14 research outputs found

    The Complexity of Selecting Maximal Solutions

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    AbstractMany important computational problems involve finding a maximal (with respect to set inclusion) solution in some combinatorial context. We study such maximality problems from the complexity point of view, and categorize their complexity precisely in terms of tight upper and lower bounds. Our results give characterizations of coNP, DP, ΠP2, FPNP||, FNP//OptP [log n] and FPΣP||2 in terms of subclasses of maximality problems. An important consequence of our results is that finding an X-minimal satisfying truth assignment for a given CNF boolean formula is complete for FNP//OptP[log n], solving an open question by Papadimitriou [Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science, 1991, pp. 163-169]

    Improving MCS Enumeration via Caching

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    Enumeration of minimal correction sets (MCSes) of conjunctive normal form formulas is a central and highly intractable problem in infeasibility analysis of constraint systems. Often complete enumeration of MCSes is impossible due to both high computational cost and worst-case exponential number of MCSes. In such cases partial enumeration is sought for, finding applications in various domains, including axiom pinpointing in description logics among others. In this work we propose caching as a means of further improving the practical efficiency of current MCS enumeration approaches, and show the potential of caching via an empirical evaluation.Peer reviewe

    An incremental algorithm for generating all minimal models

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    AbstractThe task of generating minimal models of a knowledge base is at the computational heart of diagnosis systems like truth maintenance systems, and of nonmonotonic systems like autoepistemic logic, default logic, and disjunctive logic programs. Unfortunately, it is NP-hard. In this paper we present a hierarchy of classes of knowledge bases, Ψ1,Ψ2,… , with the following properties: first, Ψ1 is the class of all Horn knowledge bases; second, if a knowledge base T is in Ψk, then T has at most k minimal models, and all of them may be found in time O(lk2), where l is the length of the knowledge base; third, for an arbitrary knowledge base T, we can find the minimum k such that T belongs to Ψk in time polynomial in the size of T; and, last, where K is the class of all knowledge bases, it is the case that ⋃i=1∞Ψi=K, that is, every knowledge base belongs to some class in the hierarchy. The algorithm is incremental, that is, it is capable of generating one model at a time

    Reasoning with minimal models: efficient algorithms and applications

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    AbstractReasoning with minimal models is at the heart of many knowledge-representation systems. Yet it turns out that this task is formidable, even when very simple theories are considered. In this paper, we introduce the elimination algorithm, which performs, in linear time, minimal model finding and minimal model checking for a significant subclass of positive CNF theories which we call positive head-cycle-free (HCF) theories. We also prove that the task of minimal entailment is easier for positive HCF theories than it is for the class of all positive CNF theories. Finally, we show how variations of the elimination algorithm can be applied to allow queries posed on disjunctive deductive databases and disjunctive default theories to be answered in an efficient way

    Hunting for Tractable Languages for Judgment Aggregation

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    Judgment aggregation is a general framework for collective decision making that can be used to model many different settings. Due to its general nature, the worst case complexity of essentially all relevant problems in this framework is very high. However, these intractability results are mainly due to the fact that the language to represent the aggregation domain is overly expressive. We initiate an investigation of representation languages for judgment aggregation that strike a balance between (1) being limited enough to yield computational tractability results and (2) being expressive enough to model relevant applications. In particular, we consider the languages of Krom formulas, (definite) Horn formulas, and Boolean circuits in decomposable negation normal form (DNNF). We illustrate the use of the positive complexity results that we obtain for these languages with a concrete application: voting on how to spend a budget (i.e., participatory budgeting).Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018

    Egalitarian judgment aggregation

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    Egalitarian considerations play a central role in many areas of social choice theory. Applications of egalitarian principles range from ensuring everyone gets an equal share of a cake when deciding how to divide it, to guaranteeing balance with respect to gender or ethnicity in committee elections. Yet, the egalitarian approach has received little attention in judgment aggregation—a powerful framework for aggregating logically interconnected issues. We make the first steps towards filling that gap. We introduce axioms capturing two classical interpretations of egalitarianism in judgment aggregation and situate these within the context of existing axioms in the pertinent framework of belief merging. We then explore the relationship between these axioms and several notions of strategyproofness from social choice theory at large. Finally, a novel egalitarian judgment aggregation rule stems from our analysis; we present complexity results concerning both outcome determination and strategic manipulation for that rule.publishedVersio

    The Complexity Landscape of Outcome Determination in Judgment Aggregation

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    We provide a comprehensive analysis of the computational complexity of the outcome determination problem for the most important aggregation rules proposed in the literature on logic-based judgment aggregation. Judgment aggregation is a powerful and flexible framework for studying problems of collective decision making that has attracted interest in a range of disciplines, including Legal Theory, Philosophy, Economics, Political Science, and Artificial Intelligence. The problem of computing the outcome for a given list of individual judgments to be aggregated into a single collective judgment is the most fundamental algorithmic challenge arising in this context. Our analysis applies to several different variants of the basic framework of judgment aggregation that have been discussed in the literature, as well as to a new framework that encompasses all existing such frameworks in terms of expressive power and representational succinctness.publishedVersio