191,040 research outputs found

    The Differential Scheme and Quantum Computation

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    It is well-known that standard models of computation are representable as simple dynamical systems that evolve in discrete time, and that systems that evolve in continuous time are often representable by dynamical systems governed by ordinary differential equations. In many applications, e.g., molecular networks and hybrid Fermi-Pasta-Ulam systems, one must work with dynamical systems comprising both discrete and continuous components. Reasoning about and verifying the properties of the evolving state of such systems is currently a piecemeal affair that depends on the nature of major components of a system: e.g., discrete vs. continuous components of state, discrete vs. continuous time, local vs. distributed clocks, classical vs. quantum states and state evolution. We present the Differential Scheme as a unifying framework for reasoning about and verifying the properties of the evolving state of a system, whether the system in question evolves in discrete time, as for standard models of computation, or continuous time, or a combination of both. We show how instances of the differential scheme can accommodate classical computation. We also generalize a relatively new model of quantum computation, the quantum cellular automaton, with an eye towards extending the differential scheme to accommodate quantum computation and hybrid classical/quantum computation. All the components of a specific instance of the differential scheme are Convergence Spaces. Convergence spaces generalize notions of continuity and convergence. The category of convergence spaces, Conv, subsumes both simple discrete structures (e.g., digraphs), and complex continuous structures (e.g., topological spaces, domains, and the standard fields of analysis: R and C). We present novel uses for convergence spaces, and extend their theory by defining differential calculi on Conv. It is to the use of convergence spaces that the differential scheme owes its generality and flexibility

    Towards higher order lattice Boltzmann schemes

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    In this contribution we extend the Taylor expansion method proposed previously by one of us and establish equivalent partial differential equations of DDH lattice Boltzmann scheme at an arbitrary order of accuracy. We derive formally the associated dynamical equations for classical thermal and linear fluid models in one to three space dimensions. We use this approach to adjust relaxation parameters in order to enforce fourth order accuracy for thermal model and diffusive relaxation modes of the Stokes problem. We apply the resulting scheme for numerical computation of associated eigenmodes and compare our results with analytical references

    Fast and Efficient Numerical Methods for an Extended Black-Scholes Model

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    An efficient linear solver plays an important role while solving partial differential equations (PDEs) and partial integro-differential equations (PIDEs) type mathematical models. In most cases, the efficiency depends on the stability and accuracy of the numerical scheme considered. In this article we consider a PIDE that arises in option pricing theory (financial problems) as well as in various scientific modeling and deal with two different topics. In the first part of the article, we study several iterative techniques (preconditioned) for the PIDE model. A wavelet basis and a Fourier sine basis have been used to design various preconditioners to improve the convergence criteria of iterative solvers. We implement a multigrid (MG) iterative method. In fact, we approximate the problem using a finite difference scheme, then implement a few preconditioned Krylov subspace methods as well as a MG method to speed up the computation. Then, in the second part in this study, we analyze the stability and the accuracy of two different one step schemes to approximate the model.Comment: 29 pages; 10 figure

    Development and application of the GIM code for the Cyber 203 computer

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    The GIM computer code for fluid dynamics research was developed. Enhancement of the computer code, implicit algorithm development, turbulence model implementation, chemistry model development, interactive input module coding and wing/body flowfield computation are described. The GIM quasi-parabolic code development was completed, and the code used to compute a number of example cases. Turbulence models, algebraic and differential equations, were added to the basic viscous code. An equilibrium reacting chemistry model and implicit finite difference scheme were also added. Development was completed on the interactive module for generating the input data for GIM. Solutions for inviscid hypersonic flow over a wing/body configuration are also presented

    Pricing exotic options using strong convergence properties?

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    In finance, the strong convergence properties of discretisations of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) are very important for the hedging and valuation of exotic options. In this paper we show how the use of the Milstein scheme can improve the convergence of the multi-level Monte Carlo method, so that the computational cost to achieve an accuracy of O(e) is reduced to O(ϔ−2\epsilon^{−2}) for a Lipschitz payoff. The Milstein scheme gives first order strong convergence for all 1−dimensional systems (one Wiener process). However, for processes with two or more Wiener processes, such as correlated portfolios and stochastic volatility models, there is no exact solution for the iterated integrals of second order (LĂ©vy area) and the Milstein scheme neglecting the LĂ©vy area gives the same order of convergence as the Euler-Maruyama scheme. The purpose of this paper is to show that if certain conditions are satisfied, we can avoid the calculation of the LĂ©vy area and obtain first convergence order by applying an orthogonal transformation. We demonstrate when the conditions of the 2−Dimensional problem permit this and give an exact solution for the orthogonal transformation. We present examples of pricing exotic options to demonstrate that the use of both the orthogonal Milstein scheme and the Multi-level Monte Carlo give a substantial reduction in the computation cost

    Quantum kinetic perturbation theory for near-integrable spin chains with weak long-range interactions

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    For a transverse-field Ising chain with weak long-range interactions we develop a perturbative scheme, based on quantum kinetic equations, around the integrable nearest-neighbour model. We introduce, discuss, and benchmark several truncations of the time evolution equations up to eighth order in the Jordan-Wigner fermionic operators. The resulting set of differential equations can be solved for lattices with O(102)O(10^2) sites and facilitates the computation of spin expectation values and correlation functions to high accuracy, at least for moderate timescales. We use this scheme to study the relaxation dynamics of the model, involving prethermalisation and thermalisation. The techniques developed here can be generalised to other spin models with weak integrability-breaking terms.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figure

    A Numerical Scheme for Invariant Distributions of Constrained Diffusions

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    Reflected diffusions in polyhedral domains are commonly used as approximate models for stochastic processing networks in heavy traffic. Stationary distributions of such models give useful information on the steady state performance of the corresponding stochastic networks and thus it is important to develop reliable and efficient algorithms for numerical computation of such distributions. In this work we propose and analyze a Monte-Carlo scheme based on an Euler type discretization of the reflected stochastic differential equation using a single sequence of time discretization steps which decrease to zero as time approaches infinity. Appropriately weighted empirical measures constructed from the simulated discretized reflected diffusion are proposed as approximations for the invariant probability measure of the true diffusion model. Almost sure consistency results are established that in particular show that weighted averages of polynomially growing continuous functionals evaluated on the discretized simulated system converge a.s. to the corresponding integrals with respect to the invariant measure. Proofs rely on constructing suitable Lyapunov functions for tightness and uniform integrability and characterizing almost sure limit points through an extension of Echeverria's criteria for reflected diffusions. Regularity properties of the underlying Skorohod problems play a key role in the proofs. Rates of convergence for suitable families of test functions are also obtained. A key advantage of Monte-Carlo methods is the ease of implementation, particularly for high dimensional problems. A numerical example of a eight dimensional Skorohod problem is presented to illustrate the applicability of the approach

    General tooth boundary conditions for equation free modelling

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    We are developing a framework for multiscale computation which enables models at a ``microscopic'' level of description, for example Lattice Boltzmann, Monte Carlo or Molecular Dynamics simulators, to perform modelling tasks at ``macroscopic'' length scales of interest. The plan is to use the microscopic rules restricted to small "patches" of the domain, the "teeth'', using interpolation to bridge the "gaps". Here we explore general boundary conditions coupling the widely separated ``teeth'' of the microscopic simulation that achieve high order accuracy over the macroscale. We present the simplest case when the microscopic simulator is the quintessential example of a partial differential equation. We argue that classic high-order interpolation of the macroscopic field provides the correct forcing in whatever boundary condition is required by the microsimulator. Such interpolation leads to Tooth Boundary Conditions which achieve arbitrarily high-order consistency. The high-order consistency is demonstrated on a class of linear partial differential equations in two ways: firstly through the eigenvalues of the scheme for selected numerical problems; and secondly using the dynamical systems approach of holistic discretisation on a general class of linear \textsc{pde}s. Analytic modelling shows that, for a wide class of microscopic systems, the subgrid fields and the effective macroscopic model are largely independent of the tooth size and the particular tooth boundary conditions. When applied to patches of microscopic simulations these tooth boundary conditions promise efficient macroscale simulation. We expect the same approach will also accurately couple patch simulations in higher spatial dimensions.Comment: 22 page
