, “online ties are not ‘branded’ as weak ties” and these ties differ in quality; “those who have regular contact have strong ties and those with less frequent contact have weaker ties weak”. Social support is evident in the collected data and possible in online, textbased communication. In is manifested in four types of support, namely: instrumental, emotional, informational, and appraisal. The most common type of support found in the collected data is that of informational support. With regards to support activation strategies, most tweet fall under the ‘ask’ and ‘cry’ types of strategies. Also, considering the amount of emoticons found in the data, little or no emoticons were found in the activation strategies. There are also more indirect support activation strategies as opposed to direct. This could possibly be due to the fact that majority of the ties are ‘in the weak stage’. Textese has not been adapted in anyway; the same elements used by texters and IMers are used by tweeters, such as initialisms, phonetic spellings and contractions. Although present in the Twitter data, elements of textese did not occur as frequently as that found in e.g. Bieswanger’s (2007) and Thurlow’s (2003) studies; however more elements of Twitter language was found. If anything, the characteristics of textese are well-suited for Twitter; as shortened forms of words would make it easier for users to maintain a character count below the imposed limitation and it promotes the idea of writing quick and concise messages instead of filling message space with irrelevant content. With regards to the difference in the way male and female participants use language in terms of the linguistic characteristics of textese and the language unique to Twitter and the use of paralinguistic and prosodic features, it can be said that females tend to use these characteristics more than males do