36,113 research outputs found

    Crack path selection at the interface of wrought and wire+arc additive manufactured Ti–6Al–4V

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    Crack propagation deviation tendency in specimens containing an interface between wrought alloy substrate and Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM) built Ti–6Al–4V is investigated from the viewpoints of microstructure, residual stress and bi-material system. It is found that a crack initiated at the interface tends to grow into the substrate that has equiaxed microstructure and lower resistance to fatigue crack propagation. Experimental observations are interpreted by finite element modelling of the effects of residual stress and mechanical property mismatch between the WAAM and wrought alloy. Residual stresses retained in the compact tension specimens are evaluated based on measured residual stress in the initial WAAM built wall. Cracks perpendicular to the interface kept a straight path owing to the symmetrical residual stress distribution. In this case the tangential stress in bi-material model is also symmetric and has the maximum value at the initial crack plane. In contrast, cracks parallel to the interface are inclined to grow towards the substrate due to the mode II (or sliding mode) stress intensity factor caused by the asymmetric residual stress field. Asymmetric tangential stress in the bi-material model also contributes to the observed crack deviation trend according to the maximum tangential stress criterion

    Phenomenological modeling of anisotropy induced by evolution of the dislocation structure on the macroscopic and microscopic scale \ud

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    This work focuses on the modeling of the evolution of anisotropy induced by the development of the dislocation microstructure. A model formulated at the engineering scale in the context of classical metal plasticity and a model formulated in the context of crystal plasticity are presented. Images obtained by transmission-electron microscopy (TEM) show the influence of the strain path on the evolution of anisotropy for the case of two common materials used in sheet metal forming, DC06 and AA6016-T4. Both models are capable of accounting for the transient behavior observed after changes in loading path for fcc and bcc metals. The evolution of the internal variables of the models is correlated with the evolution of the dislocation structure observed by TEM investigations

    Hydrostatic compression on polypropylene foam

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    Models currently used to simulate the impact behaviour of polymeric foam at high strain rates use data from mechanical tests. Uniaxial compression is the most common mechanical test used, but the results from this test alone are insufficient to characterise the foam response to three-dimensional stress states. A new experimental apparatus for the study of the foam behaviour under a state of hydrostatic stress is presented. A flywheel was modified to carry out compression tests at high strain rates, and a hydrostatic chamber designed to obtain the variation of stress with volumetric strain, as a function of density and deformation rate. High speed images of the sample deformation under pressure were analysed by image processing. Hydrostatic compression tests were carried out, on polypropylene foams, both quasi statically and at high strain rates. The stress–volumetric strain response of the foam was determined for samples of foam of density from 35 to 120 kg/m3, loaded at two strain rates. The foam response under hydrostatic compression shows a non-linear elastic stage, followed by a plastic plateau and densification. These were characterised by a compressibility modulus (the slope of the initial stage), a yield stress and a tangent modulus. The foam was transversely isotropic under hydrostatic compression

    Fracture initiation in multi-phase materials: a systematic three-dimensional approach using a FFT-based solver

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    This paper studies a two-phase material with a microstructure composed of a hard brittle reinforcement phase embedded in a soft ductile matrix. It addresses the full three-dimensional nature of the microstructure and macroscopic deformation. A large ensemble of periodic microstructures is used, whereby the individual grains of the two phases are modeled using equi-sized cubes. A particular solution strategy relying on the Fast Fourier Transform is adopted, which has a high computational efficiency both in terms of speed and memory footprint, thus enabling a statistically meaningful analysis. This solution method naturally accompanies the regular microstructural model, as the Fast Fourier Transform relies on a regular grid. Using the many considered microstructures as an ensemble, the average arrangement of phases around fracture initiation sites is objectively identified by the correlation between microstructure and fracture initiation -- in three dimensions. The results show that fracture initiates where regions of the hard phase are interrupted by bands of the soft phase that are aligned with the direction of maximum shear. In such regions, the hard phase is arranged such that the area of the phase boundary perpendicular to the principal strain direction is maximum, leading to high hydrostatic tensile stresses, while not interrupting the shear bands that form in the soft phase. The local incompatibility that is present around the shear bands is responsible for a high plastic strain. By comparing the response to a two-dimensional microstructure it is observed that the response is qualitatively similar (both macroscopically and microscopically). One important difference is that the local strain partitioning between the two phases is over-predicted by the two-dimensional microstructure, leading to an overestimation of damage
