128 research outputs found

    Countable homogeneous Steiner triple systems avoiding specified subsystems

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    In this article we construct uncountably many new homogeneous locally finite Steiner triple systems of countably infinite order as Fraïssé limits of classes of finite Steiner triple systems avoiding certain subsystems. The construction relies on a new embedding result: any finite partial Steiner triple system has an embedding into a finite Steiner triple system that contains no nontrivial proper subsystems that are not subsystems of the original partial system. Fraïssé’s construction and its variants are rich sources of examples that are central to model-theoretic classification theory, and recently infinite Steiner systems obtained via Fraïssé-type constructions have received attention from the model theory community

    Large sets of block designs

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    Applications of finite geometries to designs and codes

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    This dissertation concerns the intersection of three areas of discrete mathematics: finite geometries, design theory, and coding theory. The central theme is the power of finite geometry designs, which are constructed from the points and t-dimensional subspaces of a projective or affine geometry. We use these designs to construct and analyze combinatorial objects which inherit their best properties from these geometric structures. A central question in the study of finite geometry designs is Hamada’s conjecture, which proposes that finite geometry designs are the unique designs with minimum p-rank among all designs with the same parameters. In this dissertation, we will examine several questions related to Hamada’s conjecture, including the existence of counterexamples. We will also study the applicability of certain decoding methods to known counterexamples. We begin by constructing an infinite family of counterexamples to Hamada’s conjecture. These designs are the first infinite class of counterexamples for the affine case of Hamada’s conjecture. We further demonstrate how these designs, along with the projective polarity designs of Jungnickel and Tonchev, admit majority-logic decoding schemes. The codes obtained from these polarity designs attain error-correcting performance which is, in certain cases, equal to that of the finite geometry designs from which they are derived. This further demonstrates the highly geometric structure maintained by these designs. Finite geometries also help us construct several types of quantum error-correcting codes. We use relatives of finite geometry designs to construct infinite families of q-ary quantum stabilizer codes. We also construct entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs) which admit a particularly efficient and effective error-correcting scheme, while also providing the first general method for constructing these quantum codes with known parameters and desirable properties. Finite geometry designs are used to give exceptional examples of these codes

    Robust safety of timed automata

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    Timed automata are governed by an idealized semantics that assumes a perfectly precise behavior of the clocks. The traditional semantics is not robust because the slightest perturbation in the timing of actions may lead to completely different behaviors of the automaton. Following several recent works, we consider a relaxation of this semantics, in which guards on transitions are widened byΔ>0 and clocks can drift byε>0. The relaxed semantics encompasses the imprecisions that are inevitably present in an implementation of a timed automaton, due to the finite precision of digital clocks. We solve the safety verification problem for this robust semantics: given a timed automaton and a set of bad states, our algorithm decides if there exist positive values for the parametersΔ andε such that the timed automaton never enters the bad states under the relaxed semantic

    What is Robotics: Why Do We Need It and How Can We Get It?

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    Robotics is an emerging synthetic science concerned with programming work. Robot technologies are quickly advancing beyond the insights of the existing science. More secure intellectual foundations will be required to achieve better, more reliable and safer capabilities as their penetration into society deepens. Presently missing foundations include the identification of fundamental physical limits, the development of new dynamical systems theory and the invention of physically grounded programming languages. The new discipline needs a departmental home in the universities which it can justify both intellectually and by its capacity to attract new diverse populations inspired by the age old human fascination with robots. For more information: Kod*la

    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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