5,924 research outputs found

    Using an ontology for interoperability and browsing of museum, library and archive information

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    Ontologies play an important part in the development of the future ‘semantic web’; the CIDOC conceptual reference model (CRM) is an ontology aimed at the cultural heritage domain. This paper describes a Concept Browser, developed for the EU/IST-funded SCULPTEUR project (semantic and content-based multimedia exploitation for European benefit environment (programme IST-2001-no. 35372); May 2002 to May 2005), which is able to access different museum information systems through a common ontology, the CRM. The development of this Concept Browser has required mappings from the legacy museum database systems to the CRM. The crucial process of creating the mappings is described, using the C2RMF catalogue (EROS) and library databases as a case study

    Konceptualizacija arhivskog gradiva u muzejima

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    This thesis examines the perspectives of museum curators on the nature and description of archival material held in Croatian museums. The research emanated out of personal speculation that the arrangement and description of archival and other documentary material found in museum settings are dependent on how curators determine what constitutes archival material, what constitutes a museum object or museum documentation, and what might potentially be both. Arguing also that the path to any kind of interoperability starts with the people who implement these descriptive standards, this exploratory study uses ethnographic methods, including interviews, observation and autoethnography to investigate curators’ understandings of archival and documentary materials held in their museums (i.e., rather than in archives).The research was guided by the following questions: How do museum curators conceptualize archival records and other materials within their institutions? How and why do records and other archival materials come to be treated as museum objects? What happens to archival material in museum settings in terms of its description? Do museum professionals see any possible convergences between archives and museum materials in terms of description and access in museum collections, and if so, what might those be? The study identifies and analyzes their conceptualizations of and attitudes towards the records that surround them in their daily professional practice (both those they collect and those they create) as well as towards their description of those records. It also contemplates how museum curators perceive the role of the descriptions they create when these are to be placed online in an environment where there are no longer institutional boundaries and the anticipated audience is not socially restricted. The historical situation of archival material in Croatian museum collections is also discussed in a way that offers insights into national regulatory practices as well as the perspectives of both archival and museum professionals in Croatia. However the thesis also points out that these problems are not just the result of Croatia's historical particularities but are also present worldwide in any situation where archival material constitutes part of museum collections. 174 The findings of the study indicate that the conceptualizations of the museum curators who were interviewed regarding records, properties of those records, and how both are or should be represented through description, vary in relation to how they personally conceive of the concept of a record (their individual cognitive framework), how the concept of a record is discussed in contemporary archival discourse and practice (professional frameworks), the parameters set by relevant archival and museum laws and regulations in Croatia (juridical framework), and the contemporary socio-political context (societal framework). The thesis concludes that the matter of description in the end becomes the matter of access and that descriptive processes that take place in Croatian museums are indeed determined by museum professionals in the course of their daily work, although they are also circumscribed by institutional policies and practices and juridical requirements such as legislation and regulations, and influenced by both historical and contemporary societal contexts. These findings suggest that description could potentially serve as mechanism by which means the boundaries of individual repositories, professional communities and nations could be bridged. Given that curatorial conceptions are exercised in such a central way in museums, such bridging could only be successful, however, if it were based upon a robust understanding of what curators understand and internalize as significant concepts and values in the museum context, such as those that are surfaced through this research.Prošireni sažetak doktorskog rada „Konceptualizacija arhivskog gradiva u muzejima“ predstavlja osnovna poglavlja doktorskog rada, razjašnjava ciljeve i svrhe istraživanja, donosi postupak izvođenja istraživanja te rezultate i zaključke istraživanja. Doktorski rad “Konceptualizacija arhivskog gradiva u muzejima” ispituje percepciju muzejskih kustosa i načine na koje poimaju karakteristike arhivskog gradiva i posebice način poimanja opisa arhivskog gradiva koje je dio muzejskih zbirki u hrvatskim muzejima. Istraživanje prikazano u radu potaknuto je osobnim promišljanjima da upravo kategorizacija i opis arhivskog i drugog dokumentarnog gradiva u muzejima ovise o tome kako kustosi konceptualiziraju i što zapravo smatraju arhivskim gradivom, što muzejskom građom, a što muzejskom dokumentacijom te definiranjem gdje, kako i zašto se pojmovi istih preklapaju. Stvaranju reprezentacije, odnosno opisa nekog informacijskog objekta prethodi njegova identifikacija i imenovanje. Različiti načini na koje opažamo karakteristike i svojstva ne samo informacijskog objekta kojeg opisujemo, nego i opisa kao zasebnog informacijskog objekta, utječu na daljni tijek komunikacije u kojem je korisniku potrebno pružiti pristup i razumijevanje svih svojstava opisanog informacijskog objekta na nedvosmislen način. Svojstva i karakteristike koje osoba izdvaja kao temeljna svojstva nekog informacijskog objekta, kao karakterisitke koje ga definiraju, postat će sastavni dio opisa tog objekta. Istovremeno i opis predstavlja koncept pri čemu će pojedina osoba, stručne zajednice i međunarodna standardizacija izdvojiti odnosno usuglasiti razumijevanje pojedinih karakteristika i svojstava tog koncepta, a u svrhu komunikacije s korisnicima, automatiziranim informacijskim sustavima itd. Kategorizacija građe i gradiva u zbirke neposredno predstavlja izbor načina na koje će građa ili gradivo biti opisano i samim time dostupno korisnicima unutar i izvan muzeja. Imajući u vidu kako krajnji pristup korisnika ne bi trebao biti otežan zbog različitih praksi kategorizacije i opisa građe i gradiva u različitim institucijama te smatrajući kako način postizanja interoperabilnosti započinje upravo sa stručnjacima koji implementiraju opisne standarde u svakodnevnom radu, ovdje prikazano istraživanje tematski je usmjereno na istraživanje područja opisa arhivskog gradiva u muzejskim ustanovama. Problematiziranje čuvanja i dostupnosti arhivskog gradiva u muzejskim zbirkama prisutno je u Hrvatskoj od 1950-ih godina, a posebice se aktualiziralo 1960. godine kada je donesena Preporuka o razgraničenju građe između arhiva, biblioteka i muzeja. Postupanje po Preporuci nije sasvim zaživjelo budući da su muzeji odbijali predati sakupljeno gradivo u zbirkama ističući s jedne strane važnost čuvanja originalnih primjeraka dokumenata u muzejskim zbirkama, a s druge strane organsku povezanost muzejskog predmeta i dokumentacije kojom se predmet kontekstualizira. Dokumenti prikupljani u muzejske zbirke kroz povijest su tretirani prvenstveno kao muzejski predmeti, a prikupljena i stručnim radom stvorena dokumentacija organizirana je u fondove sekundarne dokumentacije. Usporedbom podataka 2011. godine objavljenih u Pregledu arhivskih fondova i zbirki Republike Hrvatske i u Registru muzeja, galerija i zbirki u Republici Hrvatskoj uočen je nesrazmjer arhivskih zbirki u muzejima; muzealci su iskazali ukupno 5 arhivskih zbirki i 879 zbirki dokumentarne građe u muzejima, a arhivisti su iskazali kako u hrvatskim muzejima postoji ukupno 625 zbirki arhivskog gradiva. Ovakav nesrazmjer može se smatrati posljedicom različitih perspektiva, odnosno različitog poimanja koncepta arhivskog gradiva. Upravo o percepciji kustosa ovisi kategorizacija pojedine zbirke u muzeju i njeno imenovanje arhivskom zbirkom, dokumentarnom, povijesnom itd., te posljedično i razumijevanje svojstava građe u pojedinoj zbirci koje se naposljetku očituje i u opisu jedinice građe. Postupke arhivističkog sređivanja i opisa gradiva Elizabeth Yakel nazvala je reprezentacijom. Stručnjak koji stvara opis jedinice građe, arhivist ili muzealac, ima ulogu medijatora. Pod utjecajem postmodernističke filozofije na granu arhivistike, razmatranja o ulozi i utjecaju arhivista kao medijatora otpočela su još 1990-ih godina. U arhivskom opisu sadržane su sve prethodne reprezentacije nastale prilikom sređivanja gradiva, uokvirene unutar arhivističkih načela provenijencije i prvobitnog reda... Zaključci: Istraživanjem su se prepoznala i analizirala poimanja kustosa i njihovi odnosni stavovi prema dokumentima koji ih okružuju u svakodnevnoj praksi (prikupljenim dokumentima i onim stvorenim) te stavovi kustosa o mogućem opisu arhivskog gradiva u muzejima. Istraživanjem su se također ispitali stavovi kustosa spram uloge opisa građe u mrežnom okruženju gdje više ne postoje institucionalne granice, korisnike nije moguće predvidjeti, a okviri specifičnog društvenog konteksta su zaobiđeni. Problem arhivskog gradiva u hrvatskim muzejskim zbirkama predstavljen je sažetim povijesnim prikazom prateći kroz povijesnu stručnu literaturu perspektive arhivskih i muzejskih djelatnika , a ujedno je razmotrena nacionalna zakonska regulacija kojom se regulira postupanje s muzejskom građom i muzejskom dokumentacijom. Istraživanjem se ustvrdilo kako problem arhivskog gradiva sadržanog u muzejskim zbirkama nije isključivo posebnost hrvatske prakse i povijesnih posebnosti, već da je to globalno prisutan problem u okolnostima kada je arhivsko gradivo sastavni dio muzejskih zbirki. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju kako je poimanje intervjuiranih kustosa (o pojmu arhivskog gradiva, svojstvima arhivskog gradiva i načina na koji bi arhivsko gradivo trebalo biti opisano) ovisno o načinu percepcije pojma arhivskog gradiva (individualna spoznaja), o načinu poimanja arhivskog gradiva u sklopu suvremenih arhivističkih i muzeoloških diskursa te stvarne prakse (stručne spoznaje) kao i arhivskim i muzejskim zakonima i pratećim pravilnicima (pravni okvir) te suvremenim političko-društvenim kontekstom (društveni okvir). Istraživanjem je zaključeno kako pitanje opisa postaje zapravo pitanje pristupa gradivu i građi te da su procesi opisa građe i gradiva u hrvatskim muzejima određeni kustoskim svakodnevnim opisnim praksama koje su ograničene institucionalnim smjernicama i praksama, zakonskim okvirima te određene povijesnim i suvremenim kontekstima. Rezultati istraživanja sugeriraju kako nanovo promišljena praksa opisa može preuzeti ulogu mehanizma kojim bi se premostile granice pojedinačnih ustanova, stručnih zajednica i nacionalnih praksi. Budući da odlučujuću ulogu u opisnom procesu u muzejima predstavljaju upravo kustoske percepcije gradiva i opisa gradiva, moguće premoštenje navedenih granica može biti uspješno jedino ako je temeljeno na jasnom razumijevanju načina na koji kustosi razumijevaju i internaliziraju pojmove i vrijednosti muzejskog konteksta. Znanstveni doprinos istraživanja Doprinos ovog istraživanja očituje se u teorijskim i praktičnim idejama u području opisa arhivskog gradiva u muzejskom okruženju na način da detektira pojedina područja prednosti i nedostataka muzejskog i arhivskog opisa, donosi uvid u percepciju osoba koje stvaraju opis građe i gradiva u muzejima stvarajući temelj za razumijevanje različitih pristupa te kontekstualizira problematiku arhivskog gradiva u muzejima kroz dijaloge arhivske i muzejske zajednice te kroz postojeću zakonsku regulativu i međunarodne opisne standarde. Obzirom da nisu postojale čvrste teorijske pretpostavke niti prethodna istraživanja ove problematike usmjerena na razumijevanje kako i zašto je arhivsko gradivo tretirano u muzejima, ovo istraživanje je eksplorativno i indikatvno u karakteru i otvara vrlo specifičnu problematiku koji je potrebno detaljnije istražiti na većem broju sudionika i uz otvoreno iskazivanje konteksta u kojem sudionici prakticiraju opis. Rezultati i izvedeni zaključci, iako ne mogu biti uopćeni i generirati nov teorijski okvir, ipak upućuju na važnost postizanja razumijevanja stručnjaka kao pojedinca (i njegove osobe i profesionalne kognicije), institucionalnog okvira u kojem djeluje te šireg društevnog konteksta budući da svi navedeni elementi utječu na stvaranje opisa, što posljedično utječe i na pristup informacijskom objektu (bilo u obliku obavijesnog pomagala kojem se pristupa lokalno, bilo u mrežnom okruženju). Doprinos ovog istraživanja predstavlja i uporaba atoetnografske metodologije, pomoću koje je čitatelj upoznat s konceptima i predrasudama istraživača kao stručne osobe i sa samim internim tijekom istraživanja i elemenata koji su na istraživanje utjecali. Autoetnografski postupak i krajnje prikazan narativ ujedno se pokazao kao pogodna metodologija istraživanja u arhivistici, kao etički korektiv, te kao metoda kojom se uspješno propituju odnosi reakcija Ja – Drugi u specifičnom okruženju koje je ovim radom istraživano

    Collaborations between Tribal and Nontribal Organizations: Suggested Best Practices for Sharing Expertise, Cultural Resources, and Knowledge

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    Collaborations between tribal and nontribal organizations bring diverse communities together, often for the first time, to educate and learn, to address misinterpretations of the past, and to share cultural resources and knowledge. By examining data obtained through a nationally distributed survey, this research explores how successful partnerships between tribal and nontribal institutions are initiated, developed, and maintained; examines the degree to which the Protocols for Native American Archival Materials were used in the development of policies, procedures, and memorandums of understanding; and reveals the “lessons learned” across a wide range of collaborative projects and partnerships. This overview of collaborative models is intended to offer best practices for both tribal and nontribal organizations interested in sharing useful skills, knowledge, and resources through partnerships

    Collaboration and Mentorship in the Organization of an American Indian Family Collection: A Case Study in Service Learning at the University of Oklahoma

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    This case study examines an experiment in archival practice and mentorship undertaken at the University of Oklahoma (OU) during the spring semester of 2019. The project concerned the inventory of an important privately held archive in American Indian history. The case study describes the process and documentation involved in an institution assuming temporary custody of a private collection, including legal and ethical considerations of temporary custody, and explores the mentorship relationship among group of interdisciplinary faculty and students, as well as the products, both archival and non-archival, that resulted form this collaborative effort

    A Brief History of Archiving in Language Documentation, with an Annotated Bibliography

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    We survey the history of practices, theories, and trends in archiving for the purposes of language documentation and endangered language conservation. We identify four major periods in the history of such archiving. First, a period from before the time of Boas and Sapir until the early 1990s, in which analog materials were collected and deposited into physical repositories that were not easily accessible to many researchers or speaker communities. A second period began in the 1990s, when increased attention to language endangerment and the development of modern documentary linguistics engendered a renewed and redefined focus on archiving and an embrace of digital technology. A third period took shape in the early twenty-first century, where technological advancements and efforts to develop standards of practice met with important critiques. Finally, in the current period, conversations have arisen toward participatory models for archiving, which break traditional boundaries to expand the audiences and uses for archives while involving speaker communities directly in the archival process. Following the article, we provide an annotated bibliography of 85 publications from the literature surrounding archiving in documentary linguistics. This bibliography contains cornerstone contributions to theory and practice, and it also includes pieces that embody conversations representative of particular historical periods.National Foreign Language Resource Cente

    Paradoxes of curating colonial memory

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    Paradoxes of curating colonial memory

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    Copyright issues related to the digitization of cultural heritage in Croatia

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    A proliferation of the EU programmes and action plans on digitization proves that there is a political will to digitize and make available to the public the rich cultural heritage of Europe. The article tracks the development of these ideas and actions and focuses on one of the obstacles to overcome - the lack of consistency in approaches to intellectual property rights. The aim of the investigation described in the paper has been to find out how copyright issues related to the digitization performed by public institutions such as libraries and archives have been dealt with in Croatia. Information collected from the national electronic portal Croatian Cultural Heritage was further enriched by interviews held with the persons responsible for digitization projects in four major public institutions in the country. A lack of suitable registries or databases with data on the national authors has been noted. Institutions show different approach to digital copies they produce; some consider themselves to be publishers and rights holders of new digital editions of works, while the others take digitization primarily as a means of protection of originals. As a rule institution have a policy of copyright management, even if a rudimentary one. All institutions provide copyright information, sometimes with a copyright disclaimer. They use watermarking as a technical protection measure. Digitized materials are provided at no cost on the Internet for private use and research. Use of materials for commercial purposes has to be paid for and the institutions look upon it as a source of revenue to fund further digitization activities. The institutions’ policy toward derivative works, i.e. offering the opportunity to users to create their own content is yet to be determined