792,467 research outputs found

    Influencing recidivist drink drivers' entrenched behaviours : the self-reported outcomes of three countermeasures

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    Concern remains regarding the efficacy of drink driving countermeasures to produce lasting change for repeat offenders, as a wide array of countermeasures have been developed that demonstrate varying levels of success in reducing re-offence rates. This thesis proposes that the collection and examination of repeat offenders' self-reported perceptions, experiences and behavioural changes that result from completing court-ordered interventions can provide valuable contributions to the development of effective sentencing strategies. As a result, the program of research implemented a mixed-method design to investigate the self-reported impact of legal sanctions, a drink driving rehabilitation program, and alcohol ignition interlocks on key outcome measures for a group of recidivist drink drivers.----- Study One incorporated a cross-sectional design to examine the deterrent effect of traditional legal sanctions (e.g., fines and licence disqualification periods), non-legal sanctions, alcohol consumption, recent offending behaviour(s), and the actual severity of sanctions on perceptual deterrence and intentions to re-offend. The study involved face-to-face and telephone interviews with 166 repeat offenders. The analysis indicated that participants perceived legal sanctions to be severe, but not entirely certain nor swift.----- In Study One, self-reported recent drink driving behaviours and alcohol consumption levels were identified as predictors of future intentions to drink and drive. The results suggest that habitual behaviours are difficult to change, and heavy alcohol consumption levels increase the probability of re-offending. At a bivariate level, three non-legal sanctions were negatively associated with intentions to re-offend but were not predictors of future intentions to drink and drive in the model. In addition, a relationship was not evident between: (a) the size of the penalties and perceptions of sanction severity or future intentions to drink and drive, and (b) the number of previous convictions and self-reported deterrence. The findings of the study confirm the popular assumption that some repeat offenders are impervious to the threat and application of legal sanctions.----- Study Two examined the stages of change and self-efficacy levels of 132 repeat offenders - who were all involved in Study One - while they completed an 11 week drink driving rehabilitation program. A repeated measures design was implemented to focus on the impact of the intervention on a number of salient program outcomes such as participants' motivations and self-efficacy levels to control and change their drinking and drink driving behaviour(s). Prior to program commencement, the majority of participants were motivated to change their drinking driving, but not their drinking. The sample also reported high self-efficacy levels to control the two behaviours, but did not have high expectations of the effectiveness of the program.----- Upon completion of the program, significant increases were evident in motivations to change drinking and drink driving behaviours, and a large percentage of participants reported a positive appraisal of the effectiveness of the intervention. Program completion also resulted in a reduction in self-reported alcohol consumption levels, yet the majority of the sample continued to consume harmful levels of alcohol. Self-efficacy levels remained high, although a notable finding was that participants reported higher levels of control over their drinking rather than drink driving behaviours. In general, Study Two provided a positive perspective of the capacity of a drink driving rehabilitation program to produce change for a group of repeat offenders.----- Study Two extended a small body of research and examined the effects that mandated program enrolment has on motivations to change, as well as expectations and appraisals of program effectiveness. Contrary to predictions, mandated participants did not report lower levels of motivation to change drinking and drink driving compared to voluntary attendees, but did indicate lower expectations of the effectiveness of the program, as well as being willing to engage in the program. Furthermore upon program completion, mandated participants also reported lower appraisals of the effectiveness of the program, but this factor was not associated with intentions to re-offend or non-program completion. Rather, not successfully completing the program appeared linked with being unwilling to change drinking behaviours.----- Study Three involved a longitudinal case-study design that utilised both quantitative and qualitative data to conduct one of the first examinations of the impact of alcohol ignition interlocks on a group of recidivist drink drivers from a users' perspective. The study investigated 12 participants' self-reported perceptions and experiences of using an interlock and the effect that the device had on key program outcomes such as drinking levels, operational performance, circumvention attempts and general beliefs regarding the effectiveness of the device in comparison to traditional legal sanctions.----- Participants reported positive appraisals regarding the effectiveness of the device as qualitative themes emerged concerning the educational and practical benefits of interlocks. However, closer examination of individual interlock performances revealed each participant had attempted to start their vehicle after consuming alcohol, and a smaller sample of three drivers were regularly attempting to start their vehicle after drinking. The combination and analysis of self-reported and downloaded interlock data revealed four main themes: (a) initial operational difficulties, (b) a general unwillingness to reduce alcohol consumption levels, (c) an unwillingness to acknowledge/recognise that interlock breath violations resulted from drinking, and (d) an overall decline in the frequency of interlock breath violations over the interlock installation period. Similar to Study Two, a notable finding was that half the sample was still consuming harmful levels of alcohol upon program completion.----- Taken together, the results of the program of research highlight that repeat offenders' entrenched behaviours, such as drinking and drink driving, are resistant to change and that multi-modal interventions are required if the drinking and driving sequence is to be broken for this population. The findings have direct implications for the sentencing and management of repeat offenders and the development of countermeasures that attempt to produce long-term behavioural change

    Information Management and Market Engineering. Vol. II

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    The research program Information Management and Market Engineering focuses on the analysis and the design of electronic markets. Taking a holistic view of the conceptualization and realization of solutions, the research integrates the disciplines business administration, economics, computer science, and law. Topics of interest range from the implementation, quality assurance, and advancement of electronic markets to their integration into business processes and legal frameworks

    Cargo transportation by airships: A systems study

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    A systems engineering study of a lighter than air airship transportation system was conducted. The feasibility of the use of airships in hauling cargo was demonstrated. Social, legal, environmental and political factors were considered as well as the technical factors necessary to design an effective airship transportation system. In order to accomplish an effective airship transportation program two phases of implementation were recommended. Phase I would involve a fleet of rigid airships of 3.5 million cubic feet displacement capable of carrying 25 tons of cargo internal to the helium-filled gas bag. The Phase I fleet would demonstrate the economic and technical feasibility of modern-day airships while providing a training capability for the construction and operation of larger airships. The Phase II portion would be a fleet of rigid airships of 12 million cubic feet displacement capable of carrying a cargo of 100 tons a distance of 2,000 miles at a cruising speed of 60 mph. An economic analysis is given for a variety of missions for both Phase I and Phase II airships

    Evaluating integrated training for juvenile criminal justice system at the national police education and training center

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    This study critically assesses the integrated technical training program for the juvenile criminal justice system, conducted by the national police education and training institute in Indonesia. The research employs a mixed-method approach, utilizing an explanatory sequential design and applying the Kirkpatrick evaluation model, involving 62 participants. Content validity is maintained through expert input, with the Aiken v formula employed for result analysis. Credibility is affirmed through a focus group discussion. The study aims to evaluate the program’s impact on the rights of Indonesian children in legal conflicts. Findings indicate participants’ satisfaction and high motivation at level 1 (reaction), while levels 2, 3, and 4 reveal a positive impact on protecting the rights of children involved in legal conflicts. The research highlights the need for a larger sample size and a more extended measurement period for future investigations. Objectives encompass assessing program impact, learning outcomes, behavioral changes, external organizational impact, and examining the program’s practical contribution to educational research and evaluation, guiding recommendations for future improvements

    Transisi Kelembagaan Dan Isi Siaran Radio PEMDA Menjadi Radio Publik Lokal Di Jawa Timur

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    The existence of Local Government Radio (namely Radio Khusus Pemerintah Daerah, abbreviated as RKPD) in East Java Province, Indonesia faced many problems in post implementing of Broadcasting Act No. 32/2002. This study used constructivism paradigm. The method used in this research is descriptive research with qualitative analysis. This research conducted observation, indepth interview, limited discussion to collect data; complemented with secondary data. The research uses purposive sampling technique. The data analyzed along with data interpretation and narrative report writing. By the research, it is found that RKPD faced complex problems regarding transition of both institutions and broadcasting content programs. Until recent time, RKPD did not have a standard design to be a public radio, both in the institutional aspect and broadcasting content program. In fact, there were various types of institution and legal entities as result of interpreting the act. The Broadcasting content program was also still dominated by the government interest. The program also discussed public issues minimally and gave limited access for the public to participate and engage. Institutional design and broadcasting program should be designed according to act No. 32/2002 as public radio that reflected the interests of public and supporting of public servic


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    Independent Campus is a program that has been launched by the government through the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology. There are four main points regarding the design of the Merdeka Campus: first, regarding the freedom to open new study programs for A and B accredited universities; second, re- accreditation is automatic for all ratings and can be proposed at any time; third, the freedom to form State Universities as Legal Entities from State Universities as Public Service Agencies and State Universities as Work Units; fourth, the rights given to students to engage in activities outside the study program and the change in the definition of credit from "study hours" to "hours of activity". In the fourth point, there is a choice of programs for students in the form of entrepreneurship activities. This activity in its design can be carried out by students for two semesters or 40 credits. This study aims to develop a curriculum development design for the Public Sector Accounting Study Program in accordance with the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) program at the Kupang State85 Polytechnic. The method used in this research is the research and development method. The research stages are, the Introduction stage, the planning stage and the development stage. The population in this study is a limited population (Definite). The research instrument was carried out using a questionnaire.  The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique, namely = /N Ă— 100% as the qualification level for the eligibility criteria to conclude the validation results. Based on the results of research based curriculum design Merdeka Learning- Independence Campus (MBKM), in the Public Sector Accounting Study Program developed in this study is feasible to use

    An equal educational opportunity for language minority students: A legal analysis of language education after Lau

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    An Equal Educational Opportunity for Language Minority Students: A Legal Analysis of Language Education After Lau is a legal/historical study that examined the current legal standards applicable to the education of language minority students in the United States. This was achieved by analyzing the jurisprudence emerging from the interpretation and application of the Lau v. Nichols Supreme Court decision; Several questions were considered during the research of this dissertation. These included: How has the legal precedent established in Lau v. Nichols been interpreted and applied by subsequent law cases involving the education of language minority students? What role has the Office for Civil Rights played in securing compliance with the Lau precedent? What are the legal implications for school administrators in providing programs for language minority students?;The significance of this study was found in examining the jurisprudence following Lau concerned with a language minority student\u27s right to an equal educational opportunity in America\u27s schools. This study will benefit school level and program administrators responsible for organizing and implementing programs for language minority students by serving as a resource for providing legally sound programs for language minority students; This dissertation used an analytical, qualitative research design. As a legal/historical analysis, it included search, selection and criticism of the sources, presentation of facts and generalizations, and the use of inductive case law analysis. Law cases were examined for their usage of Lau as a precedent; Included in this study is a history of language minority education in the United States, the Federal government\u27s involvement in the education of language minority students, the role of the Office for Civil Rights, and an analysis of the Supreme Court\u27s landmark decision in Lau v. Nichols


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    This research aims to analyze the work programs and policies of Dinas Sosial Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Perlindungan Anak, Pengendalian Penduduk Dan Keluarga Berencana kota Malang (P3AP2KB) in implementing Law no. 12 of 2022 concerning Crime of Sexual Violence in dealing with and protecting victims in Malang City. This research is a qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive research design taking place in Dinas Sosial Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Perlindungan Anak, Pengendalian Penduduk Dan Keluarga Berencana kota Malang (P3AP2KB). Data sources were obtained from the Head of the Women and Child Protection Division, Women's Protection Analyst, Home Visit Counselor Officer for Women and Child Victims, and local communities (Collage Students) with data collection carried out through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis uses Miles and Hubberman theory. The results of the research show that the implementation of the sexual violence crime law in the city of Malang is through a work program aimed at dealing with victims in a preventive and repressive manner, as well as providing protection for victims. However, within 1 year after this law was passed, the ongoing work program still focused on children, not yet on women and collage students. The factors inhibiting implementation are described based on legal system theory, namely the legal structure, legal substance and legal culture. The next way for the Dinas Sosial P3AP2KB to overcome these obstacles is to form a PPA UPTD for fulfilling the mandate in the Sexual Violence Crime La

    Formulasi Legislative Drafting yang Ideal dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Negara Hukum yang Demokratis dan Menjunjung Nilai-Nilai Lingkungan

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    The formulations of ideal legislative drafting in the formation of environmental-based Regional Regulation is of highly essential matter to be done in a constitutional democracy. On this basis, the research problem in this research is how is the ideal formulation of legislative drafting in order to realize a democratic state of law, especially in the formation of environmental-based regional legal products? The method used in this research is a normative juridical method with qualitative analysis. As a result, this study highlights that in order to realize the ideal of a democratic state of law, the formulation of legislative drafting, especially in the formation of environmental-based regional legal products, should contain regionally-based materials of the specific condition of the area as well as further elaboration of higher legislation. The program establishment of regional regulation as instruments for program planning of Provincial Regulation or District / City Regulation arranged in a planned, integrated and systematic way, operationally lists the Regional Design Regulations which were organized based on certain method and parameters as an integral part of the national legislation system based on the Constitution of Indonesian Republic Year 1945 and the philosophy of the State.Formulation, legislative drafting, ideal, state of law, democratic

    Persoalan Desain Kebijakan Carry Over Dalam Pembentukan Undang-Undang di Indonesia Ditinjau Dari Aspek Politik Hukum

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    As a policy that bridges the legislation program between periods, carry over in Law No. 15 of 2019 is projected to be able to prevent waste and ineffectiveness of resources as well as provide certainty for promulgation in the legislation making. However, in practice, the carry over policy has not had a significant impact by only being able to pass one of the four bills with carry over status in the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) 2020. That is related to the design of the carry over policy which contain several problems. This paper attempts to analyze the extent of the carry over policy can be realized in the legal politics of sustainable legislation making in Indonesia. The method used is juridical-sociological research with qualitative-descriptive data analysis. The result of this analysis show that the current design of carry over policy needs to be evaluated and adjusted with the established permanent and temporary legal policy, to make it capable to realizing savings and effectiveness of resources as well as providing certainty in the effort to realize the sustainability on legislation making in Indonesia.   Sebagai kebijakan yang menjembatani program legislasi antarperiode, carry over dalam Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 15 Tahun 2019 diproyeksikan mampu mencegah pemborosan dan inefektifitas sumber daya serta memberikan kepastian pengundangan dalam proses pembentukan UU. Namun, dalam praktiknya, kebijakan carry over tidak memberikan dampak yang signifikan dengan hanya mampu meloloskan satu dari empat rancangan undang-undang (RUU) yang berstatus carry over dalam Program Legislasi Nasional (Prolegnas) prioritas 2020. Hal ini berkaitan dengan desain kebijakan carry over yang mengandung beberapa persoalan. Tulisan ini berusaha menganalisis sejauh mana kebijakan carry over dapat diwujudkan dalam politik hukum pembentukan UU yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis-sosiologis dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif-deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukan, desain kebijakan carry over yang ada saat ini perlu dievaluasi serta disesuaikan dengan politik hukum permanen dan temporer yang telah ditetapkan, agar mampu mewujudkan penghematan dan efektifikasi sumber daya serta memberikan kepastian dalam upaya mewujudkan pembentukan UU yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia
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