23 research outputs found

    Distributed management based on mobile agents

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    During the forthcoming years, Internet-based concepts will continue to revolutionize, in an unpredictable way, the mode enterprises provide, maintain and use traditional information technology. Management systems will be a crucial issue in the struggle with this crescent complexity. However, new requirements have to be considered, due to the expectation of enormous quantities of different elements, ranging from an impressive network bandwidth availability to multimedia QoS-constrained services. Many researchers believe that mobile agent paradigm can provide effective solutions on these new scenarios. This paper presents an implementation of management applications supported upon distribution and delegation concepts. For that it uses the current work of IETF’s Disman working group enhanced with mobility provision. The mobility allows the distributed managers to adapt dynamically to a mutable environment optimizing the use of network resources

    Mobile IP

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    The Internet is growing exponentially, both in the amount of traffic carried, and in the amount of hosts connected. IP technology is becoming more and more important, in company networks (Intranets), and also in the core networks for the next generation mobile networks. Further, wireless access to IP networks is becoming mature (e.g., IEEE 802.11 networks, Irda, Bluetooth). At the same time, the existing generation of mobile (cellular) networks is evolving from voice services to networks with a rich mixture of services (e.g., GPRS and 3rd generation networks). These developments demand for mobility in IP-based networks. A first solution to this problem has been proposed as Mobile IP. This solution makes use of Home Agents and Foreign Agents to allow mobile hosts to move freely between subnetworks while communicating.\ud \ud The tutorial will describe and explain the approaches taken to provide mobility for hosts in the Internet and IP-based networks. The tutorial will start with expanding on the need for Mobile IP. It will briefly explain the main Internet principles relevant to Mobile IP. The problems Mobile IP is trying to solve will be explained. After an overview of the general operation of Mobile IP, the principal mechanisms will be discussed in more detail. The tutorial will describe the operation of advertising care-of addresses, mobile host registration, tunneling, and proxy- and gratuitous ARP. Special attention will be paid to the main problems related to Mobile IP, such as triangle routing and smooth hand-off. The tutorial will finally explain how mobility can be supported in IPv6.\u

    An ontology-driven architecture for data integration and management in home-based telemonitoring scenarios

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    The shift from traditional medical care to the use of new technology and engineering innovations is nowadays an interesting and growing research area mainly motivated by a growing population with chronic conditions and disabilities. By means of information and communications technologies (ICTs), telemedicine systems offer a good solution for providing medical care at a distance to any person in any place at any time. Although significant contributions have been made in this field in recent decades, telemedicine and in e-health scenarios in general still pose numerous challenges that need to be addressed by researchers in order to take maximum advantage of the benefits that these systems provide and to support their long-term implementation. The goal of this research thesis is to make contributions in the field of home-based telemonitoring scenarios. By periodically collecting patients' clinical data and transferring them to physicians located in remote sites, patient health status supervision and feedback provision is possible. This type of telemedicine system guarantees patient supervision while reducing costs (enabling more autonomous patient care and avoiding hospital over flows). Furthermore, patients' quality of life and empowerment are improved. Specifically, this research investigates how a new architecture based on ontologies can be successfully used to address the main challenges presented in home-based telemonitoring scenarios. The challenges include data integration, personalized care, multi-chronic conditions, clinical and technical management. These are the principal issues presented and discussed in this thesis. The proposed new ontology-based architecture takes into account both practical and conceptual integration issues and the transference of data between the end points of the telemonitoring scenario (i.e, communication and message exchange). The architecture includes two layers: 1) a conceptual layer and 2) a data and communication layer. On the one hand, the conceptual layer based on ontologies is proposed to unify the management procedure and integrate incoming data from all the sources involved in the telemonitoring process. On the other hand, the data and communication layer based on web service technologies is proposed to provide practical back-up to the use of the ontology, to provide a real implementation of the tasks it describes and thus to provide a means of exchanging data. This architecture takes advantage of the combination of ontologies, rules, web services and the autonomic computing paradigm. All are well-known technologies and popular solutions applied in the semantic web domain and network management field. A review of these technologies and related works that have made use of them is presented in this thesis in order to understand how they can be combined successfully to provide a solution for telemonitoring scenarios. The design and development of the ontology used in the conceptual layer led to the study of the autonomic computing paradigm and its combination with ontologies. In addition, the OWL (Ontology Web Language) language was studied and selected to express the required knowledge in the ontology while the SPARQL language was examined for its effective use in defining rules. As an outcome of these research tasks, the HOTMES (Home Ontology for Integrated Management in Telemonitoring Scenarios) ontology, presented in this thesis, was developed. The combination of the HOTMES ontology with SPARQL rules to provide a flexible solution for personalising management tasks and adapting the methodology for different management purposes is also discussed. The use of Web Services (WSs) was investigated to support the exchange of information defined in the conceptual layer of the architecture. A generic ontology based solution was designed to integrate data and management procedures in the data and communication layer of the architecture. This is an innovative REST-inspired architecture that allows information contained in an ontology to be exchanged in a generic manner. This layer structure and its communication method provide the approach with scalability and re-usability features. The application of the HOTMES-based architecture has been studied for clinical purposes following three simple methodological stages described in this thesis. Data and management integration for context-aware and personalized monitoring services for patients with chronic conditions in the telemonitoring scenario are thus addressed. In particular, the extension of the HOTMES ontology defines a patient profile. These profiles in combination with individual rules provide clinical guidelines aiming to monitor and evaluate the evolution of the patient's health status evolution. This research implied a multi-disciplinary collaboration where clinicians had an essential role both in the ontology definition and in the validation of the proposed approach. Patient profiles were defined for 16 types of different diseases. Finally, two solutions were explored and compared in this thesis to address the remote technical management of all devices that comprise the telemonitoring scenario. The first solution was based on the HOTMES ontology-based architecture. The second solution was based on the most popular TCP/IP management architecture, SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). As a general conclusion, it has been demonstrated that the combination of ontologies, rules, WSs and the autonomic computing paradigm takes advantage of the main benefits that these technologies can offer in terms of knowledge representation, work flow organization, data transference, personalization of services and self-management capabilities. It has been proven that ontologies can be successfully used to provide clear descriptions of managed data (both clinical and technical) and ways of managing such information. This represents a further step towards the possibility of establishing more effective home-based telemonitoring systems and thus improving the remote care of patients with chronic diseases

    Major: Electronics and Communication Engineering

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    Today, information technology is strategically important to the goals and aspirations of the business enterprises, government and high-level education institutions – university. Universities are facing new challenges with the emerging global economy characterized by the importance of providing faster communication services and improving the productivity and effectiveness of individuals. New challenges such as provides an information network that supports the demands and diversification of university issues. A new network architecture, which is a set of design principles for build a network, is one of the pillar bases. It is the cornerstone that enables the university’s faculty, researchers, students, administrators, and staff to discover, learn, reach out, and serve society. This thesis focuses on the network architecture definitions and fundamental components. Three most important characteristics of high-quality architecture are that: it’s open network architecture; it’s service-oriented characteristics and is an IP network based on packets. There are four important components in the architecture, which are: Services and Network Management, Network Control, Core Switching and Edge Access. The theoretical contribution of this study is a reference model Architecture of University Campus Network that can be followed or adapted to build a robust yet flexible network that respond next generation requirements. The results found are relevant to provide an important complete reference guide to the process of building campus network which nowadays play a very important role. Respectively, the research gives university networks a structured modular model that is reliable, robust and can easily grow

    Estudio de la movilidad en redes de siguiente generación

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    El continuo avance de las redes de telecomunicaciones nos proporciona cada vez más facilidades en todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida. En este caso, nos hemos centrado en el estudio de la movilidad en Redes de Siguiente Generación. Una parte del presente proyecto se ha realizado en colaboración con Deutsche Telekom AG, durante una estancia de seis meses trabajando como colaboradora en sus laboratorios con emplazamiento en Berlín. El principal objetivo de este proyecto ha sido realizar un estudio sobre los diferentes estándares y tecnologías que facilitan la movilidad en Redes de Siguiente Generación. Por ello, en la primera parte se han estudiado los diferentes grupos de trabajo centrados en este aspecto, así como se ha recabado información sobre productos y soluciones disponibles en el mercado, para obtener una visión global de la situación actual. Como se puede comprobar más adelante, esta primera parte es la más extensa de todo el documento. Esto se debe a que es, probablemente, la parte más importante del trabajo, ya que contiene el estudio de los mecanismos que más tarde nos servirán para dar una solución teórica a los distintos escenarios que se plantean. En la segunda parte del proyecto, nos hemos centrado en desarrollar varios escenarios de interés en sistemas de Redes de Siguiente Generación y aportar, de forma posterior, posibles soluciones teóricas. Para finalizar, se han expuesto las conclusiones extraídas como resultado del trabajo y los aspectos que se podrán tratar sobre el mismo en un futuro próximo.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Proyecto de cableado estructurado y WLAN para Simón Bolívar

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    Con la realización de este proyecto se proveerá de un servicio de red local inalámbrica al edificio ESI 3. Las principales aportaciones derivadas de la realización del proyecto son el conocimiento más a fondo de la teoría en la que se basa la tecnología WIFI, conocer las diferentes empresas que fabrican los aparatos necesarios para implantar esta tecnología, así como las características de los diferentes modelos para poder compararlos y elegir el más adecuado y la configuración de los aparatos seleccionados para que trabajen dentro de los parámetros que hemos estipulado. Una de las aportaciones más destacables es la utilización de un software real para realizar el estudio de cobertura sobre el edificio, para verificar que la instalación propuesta es viable. Y por último la realización del presupuesto final que supondría.139 página

    Standards as interdependent artifacts : the case of the Internet

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2008.Includes bibliographical references.This thesis has explored a new idea: viewing standards as interdependent artifacts and studying them with network analysis tools. Using the set of Internet standards as an example, the research of this thesis includes the citation network, the author affiliation network, and the co-author network of the Internet standards over the period of 1989 to 2004. The major network analysis tools used include cohesive subgroup decomposition (the algorithm by Newman and Girvan is used), regular equivalence class decomposition (the REGE algorithm and the method developed in this thesis is used), nodal prestige and acquaintance (both calculated from Kleinberg's technique), and some social network analysis tools. Qualitative analyses of the historical and technical context of the standards as well as statistical analyses of various kinds are also used in this research. A major finding of this thesis is that for the understanding of the Internet, it is beneficial to consider its standards as interdependent artifacts. Because the basic mission of the Internet (i.e. to be an interoperable system that enables various services and applications) is enabled, not by one or a few, but by a great number of standards developed upon each other, to study the standards only as stand-alone specifications cannot really produce meaningful understandings about a workable system. Therefore, the general approaches and methodologies introduced in this thesis which we label a systems approach is a necessary addition to the existing approaches. A key finding of this thesis is that the citation network of the Internet standards can be decomposed into functionally coherent subgroups by using the Newman-Girvan algorithm.(cont.) This result shows that the (normative) citations among the standards can meaningfully be used to help us better manage and monitor the standards system. The results in this thesis indicate that organizing the developing efforts of the Internet standards into (now) 121 Working Groups was done in a manner reasonably consistent with achieving a modular (and thus more evolvable) standards system. A second decomposition of the standards network was achieved by employing the REGE algorithm together with a new method developed in this thesis (see the Appendix) for identifying regular equivalence classes. Five meaningful subgroups of the Internet standards were identified, and each of them occupies a specific position and plays a specific role in the network. The five positions are reflected in the names we have assigned to them: the Foundations, the Established, the Transients, the Newcomers, and the Stand-alones. The life cycle among these positions was uncovered and is one of the insights that the systems approach on this standard system gives relative to the evolution of the overall standards system. Another insight concerning evolution of the standard system is the development of a predictive model for promotion of standards to a new status (i.e. Proposed, Draft and Internet Standards as the three ascending statuses). This model also has practical potential to managers of standards setting organizations and to firms (and individuals) interested in efficiently participating in standards setting processes. The model prediction is based on assessing the implicit social influence of the standards (based upon the social network metric, betweenness centrality, of the standards' authors) and the apparent importance of the standard to the network (based upon calculating the standard's prestige from the citation network).(cont.) A deeper understanding of the factors that go into this model was also developed through the analysis of the factors that can predict increased prestige over time for a standard. The overall systems approach and the tools developed and demonstrated in this thesis for the study of the Internet standards can be applied to other standards systems. Application (and extension) to the World Wide Web, electric power system, mobile communication, and others would we believe lead to important improvements in our practical and scholarly understanding of these systems.by Mo-Han Hsieh.Ph.D

    A web services based framework for efficient monitoring and event reporting.

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    Network and Service Management (NSM) is a research discipline with significant research contributions the last 25 years. Despite the numerous standardised solutions that have been proposed for NSM, the quest for an "all encompassing technology" still continues. A new technology introduced lately to address NSM problems is Web Services (WS). Despite the research effort put into WS and their potential for addressing NSM objectives, there are efficiency, interoperability, etc issues that need to be solved before using WS for NSM. This thesis looks at two techniques to increase the efficiency of WS management applications so that the latter can be used for efficient monitoring and event reporting. The first is a query tool we built that can be used for efficient retrieval of management state data close to the devices where they are hosted. The second technique is policies used to delegate a number of tasks from a manager to an agent to make WS-based event reporting systems more efficient. We tested the performance of these mechanisms by incorporating them in a custom monitoring and event reporting framework and supporting systems we have built, against other similar mechanisms (XPath) that have been proposed for the same tasks, as well as previous technologies such as SNMP. Through these tests we have shown that these mechanisms are capable of allowing us to use WS efficiently in various monitoring and event reporting scenarios. Having shown the potential of our techniques we also present the design and implementation challenges for building a GUI tool to support and enhance the above systems with extra capabilities. In summary, we expect that other problems WS face will be solved in the near future, making WS a capable platform for it to be used for NSM

    Data-Driven resource orchestration in sliced 5G Networks

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    En los últimos años la quinta generación de comunicaciones móviles ha comenzado a desarrollarse. El 5G supone un gran cambio si se compara con las anteriores generaciones de comunicaciones móviles, puesto que no se centra meramente en aumentar el ancho de banda, reducir la latencia o mejorar la eficiencia espectral, sino en ofrecer un amplio rango de servicios y aplicaciones, con requisitos muy dispares entre sí, a una gran variedad de tipos de usuario. Estos objetivos pretenden ser alcanzados empleando nuevas tecnologías: Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networks, Network Slicing, Mobile Edge Computing, etc. El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Máster es analizar el soporte actual de end-to-end Network Slicing en un entorno 5G Open Source y desarrollar una maqueta 5G con software que admita Network-slicing.In the past few years the fifth generation in mobile communications started to arise. 5G supposes a great change compared with the past mobile communication generations, it doesn’t aim merely at improving bandwidth, reducing delay or upgrading spectral efficiency but at offering a wide range of services and applications, with huge differentrequirements, to a vast variety of users. These objectives are to be accomplished using new technologies such as: Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networks, Network Slicing, Mobile Edge Computing, etc. The objective of this Master Thesisis to analyze the current support for end-to-end Network Slicing in a 5G Open Source environment and to developan open source5GTestbedwith recent Software contributions in Network Slicing.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (M125