15 research outputs found

    Global Soil Changes (Report of an IIASA-ISSS-UNEP Task Force on the Role of Soil in Global Changes)

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    The present report is one of a series of documents by soil scientists in preparation of a coordinated input by the various national and international centers on soil research and management into the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programs (IGBP or "Global Change" Program) initiated by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)

    Evolution of neural networks for the prediction of hydraulic conductivity as a function of borehole geophysical logs: Shobasama site, Japan.

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    Recent Cases

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    De las funciones urbanas a las dimensiones básicas de los sistemas urbanos

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    Analyse linguistique et formalisation pour le traitement automatique de la paraphrase

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    The relations between sets of paraphrases can be described as seriesof textual transformations. To rephrase, an initial lexical substitution starts, thentriggers other syntactic, lexical and morphological changes.After having described the frequent paraphrasing mechanisms in our corpus,we propose two formalisations. The first one is theoretical, explaining the differentparaphrasing relationships maintained by the paraphrases between each other. Thesecond formalises paraphrase structures as predicate-argument ones. We considerthe latter suitable for paraphrase processing.Finally we have implemented a paraphrase structures extraction system. Thisis a compact operational system for the volume of data within our domain, the aimof which is to provide a concrete example of a possible use of our formalisation.Les relations paraphrastiques entre plusieurs ensembles de paraphrasespeuvent se décrire en termes de suites de transformations textuelles. Pour qu’il aitparaphrase, il faut qu’une substitution lexicale noyau se mette en route entrainantd’autres modifications syntaxiques, lexicales et morphologiques.Après avoir décrit les mécanismes de paraphrasage récurrents, nous avons proposédeux formalisations. La première est théorique et explique les différentes relationsparaphrastiques entretenues par les paraphrases entre-elles. La deuxième,tournée vers des applications, formalise les structures paraphrastiques sous-formede prédicats-arguments. Nous considérons cette dernière adaptée au traitementautomatique de la paraphrase.Nous avons à la suite implémenté un système d’extraction de structures paraphrastiques.Il s’agit d’un système opérationnel appliqué à un volume de donnéesrelevant de notre domaine d’étude, et dont le but est de donner un exemple concretd’emploi possible de notre formalisation.Mots-clés : paraphrase, structures paraphrastiques, traitement automatique dela paraphrase, extraction des structures paraphrastique

    Idaho Dairymen\u27s Ass\u27n v. Gooding County Clerk\u27s Record v. 6 Dckt. 35980

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    Second Eastern Regional Remote Sensing Applications Conference

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    Participants from state and local governments share experiences in remote sensing applications with one another and with users in the Federal government, universities, and the private sector during technical sessions and forums covering agriculture and forestry; land cover analysis and planning; surface mining and energy; data processing; water quality and the coastal zone; geographic information systems; and user development programs

    The problem of stuttering: a clinical and experimental study

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    The following pages contain the record of an investigation into the problem of stuttering which has formed part of a co- operative attack upon the disorder by various agencies - psychological, medical and educational - in the city of Edinburgh. The practical work of the research has been carried out in the University Psychological Clinic and in the George Combe Psychological Laboratory in the University of Edinburgh.The arrangement of the material is as follows: Part I contains a critical discussion of the principal theoretical conceptions of the disorder which have been put forward; Part II covers the analysis of the data from the clinical examination; while Part III is a record of the results of the experimental investigation. The clinical notes upon the seventy-eight cases which constituted the main group of our subjects are collected separately in Part IV. In the discussion reference is made to illustrative material in the case-histories simply by citing the number of the case in question

    Reusability in manufacturing, supported by value net and patterns approaches

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    The concept of manufacturing and the need or desire to create artefacts or products is very, very old, yet it is still an essential component of all modem economies. Indeed, manufacturing is one of the few ways that wealth is created. The creation or identification of good quality, sustainable product designs is fundamental to the success of any manufacturing enterprise. Increasingly, there is also a requirement for the manufacturing system which will be used to manufacture the product, to be designed (or redesigned) in parallel with the product design. Many different types of manufacturing knowledge and information will contribute to these designs. A key question therefore for manufacturing companies to address is how to make the very best use of their existing, valuable, knowledge resources. […] The research reported in this thesis examines ways of reusing existing manufacturing knowledge of many types, particularly in the area of manufacturing systems design. The successes and failures of reported reuse programmes are examined, and lessons learnt from their experiences. This research is therefore focused on identifying solutions that address both technical and non-technical requirements simultaneously, to determine ways to facilitate and increase the reuse of manufacturing knowledge in manufacturing system design. [Continues.